mLL a BtiaieiaKlf I 9il CtilttialKaa EaaaiaiaiWaiBi 28-FhcsnIx Phoenix Par Sal Per 32-Suburban Scetttdale Peradtse Valley Area Republic And Gazette iThuriday, March 2, 19J 77 aauuuruan $ata I Temaa. Mesa. Chandler Area aA'aUUUruan Per Sato Scottsdat Paradao Valley Are ACTVTTBiS'f AHTIIUCIIIA Far Sale North west Area tH.j McoewelL W. of Central) "TiRRIFie new 1 B67IW ha jAaaaaMaBkiBBSTaBas IVfffnrVfjH JaVrVal Ot tf lalcDeweH. W.
of central) bedmnm rustic ranch" (St 1 I. at Cantran Sal or Imn. OWI $1200 DOWN fSei ef Bnawar "37 W. BROADWATnsB" down. auit DUMB.
LOVELY ARCADIA pVa eeereEed Sllanty4i mined Teoswi bulIMn RO, Ml a month, or rent with act. on. bulltins. ty fa move In today A DELUXE POOL nx Ml. AL 2-4544, 1 p.m.
Moru.fvru Friday. All A ahakahlnalad ranch Take ever payments of 1101 mo. Including everything. This Stages built hotie has carpets, drapes A Allied Buyers, AMa-jjoi to wrnur, aaeri i.k t-im. Ownar-SuiWer AiXVom.
1 New Fh-apiece Be'beeue. value 121000. New conventional iwtgaea. sJOOno Ask $21000 with tiQOO. 3U North frar brve more Information iJ By OWNtS 3 bdrm, masonry construction.
I'l a br-j ae. remiiy rm. sjw on ah woooyfc rhroujrhwIL UL3it: thni? ewnar. 1 r. bath.
tamttv rm. Br en hue lot. pence, KM on cusiom nyiir nomas 1 built-in RO Grade school by, Liberty RIty. ELY three bedroom. Low pey-i.
Finest (fchfcarhwg.lcfcooa, has 231 LaaTslmtrltas, comainparary. Carpet rooms cus a prettv citrus tat with emeibeca: Mt. for a beekdroe. 3 baths, fam. rm.
Call Bob Hubbard for all the data on thia luxury home. Evas. CR tom draaos. covered patio, fenced. room.
rj Mips, iiTerima roof, lar. Fast Action Want Ads Sell Everything! 271-8711 GOLD" CREST quality ing to every nearly Under FHA appraisal. Large d.seount for cash to mt. Immed. pos.
No down pymt to tpr. eyie fro wwtb. wt THREE bedroom heus. excellent condition. R-f in tatsiisasa eeea.
I. one! lou dn. or mer yrs od Near school. Fenced tot. Low down or wn contider clear, late Rwoel car, pickup, tra cer, etc.
Tot price Far details, ceM No down 1 BR. BATH, DBL CARPORT frlgerated. 340 East Indian School nuaiiiiea ouyer. ap a-450 tor anpt. chandise for value.
As TnvsniA Far Northeast Area Bf McO-ai eft K. cwrtrtn REClbedroom. LOOK $1000 DOWN Ranch style home on acre lot. Horse ortvileaes, 1 A 4 bdrms. fuTvrm.
Models available for immediate eccuoancv Builder. Call 04s-25SSi Eves. f4s-2STA DOWN Kooq, ay owner, R97741, wwjoati 50M NORTH ttrd UrMiTl had. i RUSS LYON REALTY SCOTTSDALE WH 5-6343 7901 EAST CAMELBACK noqualinoclosingT room furnished or unfurnished. Hard I Share anes priced to aefl an P.
A retlnenoa. Both close to schls, trensp. MODELS OPEN 10 TIL DARK 3615 W. MYRTLE IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY JOE T. BAILEY, RLTY.
YE 7-3S61 wood noora. svso. Tar mi. al 174)04. 1 1 beck pmnt.
today A tomorrow WELBACIC High. Bonded tsrk. sume mo. pymnt $78 up on nearly new 2 3 br. homes.
Broker. BR. -23S, BR 73B4, tWCT. SfiS A manth 1 Mrm. 1 anopping.
Tnese won't last long. 45L.0tS Par fata lvou ere the proud owner of th.s IHalicretf beauty. 3 br, 2 batn, sap SHANNON REALTY I baths. Allied Buyers. AM 4-3501.
MdDTC custom buffl AreadTa 1i E. Thomas AM-MUl or WH oum-ins. Island kitchen A 'itm. rmi whJlL45 noma, ny owner. Nearly en ecre Corner lot.
Lafayette Bouleverd DISTRESS SALE-3 BDRM." SaA it naivp BEAUTIFUL NEW NICE $350 DOWN Top netghoomood. wonderful view A.I mnrtltlMi 30 NO MONEY DOWN IFUL LEVEL Sranrta Homes. 7th Ave A Baseline. rabdrm home near ahem A everything. ACRES OF cameioack and mountains.
Baauti fully londtcaDed. 90 rifnia tra ISMA KTa G0ESS ESS AB IN The Path 1H (reaa terms, can Rudy ev am i-ttl) 2 3 i bedrooms, immediate posses- smo down a take over pywts Liberty rIty. twrn FOURhadrnnm. 1U luth. fancadj I PROG ONLY Sinn ONL' PER ACRE No eloslno costs, move In this we 3 Bdrms, 2 be.
refrigeration. $108 slon. Phone 27a-4Hl, Open dally r-r. Four bedrooms, three baths, family MATTINGLY REALTY A EXCELLENT TERMS, room. Finest heating, coollfte ob- mo.
3420 W. Plana. Builder 937-2613 $350 DOWN 201 E. tndlen schdni, crt-mw ttW equity, mi Wesf Ejarlb S7M203. OWNERransferred.
Refrigerated tffSD anilar Three twdraom. tainaoie. targe living, dinlna area 19th Ave Glendale s- 300 commercial eri win sail ail er oa't. Idul for service station, drive in or nursma home. A raal bargiin with erfcilent farms.
Celt Bill Patrice: (Suns A Ees. Wli-IMii. RUSS LYON REALTY CO," I PASSE INV. CO. WO 9-2291 4 bdrm loe.
femrm. 14 bam, car Beautlfutty furnished with finest! RunHar (Tiicfnm Fit -AM 4-0708 -am a-ouo. peted, sail on FHA eppraisal. 4003 A oecorators custom made turn hire. but i new i bdrm-ooi 3rd Ave.
Dealer, wi. bath new homes. 3500 dn. for choice make easy ofer. FORD HOFFMAN lot.
Extra cerport-bHt-lns-cor. Baby grand piano. 340,000 unfurnished. furnlthaW M.k ml. TIRED OR RENTINSF Frills or Fancies' st tat of itous for -tha nev.
4 14 bath tre-indous oatie front A rw. k. carport. Hum lot. Tack ikjtn.
Priced tar mimed, tale full thousand tlollars below BR6DERSfeN REALTY storaoe 3S W. Krai) A 3ft 44 family room. Double carport, covered patio. Carpet, drapes. Fenced.
I 1500 total to mortgage. Two blocks ifrom new htonschool. 70 North K3 iadrooiiL fenced. new pilnT. Tuckev Lane, A lll.Wl far.
4101 North e5th Street. WHs-OOW Here's 3 BR with patio A oarage at Van Buren. iKcai.iT, J4 t. 20SlsTftrosa: two bad-l Use Equity in your horn Lars Mrm. tarn.
rm. refrla. eretyd home. 4 vrs old. carpet, ad, A draped, covered patio.
