The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)

'f H'MI p- "I I I I I I I "III 1 I miorntJNS ir' Republic ft Gazette sen Uh rrnvisniNGi 4I.FarmertK!46-Situa!ions 35-For Sale Mlseellaneont 35-For Sale DAYWORK k. Christian 32 Tuesday, Fob, 14, 1056 35-For Sale Miscellaneous Water Heaters $515750 YEAR UUARANTKE 10 VR fSHAR GLASS LINED WATER H1TATER mm NEW TOILETS $24.50 JOVgn Sunday 1713 Washington SI AL 8-8731 New Used Office Furn. BOUGHT SOLD EXCHANGED PES EXEC DESKS $69 50 NEW 4 UR METAL FILES $33 95 warehouse 1715 OII.VEn ST AL 3-lXlC unw i a i '39li KAN Ayr. GARDEN HOSE so "i hp AM sizes and grades, the best selection In town, the best prices and uie uesi guammces.

LUMBER CO DD Ai! REON ilfountalnequip- WATER HEATERS" 10 Year Factory Guarantee GLASS LINED $63.95 WALL HEATERS $35.00 Sate A Service 3318-18 W. Washington AL 8-3291 USED cash register! from $25. rlsry Corporation, 1014 Adams, Citron's Surplus Corner Jefferson 2nd St. AL 8-2447 AT LAST A lifetime guaranteed water aoftener. Fully automatic, no money down, free instaiiaiion.

in. quire today and save. A. Matson, A nniuoroarv UnnpialoT 11.1111 V. 1 Til Feb.

20th. 1190 Scintillator, now $290. $545 Nurlinm(4r. $400. 159.95- Counter.

Halogen Tuhe. 1110. S100 Counter, Halogen Tube, PROSPECTOR'S SUPPLY 2340 N. Central Ave. AL 2-9488 OPEN TIL 7:30 P.M.

WATER HEATERS 50 Gal. utomatle-3 yr. guar. 95 Open dally 'III 6 Thurs. 'til 9 ti't' 1312 Van Buren AL WateFHeaters $24.50 UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE 8345 E.

Washington BR 5-0317 MAYTAG-Bcndlx Service A Parts. I-aundries discounted. Terms on re- i i lH i pairs Bill Collins Service. 2003 N. SINGER hand vacuum cleaner with attachment.AM 50K87.

"DRIVEWAY granite lor sale. i PR 6-2152. i i. USKi) walk-ins: booths: table pairs: har stools; ranges: cnun tera; refrigerators; cosh registers hoods; exhaust fani; comb refr vie A aalad rase; d'shet; silver- PIANO boxes for storage, dog, or play houses. AL a-wnn.

All Maxet up I3i vn Buren Al "TYTT'vVrfiTERS poris. Gas atatlon register, cheap, heck wriler. cheap, Lge. RENTAL slock adding type- wrHers, cash registers.

BUY, SELL, RENT, REPAIR Dick's Supply 424 EJeffAI(6j TWCVeyllndM' ilr eorfiDfcssor. 'A hp. motor. Excellent condition. Snyder.

YUfl-9871. 49 PLYMOUTH, to he soldfor parts. Reasonable. 3903 West Sher man Street. AP8-92H0.

35A-Home Fl'KMMHINGS FOR tAI.E "PRIGHT" FREEZER, lfi eu. ft Amana. like new. si VI. 7o55 North 71 street-wi 3-404B.

Quitting Furniture Business Valley Furniture K04fl S. Central, directly across from Bayless Shcpplng center, selling out entire stock; nt 4(ic to 50c on the dollar, Famnua brands furniture A appliances. Liberal credit terms. Quitting Business EVERYTHING GOES AT COST Harry Hilson's Wagon Wheel Furniture Maple Provlncinl-Modern 4510 E. THOMAS ROAD Open EveryNlte'Til 9p.m.

automatic" wasHer- three months warranty left. Balance month. 054 West Camelbark. 'Til 9 Monday. Thursday.

