10 Environmentally Friendly Architectural Styles (2024)

Before green was mainstream, environmentally friendly home styles had a kind of chunky utility. They were obviously different than regular houses and were probably thought by some to be the kind of homes you might find on a commune or ones only hippies lived in. But not anymore. Green homes have come a long way from the prototypes (and stereotypes). Today's contemporary eco-responsible homes have an elegant usability that combines the best of the old with the technologies of the new.

While most any home can be made green with updates -- and with some due diligence on the part of the owners -- some residential styles lend themselves to being eco-friendly by design. And though it's taken decades to get there, if you're building or choosing a home, green options are within your reach. You can have an environmentally friendly, eco-responsible or even zero-footprint house, depending on how much you want to dedicate in money and lifestyle changes in order to steward the planet and its resources.


Not ready for an all-solar shed with a living roof and nothing but a bike parked outside? Take a look at some other eco-friendly options that are as attractive as they are comfortable.


  1. Earth Sheltered
  2. Recycled Modern
  3. Domed and Organic
  4. Prefab and Tract
  5. Pueblo and Adobe Revival
  6. Rammed Earth
  7. Multi-family Eco Units
  8. 21st-century/Mid-century Modern
  9. Small or Tiny
  10. Hybrid, Custom, Evolving

10: Earth Sheltered

Living in earth-sheltered housing doesn't have to mean sharing your space with the worms. With designs that are partially below ground or completely above ground, earth-sheltered housing is adaptable and takes advantage of the energy efficiency of the surrounding soil and plant life. Architect Malcolm Wells advocated and promoted the earth-sheltered architecture until his death in December 2009 [source: Weber]. He designed multiple underground homes, stadiums, airports and even bridges, and though many never came to fruition, they did forever influence the green movement [source: Weber].

One earth-sheltered design that has taken hold today is the bermed home. It is built at ground level or dug into the hillside and has earth compacted around two sides, the top/roof and along the rear. Homes like these have sub-ground living areas with central atriums or large courtyards that provide natural light, cool air and insulation.


According to the U.S. Department of Energy, elevational bermed homes, usually those situated partly in the ground with a south-facing wall open to sunshine and heat, may be the most affordable options in earth-sheltered housing. They're easier to construct and often are built into hillsides, taking advantage of natural surroundings. Underground earth-rammed homes may be more costly, but they're not covered with as much earth as you might think -- typically less than 3 feet (0.9 meters). Using more than 3 feet doesn't increase energy efficiency [source: U.S. Department of Energy].

9: Recycled Modern

For decades, "weird," "amazing" and "unusual" homes found their way into the spotlight because of their non-traditional make up. Bottles and cans, old tires, and other trashed and found items became building materials for recycled architecture. Many of these structures are green because they reuse available items, but often they go further by incorporating other eco-friendly ideas. And though some are quirky and funky by design, others have an air of elegance because of their finished details and traditional craftsmanship.

A recycled modern home doesn't have to be made of 6 million empty beer bottles, as is the case with La Casa de Botella in Argentina, but planning a house that embraces irregular sizes and design in order to use recycled materials is realistic without having to be extreme or newsworthy [source: Alvarado]. Directories published in the United States and Canada by the Building Materials Reuse Association (BMRA) help builders find local sources for deconstructing and reconstructing -- taking good care to preserve materials you're taking down and selecting reuse materials for building up.


Building with roof rafters from an old factory or insulating walls with old denim are less visible possibilities, and if you still want to use an old ship's bow for a front porch, anchors aweigh.

Low-impact, Low-income Housing

The Phoenix Commotion local building initiative has gone green and developed affordable housing using found and donated materials. But what's even better is homeowners are helping build the houses, which makes them cost even less [source: Murphy].

8: Domed and Organic

A forerunner in promoting environmentally friendly architecture was engineer Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller. He sought to realize the idea of "doing more with less," and in building design, he tried to popularize the half-circle geodesic dome. Made up of interconnected triangles, which use a minimum of materials to create an open space for living, the domes were thought to be ideal because of their low cost and sturdiness [source: Black Mountain College].

An earlier form of semi-sphere living was the yurt, which goes back thousands of years to traditional Mongolian tent living. With circular walls built up in one layer or many layers of circles, a yurt is kind of a strong tent that survives harsh conditions and has a simple set up.


Both of these forms are organic, borrowing from the design of natural forms on the Earth and in the body -- such as cells -- and they use fewer materials. Yurts, domes and other organic forms are not the most traditional choice in contemporary eco-friendly housing, but manufacturers in North America sell homes in the style of domes and tents in an affordable range. And in some parts of Asia and Africa this traditional style is still the most popular, sturdy and economical choice.