Excellent landacaptn, walk to Madison fseh. Can be bought outright for SUM down. -Im maculate heme an Cul-0-Se. Calh I7A4244 BY arnNTIWroomrWemi.e INvyTMENT DtY. $151 CENTRAL rooms ana oen.
222TI. Nancy COLORE DTlTBRs- 2747, its, oown. I La-ae lot. Good shade. $299 Down sltS Lene.
Si CR 9-9551 mo. 2315 E. 10 ma. pvmnta E. Itvdlew School CRt-35S And take over bio 4 Bdrm.
bath Nancy Lane 1130 di THE ULTIMATE One of the most exerting new homes In the valley la near- In completion It's on the desireble north stop of Camalback Mtn. and promises to th showpiece of the ore. Constructed of adobe brick with the entire front don In native stone. A floor plan unlike any you've eeeit before. One entire win devoted to the master suit If Includes a tremendoua bedroom, magnificent oom-portmented bath.
Loads of closets, end a handsome, richly paneled den. 2 additional B.Rms. and prtvat baths In another wing. Living room, family room A dining room eeeh distinctively done and with a character ell Its own. Terrific center Island, all-elee.
kitchen A largo breakfast area. fireplaces. Every Imaginable refinement. A "must see" for every discriminating buyer. Eves, call WH 4-0507.
irpet, fence. 79 mo. S24S. Down. CI repossessed Gl hom*o Also 36-Suburban Far takt a a uarm, nam noma avaueoi Incl, taxes.
Agent CR THIS 2 BR home with ww cpt, oaraae. uohal. shop. EXCELLENT. Omar Realty f77-JM01 kandal.
Peerta Areas $750 down, at MM. Consl- I NICE 5 acre' loe in ctvjrch ar THUNDERBIRD RLTY BR A721 THBM Ait 1 tSXfS aase option. and CM. ONLY ilMM) THRCfi pedroorns. 1 bath.
Faml- edXo. loVomathoHc gfochurchK'nTiia North Icg.r;Fe.RlAJrY7f3.i55 B4i e. van nuren evo bk ran iced. Naae aehaAle and ehooolnaJ I THHFF. harfronm Gntna hack $300 DOWN ow oown.
17 Ktsr tAutoarry, east, want equity. Call 4249 West SOUTHERN COMFORT 3 Br, 1 baths, fenced, drapes, covered patio, near schools, bus A shop iii-vsa. i Isa. br. close to shopping A iievanar urtve.
bath. Ill Wail fransp. Tiled floors, drapes, alssosw LIVE IN THR ROOTHILLR OVRR, ly 3 BR, baths, eseorted trees, tow Mad. Sch. toe, Bal.
nore than rant. A raal buy I DICK EVANS REALTY N. Uth St. CR PAail CH ARM GALORE reduced to ais.too Hemes Par lata am a-4111. jonnton a jorwton 38-Suburban LOOKINS PARADISE VALLEY FOR ping.
U9U an to qualities Buyer. Only $93 mo. AS LITTLE AS S74 PER MO. PITI. Litchfield, roodvear Area family roomV aero lot.
1t-wi Reliable MORTGAGE A INVESTMENT HIGH VIEW LOTS In Chateau Thierry 110xl0 lf, $J9 with view "ef an Paradise Valley. Almost livj -houses have been built In th--. a'ea A we have ontv 3 Shows peoola like these home-. -E-Z terms on Ms Lauer, Augustine A Eaton, tus Sd at 32nd St Wl AJMi; Eves. 942-4147, 1 AC.
RESIDENTIAL LOf Near Country Oub. Water. Horse privileges. 50 pot-month. THORPE RITY A INVESTMENTS 111 BDRM f4nma AnUrae av 3 4 or.
flesHrns tram wn (UGARLOAP FOOTHILL Cava Creek Rd. I mm. nnrth af faetua Pd. Low dawn oavments. Desert HwniH 1900 N.
Central Phono 944-3371 I bdrmsl 2 bathel Family rml West 19Sth Ave A MrDnwell WFs-TOI New Bdrm home, no qualifying, at Surrey Heights Subdivision 2 blks. W. of SE plant 942-4600 was TUIM Sesutlful fireplace! Built- STone owner WE Evenings WE 5-9077. hmicaa AnV. acre Inf.
hood ItV PImm 4ios Open 10- OPEN TODAY ALL NEW TONTO VISTA HOMES in vacuum I Intercom system Ntn earoetlnal Dranerlai THE TOWN'S NICEST NEIGHBORHOOD Scottsdale COUNTRY ACRES II This Is the house the whole family loves. The meticulous planning of a custom-built homa overlooking a Twln-Lako golf course reflects your taste In comfort, charm and beauty. All electric MEDALLION and 4 bedroom, 2-bath homes equipped with low operating cost refrigeration are available for as low as $900 down, located near the heart of Sociable Scottsdale. Visit the furnished models open 10 A.M. to 4 P.M.
on Granite Reef 1 mile North of Indian School Rd. Scottsdale COUNTRY ACRES II WH 6-2121 Created by BUTLER HOMES. INC. vestment property. Only S10.750.
Wl 3-37 Griff RE Wl 4-4252' RUSS LYON REALTY CO. 1 40-Suburb3I1 Free arty For Sal avlno Four hS. ST owner. fenced yard I Other charm In eeturaal Set now near Towar family room. Double garage.
tarr lin OTH ST. 1 BDRM Kl TCnt room, Carpeting, TRAILER SITES iTv RM A BATH. 2 LOTS arepaa. aiuuo sown, VK V-4 I o4 1904 E. CAMELBACK YE i Tom FANNIN Realty 'elcome 3 larga 19th Ave.
north of Bell Rd. COLOKfcO I'OScoltsdata rh WH Mid L. 5xl00' lots with water, electricity, natural gas Free recreation cen ter. Only 1875 with terms. S7s tuih JOKAKB VILLA Ttl ft.
LAFAYETTE "OPE" DAILY FROM 10 DOWN HUGH KNOELL ASSOC WH B. THOMAS RD. WHASaM fenced yard, all floors tiled, stove LYTLE BUILDERS NFW MODFL carper, arapes, jw oown. i AsanliRJ205BLrP MODEL HOME REDUCED 4 blocks N. of Northern on 15th Ave.
Lots. Palm Snrinrn. Arir 199 ep. Arlt. cattle ranch.
Ann rem. SO section permit. Best area. Ctsa to town. Good Improvements, 8.
eauip Incl. Unusual price A take paper, j- YOU CAN bltAL I nlo 3 blocks West. 100x100' homesites (Near Sparry Rind) low Down Payment Possible no down payment) IMMEDIATE POSSESSION FULL TWfl' tiadrnfwn rarfamratad hnma I Hereftm7Puy ofE high and dry A new thrL hidrn? rafrloatl oeatlon. down. Bal.
$2S Pr mo. 1 mile East Apache eted home. with electric kitchen. large family room, built-in electric range A oven, larga storage room A Irrigation. Custom Built dn buys 4 BR home only vrs! new.
Low, low mo pmts. Xlnt neighborhood, Immed poss. Pick UP keys Or. ranch, 4. $00 deeded ecras, RHjYU aoi44.
Oreoon 1.700 ee a BATH5 noun. Mvanue. at Marlcooa Management, wio ft, acres rrle. tin cows A b.iUs.. Senine.
far last than FHA aporah, Paradise Valley 30 Ac yrnnt-j. nuga family room, two deluxe baths, Includes carpets A drapes! Double garage. Reduced for Immediate sale to $23,900 witb IDEAL FOR CHILDREN com tarpon. Bulif-iM. rofrli'n.