Hotels, Motels, Apts. riuv noine furnishing! it wholesale Contract department Dorrisllev nan g-ififli AMERICA'S finest automatic washer, still In factory crates. Must sell. per month and we'll buy vnur "Id washer. Grand Ave, TvTll'RliPOOL automatic washer.

Must give up. Sell for hal. due, Payable 810 mo Set 'til 8 pm 71 a Central. SINGER eleetricblond console A-j after 4 p.m. CR 4-5215, SAVE.

SAVE SAVE ALL NEW FURNITURE WAS $200 NOW $149.95 New 7' Retries divan and club chair $120 $119 79.95 Blond set 6J 95 Innersnrina mattress box springs 8 80 Hollywood heds 811.95 5-pe. chrome dinette Jfi9.95 3 rooms ol new 38. nn 695 $49 95 Used Roner 40" gas range, good condition $44 Used Zenith washing machine $17 5U Phoenix Furniture Co. 2727 Camel bock Open Eves. 'Til 9 Sun.

10 to 3 Hardwood OccnsiohaT Chairs Aid Size Gas Ranges $19.50. 2517 Westward Blvd. AP 8-4521 Irade your old mattress on a new one. Henovatlng-1 day service. Chaise Lounge pads 83 SMITH MATTRESS CO.

2044 E. Washington AL 3-0531 USED APPLIANCE CLEARANCE Television lip wringer washers 19.95 up Automatic wasners uo Gas 6 Electric Rangt. .39 95 up Kcrngeraiois 39. 95 up Sewing Machines 19.95 up MANY TO CHOOSE FROM RECONDITION. GUARANTEED Easy Terms STAPLEY'S PHONE; ALnlne 3-2121 Appl.

Dept. open Mon. A Thur. nltes nn Ave. A Van Buren Phoenix "BARGAINS GALORE" AT THE AUCTION CITY STORE rum -Appliances-Household Items 1712 MOHAVE AL 2-6240 Thrifty Nifty Bargains Easy Splndryer 29 9r Admiral ref.

auto-defrost 17" Mercury combination 79.95 AB Apt. gas range, $19.95 21" Emerson 99.95 Crosley 7 ru. ft. refrig 50.00 17" Emerson TV wllh new Picture tuhe 89,95 FrigidHire aulo. washer 69.95 Stewart Warner refrlg 39.95 1-rlgidalre 9' refrlg $79.95 DORRIS HEYMAN APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT First Street A Adams GOOD used Maylag washers, bar gains! Ba ker' i J309 E.

Va nB.u ren ALL new InnersDrins mattress. $11.95 with your old matlress. Cash A carry. Mattress Mart, 1616 N. I6lh St.

WAREHOUSE 7 ware; Tota A pans! etc. Thousands other Items, we buy and sell new and used eoulpment. Eastburn Sup P1" Co. 1918 W. Grant St.

A1.7151H Bargain Your Lot Finished, lovely one hedroom house S2150, set on your lot. 3356 Mcdowell Two Good Used COMMERCIAL REFRIGEUATORS Norge 12 ft. Hotpoint 10 ft. Priced to lell Easy Termi. TAP LEY'S PHONE: ALnlne 3-2121 4 Appl.

Dept. open Mon. A Thur. nltes 7th Ave, A van Buren Phoenix WAWTItB Male-Frmala EXPERIENCKD canvasieri. fthree).

Steady, year em ployment, guarantee ir quaitiieo. CR 4-4871 for appointment. MAN Who Can Sell life insurance and hospitalization to act as de-parlment manager In established general Insurance agency. Lead and expense account furnished, Call AL 2-051 ri 8:30 to a p.m. a aneri -a-1 ov wall oi-oomed woman with car! Age 30-50, to work three evenings ana aaiuiu, AL 2-6194, Hto noon, fence needs men We will train you to sell the finest product of Its kind, No experience nnnii.r Villi Of Tt tltTlC.

On- tact Fred' Wright. 4814 North Cen- trill. r- "EAfiNLNGS $200 week A up, Lo-cal training slarts today, tall WOJ-41K5. SALESMEN or saleswomen, home cleaners, the hest deal In town. Onlv four sales takes home $lbB weekly.