Take a Look: Jersey Devil

Building in a kind of inorganic-organic style with project names like Hoagie House, Football House, Silo House and Helmet House, the Jersey Devil Design Build firm's projects show creativity in design and in process. The teams actually live on site in trailers during the construction and use truly unique environmental features.

7: Prefab and Tract

10 Environmentally Friendly Architectural Styles (2)

As the need for affordable, well-made and energy-efficient housing increases through challenging economic times, and as families learn more about the toxins in the very materials that surround them at home, some eco-conscious developers are buying in bulk and buying green to keep costs down and fill a market need.

Tract housing units in states ranging from Arizona to Washington to New York have been finding investors and buyers who are building eco-friendly from the ground up. Builders who still get behind the ease and low cost of prefabricated housing also have shown green growth by adding options for energy efficiency and non-toxic features in their pre-built cottage, solar and modular home packages.


Though doing some research into the green claims of companies marketing tract and prefab is advisable, there is one quality that many of these companies seem to have in common: You get more energy efficiency and make a smaller footprint on the environment, and you will likely get a smaller house, too.

6: Pueblo and Adobe Revival

Most people associate adobe- and pueblo-style with hot, dry areas such as the Southwestern United States, Mexico, and parts of Africa and the Mediterranean. The homes built with adobe blocks or bricks made of a clay, water and sand mixture can last hundreds of years, and they provide excellent insulation from hot and cold weather, even though they're more widely found in warm, arid climates [source: Encyclopaedia Britannica]. Having adequate and regular sunshine to keep the adobe dry and to allow it to store heat energy is a must. Adobe has a low R-value, meaning it doesn't insulate as well outside of its ideal, dry and sunny environment, but its thick make up is very eco-friendly in terms of keeping the heat out [source: U.S. Dept of Energy]. In cold climates, it's possible to add insulation and counter any moisture, though it makes more sense to work with other materials more suited for the environment [source: Roberts, et al.]

Adobe- and pueblo-revival continue to be most popular in warm regions, and what makes them "revival" is they combine traditional clay materials and newer insulating and strengthening ingredients like concrete and paper composites, and sometimes applied exterior plasters, as well. Although the revival in this style started back in the 1920s and '30s, it has continued into the 21st century with its characteristic simple lines, central courtyards and wooden architectural details often with modern tweaks and varied rooflines.


Are pueblo and adobe the same?

Pueblo is a style of architecture named for the Pueblo Indians, and it describes buildings made from adobe blocks, which are formed with clay, water, sand and sometimes straw. There are pueblo-style homes that look like traditional pueblo structures and compounds, and there are adobe-style buildings that aren't necessarily pueblo style, but are built using adobe techniques.

5: Rammed Earth

Stacks of dried out muddy-looking rectangles with a dirt smell and crumbly corners might be one way people imagine rammed-earth construction. However, centuries-old European homesteads, ancient Asian landmarks, and modern, sleek and efficient Western designs stand up against this stereotype. Crude forms of rammed-earth building in impoverished areas of the world do usually lack the polish of contemporary styles, but most share an amazing longevity and energy-efficiency.

Rammed-earth construction is simply the use of soil -- with a weighted mix of clay and sand -- packed super tight into brick form or packed up in layers within wooden molds to form walls. These blocks and walls are at minimum about 12 inches (30 centimeters) thick, but can be twice that, and they often have added external treatments to increase insulating properties and durability against weather extremes [source: Encyclopaedia Britannica]. Untreated walls are hardy too, but depending on the climate, modern techniques, such as moisture barriers or strengthened concrete mixes, can improve resilience.


Building a rammed-earth structure will lower energy consumption and costs, but due to the time, labor and transport involved, costs are much higher than in traditional homebuilding [source: California Energy Commission]. Working with local building codes for this unusual building type adds some work too, but long-term and possible lifelong energy savings in an Earth-friendly, earth-filled home may balance the initial time and costs.

4: Multi-family Eco Units

Living with shared walls or common spaces and interacting with neighbors isn't for everyone, but like-minded renters and homeowners might be heading toward more planned and communal properties, bringing social lives and work closer to where they actually live. A January 2011 study sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Smart Growth Program finds that one of the factors that would significantly decrease energy consumption is to focus building and community planning on multifamily or attached housing with shared walls that hold in more heat and increase efficiency [source: EPA]. Building homes closer together and closer to public transit options -- and with more energy-efficient construction -- could reduce consumption up to 64 percent compared to single-family, remote suburban homes that rely heavily on car travel [source: EPA].

