Release 8207 - Information Builders · 2020-05-27 · IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (2024)

Release 8207 - Information Builders· 2020-05-27· IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (1)

Release 8207.04About This Release

May 27, 2020

Release 8207 - Information Builders· 2020-05-27· IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (2)

Active Technologies, EDA, EDA/SQL, FIDEL, FOCUS, Information Builders, the Information Builders logo, iWay, iWaySoftware, Parlay, PC/FOCUS, RStat, Table Talk, Web390, WebFOCUS, WebFOCUS Active Technologies, and WebFOCUSMagnify are registered trademarks, and DataMigrator and Hyperstage are trademarks of Information Builders, Inc.

Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, Adobe Reader, Flash, Adobe Flash Builder, Flex, and PostScript are either registeredtrademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.

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Copyright © 2020, by Information Builders, Inc. and iWay Software. All rights reserved. Patent Pending. This manual, orparts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Information Builders, Inc.

Release 8207 - Information Builders· 2020-05-27· IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (3)


1. 8207.04 Release Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Release and Gen Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

New Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Creating and Repositioning the Filter Toolbar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Supporting Excel Targets for Upload and Data Flow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Using Undo and Redo in Join, Union, and Business View Editors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Setting the Maximum Size of Files for Upload. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Using Server Variables to Load Third-Party Drivers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Adapter for Hive: Optimize Load With Bulk Load Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Distinguishing Node Status Using Ports and Connectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Fixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Known Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Release 8207.04 3

Release 8207 - Information Builders· 2020-05-27· IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (4)


4 Information Builders

Release 8207 - Information Builders· 2020-05-27· IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (5)

Chapter18207.04 Release Notes

The following topic provides all the information that you need to know about this releaseof WebFOCUS.

In this chapter:

Release and Gen Information

New Features


Known Issues

System Requirements

Release and Gen Information

Release Date Gen Information Reporting Server

Friday, February 14,2020

wf021020a Gen 5 8207.04 Gen 1909

New Features

Release 8207.04 5

Release 8207 - Information Builders· 2020-05-27· IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (6)

Creating and Repositioning the Filter Toolbar

When assembling a visualization from existing content, dynamic parameters in the contentadded to the visualization are identified and can be added immediately to the page by clickingthe Quick Filter button. As an alternative, you can choose which filters are created by openingthe Quick Filter menu and clicking Choose filters to add to page. You can select the particularfilters that you want to create, quickly exclude optional parameters from filter creation, seewhich filters will be multiselect, and change the type of control that each filter uses. The AddFilter Controls dialog box is shown in the following image.

Once you have added filters to the page, a filter toolbar is created. If you select the entire pageand then click the Settings tab on the Properties panel, you can change the position of the filtertoolbar. The default location is below the page heading and page toolbar.

Click Above Header to place the filter toolbar above the page heading and page toolbar. If youhave multiple pages in a portal that use the same filters, you can put the filters above thepage content to make it appear as if the filters are consistent for the entire portal, and onlythe page content changes as you navigate the portal. Alternatively, click In Modal to place thefilter toolbar in a modal window. To access the modal filter window, click the Show filtersbutton on the page toolbar. This saves space on your page by hiding the filter toolbar until youchoose to display it.

To remove the filter toolbar, clear the Include Page Filters check box on the Settings tab. TheQuick Filter button and menu return, indicating that the filter controls can be created again.Select the Include Page Filters check box before creating filter controls to create an empty filtertoolbar that you can style or reposition, even before filters are added.

New Features

6 Information Builders

Release 8207 - Information Builders· 2020-05-27· IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (7)

Supporting Excel Targets for Upload and Data Flow

In prior releases, using DataMigrator to create an Excel worksheet required configuring theAdapter for Fixed format files and, on Target Properties, selecting the Adapter for FormattedFiles and the format Excel.

Now, when the Adapter for Excel (via Direct Retrieval) is configured, it can be selected as thetarget adapter. Files are created with the extension .xlsx. Additionally when this option is used,now a synonym is automatically created with the name and location specified, and with thesuffix DIREXCEL.

Note that the obsolete format EXL2K that created files with the extension .xlht has beenremoved as an option.

The following image shows the Load Options dialog box when the Adapter for Excel (via DirectRetrieval) is configured.

1. 8207.04 Release Notes

Release 8207.04 7

Release 8207 - Information Builders· 2020-05-27· IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (8)

The following image shows the flow with the Excel target configured.