Good future with plenty of opportunity for rapid promotion. Call In persons at 2150 East McDowell at 10 a.m.. sharp. "TRAVEL EARN Young men. 18-28.

neat, single. Free to travel entire U.S. No exp. ner. Cash drawing transp.

furn. Average $100 wkly. Mrs. Whetstlne. Luhrs Hotel, 10-12 a.m.

Don't phone. BEST DEAL For experienced eookware man. New Phoenix' office has need for 2 asst. managers If you ran quality phone, Mr. Hunt, WI 3-5285 for appointment.

"THIS IS FOR YOU Unusual high level selling position open to you, a future. Will interview Sat. Feb. 18th from 12 to 5 p.m. 1517 E.

Thomas Rdj Experienced "salesman. Apply mornings at Sequoia Fence Company. 4835 North 16th Street. FOOD "salesman to contact gro-eery trade. Age 27-35.

Salary. Car furnished. Expenses paid. Box 23-A, Republic and Gazette. MORE MONEY for aggressive Insurance Producer HBA, portfolla.

Includes Arizona's Leading Hospital Policy (Non Cam Plus Non "Can HAA Plus Old Line Life. Ideal opportunity for family man with ambition to establish a substantial career. Call San- ders. AL 8-4888 for Interview appointment. HOSPITAL BENEFIT 1ST ST.

AT WILLETTA "iTUNDREDS earn $75 to $150 weekly and up selling Sterling Silver. Bavarian China-Tuscanware Cutlery. Tremendous repeat profit. Our sales training make leads plentiful. Samples furnished.

No deliveries. Car A phone essential. Advance commission and honuj. will train three wecKly, Phone AL 3-0754 for appointment. HOSPITALIZATION.



Liberal advertising. Centrally located. OPEN REALTY 1505 E. Thnmag REAL ESTATE MEN We have a most attractive moneymaklng proposition for salesmen A brokers. Call A get our plan.

GROVE REALTY 3027 N. 16th St. CR 4-6065 HELP wanted male or female." prefer 21-30 years of age. 801 North 1st Street. WILL place three high type sales- man over 4(1 yrs.

of age in organization. With short training at our expense you should make $50 monthly. Must have car. Will Interview applicants from 10-12. 4607 North 7th Avenue.

HEALTH and accident specialty salesman. High commissions, nn competition, direct leads. CR 4-9091 for appointment. Two Ladies For The Rental Dept. We pay you 10 of the listing A 50 of rentals when It Is rented.

If you have no Real Estate license we will sponsor you to pass the exam. FREE OF CHARGE. You MUST have a car. Ask for Mr. Sobel.

NO phone Information. East West Rlty Co. Inc. Realtors 920N. 3rd St.

48-Help Wanted MALE "GROUP INSURANCE Representative Salaried career opportunity with a major life Insurance company now 12th In size among over 1000 life insurance companies. Men selected will be trained In I-os Angeles prior to reassignment: this special training program leading to executive: sale management position. Expenses paid to and from home office. College and sales experience preferred. Car required.

Call AL 4-8924 for appointment. MAN 21- 30 For manager trainee. In the loan and finance field. Must he business type person with at least a high school education. Starting salary $275 per monlh plus car allowances and em-pleye benefits.

are a new company In Phoenix and you will have an opportunity to advance rapidly with our nation-wide organization. Apply In person at Postal Finance Company, 15 S. First Street. AIRCRAFT Litchfield Park Phoenix, Arizona New Electronic Laboratory Now Being Staffed This modern laboratory Is a key part of the larger well-established and progressiva Aerophysics Department Goodyear Aircraft Corp. IN AKRON, OHIO division of the worldwide GOODYEAR TIRE A RUBBER COMPANY Position are open at all levels of experience In: Electronic System Analysis Microwave Servomechanisms Aircraft Instrumentation Radar Design of complete radar Including receiver sections, wave guides, antennas, modulators, display circuitry, Long range, Interesting work Inexpensive, modern housing.