Having a single-family home without shared walls is a dream and long-term goal for many, but condos, row houses and cohousing offer options for private ownership and shared responsibility for resources. Some have the added initiative of being responsible to each other in communities as part of the stewardship. Sharing a wall with a neighbor isn't what it used to be. For many, it's a preference and obvious choice toward a smaller footprint and a return to knowing their neighbors.


Cohousing and Communes

Cohousing faces some misconceptions in the United States. Communes and collaboratives can conjure up ideas of radical environmentalism and even family-style cults. But cohousing is far more modern and traditional, and it encourages a community that shares resources, social time and meals, all while living in separate dwellings [source: Cohousing Association of the United States].

3: 21st-century/Mid-century Modern

10 Environmentally Friendly Architectural Styles (3)

Many people in the West have grown up living in and visiting homes with lots of small rooms connected by narrow hallways, with little connection to the outdoors. But mid-century modern homes were different -- they had open plans, more natural flooring, and interior courtyards or sheer walls and glass sliders to the outside. Houses from the 1960s by architecture firms like Eichler Homes continue to be hot commodities, and many 21st-century, eco-friendly designs have been inspired by the clean lines and efficiency of this style. With well-joined building envelopes, often achieving a hermetically sealed feel, and the circulation of free-flowing spaces and ventilation -- some with movable walls and tracks for true indoor-outdoor living -- this mid-century modern redux is bringing modern eco-technology to a treasured design style.

Another twist is the adaptation of mid-century modern to multi-unit residential design. Housing developments from the Netherlands to South America show the influence of mid-century modern open planning but in a stacked, urban housing form that departs from the apartment style of connected, closed off small boxes. Greening this multi-unit building is breathing new life into this common housing design.


2: Small or Tiny

Downsizing isn't something desirable in the workforce and often it's something brought on by circ*mstances and not by choice, but for the eco-conscious, it's often a conscious and deliberate move. Criticism of "McMansions," those super-huge, mostly soul-less and resource-wasteful houses of the suburbs have given way to more and more coverage of small, tiny and even micro-homes. Living in small spaces is a necessity for most city-dwellers in high-density areas like Hong Kong and New York City, but many people are exploring building and buying small in order to live more simply and with fewer drains on resources. Sometimes, though, the environmental benefits are just a result of homeowners wanting to pay less for utilities and shorten their commutes, making downsizing good for the wallet, too.

Economic downturns lead to downsizing as well, and according the U.S. Census Bureau, the size of newly built single-family homes decreased between 51 and 200 square feet (4.7 and 18.5 square meters) from 2008 to 2009, making the national average about 2,400 to 2,500 square feet (223 to 232 square meters) [source: Heavens]. Those weathering the economic downturn in Japan also have turned to even smaller spaces, with closet-sized houses and "ultra-tiny" designs growing in popularity [source: Lah].


Some families, however, make a very deliberate decision to live in smaller spaces to be more eco-friendly and to help other families in the process. The Salwen family from Atlanta, for example, sold their house, bought one half its size and used the remaining money to help those in need in Ghana [source: Salwen]. As one of the principles of being environmentally friendly is to lessen negative impacts on the planet -- including its people -- the Salwens lowered their consumption and improved the conditions of others with the money they saved.

Down, Down Sizing

Jay Shafer lives in an 89-square-foot (8.27-square-meter) house, and he sells plans and kit homes from as small as 65 square feet (6.04 square meters) in size in traditional and modern styles. Check out Shafer's Tumbleweed Tiny House Company to get a feel for what downsizing to the extreme is really like.

1: Hybrid, Custom, Evolving

10 Environmentally Friendly Architectural Styles (4)

If you've read articles on people who live in $200, 24-square-foot (2.23-square-meter) shacks made from junk or who sleep in capsule hotel rooms the size of old phone booths, you might have wondered if these are the wave of the future [source: Wadler]. People in London, Mexico City and the United States are using old shipping containers as homes, and the Keetwonen student dorm complex in Amsterdam is a veritable village of containers used to house more than 1,000 university students [source: Open Architecture Network].

Just as mid-century modern designs by Joseph Eichler in the 1960s didn't take off wildly during their time, but have since become models for reproducing and gleaning the best of their kind, some of what we see today as wacky may lead to practical innovations in mainstream green, environmentally friendly housing. Architects and designers coming into their own today have grown up with the greening of architecture, so it's likely to be less of an afterthought and more a part of good, holistic housing of the near future, with or without the miniature size, high cost and funky functionalism.