Sewers tn A paid for. Several floor plans over 2000 Ft. Inside living ARCADIA HIGH tfrloerated mova In now I tank buKKIn RAO, frlgarator, fraarar, dishwasher, re fenced. Terme---tor mora fa. an ml A other bomea call armarlta Plttlnger.
CR 7-lfM yea. A Syr 5 STR AND LAND CO, VB N. Maratwll Avd. NEW? Insulated, masonry inso'aiBUr hibsv i A real family home. I rms.
BR, homa. $8950. $100 down, $195 closing Nr. down. Bal, "Trim" Trimble.
K5LL9GQR ALTY Al, 42154 area. ai.suo oown. no ouallfyma PRIEST REALTY est area. a baths, puiiaer wants action now. ca cost.
Also aama retngeraiea, $200 down. $195 closing 05-H ERR REALTY CO, $21,225 i ONLY $1375 DOWN 1107 N. Control ALS-3882 A0229 svn a-sa tvas. wit S-4622 sj. tn West Paseo Way.
i block sputn oi i rrrr ii iT't. nr. I'Trm-rr' restige Neighborhood Del E. Webb Corporation farm equip kiel. $270,000 eouity, Wt -tak large motel or suomit.
BobWehrley, RE. 5124 7th St. AM 4-0J94 "GOOD COW RANCHES I Snn-iwo mother cows. 9 ranches ta choose from. AM5-74Q)y Bennett ptrjj BEAT THE PRICE RISEf; 2' ACRES dn.
$10 me," 10 off for cash. Near Lake Act now A save hundreds of dollars before higher prices go Into 4327 N. 4ath Avenue. 3 bdrm, 3 baths. $150 down.
Allied Buyers, Near Camalback. lee. 1 bdi "BE AWrFTflTOUSETasTTiarol-wood, Scottsdale. Butler Home. Beautifully draped, carpeted.
Three bedroom. Family room. Two baths. Rear pftlCFft fnr onlrlr aa a. New iuyoTA 1122 w.
Rosher Rd. Allied Bun PRESENTS drapes, only S1100 down, Nice yard. AL .14051. Evas. AM Aam.Jobnaon AMA3501, SUNTOWN PEORIAHOMES three bedroom home.
baths. Refrigeration. Horse privileges. On mountain view lot. Good school district, among beautiful homes.
Call carport. Larga patio. One block from Own Year BEING transferred fhusl sail three bedroom home, completely furnished. 4721 West Campbell, new goit course. $21,500.
down. OWNER Modi "Ideas For Ideal Living" 30-Co-op Apts. ichopi Follow slgi Peoria wh otter a p.m, HALLCRAFT RESALE Tnree oearuoiii, room, aaparata dli citrus lot. SltJOO. I Owner.
Low taensi" Pflcdutv IN LUXURY RM. aee Deauntui coior snoea. SINfJl FHA appraisal. A bedroom, bath hnma with wall to wall SAMIB CB far cash. 3 2 baths, carpet, drps, fence I ILOGSAWIN'ROOMS na way of tavlnf there ere 4 Irms, this lovely desert poms extra large view lot In beau.
ful Sherwood Estates. BullMns, frlgerataoVLIfetima roof. Seller ixleus. Attractive flnanetn or 111 consider trade. Asking price ir below replscamenf cost.
Br. 1 bath ant. has eetyminjt LE OR DOUBLg CAR FHA LOAN: HoapL room Cjo Good Same rite oi WH 5474 carpeting. Electric, kitchen. This LPPLEGERJ patio, wove in today, no auaiirv-i Ing, no closing costs.
$300 down-pick PAYMENTS ParfeeTloca1 iirnUhaH. OWNER. "Wffl MonmV pi home features a distinctive den with paneled wall and beamed celling with slldlno olass door landlna to a GEORGIA BOUND Anxious sra these owners-newty redecorated A carpeted 3 BR with loe. fenced yard A cov. patio, located 3644 E.
Plead Illy. Call on this ona! DICK SEARLES Realty JUt T. BAILEY, RLTY. tlon. Ona bedroom.
Pool. Real buy. UP keys at Washington Investment 3824 E. Indian Sch. Rd.
or call 2A4.AAM. menri si usi. conrracr rj Cash, CR7-1B7S, GREAT WESTERN LAND WOsborn sulte 110 ZONED "FOR 5 Af PES OPF FNTRAL UTIL. ON PROPERTY PRICED TO SELL 79 ON, I TO 10 YRS. ON GANZER REALTY YE 7-7169 3-bedrbom hom*o, rugu drapes, large carport.
13222 Nortli isth Plaea, off N6 three bedroom, two spacious covered patio and lovely landscaped yard with many trees and 118 VALUB "HMjtv'ilo PAMILVI 32-Suburban JT Scottsdale Paradise Valley Area vqout-Eaiat New hom*o, on oyer. a-oornt) storage lovely a separate woritsnop or exire age room. Existing Qh loan maVg braflnanced. S70S Wast! a separate workshop, or extra mi na. nam.
parriaity fenced. Landscaped. $11,25. $373 down. $91 monthly.
CLOSE to school, four bedroom. Pad lot. Full- SO Rd1r WH ionth. Allied Buyers AMvM, ew or Luke. ii ues.
lawn, vain vaiuaDia snrubs LOW down, no qualifying, staggs- 944-7f24. nd ilmiiarliM nlanta ataaa ate WH 5-743 EVE, BR 5-SUS-'-. SZ5Q down. SA4 mantn inei every. underground carnatari $15,500 or lease, scottsdale area.
diit tnre Bedroom, two bath, vanities. Drapes. Cooler. Corner sprinkler system. Fully ur loe' tot Natural flnfih REAL COMFORT Real nice.
Immediate possession. 425 PHPHtrt hloolne ALL! Phil hl IptPB bissT-v. latywni mahogany, cabinets and Meters In, ready to build. Close--m school. Terms.
HERB SCHMITT Mng. Nice birm. 421 N. 31st ftlodBuy orA1501l By Owner. Priced oalow FHA ap-iraisal.
$500 down or cash to ex-sting a1. VA mortaaae. Corner trim, kitchen wranaa- Aii-eiectric Metric 3 Barm, tamiiv rm, retrip a snop, rnv natiA Evrallant flnanrlna ava 1- east fierce atreer. wm -uu, WH7774. S40IEAS'T Hollv.
Bv owner. Avail RLTY. 334 E. Dun ao. oven, air -conoirioneq.
Tor year Irnmaculata Bdrm Heme, Bootm-tut view Camalback Mt. Ww car around comfort. Excellent location IT able. Immediate possession. Sacrifice at $11,500, 420 W.
Coronado MOON VALLEY Built around the Moon Valley Country Club end Its celebrated golf course, already famed Nationwide as a haven of relaxed living, where you can actually hear the peaceful silence of this indescribably lovely area, with all underground utilities, water, city sewers, gas, sidewalks, paved and Curved streets, all in and paid for. See th luxurious custom-designed homes. Including th fabulous "LANAI" priced at lust $27,000 complete. Including non-fairway lot. Or vou may select the lot of your choice now.
and have vour own Builder build lo your Individual plans at a later date. "Excellent financing available for lots and homes," able Immediately, Three bedroom, citrus lot, refrigerated. Three bed naa ar shopplna rka. enlf. Act now This la nrlrad BUSINESS 4 APT LOTS 7HJ pet, drapes, renceg rear yarn, meny, many extras.
Try with 11,000 na oatns, carpets, orapes, garage, fence, assume FHA loan. $1000 down. room, 13a bath, built-lns. Close to schools and Chris-Town. Wl 3-5572.
dn. to new pha. Let us snow you, lar Realty BRS-2077, WH124l arv- lo seii quiwiy or iust nome. mraa oraroom. N.