Western Living at its Best "IN THE VALLEY OF THE SUN" Send Resume for: A. L. Manning Engineering Division Goodyear Aircraft Corporation Litchfield Park, Ariz, Similar oppnrriinltlefi are open Jn our AKRON. OHIO, plant YOUNtJ men to leu in my $1 hour to start. Acme Laundry and Dry Cleaning North 3rd Street.

NICE appearing, pieasanT fined young man who hi- rr- smile and la quick mentally and Physically can make io. room and board until Slay 5th. See Mrs. Gunn at Camelback Inn, momlngs. Piano Tuner Technician Full time, must be sober, neat, thoroughly rellahle.

Good opportunity wllh eat. firm Must have transportation. Call AL 8-7968 fur apBt. 47-Salesmen rrnNisHiNcs FOR 8A1.E AT.MOSTr new chrome rilneTfe. $60.

9x12 hook bedrvim rug. $40. Flporjamp. AP8-3915. Used Appliances A TV.

Tested-A Refrigerators, ranges, washers, etc. Televisions, radlo- phonogrnphs. MEM Alii AN WAHKMOIJSK 810 S. 23rd Ave AL 2-6351 34 FURNITURELAND BIGGEST LITTLE FURNITURE STORE IN ARIZONA Eastern Hardwood Only SAVE on Name Brand Mattresses Firestone, Englander 4030 7 St. AM 6-8372 Free Installation like new.

deluxe Renrllx automatic washer 3 months guarantee ieft, lust 869 takes. Easy terms only 85 ner montb. Thrifty, 1429 E. Van Buren. Verner's Bargains Corner cahinel, glass doors $24 50 Bed, mattress and spring $15 Uuae antique mirror $-15 Blond oak dining spt $97 50 Duncan Phyte drooleaf set $35 VERNF.R FURNITURE CO.

3453 N. 10th St. AM 6-4591 8:7 CUT" FtrWontgomcfy'Ward Refng. with pulloul shelves. 2 crisiiers.

anil like new condition, firsi Nt-19 lakes. Easy terms $5 monthly. "1 hi illy. 14J9 E. Van buren.

SMALL refrigerator, good condition, leasonaiile. 1S14 West Van Buren, Al. 4-1277. ANTIQUES. Dresden fruit knives, gold scales, French perfume bottle, iiolphin oomihiie.

bone handled knives and forks. Special prices. Spinning wheel. 1102 East McDowell. UNIVERSAL washer." has pump.

Good condition. .840 4025 N. 27th AM 5-3S92. Purchased new Kcnniore Automatic BED divan. 4 chairs, club chair, all Kray plastic.

Reasonable. AL 3-4857. MAYTAG wringer washer, giiod condition. Also double cement laundry tubs on stand. Changing to Konmore automatic.

AM 5-4595. 9.38 E. Amelia. "7t4 CU. "refrigerator.

Kf24.Grand Ave. USED automatic washer. $30. 1624 Grand Ave. PA KAN upholsiery spei-ial.

$8 Mohair. Frieze and nylon, now $4. Pakan. 10016 Cave Creek Road. WI 3-6489.


VAN BUREN. AP 8-2-138. "HOTPOINT electric stove, very clean, 825. Needs some repair. 4bi-l Nor -1 ij lingyit- lifNING room set good quality.

Day bed. dressing talile. Miscella rieoi's, West Ijynvvo'id LIVING room chairs, kitchen dropleaf and lamp tallies. 1216 West Roosevelt, AL 8-4224. Vanity dresser A rnirrnr, with bench, Walnut, used.

819.95 BARROWS BUDGET SHOP 24 AL 8-6971 No Money Dow ON 5 ROOMS OF Repossessed Furniture Very nice refrigerator. Like new gas range. 5-pc. chrome dinette so'. i2i ticaulilul tiedroom smies consisting of: Mr.

and Mrs. double H-drawcr chest with plate glass mirror, bookcase headboard foot-hoard, spring mattress. Beautiful 2-oe. living room suite. All these items are In like new condition, low monthly payments.

.1622 E. Camelback. CR 4-8121. KKN'MtiltE wringer wasncr. pump.