The following Master File was generated for this target.


The following Access File was generated for this target.


New Features

8 Information Builders

Release 8207 - Information Builders· 2020-05-27· IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (9)

Using Undo and Redo in Join, Union, and Business View Editors

The Union, Join and Business View editors now have Undo and Redo buttons, as shown in thefollowing image.

1. 8207.04 Release Notes

Release 8207.04 9

Release 8207 - Information Builders· 2020-05-27· IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (10)

By default, 50 undo/redo operations are supported. You can change this limit by clicking theAdvanced Options menu and selecting Options, as shown in the following image.

This opens the Advanced Options dialog box. In the Limits section, you can change the numberin the Undo/Redo Limit entry field and click OK.

Setting the Maximum Size of Files for Upload

The setting upload_maxsize has been added to the Application Settings page to limit the sizeof files that can be uploaded. By default, file size for upload is not limited.

To change this setting, click Manage, then Settings on the Server Console Applications pageor, on the Workspace page, click Settings, then Workspace SET, then Application Settings. TheApplication Settings pane opens, as shown in the following image.

By default, upload_maxsize is zero (0), which supports unlimited file size for upload.

To limit file size for upload, enter a number of kilobytes to be the maximum supported, andclick Save and Restart Server.

New Features

10 Information Builders

Release 8207 - Information Builders· 2020-05-27· IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (11)

Once a limit is set, an attempt to upload a file larger than the maximum will generate thefollowing message, and the upload will terminate.

The size of the uploaded file exceeds the limit of nnnn kilobytes

Using Server Variables to Load Third-Party Drivers

Server environment variables can now be used to add third-party API and Driver DLL locationsto the server library path. You can declare them as environment variables before server startup(using applicable operating system syntax and then exporting them, if applicable to yourenvironment), or add them to the server environment variable configuration file (edaenv.cfg,using name=value syntax, with one variable per line).

Normally, only a single directory would need to be assigned to each of these variables. Ifnecessary, you can assign multiple directories. You must separate the directories using thenative path directory separator for your platform, with no spaces before or after each separatorcharacter. The separator character is a semi-colon (;) for Windows, and a colon (:) for all otherplatforms.

The following variables are supported:

IBI_LOAD_SSL_FROM can be set to an alternate SSL and CRYPTO DLL location.

IBI_LOAD_MSSQL_ODBC_DRIVER_FROM can be set to the Microsoft SQL Server andAzure ODBC driver location.

IBI_LOAD_ORACLE_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Oracle Client DLL library location.

IBI_LOAD_REDSHIFT_ODBC_DRIVER_FROM can be set to the Redshift ODBC driverlocation.

IBI_LOAD_EXASOL_ODBC_DRIVER_FROM can be set to the EXASolution ODBC driverlocation.

IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location.

Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LIBPATH or IBI_LIBPATH variablewas recommended to specify the library path for loading third-party DLLs, depending onwhether system security was in use. While these methods continue to work, they aredeprecated in favor of using these new variables.

If you are setting any of these variables in the edaenv.cfg file, perform the following steps:

1. Go to the Workspace page on the Server Console.

2. Expand Configuration Files, then Miscellaneous.

1. 8207.04 Release Notes

Release 8207.04 11

Release 8207 - Information Builders· 2020-05-27· IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (12)

3. Right-click Environment - edaenv.cfg, and click Edit.

4. When you have made the edits, click the Save button.

5. Restart the server in order to have these settings take effect.

To restart the server, on the Workspace page click Server Actions, then Restart.

Adapter for Hive: Optimize Load With Bulk Load Options

In prior releases, when you used DataMigrator or Data Preparation with Optimize Load enabled,the ability to specify Load Options was not available.

New Features

12 Information Builders

Release 8207 - Information Builders· 2020-05-27· IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (13)

Now, when loading data to Hive, options such as "Escape Character" are available whenOptimize Load is enabled, as shown in the following image.

1. 8207.04 Release Notes

Release 8207.04 13

Release 8207 - Information Builders· 2020-05-27· IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (14)

Distinguishing Node Status Using Ports and Connectors

The Data Flow and Join nodes now have ports that indicate if they can have inputs (on the left)or outputs (on the right). The ports also indicate if all required inputs and outputs areconfigured.

An empty node that is not yet considered missing is represented by a hollow circle.