3rd St. Priced to sell. For ill "Trim" Trimble. 946-9090. 3 2 bath.
19th Ave. $750 Eves, ap s-yaoo. illy room. 14 bath. Re ndian; Si its vaia avth Ave.
A School Rd. Phono 272-0431. dn. Bal. $115 mo.
Broker AM 4-3533, frigerated. Carpeted and drapes. KELLOGG REALTY AL 4-2TJS DRTVE BY CALL C4 -374 B. CLAR eTIBon NDED BR1CKLIFETIME ROOF smelback view, see this choice 3 hvtrm. 1 hath.
Widow must set PARK CENTRAL INVESTMENT CORP. I LL SE LL FOR EQUJJYJ.JU ALLIED In cltrusbv wh 3-5037. 503 West Almaris DESERT ESTATES ALTA VISTA 8 REALTY eve. 2b65W 244-2252 111 W. OSBORN Furnished, block, newly decorated, UNIQUE BEAUTIFUL 3 4 BDRM.
HOMES VETS NO MONEY DOWN LOWEST FHA TERMS "TRADE IN YOUR HOME" PLAN AVAILABLE $16,495 to $18,400 3 BR-2 BA-FAM. Jl a nmw hnma In lovely area. Beaut or, bv tnsrae utility room couto be 4th br; fenced back yard, barbe JOIN THE CARAVAN DEISE A DEISE CONTEMPORARY HOMES 64th St. Choi I a SUNKEN LIVING ROOM cue ph. tiose to scnoois and bus.
733 E. GRANADA dscaplng. patios wArcadla irs. Prfee includes ww cpt. va, refrigerator.
Owner must sell (12,950 Total. Sun. Eves. Wl 3-4295. APARTMENT LOTS with Income.
75 to 300'- available on 2nd St. between Purl A Catallna Park Cen-tral area. Call Chris Contes or Bill Petrlek YE 9-1121 or Wl 3-TM1). RUSS LYON REALTY CQ. COMMERCIAL A INVESTM'T DIV 3151 N.
CENTRAL CR 9-9551 DOWN A MINISTER'S HOME Must qualify for new FHA. This home Is In perfect condition. fieautlfully redecorated 3 bdrm, 14 bath, part ww carpet, drapes, curtains. Arcadia door, fence. Sewer In A paid.
Wl 4-5750 or Wl 4-4224, $1000DOWN-NW 4 BDRM LEXINGTON WEST ON CAMELBACK ROAD bride. Wl nw mcuitii artAlLY FHA appraisal. ASKing sii, action. Only SS500 with pood terms AM 4-2121, Oz Realty, rifle buy PARK CENTRAL INVESTMENT CORP. OPFM DAILY IT AIUL-4 PM 1-mlle South of McDowell on Scottsdale Road PHONE WH 4-9451 3 rHREE -BatfiT Wwtt nn Shea Rlvd.
rnm ScntK- A beautiful home In the heart of Paradise Valley. 4 tremendous bedrooms, master bedroom plus an 18x14 family room. Deep piled car-pets thruout, custom made drapes, formal sunken living mm. arnhAueff wallpaper In rloWed Iff S12-7I0. dale Rd.
to 54tb St. Follow our fence. UAUJ2 w. Osbora Open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
ranm. wo yean signs. ble carport. Pence- Built Ott-N owner. oven.
Many extras, oral PULL. ACRE LOTS WITH HORSE enclosed yard. llvln room and foyer, double GOlF COTTRSf RIVILbbtS Beautiful ww carpet, drapes. CR7-Q2a. NS TWO BEDI 3 A 4 BEDROOM N.
49nf Streaf. Completely rnlshed Twd bedroom, dishes A icn Inefudsd. Nice citrus yard, Just 11 minutes north of Camelback Road, off tha 7th Street thru-way. Phone 942-1240 fence. This home.
Is In barfi perfect sinks In eacn of me 4 pern air mmsltlan Individually VILLAOtMeadtiw. Three be 'aright aht One lot. Oxl33 on TCHENI Encanto 04t move snape. no Tn sjesuf LL cLcCT RH tAGNIFTCENT room, yaz-ass. take Avar orasenf FHA at course 19th Ave.
A MOUf olneered for the home. Extras AIM VIEW it Virginia. i nraran vne KHimi am. mrm Include the washer dryer, re your terms. NHtARD LJr I fc KM $105 mo.
(no 2nd mtoe. to pav.) Built-in range A van, etc. (dated. Rulel atraat, naar ovary HOLCOMB REALTY CLOSE OUT SALE T0fhHmARlARY MODEL HOMES PRICED IN MID 'A ONLY $150 DOWN Wl 4-5750. frigerator, permanent water softner.
25x20 living room, a full II, arras. 9 car carport. ealda Hi dTstrlef, Ifihj hom*o Is complete wltti wv carpeting, draperies, stove A rofrhi, aeporate work shop, fenced yard and other Na oualmlng-No closing costs 4A47M AL RASOR, Realtor 2300 N. Central ALSSiM NICE" NE RESIDENTIAL LOTV-w ,1220 ExC. duplex lot $2500.
BeautW.S Built te the owner's apeelfl. RENO PAYNE, REALTOR 5522 W. WELDON ffearuras. RUSS LYON REALTY CO. CR 9-4134 190 B- Camelback cations.
Shake roof, aluminum sash. Priced In the low 3300 N. Central Rm 225 CR. 7-5491 (S. of Ino.
Sch, Rd. oft N. 55th Dr.) 2 BDRM 1 bam. ranae. refrlaeratnr.
PARADISP vai 1 bv vt fultourpiexiot.jLm beautiful 2acre lots. $29.50 monthly. automatlB washer, eonlar fenced VSt E. AAitf; rs. ED POST REALTY roiier t-KT-yaue.
ard, vacatTf-mova nam in I mvastor $1,000 DOWN OPEN 2-5 BY OWNER TRIPLE St. nw naul iirrtk rahlaata- Arcadia. Hnar BEST BUYl SSS NORTH SCOTTSDALE RO. DRIVE BY "41d8 E. MITCHELL lea the over popular I.
Bdrm, 1 feb'PyW it ti 4.400 with easy terms Uwwn by Appolnhnenf. ylslon. Norm lamp three. Owner. screiedpatlo.
Lo. car. lot. Offer versatile. 967-3924 Pulty LsnHseaoed Color Coordinated with BaautlTuT Carpeting and Draoes EARLY DELIVERY PARK SCOTTSDALE Granite Reed Road WHitney 6-4231 Sao owner.
3 bdrms, 1 baths. Loa. Ilnht frnntn-raar Itsr. rm. Radiant UOO dn S11XO0 tot.
can oi IfSoSrK the spacious upstair arai upstair area -7AcTres7iv ran rilvlHa buys this 4 BR, bath brick normv 40 dan, refrlsarated, 2-car gar4 enclosed patio, lifetime roof. Close to Chris-Town, buses A.schl, Ral pha In auallflad buyer. OP HAT REALTY near. Beige nyion carper, use iano- MULTIPLE LOT tH Phoenix Country Club srea. toned for units PLUS laroe lot for st home.
A real VALUE In a erlma develoomeht area. CLEVENGER REALTY N. Central at Thnmas Rd. CR 9-5505 Ban. I irmi.
-va i Into an. 1 redwood fence, Front scaped yard, st. rm. ramnv rat. ouaai mt 1 -I DM.
