ShareVault vs RR Donnelly (DFIN) Venue (2024)

RR Donnelly (DFIN) Venue is a legacy VDR provider with pricing over 2x higher than ShareVault, but has important missing features, a clunky user experience and limited flexibility. Companies upgrade from Venue to ShareVault to get deals done faster with better features, functionality and user experience as described in the following competitve differentiation table.

ShareVault Major Advantages:

  • Connectors
  • Support for Secure A/V playback
  • Inter-Document Hyperlinks
  • Customizable Policies
  • … and much more (see below)

Be sure to ask us about our migration services that provide for seamless transfer of your content to ShareVault.

ShareVaultIntralinksMerrill DatasiteRR Donnelly (DFIN) VenueFile Protection – Maintain control of your sensitive content with bank-grade security.

Granular Access Control - provides fine-grained user/group access permissions

Document permissioning at the user or group level, as well as at the document or folder (tag) level, so you can set permissions precisely according to your requirements. For some data rooms, such as IntraLinks, folder-level permissioning is an expensive option, and without it you will be forced to configure permissions for each and every document, which is very difficult to setup and maintain.

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Document permissioning at the user or group level, as well as at the document or folder (tag) level, so you can set permissions precisely according to your requirements. For some data rooms, such as IntraLinks, folder-level permissioning is an expensive option, and without it you will be forced to configure permissions for each and every document, which is very difficult to setup and maintain.

Disable Print, Save & Copy - prevents unauthorized sharing of content

With separate controls over whether a user has the permissions to save a file, print a document, and/or copy text, you can be sure that your content remains under your control.

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With separate controls over whether a user has the permissions to save a file, print a document, and/or copy text, you can be sure that your content remains under your control.

Custom Security Policies - fully configurable protection for individual files

Most data rooms are limited to view, print and save. ShareVault enables full customization of the protection settings for each policy, and you can easily assign the appropriate policies for different users / groups and files / folders (tags), so you can customize the appropriate level of protection, based on your business requirements, for different users, groups, tags (folders), and/or files.

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Most data rooms are limited to view, print and save. ShareVault enables full customization of the protection settings for each policy, and you can easily assign the appropriate policies for different users / groups and files / folders (tags), so you can customize the appropriate level of protection, based on your business requirements, for different users, groups, tags (folders), and/or files.

Customizable Dynamic Watermarking - timestamps user identity on documents

Puts a watermark with the user's identity, IP address and timestamp on viewed, downloaded and printed documents. This serves as an effective deterrent against document distribution (digital or in print) to unauthorized readers. ShareVault administrators can set up separate watermark configurations for each policy, so you can enable/disable watermarking or change the font/color/opacity of the watermarks for different files, tags (folders), users or groups, whereas competitors require you to contact the support team to configure an all-or-nothing watermark configuration.

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all-or-nothing configuration

All-or-Nothing Configuration

Not Customer Configurable

Puts a watermark with the user's identity, IP address and timestamp on viewed, downloaded and printed documents. This serves as an effective deterrent against document distribution (digital or in print) to unauthorized readers. ShareVault administrators can set up separate watermark configurations for each policy, so you can enable/disable watermarking or change the font/color/opacity of the watermarks for different files, tags (folders), users or groups, whereas competitors require you to contact the support team to configure an all-or-nothing watermark configuration.

Information Rights Management (IRM) - allows admin to remotely shred downloaded documents

With no clunky plug-ins to install, ShareVault's powerful IRM technology gives you persistent control over a users's right to open documents downloaded from ShareVault, so you can unshare files at any time.

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Requires Plug-In

With no clunky plug-ins to install, ShareVault's powerful IRM technology gives you persistent control over a users's right to open documents downloaded from ShareVault, so you can unshare files at any time.

Offline Viewing - lets users open protected files while offline

Apply IRM protection to documents for viewing for a limited time by users who do not have internet access, for example during a flight, while still maintaining control over confidential documents, and still tracking user activity.

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Apply IRM protection to documents for viewing for a limited time by users who do not have internet access, for example during a flight, while still maintaining control over confidential documents, and still tracking user activity.

Configurable Expiration - sets relative or absolute file expiration dates

Enforce deadlines by using the expiration feature to set an absolute or relative expiration date, after which document access rights will expire for the applicable users / groups.