A node that is present is represented by a solid blue circle.

A required node that is missing is represented by a circle half-filled in red and outlined inred.

A node with a menu has an ellipsis (...) at the bottom right. You can click the ellipsis orright-click anywhere in the node to open the menu.

The indicator that there are warning messages is now an exclamation point in a red circle,which you can hover over to display the warning messages.

In the following image of a new flow, a source is required, but not present, indicated by thehalf-filled red circle on the left of the SQL node. No target has been added, so the circle on theright of the SQL node is hollow.

The cross join node has warning messages, identified by an exclamation point in a red circle,which you can hover over to display the warning messages, as shown in the following image.

New Features

14 Information Builders

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In the following image, a source has been added, so the circles between the source and theSQL node are solid blue. No target has been added, so the circle on the right of the SQL nodeis hollow.

In addition, targets are now represented by database-specific icons, as shown in the followingimage, which has a MySQL target.

If a new target is added, a plus sign displays in the target node. If the target has one or morekeys, a key icon displays in the target node, as shown in the following image of a new targetwith a key.


The Parent-Response segment does not contain field definitions when a multi-segmentJSON Response is returned from the REST adapter Create Synonym process. (200114033)

1. 8207.04 Release Notes

Release 8207.04 15

Release 8207 - Information Builders· 2020-05-27· IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (16)

When running an Insight chart with a drill-down inside a page or portal, the Explore withInsight button is visible but not functional. (180807086)

When using a logarithmic scale for a chart, custom baselines are always drawn on thebottom of the axis. (190131018)

A Reporting Server privilege is not applied to child group if it is applied in the parent group.(191031015)

An error occurs in WebFOCUS Designer when a field with a /STRING format is used as afilter. (191118093)

DataMigrator returns an error the during the Bulk Load run when loading with SFTP protocolto Hive on Ubuntu from Windows 2016. (200120068)

When a user with the AdvancedUser role that has been denied the Data Visualization fromMetadata (opVisualization) privilege creates a new InfoAssist report off an existing ReportingObject with the HOLD option and saves it, the Edit option is missing from the shortcutmenu for the newly created fex. (190920097)

DataMigrator returns an ICM18795 Invalid Connection Parameter error during a Bulk Loadwhen loading with SFTP protocol to Hive on Ubuntu from Windows 2016. (200120068)

When using a logarithmic scale for a chart, custom baselines are drawn on the bottom ofthe axis. (190131018)

Redirection to the Client trace page (http://<host>:<port>/ibi_apps/WFClientTrace) occursif there is a JavaScript error when a page reloads. (190815024)

Resource Analyzer does not collect some SMRPCNUM values for procedures beingexecuted. (191227007)

The Explore with Insight button does not function if the chart contains a drilldown.(191021082)

When a Slowly Changing Dimension field Change Flag is set to a Date format, DataMigratordoes not assign a value to this field. (190220114)

General privileges like NOSYS (disable operating system commands) and NODPT (disabledirect pass-thru requests) are not inherited by users of registered groups from Rolesregistrations. (191031015)


16 Information Builders

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You cannot select Get Values, input a value manually or change the Type when using afilter box in InfoAssist with Google Chrome version 80. (200206136, 200205119,200207011, 200207061, 200207103, 200210009, 200210059, 200211066,200212069, 200212096, 200211006, 200214010, 200219027, 200220126,200221064, 200225054, 200226036, 200226015, 200226066, 200303018,200303024, 200304078, 200309113, 200311042, 200302075, 200326016)

Agent crashes when a report is run multiple times in postscript format, with the LucidaSans Unicode font. (190403174)

Known Issues

The WebFOCUS help system does not work when the Application Server is configured withJava Version 11. As a workaround, you can configure your WebFOCUS instance to use helphosted by IBI. This provides an additional benefit, as users will have access to the latestcontent.

To accomplish this, you need to perform the following configuration using the WebFOCUSAdministration Console:

1. Select the Configuration tab and navigate to Application Settings and then ApplicationContexts.

2. Change the Help value to /ibi_apps/ibi_help.

Note: The ibi_apps value must be the same as the WebFOCUS web app context createdduring installation. If you provided an alias, for example, ibi_apps8206, then the valuefor Help should be entered as /ibi_apps8206/ibi_help.