Visimatic wringer. Bargain. new Kcnniore automatic. YE 7-5918. 3133 VV.

Plcrson. GLOBE ANNEX New Used Good Used Washer 2 Pe. Blond Rdim Set Swivel Rocker, Good $49.93 $69.95 $39,95 313 E. WASHINGTON AL 4-2184 (ACROSS FROM MAIN STORE I AUCTION! AUCTION! Dealers Attention $12,500 Worth of Fine Furniture Appliances At our Auction for Wed. 9 A.M.

7 P.M. 4001 N. 7th Street DAY SALE 9 A.M. Usual run of medium priced furn iture and appliances, springs and mallresses, good chests, oodles of washers. tools.

hardware, builders supplies, doors, windows, lavaiories. commodes, paint, coolers, lawn mowers, bikes, trailers, 1.000 01 misc. Items. NITE SALE 7 P.M. Lale moifrl refi igcralors, home freezars, gas electric family ranges.

12 apt. gas ranges with oven control, late model washers, fine selection of bedroom suiles, new A used Iwx springs A Inner-spring mattresses. good chests. new used living room sets, overstuffed chairs, dozens A dozens of new used modern tables, dining room sets galore, (Duncan Phyfe. mahoktanv.

limed oak. A drop-leaf sets'. Several odd chrome li wrought iron chairs, a lot of baby furniture. A good selection of i sets, raotos. radio-pnonos.

rugs. sweepers, lamps, mirrors, pictures. I ino ot tine small pieces. 83.500 WORTH OF NEW FURNITURE FROM ONE FIRM. Don't miss this sale.

Open This Evening Til 9 For Insnecllon A Consignment JOHN BRUNK SONS AUCTIONEERS AM 6-5202 WATER Saving Scml-Aulomatic. Easy Kpindrler washer. Only 1 year Id. Excellent condition for only $80. See at .1817 N.

49th ace or call W1I 5-8621. FINEST KENMORE wfTnaer w-asher wllh pump and extra large wringers, original price .8170 used years, first $19 lakes. Easy terms $.1 monthly. Thrifty. 1429 E.

Van Buren. Kmehler divan A club chair. Turk tweed cover. Used. $99.50 BARROWS BUDGET SHOP 24 E.

Jefferson AL 8-6971 EASY Snlndner. Sacrifice at $3ft. Runs good, 2801 W. Encantn alter 5:30 P.m. 35B-Musical InotrnmrBtl For Sale PIANOS PIANOS $95 And Up TERMS.

FROM $3 MONTH Thoroughly reconditioned ALSO REPOSSESSED SPINETS Very Substantial Savings Free State Delivery Free Customer Parking at the new FIRST NATIONAL PARKING GARAGE, 1st St. at Polk. OPEN THURSDAY 'TIL 9 Roles Piano Co. "THE BALDWIN STORE" 501 N. 1st St.

AL 4-1087 Student Pianos $95 Up Arizona Piano Stores 712 E. McDowell AL 8-7968 Open Thurs. Mil 9. Sun. 1-5.

Used Specials: Wal. Spinet, new bench $150; Record. Kingsbury uorisht. new bench. 8179.

Terms to 36 free statewide del. Desert Piano 3314 21th SI, PIANO SPECIALS (New, Used A Repossessed) t.csler Spinet $175 Gulbransen Console $v5 Cahle-Nelson studio $195 Mlessner Studio Wurlltzer Blond Snlnel $595 Baldwin Eleitric Organ $1095 Free Parking 3rd Ave. A Adams Redowill's Piano Whse 228 West Washington Open Thursday 9 to 9 47na. Vernon a ftor GRAND OPENING Valentine Day Feb. 14 OUR NEW LOCATION 1428 E.

McDowell OPEN 9 TO 9 ALLEN PIANO CO. "Exclusive Gulbransen Dealer" 1428 E. McDowell AL 2-8302 TScTOfTDipN Mhcw, Sacrifice. Ajj a-0O3j. 35A-Home FOR r-ALE 2nd Hand Store Remodeling k.tie.

All goes it auc tion prices. 9 m. Open Sundays.615East Broadway. GE wringer washer. All white.