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No Relative Expiration

No Relative Expiration

Enforce deadlines by using the expiration feature to set an absolute or relative expiration date, after which document access rights will expire for the applicable users / groups.

Secure Print - allows users to print on paper while preventing printing to PDF

Some users will insist on having the ability to print, but printing to PDF gives users the ability to save a digital copy of the file. ShareVault is the only VDR that can allow printing to physical printers, while preventing printing to PDF.

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Some users will insist on having the ability to print, but printing to PDF gives users the ability to save a digital copy of the file. ShareVault is the only VDR that can allow printing to physical printers, while preventing printing to PDF.

Media File Protection - secures playback of A/V files

Media files, such as audio and video files, can be securely shared using the browser-based secure media player that prevents media download and can even apply tamper-proof video watermarking.

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no video watermarking

Media files, such as audio and video files, can be securely shared using the browser-based secure media player that prevents media download and can even apply tamper-proof video watermarking.

Screen Capture Blocking - prevents screenshots, screen recordings & screen sharing

ShareVault is the only available virtual data room solution that can block users from taking screenshots or recording the screen while viewing documents on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.

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not supported for PDF

ShareVault is the only available virtual data room solution that can block users from taking screenshots or recording the screen while viewing documents on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.Content Organization – Your content is organized in a clear way that is easy to navigate.

Hierarchical Tags - place a document in multiple places in your hierarchy

Only ShareVault organizes content with hierarchical tags, which are like folders, but more flexible. They let users access the same document in multiple locations in your document hierarchy. You can drag-and-drop to reorganize the structure, and easily configure permissions and other tag settings.

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Only ShareVault organizes content with hierarchical tags, which are like folders, but more flexible. They let users access the same document in multiple locations in your document hierarchy. You can drag-and-drop to reorganize the structure, and easily configure permissions and other tag settings.

Zoomable Thumbnails - gives users a quick peek at each document’s first page

ShareVault automatically generates a thumbnail image of each document's first page, shown zoomed when the user's cursor hovers on the thumbnail, so users can take a quick look at documents without opening and more quickly find what they're looking for.

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ShareVault automatically generates a thumbnail image of each document's first page, shown zoomed when the user's cursor hovers on the thumbnail, so users can take a quick look at documents without opening and more quickly find what they're looking for.

Infinite Scrolling - continuous scrolling eases viewing of long lists of files

ShareVault is the only solution of its kind offering “Infinite Scrolling”, which accelerates the document review process by vastly reducing the amount of clicking required to browse through long lists of files. Competing systems display a limited number of files, one page at a time, and so users are required to repeatedly click through pages of files to find what they are looking for.

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ShareVault is the only solution of its kind offering “Infinite Scrolling”, which accelerates the document review process by vastly reducing the amount of clicking required to browse through long lists of files. Competing systems display a limited number of files, one page at a time, and so users are required to repeatedly click through pages of files to find what they are looking for.

Full-text Search - lets users instantly find documents

Users can instantly search your entire ShareVault, and see the search results sorted by relevance. The search tool is fully integrated in the documents page, so search results are with synopses and hit highlighting showing how the searched keyword(s) are used in context.

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no synopses or hit highlighting

Users can instantly search your entire ShareVault, and see the search results sorted by relevance. The search tool is fully integrated in the documents page, so search results are with synopses and hit highlighting showing how the searched keyword(s) are used in context.

Favorites - gives users a simple way to mark files that they want to focus on

Users can mark a file or folder (tag) with a star to make it a favorite so they can quickly find it later. In a large data room, this handy feature can be a significant time-saver for your end users, enabling them to quickly locate their favorite files and tags.

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Users can mark a file or folder (tag) with a star to make it a favorite so they can quickly find it later. In a large data room, this handy feature can be a significant time-saver for your end users, enabling them to quickly locate their favorite files and tags.

Smart Filters - convenient filters help users find what they’re looking for

Users can instantly filter files in the document list based on a variety of filtering criteria, such as date / time uploaded, user who uploaded, file type, already viewed / not yet viewed. Other data rooms provide only limited filtering and do not provide as many filtering criteria.