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More Great Links

  • Alvarado, Paula. "Guy Builds Massive House with Recycled Glass Bottles, Shows You How to Do It." Treehugger.com. Mar. 3, 2010. (Mar. 8, 2011)http://www.treehugger.com/files/2010/03/guy-builds-massive-house-with-recycled-glass-bottles-teaches-you-how-to-do-it-video.php
  • Black Mountain College, Museum + Arts Center. "IDEAS + INVENTIONS: Buckminster Fuller and Black Mountain College." 2011. (Mar. 4, 2011)http://www.blackmountaincollege.org/index.php/past-bmcm-ac-events/94-ideas-inventions-buckminster-fuller-and-black-mountain-college
  • Building Materials Reuse Association (BMRA). "Directory." 2010. (Mar. 4, 2011)http://www.bmra.org/listings/browse-by-state?catid=3
  • California Energy Commission. "Earth Based Techniques." Consumer Energy Center. 2011. (Mar. 3, 2011)http://www.consumerenergycenter.org/home/construction/earth.html
  • Cohousing Association of the United States. "What Is Cohousing?" 2011. (Mar. 8, 2011)http://www.cohousing.org/what_is_cohousing
  • Encyclopaedia Britannica. "Adobe." 2011. (Mar. 3, 2011)http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/6203/adobe
  • Encyclopaedia Britannica. "Pueblo Architecture." 2011. (Mar. 3, 2011)http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/482743/pueblo-architecture
  • Encyclopaedia Britannica. "Rammed Earth." 2011. (Mar. 3, 2011)http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/490696/rammed-earth
  • Heavens, Alan J. "U.S. Average Home Size Shrunk in 2009." The Philadelphia Inquirer, Philly.com. June 18, 2010. (Mar. 6, 2011)http://articles.philly.com/2010-06-18/business/24963342_1_first-time-buyers-house-size-size-of-new-homes
  • Howard, Brian Clark. "Amazing Homes and Offices Built From Shipping Containers." 2011. (Mar. 6, 2011)http://realestate.msn.com/slideshow.aspx?cp-documentid=23625182
  • Lah, Kyung. "Ultra-small Is Beautiful for Japanese Homeowner." CNN.com. Nov. 15, 2010. (Mar. 6, 2011)http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/11/12/japan.ultra.tiny.home/index.html
  • MalcolmWells.com. "Underground Architecture Does Not Mean This." 2011. (Mar. 3, 2011)http://www.malcolmwells.com/graphics/whatisuga.gif
  • McGraw-Hill Construction Continuing Education. "Re-energizing an Icon: Transforming a Mid-Century Modern House into a Green, Zero-Energy, 21st-Century Home." 2011. (Mar. 6, 2011)http://continuingeducation.construction.com/crs.php?L=39&C=667
  • Murphy, Kate. "One Man's Trash..." The New York Times. Sept. 2, 2009. (Mar. 8, 2011)http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/03/garden/03recycle.html
  • Open Architecture Network.org. "Keetwonen (Amsterdam Student Housing)." 2010. (Mar. 8, 2011)http://openarchitecturenetwork.org/projects/6354
  • Piedmont-Palladino, Susan and Branch, Mark Alden. Devil's Workshop: 25 Years of Jersey Devil Architecture. Princeton Architectural Press. 1997.
  • Roberts, Tristan, et al. "Do Adobe Homes Really Work in All Climates?" BuildingGreen.com. Oct. 26, 2010. (Mar. 3, 2011)http://www.buildinggreen.com/live/index.cfm/2010/10/26/Do-adobe-homes-really-work-in-all-climates--Book-review
  • Salwen, Kevin. "Giving Up Half Our Possessions Made Our Family Whole." HuffingtonPost.com. Feb. 4, 2011. (Mar. 6, 2011)http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kevin-salwen/the-slightly-absurd-thing_b_817480.html
  • U.S. Department of Energy. "Earth-Sheltered Home Design." USA.gov. Feb. 9, 2011. (Mar. 3, 2011)http://www.energysavers.gov/your_home/designing_remodeling/index.cfm/mytopic=10100
  • U.S. Department of Energy. "The R-Value of Insulation." USA.gov. 2011. (Mar. 3, 2011)http://www.energysavers.gov/your_home/insulation_airsealing/index.cfm/mytopic=11340
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). "Location Efficiency and Housing Type -- Boiling It Down to BTUs." January 2011. (Mar. 3, 2011)http://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/location_efficiency_BTU.htm
  • Wadler, Joyce. "The $200 Microhouse." The New York Times. Feb. 23, 2011. (Mar. 3, 2011)http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/24/garden/24tiny.html?src=twrhp

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10 Environmentally Friendly Architectural Styles (2024)


10 Environmentally Friendly Architectural Styles? ›

Sustainable architecture is also referred to as green architecture or environmental architecture. It challenges architects to produce smart designs and use available technologies to ensure that structures generate minimal harmful effects to the ecosystem and the communities.