Used. $59 95. A ROWS BUDGET SHOP 24 E. Jefferson AL 8-6971 SINGER electric nortahle. Nice.

$23. CR 4-5215 AUTOMATIC Washer $59.50. Guaranteed New State Electric Co 4-17 E. Jackson. AL 3-5023.

Cofdspot Refrigerator $fiT50. 2317 Westward Blvd. AP 8-4521 FOAM RUBBER Seconds. Various A thick-nrsses. Shredded foam rubber for pillows, etc.

Major Supply Center 3040 West McDowell UPRIGHT freiver. 10 cubic foot. Must sell, for balance due, JH month. See at 714 South Central Avenue 'til 8 p.m. CARPET SALE! 100 Wool Rroadloom COMP.

INST. WW 88 95 SO, YD No down Payment-Hank Terms PHOENIX CARPET SHOP 1923 E. McDowell BR 5-1092 USiD Mattress A box springs, 89 95 s-t 3338 Vorl h7t St REPOSSESSED Beautiful 2 piece Red Frieze Sectional. Blond Bedroom Set. Larue sie 9 draw-er l.vpe book case heidboard.

large Dinette set w' double leaf Table. Anyone Interested In these articles can have for the low payments of $15.10 per mo. Sec at 2046 West Riickeve Rd. IL V. HICKS FURN.

CO: 2 twin size Inner spring mattresses. 2 box springs AM 4 pieces for $19.50 1203 VABl'RES Ant. Range 819.93; Kofrfg 834.511 Bdrm set 849.30: Hosp. Bed 819.95 GORMAN'S Trade-Terms 2020 Washington AL Renosscsswi 3 risiis oT furniture, almost new. Bedroom set.

bookcase headboard, double dresser, mar-tress A box springs. 2 pc. Ilv. room set, pc. chrome oinette set.

tsai $299.50. $12 monthly. No money dn. XI E. Ind.

Schl. 'Ill 9, TCT )rand refrigerator top Ira, id freezer, still In factory c.rnles, save Both for $11 per month or name your teems. Must sell to day. 1C24 Grand Ave, VACUUM CLEANERS guar. high in Quality, low-in prire.

Choice of famous brands. Also good choice of new machines. UNITED VAC SALES A SEHV. 7ihStJ AL 4-0414. l(il i.iai Kri auromauc wasncr, wwiis old, $111 month.

654 West Camelback til 9 Moniiay-3nursday Sewing Mach. Clearance 100 used marhlncs to choose from. Treadles $7.50 up; portables $15 UP. RENT ft IKY RKr-OHK Y(IU Hill PFAFF SEWING CENTER 2942 N. 16th St.

CRjbjn71 i.sNr.KM'.HNG-KOAM RlUllJf.l! FACTORY TO YOU Save up to "A The test for less. Terms to suit EWING MATTRESS CO. 18th Grand Aves. AL 4-1141-kENMORE "fully automatic wash er with Suds-Saver. Late S120 full price.

Payable month. See at 714 S. Central, 'til p.m. Used Mattress box springs. $8.50.

MATTRESS MART. 1016 N. 16 St AB APARTMirSTgus stove. $25. 4-8 p.m.

AM 6-8274 1 Large swivel platform rwker $30 Ajtisan-6J22S. CentaJJ. GENERAL ELECT I V. 2 months old. $9 month.

Full war ranty. 654 West Camelback. 'Til 9 Monday. Thursday. Unpainted Furniture SAVE on Chests, desks, bookcases, tables, (hairs, rockers, stools.

Vanities, nite stands, comer cabineis. WILLS NATURAL FURNITURE 1515 E. Thomas Rd. AM Hours 9 to 6-Mon. A Thurs 9 to 9 BABY FURN: SALE! UP TO 50 OFF! CRIBS, fi yr.

size PLAYPENS, fliig. 9 95! STROLLERS, fldg. 3.95! HOUSE OF VALUES 253.3 Nn. 32nd St. AM 5:0445 Retail Sales Furn.