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Users can instantly filter files in the document list based on a variety of filtering criteria, such as date / time uploaded, user who uploaded, file type, already viewed / not yet viewed. Other data rooms provide only limited filtering and do not provide as many filtering criteria.

Drag-and-drop Reordering - lets you quickly and easily reorganize your index

Reordering the files and folders (tags) in your hierarchical index using drag-and-drop makes it quick and easy to organize your content the way you want.

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Reordering the files and folders (tags) in your hierarchical index using drag-and-drop makes it quick and easy to organize your content the way you want.

Index Auto-numbering - automates the numbering of hierarchical index

ShareVault can automatically number your indexed hierarchy, so that as you add new folders (tags), or use drag-and-drop reordering, the numbering automatically updates. Due Diligence lists are traditionally numbered in this fashion, so this feature is a significant timesaver during due diligence preparation.

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ShareVault can automatically number your indexed hierarchy, so that as you add new folders (tags), or use drag-and-drop reordering, the numbering automatically updates. Due Diligence lists are traditionally numbered in this fashion, so this feature is a significant timesaver during due diligence preparation.User Activity Analytics - Gain insights on each user’s level of interest, based on their activity - perfect for audit reports.

Interactive Reporting Tools - runs customized user activity reports on demand

ShareVault activity reporting tools provide a comprehensive audit trail, and insightful intelligence into your users\’ document review progress with interactive graphics, filters and drill-downs. Other data rooms only provide limited reporting tools.

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ShareVault activity reporting tools provide a comprehensive audit trail, and insightful intelligence into your users\’ document review progress with interactive graphics, filters and drill-downs. Other data rooms only provide limited reporting tools.

Comprehensive Activity Logging - records all user activity for 100% auditability

While other data rooms only record certain limited activities, such as logins, uploads and documents viewed, ShareVault records every single activity, including administrator activity, so you will know exactly who did what and when in your ShareVault. From changing a group's permissions, to adding a user to a group, renaming a file or modifying an expiration date, each and every user activity is recorded with a timestamp, providing for comprehensive traceabiliy so you can answer any question an auditor might ask.

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While other data rooms only record certain limited activities, such as logins, uploads and documents viewed, ShareVault records every single activity, including administrator activity, so you will know exactly who did what and when in your ShareVault. From changing a group's permissions, to adding a user to a group, renaming a file or modifying an expiration date, each and every user activity is recorded with a timestamp, providing for comprehensive traceabiliy so you can answer any question an auditor might ask.

Page Monitoring - accurately tracks user viewing activity down to the page level

With page-level monitoring, you\'ll know which users viewed what pages, and when. Knowing the percentage of pages reviewed gives you additional insight into user engagement.

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With page-level monitoring, you\'ll know which users viewed what pages, and when. Knowing the percentage of pages reviewed gives you additional insight into user engagement.

View-time Monitoring - measures user engagement by measuring viewing time

Sharevault accurately measures each user's time spent actively scrolling through the pages of each document, or which portions of a video's timeline have been played, so you can precisely determine which users are actively engaging with your content.

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No filtering of idle time

Sharevault accurately measures each user's time spent actively scrolling through the pages of each document, or which portions of a video's timeline have been played, so you can precisely determine which users are actively engaging with your content.

IP Address Tracking - tracks your users’ locations via their IP addresses

IP address tracking enables you to track the IP addresses of your users, using built-in reverse IP lookup to show company and location, when available.

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IP address tracking enables you to track the IP addresses of your users, using built-in reverse IP lookup to show company and location, when available.

Scheduled Reports - configures and distributes periodic automated reports

You can generate a customized report and distribute it by email to multiple ShareVault users, one time or on a regular schedule.

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You can generate a customized report and distribute it by email to multiple ShareVault users, one time or on a regular schedule.

SIEM Integration - collects ShareVault user activity events in your SIEM

ShareVault can be integrated with your enterprise Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) so that ShareVault user activity events can be sent as a realtime data feed for analytics. SIEM integration is a security best practice required by the most demanding enterprise infosec teams.

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ShareVault can be integrated with your enterprise Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) so that ShareVault user activity events can be sent as a realtime data feed for analytics. SIEM integration is a security best practice required by the most demanding enterprise infosec teams.User Experience – Streamline your sharing project with a fast and intuitive user experience.