What type of architecture is eco-friendly? ›

Sustainable architecture is also referred to as green architecture or environmental architecture. It challenges architects to produce smart designs and use available technologies to ensure that structures generate minimal harmful effects to the ecosystem and the communities.

Which house style is the most environmentally friendly? ›

1. Passive design. Sustainable homes begin with a sustainable framework. If you're working with a designer to build a brand-new home, it's imperative to employ passive design, which reduces a house's ecological footprint by using the local climate and landscape to its advantage.

What is the green architecture style? ›

green architecture, philosophy of architecture that advocates sustainable energy sources, the conservation of energy, the reuse and safety of building materials, and the siting of a building with consideration of its impact on the environment.

What are 4 concepts of buildings using green architecture? ›

They encompass the concepts of green buildings such as energy efficiency, water conservation, material selection, and indoor environmental quality.

What type of design is eco-friendly? ›

There are examples of eco-design in all kinds of consumer goods, such as biodegradable furniture, recycled tableware, edible coffee cups and bamboo sunglasses or toothbrushes, as well as clothes and shoes made with plastic recovered from the ocean and ecological gold jewellery.

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Biomimicry Architecture; is often referred to as a unique and technical approach to mimicking nature in creating various designs in architecture. The structure inspired by nature can be strong yet sustainable since nature is a long-lasting system. The buildings are designed to mimic the functions of nature.

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Green building materials
  1. Stone. Living in a stone structure is low maintenance and eco-friendly, and any extra stone leftover from the build can be used for home finishings such as countertops or tile. ...
  2. Cob. ...
  3. Bamboo. ...
  4. Cork. ...
  5. Adobe brick. ...
  6. Straw bale. ...
  7. Cordwood. ...
  8. Earth bags.
Mar 13, 2024

What is the best design for a sustainable house? ›

How do I incorporate sustainable design into my home?
  • Passive solar design. ...
  • High-performance windows. ...
  • Energy-efficient appliances. ...
  • A drip irrigation system for plants. ...
  • Using eco paints and water-based paints. ...
  • Renewable energy solutions. ...
  • Recycle and reuse construction waste. ...
  • Install a cool roof.

What is the best house design for a hot climate? ›

Compact house forms, rather than sprawling, multi-wing designs work best in hot locales. Home designs with shaded porches, wrap around porches or plans with courtyards that create a shaded open area within the building are ideal.

What is the most eco-friendly shape? ›

However the fundamental rule is that a simple shape is much more sustainable than a complex shape. Complex shapes use more materials and they are not as energy efficient because they have more surface area. The shape that uses the least amount of materials is the circle.

What is environmentally friendly building design? ›

Sustainable design principles aim to: Optimize site potential. Minimize non-renewable energy consumption and waste. Use environmentally preferable products. Protect and conserve water.

What is eco design in architecture? ›

Sustainable building and design

The goal of eco-architecture is to have as little impact on the environment as possible. For example, habitats are often destroyed to make way for new buildings, but now new projects are being built in and around habitats to minimise the effect on wildlife and nature.

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By incorporating the five principles of site planning, energy efficiency, water conservation, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality into our designs, we can create buildings with a lower environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future.

What is the difference between sustainable and green architecture? ›

The key difference between sustainable buildings and green buildings is that sustainable buildings operate with all three sustainability pillars in mind (people, planet and profit), whereas green buildings focus solely on the environment.

What are the pros and cons of green architecture? ›

Using Natural Resources in Energy-Efficient Buildings

Pro: Green buildings depend on the sun, wind, and geothermal energy, so there is reduced dependence on conventional sources of energy. This reduces the carbon footprint. Con: You must build in a location that allows you to take advantage of these natural resources.

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Environmental architecture or green architecture is a design approach that prioritizes sustainability and minimizes the negative impact of buildings on the natural environment.

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Overview of Ecological Architecture

Ecological architecture is a design approach that integrates principles of sustainability and environmental consciousness into the construction and development of buildings.

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Biomimetic Architecture

Biomimetic architecture is mimicking the systems and processes of nature, i.e., plants, animals, and other life forms. Nature always has solutions to adapt to the environment and the changes occurring due to climate change.

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