BAL S45 MO other bdi hobby rn lobby rm, A rear Banna. sauuu oown BarXT ALPHA A550v-IATt3 ate. Loaded with money- RANCHQ Ag.AWg AU.4j0J5 ii.nris, fn zr.iit Zwlimm. fntal electric or nouae. sunaoie.
tot otisiness suitable $45.90 mo, Pius tax A savin, extras i Private patio; slid. bldg. Zoned C-2. On Srand Ave, OWNER DESPERATE1 schoolA stores, trans. 5ALT0RS al 944-4503 One Mile N.
of Indian School Rd. sn si. i oim sn.suu. i a i ass floors i lusn Honrai ish Jandscaplng 'Inkllna system: Butler home, Scottsdale. Ownei vyittJJS2 fransferrid.
Demon. 1455 MagnolH Blossom Lane. San Jose, California, wlfl loa w. oax underground aprii Sellwell Realty, 2001 W. Hadlay, ui tavi rh hi iv a Faulty In New ranaeawani tlla flrmra hn built-in MODELS OPEN 10 AM TO PM BDRM71.
PAPAGO or Phono 249-0159, Bedroom Home, BuiiMns. br DELUXE HORSE SETUP LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY oio. lor near inc uoim WHILE THEY LAST loir courso. iis.ays. Hurry BT uwritu Model 3 bdrm.
home, coordinated IVi ACRES CUSTOM HOME ai lot more could be expected for ch fire refrlo'd bonded, brick mo for $14,500 wfned yard, ear- 1 Mrm trm MnHiar-lrMaWT nis. one will go marvva a We have a few choice residential- rfranaa A carpetlna. Under 10 Ac. Pinnacle Peak Rd. Sec.
Cor. Low down-long time EZ terms. Call A Indian School gaairy. asm Ave. Rd.
Phono 27M431. va. 4.00O. Cal for aop f. Terms.
Taz-oevo, CAMELBACK VIEW A Lovely wall appointed lefM scaping with mere, built-in aomfert than you can Imagine REALISTICALLY PRICED tn the low iWs this boors looking Into. "Trim" Tr mole for details. LEASE WITH OPTION TO BUY 7848 N. 33rd Drive Met Itvlnt). Paved St A curbs, Ige HALLCRAFT three bedroom, 114 pts lett in beautiful nortmcrejt-' iuBDlVISiON-comptrteiv developed lth pavlno.
sidewalks, etc. 1 EARL STOWE, Realtor ISELLOGQ REALTY AL 42154 276 Or 80M DE rJ7Sffl -Pd RCrf Can be bougM on 30 yr pha or ram harv Mm mte. bath. Family room, bullt-lns, drapes, fenced. $11,500.
VA mortgage bal-. $300 UNDER FHA APPRAISAL Bonded brick 1 baths, large fam, room, sop. workshop. New home. Steal this for 34,000 W' Dn.
Pav A Swalk. Good area. So, side. ance, $10,200. Payments $101 month.
rugs, drapes, mas-lush landscaping. 4UNDERBIRD RLTY BR -I 41 E. nnrv fanre. JIM Central. SEVERAL araa IraTISr iots In JIMMY KgRSH RLtY BR.
4-2471 Cnrlnlrler svlt.m. an attractive Chris viui br erot. So. Mtn. Helohts, $7500, witnin wanting to fowni bus at corner for.
Ci walking to tot UWNCK maa.C ur-rt BR, 2 ba, fam rm, drapes, car- VOO $63 L.moBTOker.BR442.! Washlnoton trreoe HI, FHA Ml Owner scnooi a. THURSDAY SPECIAL pen 1-5 Pool 311? CHEERY LYNN 0OL 15x30 PATIO PfNCB, aoaralsM Aimosi u' A It for I14J00) SPECULATIVE) 5 acres Is mllei i -ll Dn. Slra. Cactus, 1 3220 Cave Creek Road. -Pfione 943-6l.
Agent. 56,000 SO. FT. APT SITE Wide frontage on 7th Avo. nr.
rtK, Central. PALMS REALTY CO. 'CR piCTuresoue. custom a xina sue bdrms. 3 deluxe baths, and family room home.
Lovely paneled living rm. with beamed ceiling and huge brick fireplace, spacious kitchen with beautiful cabinets, and built-in oven, ranpe dishwasher, disposal. Soma of th extras Included ere: Intercom, 5 ton of refrigeration, gas hot water hooter, precleltron (air purifier), double carport shaka roof, all cedar lined double closets, large covered patio, 3700 so. ft, deluxe 3 stall horse stables built of pumice block, horse corrals. This hom*o Is ontv one vear old and Is situated among the finest homes In Paradise Valley.
Priced at only $39,500 with eod terms, Tony RIMSZA Realty cul-de-sac. 3 bdrm. 2 baths, famrm. all alec refrla. $200 per mo.
Full payment to aeohf against purchase price. $24,500. AMERICAN BUILDERS YB74721 prj. 950 Low dn. Nr sew.
Also. New aommlt will take $14000. 17171 CAJLJl.A-AtkLI. mam. u.svo.
CLOCK 2'i ACRES DeeTValfav. af Adobe, near, h'flhway, terms. AM 5-9Q45, bpipu na iitu raopp ii. 4-Suburban C-2 LOT 145' 150' NE off 7th ROCKLAND RLTY 1800 N. Wh.Ave 1U4XT BVB.
CR 7454 MELBACK-STrfTrHBRESA AREA mures D0A1TV 444.9111 A Maryland. Aoent AM 5517 SB 5 DN. BAL. S43 MU, Tampa, Mesa, Chandler Area CLEAN 2-bedroom. Excl.
close In butlness Br house suitable for GOLF? UNDER PR ICED pad room, location, $532 N. Uth Ava Priced to $300 DH, 7300 full Price, SSS mo. bldg. Toned C-2. On Brand.
Ave. .1 churches, shop- ith. Near schools, ng, transpcrtatlon. I Setsdle Ctrv. Club 1 Ac res.
letr WH kM" Broker Eve. WH 4-JTld. ealfy. or. orapes, Ash St, Total lata of aartras.
spacious. oral oeiiweii $1500. Sellwel wt 4-3M1 leetv Landscaped. Closa to every UNDER THE HAMMER A "MUST SELL" sltuatlonl This luxurious Contemporary home on the south slope of Camelbak Mtn. Is aolno to ba sold far, far below actual replacement value.
A most attractive and desirable floor plan featuring 4 family B.Rma. plus maid's qtrs. 3 baths. Atfractlv family room with burnt adobe fireplace. Fully equipped, plec kitchen and large breakfast area.
Hug a'aee-walled Hying room with spectacular views of Camelback Mtn. Exterior la don In burnt adobe trtn mad In board A bats. Per fectly situated an a gorgeous one acre view lot. Now ask-Ing $59,500 most of tha surroundina home era valued from $10000 to $30,000 higher. Evas, call AM a-7350.
RUSS LYON REALTY CO. CR 9-41 34 1904 B. CAMELBACK NIC CAMELBACK Foothills. SoutheajT. Ob a 'wtiiararn thlna.
J-2 REALTY. AM 4-0251. corner Street end MontebeUO. Bast offer Fenced. Refrigeration.
I Fenced. Refrigeration. 45-Lots Far Sale ithony Home Rood. ftkesAPs-so, NO QUALIrilNLp 13x130. Owner $6500.
wm LOT773 Why Worry Lane. Will build your plans or ours. FEATURES GALORE 1 1 Attradlve 1 bdrm. dan largo fanVrtn, formal dlnmsi area with oil aloe, kitchen mcTudlmt dlshwoahar A disposal, Fenced yard with paths. DELUXE MeCfJNNELL SWIMMINO POOL, Plrepleco I In me llv.
rnw-Sno price a mere CAUL NOW OONT BsrOISAPPOlNTBO. DESERT DOLL Overlook Ina th atty It fhta lovely 2 bdrm. lefrkterated custom built enarmer. Matura desert orawrth, Ww carpets, custom drapes. A NATURAL FOR RETIREMENT WOWl now only $11,300 This new listing will sail, fast CALL HOW.