All Major Browsers - users can confidently use their favorite browser to access your sharing project

The ShareVault web app supports all major browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, Microsoft Edge (version 79+) and Safari.

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No Support for Safari

The ShareVault web app supports all major browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, Microsoft Edge (version 79+) and Safari.

Build-in Help - learn as you go with integrated, role-specific help modules

ShareVault's Built-in help module, not a separate help portal, lets you find help on any topic quickly. Searchable, smart help pages give you the right content based on your role and your ShareVault configuration. In addition, video tutorials show you how easy it is to use ShareVault. And if you need help from a real person, our 24/7 support team is ready to help you.

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PDF manuals only

Separate Help Portal

Non-Searchable Help Portal

ShareVault's Built-in help module, not a separate help portal, lets you find help on any topic quickly. Searchable, smart help pages give you the right content based on your role and your ShareVault configuration. In addition, video tutorials show you how easy it is to use ShareVault. And if you need help from a real person, our 24/7 support team is ready to help you.

Q&A Module - access answers to frequently asked questions or submit questions to your team

ShareVault's powerful Q & A option features include privacy settings, threaded discussions and file attachments. At any time, you can export a consolidated Q & A audit trail, showing all the questions and the corresponding answers.

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ShareVault's powerful Q & A option features include privacy settings, threaded discussions and file attachments. At any time, you can export a consolidated Q & A audit trail, showing all the questions and the corresponding answers.

Q&A Workflow - Q&A workflows for forwarding questions to experts

With the Q&A workflow feature, moderators can use role-based workflows to forward questions to appropriate subject matter experts, and then approve or reject the response before replying to the end user.

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With the Q&A workflow feature, moderators can use role-based workflows to forward questions to appropriate subject matter experts, and then approve or reject the response before replying to the end user.

Batch Download - lets users with appropriate rights download files in bulk

The batch download feature allows users with permission to save files to do so rapidly and in bulk, even for IRM-protected files and even for thousands of selected files.

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requires special .NET application

No Support for IRM Protection

Excluding IRM Protected Files

The batch download feature allows users with permission to save files to do so rapidly and in bulk, even for IRM-protected files and even for thousands of selected files.

Batch Print - allows privileged users to print a set of documents all at once

Users with print rights can print documents as a batch, complete with cover sheet, table of contents, page numbers & separator pages. Supports the Secure Print feature to prevent printing to PDF.

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requires special .NET application

No Support for Secure Print

Only PDFs

Users with print rights can print documents as a batch, complete with cover sheet, table of contents, page numbers & separator pages. Supports the Secure Print feature to prevent printing to PDF.

Internet Data Transfer Acceleration - optimized performance worldwide

ShareVault's internet data transfer speed, vital for snappy document viewing and quick uploads, is optimized worldwide, even in China.

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ShareVault's internet data transfer speed, vital for snappy document viewing and quick uploads, is optimized worldwide, even in China.

Blackout Screen - maintains a user’s last place so they can return to it fast

When a user's session expires due to inactivity, other competing systems kick out the user to the login page, so the user has to start over. ShareVault displays a secure black-out screen when the session times-out, over the current page being viewed. A user just reenters their password to return to where they left off, and avoids the hassle of navigating back to where they were after login.

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When a user's session expires due to inactivity, other competing systems kick out the user to the login page, so the user has to start over. ShareVault displays a secure black-out screen when the session times-out, over the current page being viewed. A user just reenters their password to return to where they left off, and avoids the hassle of navigating back to where they were after login.Content Viewing – Intuitive file viewers and readers let users view your content with ease.

Web Document Viewer - fast, high-fidelity document viewing right in the browser

The Secure Web Viewer is a browser-based document viewer that securely displays documents right within the ShareVault web application. Because document text is encrypted, users cannot copy it from the browser, and watermark anti-tampering countermeasures prevent removal of watermarking.

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no text encryption

No Text Encryption

No Text Encryption

The Secure Web Viewer is a browser-based document viewer that securely displays documents right within the ShareVault web application. Because document text is encrypted, users cannot copy it from the browser, and watermark anti-tampering countermeasures prevent removal of watermarking.

Web Spreadsheet Viewer - displays excel spreadsheets securely in any browser

ShareVault's spreadsheet viewer securely displays Excel files right in your users' browser, so your end users can quickly and easily view spreadsheets with secure protection.