Co. H.O-, FACT THI.M4S ROAD Open Weekdays 9 a.m.-K p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.i:.r. sun, 5 Piece Chrome dinette set. Table has oak top.

Used. $19.95. BARROWS BUDGET SHOP 24 E. Jefferson AL 8-6971 EIGHT piece dining set. $50.

AL 8-0801. EASY Spin-dry washer, near new. $75. 4711 East McKinley, REFRIGERATOR, lreezer. 12 ft.

Two-door. Freezer on bottom. Regular $549.93. $399.95 with trade In. 654 West Camelback.

'Til 9 Monday. Thursday. GENERAL Eleetflc Refrigerator, -nod condition. Guaranteed wringer washer, $25. Thrifty, 14) East van Buren.

1 ONLY niaole twin size bookcase headboard $39.50. 2154 Ej McDowell Rexair Vacuum. Comp. wattach. $20.

AL 8-7S69. 2333 N. 7th St. LIKE NEW Easy Spin Drier washer original cost $180 used 3 years, now only $49. easy terms 85 monthly.

Thrifty. 1429 E. Van Buren. 2 DAY SPECIAL Mon. Tues.

MAPLE CONSOLE FULL DOOR BRAND NAME TELEVISION Reg $399 93, giant 21" alum-Inlzed lube, easy vision optic glass, one knob tuning. 90 day free home service contract. Fully Guaranteed! 8 Our Price $229.70 FURNITUREMART 2342 N. 32nd STREET CR 4-3343 Open 'til 9 REPOSSESSED General Electric automatic washer w-ilh large 9 lb. luh.

agitator action, top loading A many deluxe reatures, was .8.100. will sacrifice now for $150. Easy terms, only $6.90 per monlh. 1433 E. Van Buren.

Quality Merchandise At lowest prices In Phoenix Come In A prove II to yourself before you make your final decision Suburban Furniture 4031 N. 24th St. (Near Indian School Rd. AM 6-8131 Sunday 11 to. 5 Open Frl.

'til 9 SACRIFICE new $100 overstuffed Fnr.m cushions, 313 West iioliy, AL 3-3771. "12 luxe Two Door Model w7 Automatic Defrost A 40" O'Keefe A Merrill Gas Range enter Griddle hromc Top, High Broiler A Fully Automatic These Appliances have hud less than 6 mnnihs use A were Re possessed because of a Divorce settlement. Interested party can have both for balance doe E-isy Terms can be arranged. 2046 west Buck eye Rd. ROPER gas range, goiid condi tion.

2012 North loth Avenue. ROLLAWAY 4 wllh rover, llke new. AL 4-0203. 17" Table Model Good condition. $59.93 Guaranteed.

TV LEO 1133 E. McDowell AL 8-8521 Cribs, standard size, drop side, adiustahle snrtng. maple or wax Iirlsh. Brown's Furniture Co. 208 Glcndale.

Glndle. vn; 1 Open Mon A Ihurs. Eves. Vim-v nli'c vanity dresser, mirror chest of drawer, panel hed. All for 850.

Sunny Furniture Co. 300 E. Dunlapv Open till 9 p.m. KENMORE wringer washer. Timer A pump.

Gixid washer A reason able. new Kenmore aulo-malic. WI 3.9212, 2121 W. .8888 $888 tm 88 OVER 100 SETS from $19.95 and up small down A we carry our own II TV CO. 1323 E.

VAN BUREN 2145 E. WASHINGTON Double dresser A mirror. Full size bookcase lied, A night stnrdt Sable trey walnut. Sold new $219,93, used price. 49.

50. BARROWS BUDGET SHOP 24 E. Jefferson AL 8-6071 $60 Freezer," $75 whlng machine, 820: refrigerator. $35: divan. $10: mlscellaneou fur-nlluri'icheap.