EASTHOME REALTY CR 7-7447 SiTH ST. A CAMPBELL EVES. WH A4230 4517 7tfiSt AM4-18S1 ey 94fcS220 F5R A HORSE ANCIER ONa your family a raal treat buy CLEAR WATER HILLS MOTHER-TAKc A LOOM THIS IS "PR YOU aairxaii MB hnma IN TEMPE OVER 100 POLLEY ANN HOMES VA NOTHING DOWN HA As Low As $350 Dn. niiirv npinN Shields, Builder, Wl 41353. Vmi ran have thle haautlful 3 BR, Lovely view lot by owner.
Call Buy Rka rant. Mova In today IS BR, 2 be, ww llvlnB rm A hall. Fenced W- Crry Lynn, tms a Br, 3 nam nemo on ac. witn 'a, refrliarated A aft mo extra. ba.
refrigerated, built-in and WH6-7419 before tim or atter 4 pm. Beautiful ac nr Paradise Valley Will build to suit. BuilderWH J-JAtfc' heairtlfullv landscaped. Immed. BOSS, utTjrealtY tMi meweaii49y't No qualifying, no closing 1 axe REPOSSESSED! NO DWNl 342 EartCamphaiL.
ToTNifNTrVtractlyo, to- ymnts ano mots in and movi Mr AS-tie JUIMt HON TRAILER LOT ALL UTILITIES INCLUDING NATURAL GAS ONLY Ml. OFF HWY, up 2 back pymnts Hav rwnar-lnvattor. 264-A887. Na small No closing costal Make 1 Rafrloerated idroom, two baths. CanrM iVfenonnM.
0 Will baths. $9 ml IAS BDRMS. A FAMILY ROOMS Adlaeent to New Vs Million Dollar Refrigerated Grade School 47-income For Saks REALJY. hitxm $6000 DOWN -e Arcadia and PRICFO LOW pmnt. today, tomorrow you move In this lovely hom*o.
3 br 2 belh.l bullt-lns, fsm. Pstlo, fane A Wincneii nv.n. $145, 4UOk list mrmeo. occugarixr.jJ!aipvuSL,l FOP QUICK SAL with Kindergarten. Your choke th'er ITerrt A LAW 'aKta'taSi-B 'l at 9t IfflUhas Jit DBf- garage, vwner-inveaior nn -1-, of Contemporary or Modem ca ANXIOUS TO GO Owners want to fall this weak I Homa Is absolutely tmmeculate, lovely carpets A draperies, Ige.
formal patio lust off beautiful LR, family rm. A comp. matching equipment In kitchen. Arcedia High. Price tn upper mld-30's.
A REAL JEWEL. To mova In today, A JV8 mo, BR lchierAJWi. ILLsel my $7250 eSulty In 4-ZBOI Ian prices from S10.SW to Eva. WH 54)974. BUY LIKE RENT $12,09.
10 Blks. W. Of HI School- BERT SPEAR Realty la unir motel llv. irrs. rrm'n narr Slose In.
Good gross. Owner pen to offer. NEW 34 SP TRAILER CRT N. of Broadwav-on Priest N. of alad house and oaraae, corner 1 5th Cnmm-lnd Aot.
sites-Desert Larsd 2 Blks. Rd. IMPOSING DESIGN (54th St.) Model Open Dally (54th St.) Avenue, Culver, Phono AP 1-7653 No oual, fnova right tnl BR, 1 ba, fam m. hlt.hsa See at 4221 W. 4324 7th Av.
CR Jjm in a m. ta In fast growing area. Property- TWO bedroom Good condl Owner. than can 36430. uwner- 3 cno re snutn pn.
lots c. neighborhood. Reason- TIRED OF BIG PMTS? Clei Irs alone worth most asking price, Some trade a'ter low dn. Call Fis- tlon, ulet ably priced, rokota. Ellis Suggs Const.
Co. MODEL PHONE WO7-00S1 This ajyurlotnJ, BR home Is ItVe on exotic lewel hi desert setting with mountain views from overy anola. All soaclous, rooms beautl- A fttnCt VOlV AM0'1Z224 I4Z BUI lites Sedone priced below eompar-ablat. Phoenix Mtg. Co.
AL 2 543 T. D. LYNCH Realty riaais 9 hr.luit tioo mo. ari4Anssn 2 xlnt. carpeting, drapes, custom built.
Sun View c.1 dhi a. inn dn Mova 'In today. I of. newly oWatoJ, W. 1st Ave.
Scottsdale Fully carpeted A draped-fencad lot Vacant 9 2532 W. Lane-Must be i seen MATTINGLY REALTY 2771 Ind, Sch, WI42H CR7-ts. Trailer court, 20 space a Garaaa planned. All the extras lhat make Mratortahia llvlno. In an area WH 6-4294 worVshop'.
All fenced. Just! i at. onar SSOB dn. S1(M50 dun'ax. Room tor 10 more.
Gofld ef. oen live homes A real value no ouai. Bia oVtomtortaoie tot. You'll Give A Lion's Roar Of Approval pnre A terms. Fillmore Peeity- 5-tf7t Scottsdale Country Club TOP HAT REALTY rick ba, fam rm.
Plrepleee, carport, ww carpets A. drapes. dbtT bafov below 3519 24ft iWdTI In mid-twenties I CLEVENGER REALTY N. Central at Thomas Rd. CR 9-5505 Ranch stylo family rm.
Built-in ranoe A avan. rflh- app. will trade will Traoe Wl rn 10 MISSOURI AVE. FURN $49 NEW two bedn Beauty on The Block A very areelous custom homa with ALL the refinements for comfortable llvlne. An acre of privacy In citrus, convenient to Hool school.
Owner must leave A offers excellent financing for a qualltledbuv- pop home and make your offer Eves call WH $-1007 TOM JACKSON and Inc. 7000 E. Camelback WH 6-5324 AM eves WET KUITi washer, blender, large rooms. Front ZSkJ9HJHXl Option to Buy BEAUTIFUL DUTCH VILLAGE 3 BedR, yt baths A family R. Built-in OAR.
Covered patio Comer lot. An exceptional buy for $14500. will leas for $150 a mo. with $50 to apply to purchase or $2500 down cash to 1st mortgage. Call toaey.
ANTHONY REALTY LOW INf. $10,000 HOOD Mrj" Inrallon. high' on hill room facing golf course. Let show you this lovely home. When you view the MARILYN ANN HOMES BUILT BY SIESTA.
The lowest ta rate In the Valley, plus so many nice features you eeect In a homa 24-Phcsnix I BR, turn. Prleplaco, swim- KEEFE REALTY CO. PorSata nsa' M.iaa awl. sfiayr ajnaflua aa. pricea 455 N.
Scotttdalo Rd. 944,4279 a McDowell, W. of CentraD below whit you would expect If you're look Ing. for sornethlns special at no extra charge, come out today, 14th St. A Hardy, WO 7-9111.
caii wtmiYi Cg.Twl11 PvO. AM 5-5140 R-5 ZONING APARTMENT OR DOCTOR LOCATION This la Ideal for doctor' nf- Iic-ae er soertments. Two bg ots located et 74th Street and Cambridge near Thnmas Poed. across from Green Gabies Bowling Alley. Approximately an.Ono so.
ft 2a3' on Cambridge A 24' near 24th Street, This property has been valued lor $25,000 Must sell at Once for only $15,750 Total Price (THIS IS A STEAL) Call Flamingo Furniture 202 East Adams, AL SO? WHAT ELSE IS NEW? WalktoHeard-WestHI 26-Phoenlx Tu antra I Araa SUNGOLD BY ROSING" INCOME. WI3J03, AFTER 1 ALL SIZE TRAILER Joe Maftinjly JBity BRJJ2.1. TOP RENTAL AREA CUSTOM APLEX In vicinity of th Ave. A Indian school All bdrm, loj bath, iterated ww carpets A dreoes, built-in disposers, tors One aof. completely furnished.