3. Set the Help Proxy Host and Port value to

4. Set the Help Proxy Context to /wfappent/8206. If you are using WebFOCUS Release8207, set the value to /wfappent/8207.

5. Select the Help Proxy Secure check box.

1. 8207.04 Release Notes

Release 8207.04 17

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For example:

6. Click the Clear Cache option and continue to sign out and sign in for the settings to takeeffect.

The canvas of WebFOCUS Designer for this release is an interactive canvas based onAHTML. When creating a report, page and row break settings are not supported on thiscanvas for this release. If you select any other output format, such as HTML, PDF, PPTX, orXLSX, you will see these breaks at runtime. These output format options are available forstand-alone content items only. This will be resolved with the introduction of the non-interactive document canvas in a future release.

When an Insight-enabled chart created in the 8207.00 version of WebFOCUS Designer isadded to a visualization as external content, the Insight icon does not appear on the chartwhen the page is run, so Insight features cannot be accessed. Resave the chart inWebFOCUS Designer 8207.01 or later to make Insight available when the chart is added toa visualization.

When working with the Cell menu in an interactive report, the filtering functionality does notwork as expected.

When saving an artifact (from or of and interactive report, chart or dashboard), the outputfile name is ARsave.html rather than ARhtml.html.

If you create a report or chart in ARVERSION=2 (In-Document Analytics) and you set theoutput format to PDF Analytic Document, an error occurs when you run it. If you change theoption in Procedure Settings to Legacy, the report or chart is produced correctly.

Known Issues

18 Information Builders

Release 8207 - Information Builders· 2020-05-27· IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (19)

If you are working with an In-Document Analytics chart in landscape mode on an Androidmobile device and you switch to portrait mode, your content displays in fullscreen mode.Your chart displays at the bottom. If you run your content in new window mode, your In-Document Analytics chart does not display in fullscreen mode, displaying the chart on theright.

HIDENULLACRS, which hides across columns that have null or zero values in the entirecolumn, is not supported with interactive content using the new Designer style of In-Document Analytics capabilities.

If you add an existing ARVERSION=1 report to an AHTML document set to ARVERSION=2, itfails at run time, displaying JSON text on the screen instead of the expected report output.

If you are working with a procedure (.fex) and you change the ARVERSION to ARVERSION=2,global filters do not display when you run the procedure.

In a scatter plot chart or bubble chart, multiple measure fields on the horizontal and verticalaxes generate separate axes, resulting in a grid of scatter plots for each combination ofmeasure fields. In WebFOCUS Designer, if you create a scatter plot chart or bubble chartwith multiple measures in the Vertical or Horizontal buckets, only the axis for the firstmeasure in each bucket displays on the canvas. When you run the chart, all measure fieldsin the Vertical and Horizontal buckets are shown as separate axes, as intended.

The Expression Editor has a an area that displays objects that you can add to anexpression, which are columns, variables or functions. The selection and display of thesewas controlled by buttons above the area, but when then size of the area was compressed,some of the buttons were hidden. Now there is a single button with a pull-down menu thatallows selecting what objects are displayed.

Both the file and the db_collation.bat file generate the "Main WARN Errorwhile converting string [] to type," error message in the Command Prompt window at theend of their run. This message has no impact on the functionality of this post-installationutility, and it completes the run successfully.

The file generates the "WARNING: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCaller Class isnot supported. This will impact performance," error message in the Command Promptwindow at the end of its run. In addition, the,, and files generate the "Main WARN Error whileconverting string [ ] to type," error message in the Command Prompt window at the end oftheir run. These messages have no impact on the functionality of these post installationutilities, and each one completes its run successfully.

1. 8207.04 Release Notes

Release 8207.04 19

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System Requirements

This release is now certified and has been tested with Google Chrome version 79, Firefoxversion 73, Microsoft Edge version 44 (WebFOCUS only), and Internet Explorer 11. InternetExplorer Compatibility mode is not supported. For additional browser details, see BrowserInformation.

For more information on supported clients and more, see Release Information.

System Requirements

20 Information Builders

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Release 8207 - Information Builders· 2020-05-27· IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (22)

Information Builders, Inc.Two Penn PlazaNew York, NY 10121-2898

Release 8207.04About This Release


Release 8207 - Information Builders · 2020-05-27 · IBI_LOAD_DB2_CLI_CLIENT_FROM can be set to the Db2 CLI Client DLL library location. Note: In prior releases, the use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, - [PDF Document] (2024)
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