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ShareVault's spreadsheet viewer securely displays Excel files right in your users' browser, so your end users can quickly and easily view spreadsheets with secure protection.

Secure A/V Player - enables secure streaming of your audio and video files

ShareVault's secure audio / video player plays back A/V files securely in your end user's browser using Apple's HLS live-stream video protocol for high fidelity. A/V files are rights managed for security, and you can apply dynamic watermarks to your videos for additional security.

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no video watermarking

ShareVault's secure audio / video player plays back A/V files securely in your end user's browser using Apple's HLS live-stream video protocol for high fidelity. A/V files are rights managed for security, and you can apply dynamic watermarks to your videos for additional security.

Responsive Mobile Apps - support for Android and iOS smartphones & tablets

With support for both native mobile apps and mobile web apps, ShareVault is fully responsive and adapts dynamically to the capabilities of your users' preferred devices. On tablets users get virtually all of the functionality available the our desktop web application, while on smarphones, it adapts to the smaller screen size to provide essential functions.

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With support for both native mobile apps and mobile web apps, ShareVault is fully responsive and adapts dynamically to the capabilities of your users' preferred devices. On tablets users get virtually all of the functionality available the our desktop web application, while on smarphones, it adapts to the smaller screen size to provide essential functions.

Document Linking - preserves inter-document hyperlinks

Other data rooms do not support document hyperlinking, so if you upload hyperlinked documents (such as regulatory submissions), users are forced to hunt for referred documents. With ShareVault, users can just click the hyperlink, and the appropriate document opens in the secure document viewer.

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Other data rooms do not support document hyperlinking, so if you upload hyperlinked documents (such as regulatory submissions), users are forced to hunt for referred documents. With ShareVault, users can just click the hyperlink, and the appropriate document opens in the secure document viewer.Setup and Administration - Get started and configure your data room with less effort than other VDRs.

Drag-and-Drop Upload - upload multiple files & folders right in your browser

Our powerful batch upload tools works directly from within your browser for effortless drag-and-drop uploading with nothing to install.

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Our powerful batch upload tools works directly from within your browser for effortless drag-and-drop uploading with nothing to install.

Upload Auto-Unzip - save setup time by uploading zipped files and folders

If your folder structure is in a zip file, you can save time by uploading the zip file. When you do, you'll have the option to automatically unzip the files and folders, preserving the same hierarchial structure, which can save you time and effort.

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If your folder structure is in a zip file, you can save time by uploading the zip file. When you do, you'll have the option to automatically unzip the files and folders, preserving the same hierarchial structure, which can save you time and effort.

View as Another User - check the end user experience to confirm your setup

The "View As" feature is a valuable tool for checking and confirming the user experience prior to inviting your users to a new ShareVault.

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The "View As" feature is a valuable tool for checking and confirming the user experience prior to inviting your users to a new ShareVault.

Scheduled User Actions - automates user administration tasks

You can configure ShareVault to invite, lock or unlock user(s) at a date and time of your choosing, so you can schedule in advance and let our automation take care of perfectly-timed actions.

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You can configure ShareVault to invite, lock or unlock user(s) at a date and time of your choosing, so you can schedule in advance and let our automation take care of perfectly-timed actions.

Account Admin Tool - create and manage multiple data rooms

The Account Administrator tool, offered with ShareVault Enterprise, allows you to create and manage multiple ShareVaults with ease, so you you can administer your own data rooms exactly how you wish without having to explain what you want to a support person.

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The Account Administrator tool, offered with ShareVault Enterprise, allows you to create and manage multiple ShareVaults with ease, so you you can administer your own data rooms exactly how you wish without having to explain what you want to a support person.Platform Integration – Enjoy seamless integration with your existing software workflows.

Connector for SharePoint

Other data rooms either cannot connect to SharePoint at all, or support only on-prem SharePoint integration requiring installation of server-side code. Only ShareVault can connect to SharePoint, via the Microsoft Graph API, so you can upload or sync files directly from SharePoint into ShareVault, while preserving your hierarchical structure of sites, document libraries, and folders.

