Seven Principles of Biophilic Design | Industry Insights (2024)

Biophilic design is an approach to architecture that seeks to connect building occupants more closely to nature. Biophilic designed buildings incorporate things like natural lighting and ventilation, natural landscape features and other elements for creating a more productive and healthy built environment for people. Dynamic glazing like SageGlass is a great example of using new building technologies to achieve biophilic objectives.

Check out Katie Gloede’s recent article inEcobuilding Pulse,“7 Ways to Enhance Indoor Environments with Biophilic Design,”for a deeper look into the subject. She cites work from theBiophilic Cities Project, a network at the University of Virginia School of Architecture, to illustrate examples of biophilic design principles. For example, on the matter of natural lighting she writes:

“Maximizing natural light benefits people as well as energy bills, but biophilic interventions incorporate natural lighting from diffusion to temporal changes. A lighting system that either naturally or artificially changes throughout the day to mimic our circadian rhythm helps link people to the outdoor environment and, essentially, keep us on track with our natural 24 hour cycle. Maximizing natural light and changes throughout the day also enhances visual comfort.”

You can read the entire articlehereat Ecobuilding Pulse.

Seven Principles of Biophilic Design | Industry Insights (2024)


What are the main points of biophilic design? ›

Biophilic spaces often include well-recognized features of the natural world. Features like vegetation, water, sunlight, and natural materials create a more pleasing visual and tactile experience. This principle can be applied on different scales.

What are the principles and benefits of biophilic design? ›

Biophilic design has also shown to improve patient recovery times in hospitals, reduce crime rates in residential areas, and increase learning ability and test results in schools. These amazing results stem from the improved user experience of the building.

What is the conclusion of biophilic design? ›

In conclusion, biophilic design offers a refreshing counterbalance to our increasingly urban and technology-driven lives. By incorporating elements of eco-friendly architecture into our interiors, we can enhance well-being, boost creativity, and create more harmonious living and working environments.

What is the biophilia analysis? ›

The biophilia hypothesis posits an innate biological and genetic connection between human and nature, including an emotional dimension to this connection. Biophilic design builds on this hypothesis in an attempt to design human-nature connections into the built environment.

What are the psychological benefits of biophilic design? ›

Improved Mood: The presence of plants and nature indoors has been associated with enhanced mood and increased feelings of happiness and contentment. Enhanced Cognitive Function: Exposure to nature and natural elements has been shown to improve cognitive function, including memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.

What is the biophilic design philosophy? ›

It's a design philosophy centered around the use of natural elements like plants, wood, water, and natural light. The International Living Future Institute further defines the style: "biophilic design is the practice of connecting people and nature within our built environments and communities."

What are the implications of biophilic design? ›

One of the foremost benefits of biophilic design is its positive impact on mental health and overall well-being. Exposure to natural elements, such as sunlight, greenery and water features, has been linked to reduced stress, improved mood and enhanced cognitive function.

What is biophilic urban design principles? ›

Biophilic design focuses on including natural objects like trees, waterways, and plants in public spaces. Natural shapes like curves, irregular arcs, and shapes that mottle light are also used in exteriors and interiors of biophilic buildings to appeal to us.

What is the biophilic design hypothesis? ›

The biophilia hypothesis (also called BET) suggests that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life. Edward O. Wilson introduced and popularized the hypothesis in his book, Biophilia (1984). He defines biophilia as "the urge to affiliate with other forms of life".

What is the critique of biophilic design? ›

In line with such arguments, this review identifies two main shortcomings of Biophilic design and its frameworks: While Biophilic design as a design approach aims to restore and enhance the Nature experiences within the built environment, the first limitation that this paper has identified is how the existing extant ...

What is the theory of biophilic? ›

The biophilia hypothesis is the belief that humans are genetically predisposed to be attracted to nature. It states that all humans inherently love the natural world. This idea that we are drawn to and need nature was first put forth by a man named Edward O. Wilson in his book, Biophilia, published in 1984.

What are the nine values of biophilia? ›

We depend on the relationship with it, or rather on the quality of this relationship, from a UTILITY UTILITARIAN, NATURALISTIC, ECOLOGISTIC-SCIENTIFIC, AESTHETIC, SYMBOLIC, HUMANISTIC, MORALISTIC, DOMINIONISTIC and NEGATIVISTIC point of view.

What are the three pillars of biophilia? ›

Biophilic design rests on three key pillars:
  • Nature in the space.
  • Nature of the space.
  • Natural analogues.

What is the concept of biophilic? ›

The term biophilia, as coined by psychologist Erich Fromm and popularised by biologist Edward O. Wilson in the 1980s, is defined as 'the urge to affiliate with other forms of life'. Originating from Greek, it translates literally as 'love of life'.

What are the principles of biophilic urbanism? ›

By prioritising human-scale design, walkability, and access to nature, biophilic urbanism aims to create healthier, more resilient cities that nurture both people and the planet.

What is the theme of biophilic architecture? ›

Biophilic architecture is all about connecting humans with nature. There's no better way to achieve that than through the use of outdoor spaces. Blending outdoor spaces into architecture not only expands useful living areas, it helps to introduce light, air and greenery into your design.

What are the elements of a biophilic city? ›

Light, air, water, plants, animals, weather, natural landscape, and ecosystem are biophilic design elements for restorative environments.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.