Income over $700 mo. Seperete rer- ports A patios. landscap-. inq. Owner transferred, will accept, gnod panar fnr pert of eouity, TOM BARRETT REALTY.
Phoh fR9 571! Brtna offer an. this Mrm. plus VA-NO DOWN UNDON HOMES homa. Carpeting A Aim Panrad. den, lvs nam non drapos, Partially ith This Isl This 2 bath, family room home Is COM "FOR sale or bed-room, 14j bath, family room.
Car- Only $490, FHA termA Priced NB Comer of Priest Rd. A W. thY la unit. RUSTIC 'NRANCHY A board ftottan' old brick beauty ht Blltmor Heights i brms plus den, 2 baths-farm style kitchen with old brick 6BQ and all the shaped pool just off a lovely covered patio lush landscaplno with loads ef citrus available PUR- ISHED If you desire. The ifatandln buy In this neighborhood.
Call JO A REIMERS for further Infor. mation 24 hours dally TOM MAXWELL REALTY WH 5-2691 Combtata below appraisal. In good son. ano arapea. vwnr lot.
East Culver. Four blocks! PLETELY FURNISHED St only $17,100. New on the market, It boasts a loaded kitchen, oistom Fenced ysro. renceq.revr rero, MPUXJitLTYwWOMf04 a. as tic Circle cooler, OB dlspoael, Irom Motorola.
monthly by the year. Phona 947-2700 draperies, and sheer a nod looks. ditlsn. Vacant, See today. VIldaliCR7-241 MOSIER REALTY C-E range A even, floor tiled fhruovt, Pufrad walls wslum keof aider home.
Walking American WELL- foil back dry wall ansutsiv an HBRMAN RLTY, ma. time to everytnin your near? desires. Let's bear from you todayl AAV TAVI ft Baaltw distance town. WfiT make someone good Investment or borne. 422 North 1309 N.
19th Ave. AM 44403 9 apts; 'wr. Su.Raitv2nd-sLv.k. Standard) plumbing fixtures, copper plumbing thru Out, 4t 5 ACRES IRRIGATED One of tha last remslnln larga sites with Its awn Irrigation. I bed ream, master bad-room 15x20, 24x34 tremendous, beautiful baths, .1 fireplaces, llvln reom 23V14 with cathedral catllna, center Hal seatae tiaatr.
tro venue, vXLr'JiwPt-P'iF'i-- STRTE: Baalfara soa ImMI.I. (We will work with any broker a realtor in Phoenix.) 3 BEDROOM, aftWU, su sown. Agent, ALj-e27. Bus. WHS4419 feves.
WH $-H33 it a) eae eee multiple kistina oervic ST. FRANCIS eee eae NO DOWN PAYMENT TOO PINANONO NO VA ar PHA QUALIPYIN4) ELN AN VILLAGE a tile entry, menw pain Open House 1-5 OPEN 1 TO I landscaped aardens. taylO yr. fuorsntoa. No Atj.
tres sra needed ta Sv SS SUNGOLD HOMES. I A BR-, 1A BATHS' VA 4. FHA $12,875 i Up beautiful I emr BR brick homa, custom built, axtra Ige. LR, OR, bdrms. Elaborate kit--nan uvw est thruout.
Dbl. let. 4219E.PINCHOT carport, I comptota Pgealbillty ei auasf hxaTisa. lomea. Drastically Reduced I LIPD I BDRM.
14 BATH CltruA Fence. Owner teevlne- ailing off 1 nomesn-es. SURE TO PLEASE Oversized Quality Apts, $45,600 Yr. lease $275,000 AvA-Va ML W. al uth Is! TAVAN ORADH SCH I well below th mar NEWLY PAINTED INSIDE i OUT P.raffiest rafrtoerefed Allied home, a'' carpeted A draped 3 BRj i befhs.
terrific Family Room, Cov Trailer Lots For Sale Adults Only tverythlo ready for your hook, up City sewers, paved streets A curhs, sat A e'ec, yvhy pay rent' Buy for less In beautiful MOBIL HO Peredise va'ley sattin. i.5) mn north of Sen d. on Cave Creek Rd, wl i 0470551 $72.50 MONTH Incl. Tares. tnt Insurance 3 4 2 Baths $10,198 to $12,892 VfTS NO DOWN NON-VETS $171 DOWN quldt possession.
Call for eppt. M. JAMES Raalty JJI4 N. 7th Jkve. CR 471 "HAS EVERYTHING aiioaaiaiNai PPICFO tlONECRJEALTTJaAWll QUIET, COMFORTABlf 7500 N.
35 Ave. YE7-1041 Terrific E. location. Lar, iT22B CLEVENGER REALTY Th home with tha custom look. Just minute away from Schools, Churches, Shopplna, Door Valley.
2-3-4 BR-2 Ba.Fm. Rm. ket. Built ef dureblo adoba. Call Canst Clark tor appoint-fnant ta see.
ED POST REALTY IM NORTH SCOTTSDALE RO. WHitney 6-4231 Hunt by Amen can ra- i trlearafed 3 ttrwrtut sirs Bdrms, Far anlv $12,500 you can have awtm- 451 N. Scottsdale Rd. Scomyfalg TirxnrwxTBs: dan with Arcadia doors araa satin. On a citrus lot A I pool, workshop, rumpus room 1 liln-i Tarma aa flexlhlO VOU CI27' "Nice view.
PoWilns' WH 5-2683 rjswilt aslh.AL ALMA ESTATES can almost name vour own. win take Improvements In A paid Priced at less thad replacement costs Just no. bejt kltt. a-7f' ri ACES. iontng T.OW erk-e.
REPOS5E55ION 4h Drlva S. Alms school A W. bested pool. 4 units furmshe. Ail ar carpeted, draped et; hav prive'e patios Ail ami over torn) so t.
Owner ewer' e'S has BR and bams, Submit riaar trade Call fhana, Searea DON WOODS REALTY- 1144 CI NTOAL AVI. CR 7-4811 -sun a ives. cr 4403 Also JOO" Black Can0" frorlaoa 4-1422 MESA wei HEYWOOD REALTY AM e44Sl aft lam St. ALPHA ASSOCIATES $216 Down, $65.09 Mo. Betfi rios h.
Owner ye 9 097: AAO' residential clt'US lot eond mt, iar mooes cer, pert payment. Eva CR 7-5409. BOYD JOHNSON, Realtor ALSA444 1447 eMcJidiwalJ THrbroomrfwe baths; EaastAPaks. II As Ia4Mb Si I II 11 REALTORS 7 N.4lmjt e. near kaibtb School AM ft24 ny room, tence Eva, BRS-2S72 4tVftn 443 ftarfraiA WILL trade eoultv In R-ITM $30,000 LOAN AVAILABLE 4k ft ry-tTrer-Beti.