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requires server install

Other data rooms either cannot connect to SharePoint at all, or support only on-prem SharePoint integration requiring installation of server-side code. Only ShareVault can connect to SharePoint, via the Microsoft Graph API, so you can upload or sync files directly from SharePoint into ShareVault, while preserving your hierarchical structure of sites, document libraries, and folders.

Connector for OneDrive

Only ShareVault can connect to OneDrive, via the Microsoft Graph API, so you can upload or sync files directly from OneDrive into ShareVault, while preserving your hierarchical folder structure.

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Only ShareVault can connect to OneDrive, via the Microsoft Graph API, so you can upload or sync files directly from OneDrive into ShareVault, while preserving your hierarchical folder structure.

Connector for Google Drive

Only ShareVault can connect to Google Drive, so you can upload or sync files directly from Google Drive into ShareVault, while preserving your hierarchical folder structure.

Only ShareVault can connect to Google Drive, so you can upload or sync files directly from Google Drive into ShareVault, while preserving your hierarchical folder structure.

Connector for Box

Only ShareVault can connect to Box, via the Box API, so you can upload or sync files directly from Box into ShareVault, while preserving your hierarchical folder structure.

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Only ShareVault can connect to Box, via the Box API, so you can upload or sync files directly from Box into ShareVault, while preserving your hierarchical folder structure.

Connector for DropBox

Only ShareVault can connect to Dropbox, via the Dropbox API, so you can upload or sync files directly from Dropbox into ShareVault, while preserving your hierarchical folder structure.

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Only ShareVault can connect to Dropbox, via the Dropbox API, so you can upload or sync files directly from Dropbox into ShareVault, while preserving your hierarchical folder structure.

Connector for DocuSign

Only ShareVault can connect to DocuSign, using the DocuSign API, to initiate e-signature workflows from right within ShareVault. After completion of the e-signature workflow, the signed document returns to ShareVault for record keeping purposes.

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Only ShareVault can connect to DocuSign, using the DocuSign API, to initiate e-signature workflows from right within ShareVault. After completion of the e-signature workflow, the signed document returns to ShareVault for record keeping purposes.

RESTful API (Application Program Interface)

ShareVault's RESTful API allows for programmatic control of your ShareVault, with over 30 APIs allowing for deep integration with your corporate workflows.

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ShareVault's RESTful API allows for programmatic control of your ShareVault, with over 30 APIs allowing for deep integration with your corporate workflows.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

ShareVault integrates directly with Okta, Azure AD, Google Cloud Identity, or any SAML2 compatible identity provider, to allow your users to directly login to ShareVault without separately authenticating, providing for enhanced convenience and improved IT governance.

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ShareVault integrates directly with Okta, Azure AD, Google Cloud Identity, or any SAML2 compatible identity provider, to allow your users to directly login to ShareVault without separately authenticating, providing for enhanced convenience and improved IT governance.Platform Security – Bank-grade security, availability and compliance across redundant data centers.

Secure, High Availability Architecture - dedicated instances in redundant VPCs

ShareVault is hosted on dedicated instances in virtual private clouds (VPCs) within geographically redundant data centers with real-time failover in the event of a failure.

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ShareVault is hosted on dedicated instances in virtual private clouds (VPCs) within geographically redundant data centers with real-time failover in the event of a failure.

Infosec Standards Compliance - ISO-27001, 21 CFR Part 11, and other standards

ShareVault is certified for ISO-27001 and validated for 21 CFR Part 11, and our data centers are certified for other relevant information security standards, including SOC 1/2/3, SOC, HIPAA, HITRUST and other important security standards, providing assurance that trusted third parties have verified adherence to industry standard security controls and their verification.

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ShareVault is certified for ISO-27001 and validated for 21 CFR Part 11, and our data centers are certified for other relevant information security standards, including SOC 1/2/3, SOC, HIPAA, HITRUST and other important security standards, providing assurance that trusted third parties have verified adherence to industry standard security controls and their verification.

GDPR, CCPA, and PrivacyShield - compliance with data privacy standards

ShareVault complies with both GDPR and CCPA privacy standards and is self-certified for the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield frameworks. For more information, please refer to our privacy policy.

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ShareVault complies with both GDPR and CCPA privacy standards and is self-certified for the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield frameworks. For more information, please refer to our privacy policy.

Two-Factor Authentication - for streamlined bank-grade user authentication

ShareVault's two-step verification enhances security for your users with an easy and unobtrusive authentication process that supports login code delivery via SMS, phone or authenticator apps.

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ShareVault's two-step verification enhances security for your users with an easy and unobtrusive authentication process that supports login code delivery via SMS, phone or authenticator apps.

Customer-managed Keys - for compliance with strict data security standards

ShareVault offers customer managed keys (CMK) as an advanced security option, including support for "bring your own key" (BYOK), for applications that are held to the strictest data security standards. ShareVault's CMK implementation provides the benefits of a Hardware Security Module (HSM) without the hassle of having to deploy and maintain it yourself. Our competitors who offer CMK (most don't) require deployment of an HSM, which is both complex and expensive.

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requires special hardware

ShareVault offers customer managed keys (CMK) as an advanced security option, including support for "bring your own key" (BYOK), for applications that are held to the strictest data security standards. ShareVault's CMK implementation provides the benefits of a Hardware Security Module (HSM) without the hassle of having to deploy and maintain it yourself. Our competitors who offer CMK (most don't) require deployment of an HSM, which is both complex and expensive.Life Sciences Features – These features are why BIO has selected ShareVault as their exclusive data room partner.

Inter-Document Hyperlinking - for faster review of regulatory submissions

Regulatory submission documents, such as those in an eCTD hierarchy, often contain hyperlinks to other submitted documents. The time saving, inter-document hyperlinking feature preserves these internal document links, ensuring the right document opens when the link is clicked. Without this feature, your users will have to hunt for each linked document, which can add hours to due diligence timelines.

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Regulatory submission documents, such as those in an eCTD hierarchy, often contain hyperlinks to other submitted documents. The time saving, inter-document hyperlinking feature preserves these internal document links, ensuring the right document opens when the link is clicked. Without this feature, your users will have to hunt for each linked document, which can add hours to due diligence timelines.

eCTD Viewer - plugin-free integration with industry-leading eCTD viewer

ShareVault is the only virtual data room that integrates with an eCTD viewer so that you can share your submission for more efficient review while keeping the documents secure.

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ShareVault is the only virtual data room that integrates with an eCTD viewer so that you can share your submission for more efficient review while keeping the documents secure.

SAS Auto-conversion - converts SAS analytics files into PDF for viewing

SAS Analytics files, including SAS, SSD01, XPT and SAS7BDAT files frequently used for statistical studies in life sciences and other scientifc applications, are automatically converted to PDF for secure viewing by end users.

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SAS Analytics files, including SAS, SSD01, XPT and SAS7BDAT files frequently used for statistical studies in life sciences and other scientifc applications, are automatically converted to PDF for secure viewing by end users.

Prism Auto-conversion - converts GraphPad Prism files into PDF for viewing

Graphpad Prism files, frequently used for analysis and graphing in life sciences and other scientifc applications, are automatically converted to PDF for secure viewing by end users.

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Graphpad Prism files, frequently used for analysis and graphing in life sciences and other scientifc applications, are automatically converted to PDF for secure viewing by end users.

HIPAA Compliant Infrastructure - ShareVault data centers are certified for HIPAA compliance

ShareVault data centers are certified to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

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ShareVault data centers are certified to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

21 CFR Part 11 - available 21 CFR part 11 compliance validation

The available Title 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance Validation package helps ShareVault customers comply with this important FDA regulation, assuring audit readiness, and includes delivery of a validation package with every release, so your business is able to conduct mock audits and validate compliance.

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The available Title 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance Validation package helps ShareVault customers comply with this important FDA regulation, assuring audit readiness, and includes delivery of a validation package with every release, so your business is able to conduct mock audits and validate compliance.Service & Support – Award-winning 24/7 support to make your project a complete success.

24/7/365 User Support

Your users can call or email our 24/7/365 support team for questions or assitance.

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Your users can call or email our 24/7/365 support team for questions or assitance.

One-on-one Training and Dedicated Project Management

A project manager will provide one-on-one administrator training and proactive project support to ensure your deployment goes smoothly and meets your goals.

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A project manager will provide one-on-one administrator training and proactive project support to ensure your deployment goes smoothly and meets your goals.

NOTE: Some ShareVault features in the above matrices are not available in all plans.
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Views: 6069

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Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.