OVsTBLoOk Must sell, sacrifice, mo Hke, reaflv wnr nave nnmant IWW-. rjjohly -taeWjt, A TUBtl "tatdVooma. refrloerstlnn. ere' apia Have Subordination WH 4-4I92 ns. tvrnii rencea.
iui on. aaa monm ai. 0rnWni ParSatS fasgfners) Area llaatti at Braaawl trel heat. Only $400 down. Mounts 0- Vlflags.
fi ACRES Deer VeMey Only make IMMEDIATE POSSESSION isa tha to) ora wttt IOTA Vti pleas. Atlas Raeltv. Wl A' KSS'STZtT KilkvS North 4bA i cssn. ay owner, am CORNER WITH 465' loan sao.oug a nr.rsi rem, taJTI TOWN REFRIGERATED tFToTATOJT A vom muet iuuiiss. 1 aatha.
taa Aattv as Br. va ar BUY OR RENT OPTION uu a kitchen, m'w floor sill Im acres. I cer r. v-w-wa-a um. VMa Wnmm Sap, sume VA.kasAWiiy siiwo wm lew down.
AL AetJSli Evas. AMM224. Here's a dandy buy In a refn-aratad I bdrm 1 bath home In a eeslreoio west Mesa kc CoMPL I LY PURNISHtO-even Includes fenced yard A nt lendseeein at fru am buvs BR. I bam i C.utlhjHy Isrxtscefaid, many tree. Fenced around.
Immed CaMrinii I JUST A FEW LEFTI NO QUALIFYING I MOVE IN TODAY I hrn 4s eni mir e-areais veiiev. unoerprn 1ilV aaa mrrm A aalw IIUA mrm "a JohnsoQ JOTwaon. BJS BaP fnonfRs atpas paaaflaa liberel terms on bin. tinffV OIKOunr ex eatn. purcnasa price, flow f.iiianii MUMMY MT.
BEAUTY Thti setfla affords Pen, ramie tor this ma. niticent homa. Custom ae. sienea Just a veer eee 2 brms, Ti bathe In ana win another pedrm A bain Iitveted far ma4 ar avast, aeuieead k'tctveri. Hue hrln room.
Altho eoritenv Porsry deaieaM anflsua fun, risMnas swxiid lend beeu-ifuliy Whaamad eel lines A afon svorx. 19x71' covered atie far outdoor llvln Own. wnuH consider leese option te oua' tied client. Call liliian Stron for an eoet to this home. SVES CALL WH A3022 TOM JACKSON and Inc.
7000 E. Camelback WH 6-5324 CLEVENGER REALTY STOP LOOKING Beeutmn a ZEE REALTY TRUST CO no ec hoots, churches etna. You cant beat covvrariAL IUBT N. Contral at Thomas Rd. CR 9-5505 today.
INVeiTMFNT A his deaL.MBvdln KING SIZE FAMILY HOME BUIMOT. 2 3 BEDROOM HOMES Sell Or Rent With Option CONSULTANTS 474I. Waay atrw naaf flarft-rl. etty Sea this latty batb CONTEMPORARY destaned far family tun with Its pretty patio A Pool. Lara Uvtn room for antertalnin plus dan with fireplace.
Only ca'aprt, ar0 llvln room with aaawtlrwl flrwiea me dinin aree, ranch styled, foraes Brmlrtd and. larga bonus of a filtered ewlm-mina ami, An axtra I'A aces ar available far a Mttia ED POST REALTY SSS NORTH SCOTTSOAt RO. WHitney 6-4231 114 Camelback II Mr. WlidM fOJll. A.
II. a A.rtS Cua asaa an. BEAR REALTY AM.ABM4 t6 $ETtLE F.STATE" Muet ssfl fhre Norm. 1H earn Masonry construction. Excel, condl 7th ST.
NEAR MISSOURI Open House 1-5 3 3002 MITCHELL ml I luee'at Hn 41144. CLEVENGER REALTY N. Centra! ef Thomas Rd. WH 5-2688 Wl 7t5J ot ifv tlon. Desirable location, FHA com- MPRIOERATEO- BDRM.4 BATMS $76 MONTH MEREDITH HOMES 1434 S.
im AvA (Just N. at Southern Ave I BR 6-8820 past In fh Valley ecres of A I id Every room of tht aa. ft. eir-conditianed hem has been given fenereus measurements. I specious bdrms 1 bams, suma.
fuous livm roam by fireplace. Invitingly lersa kitchen wth refrigerator, built-in range A disposal, Pius beautiful CfTt A d'aees, revered patie. Fenced heck yard AM this In ana dlthM aar.keg awaiting your turning Ideal wt 14047. NO Qualifying. for apartmam.
rentar nr reom, family room, two aatn. Bunt- Currn. WH sell an GOOD BUY Call Bill Ins. $11,100 total, Draoas and coolsr. rrcicsuRi ties mm Bat laae 9han rantl Raffle reel, arapes ihtosiw fViele eArori ran avan 3 BDfiMSTKt.
S11.n TOTAL ataaausa lamp urlad. CsrnaP lot. $900 eeuity, $-4492. or part, amj, Peri'k (Sun A Wl A Ivet. MESA TOVN Mlway Irantaae 1971 I1A4' 4 isV mo'ei attractive real see erh-a hin.
N4! new. i. "oo an.nt i ter -eansien of mnel ne) an ire bid. Priced Irt 3700 001), Inc'ades Katl known Pfa! tsta'a etc.
gna ad Oeiette. Mesa. BDRM tsemo IVt bomtevlnt tncetfon. near fransportaf'on, helle A Public NtyVT 3 bdf rm, j-barn with iwi- Wm A YT ET9Cwn youf frh MlNsS.POOU Pfrvate $7441 AT Wl $-4192. tsmett doiena luxury fei or att RUSS LYON REALTY CO.
i a nnm, pan mn no on. snrmr. KOTTSOALI Immediata fywewnJ ey. Vacant. Na auanfyrse.
$VO Mai prk-a. im dn. Bac area. Call Lais na. draoas, air com l.
Car-ati Atgclas, Am-lrr- lenwond fancas Akimfaum eovaredi Lo and ahrvbs. Ownar BnslOV. ftoad Naar Wl Avf. A Joeaar Call srasa. days ta A WO A3431 Mas aHAKrtST ON BLOV.N COMMERCIAL A INVE5TMENT DlV, built-in ranee.
ovn, waik-i al storaaa rm. careorl A REAL GOOD BUTI PRiCEO to sen. "Three Taraa? lets. I furnished eaalala. Caiiasrr I'aoes Hetwev-beeuthMI Br.
bom In aciient Nk-ety i 1 vstiea CR 9-9551 tRL BUROFM Bntarerlse. Inc 'IJfc mature trass. 1 bdrm. tat be. Lovsty decor, land-putn.
drasai, im. PM. Nr. ahopJ he end oxeara. erllieBroi.i Reiltort Scottsdale WH.
4154 D. D. CASTLEBcRRY sararaona, sefktklefS. J9 prS. fTatt rmnHl area, try aaaad A eereetad.
Only I year kl. Has far sjtnity w-ro. An smmcvitg Kama that at mi ft. ms it. mm ajiari USTQMBUHDIR RfALTOB ft MUMMY MT.
VIEW HOME I ACRBS.HORtf STABLtS POOL ITSTIIDE. RaresMenfTaTri'itrrt dn. Ua-ta-awV ilXfrt Drive. low nwai. st'oo i f-FICI 9 AAA 7 PM an: MAIN.
Mass. WO 47417 i iw Luvwy 4 bam maids 4 for a br, earn i Pern Rm. anw ti.yi (ait can ba bouel TIME REALTY INC MSStintSt1lHUSSlSSt(ltl'l't Torrm view AHIed BvrsrA Aoent, 233-42 '4 iv-vtfhiy mc. Wer'4 W'ta Realty, diBsce lot In Ksibab HI, Maka.U Ind. Sch AM44944 OPAT.
i INCOME praparty. S79 I With, Aown, AM 4-1301. CRMS! 194S B. Ciraseist iVfe rAAraA AllaJO B)UTra..