724 East Washington. ri'icne HAY. all classes, custom grind. Ing, horses boanien. Avenue' ri.

ii- ann iiinver dii.icx iii. ini- WO 7-2 1.15. small quantities. Self terriers or hanels furnished COVINGTON'S. 4419 S.

loth St tilt HORSE shooing." BiryWaS GOOD alfalfa hay 9oc bale as long as It lasts. Lateral 25 'a and Southern. WE 6-3158. MOLASSES Feed pure vane molasses for in creased profits. Large A smalt cc- llverles.

panne co S23rd St. AL3-7911. rMovVINV. AL 2-1926. 'HYBRID corn ensilage.

CR 4-10. ENSILAGE, high In grain value. WJ) 1-6' I5J. FIRST and second culling hay anil good horse hay delivered, reasonable. WO WO 4-5564.

2 HORSE or cow. all steel, stork trailer, in top condition. WO 7-2273. "MIXED" alfalfa and grass hay, $28 Jon. YE 7-9685.

alfnlTa hay, $30 at barn. YO 3-8806. EADS "Cattle Breeding. "AM 5-0114 ARStUniteil Rreei'ers-8 hreeds-7 50 ALFALFA-OAT HAY-GRASS HA Small ouanities delivered J.10-M8 ton. BR 5-5663.

BR 5-5141. ALFALFA APHIDS: guaranteed kill. AM 3-1843, AP 8-0555. "Dairy Hay $34 T. Trueklnads.

Kiohonaucr BR 5-5665 42-Mursery PULVERIZED manure. Delivered WO 7-4059. RntotiliersrTracforsr trailers. Reno-valors, Eire Rainbow Rt: N. 7th St.

CR 4-4735. IRONITE sale at your favorite nursery EASTERN Lilacs. $2 Visla Bo- nila. 1001 N. 32nd Ave.

A 8-3-141. P.f.SES. No. 1 51. 10 for $8.50 '-'nut Trees $1.49: Pecans $4.95 UP S'haiie Trees $1 50 up; Grapes Strawberries, rhrrhaih.

asparagus SHADY ACRES 3b4i' E. Washington BR 5-3802 FERTILIZER. 85 per yard, delivered. BR, 43-Peis Birds. Cats, Dugs, and Supplies "ADD-A-PET'SHOP CHOICE BABY PARAKEETS Rcg.

Boston Terrier Puppies Baby love birds-lame pwrols co*ckaticls cages and pet supplies 637 N. 7th Ave. AL 2-OH01 SAHUARO State Kennel Club all hreed anH obedience sho En tries close Feb. 22. Premium lists at.

net siiotis anil veiennarians. in formation Ruth Mills. 3000 North 47th Pisco. U'H 5-8(K)7. FLASHY male Boxer pun.

Ears trimmed. Terms. AM 5-1913. PEKINGESE puppies, champion stork. WO 7-7718.

BOXERS IAKC pups, 3 left. Top breeding. Reas. 28.7 N. 31 It St.

AM 5-4486. Fox Temer, ehamnion-sircd female puppies. 3-ycar-iild female for lease. 2620 North Balboa. 1 ucson.4-i1.iS.

ENGLISH bulldoir "nunnlcs sale. Five weeks old. Mother imported from Eng'and. Call for appointment. CHIHUAHUAS, also stud service, BR 5-3504.

Ml KEY'S! Tani'c. "DiicrTsliund nuunics. small type, registered Male Pug, female Chihuahua, tame dseenterl S'kunk, Guinea Pigs. Par akeets. up; tame Spectacle Par rot, talks.

,20 Last Mohave. AL Doberman Pinscher Pups AL 3-1393 YE 7-4998 REACT! FI'L $3 up JAJIN HIRI) HOME. 1327 44th St ARCHERS BIRD FARM Birds Cages Pet Supplies Open til 9 P.M 3130 271 Ave. AL 3-866 Fresh ground horse meat. 10 lus.

si 20 fresh ground hone meal added RiC-D Market. 726 East Washington ACE-HI PET SHOP Beauty Salon All Pet Sjpplles N. 7th St. 4-46Jn A A KENNELS iaitl nnthriinisTJ EWash. BR55232.

"SHADY ACRES PET'SUPPLV Special Baby Mynahs $47 50 Turtles 50c Hamsters $1.50 Canaries that sing $4.95 up. Parakeets. $1.50 and up. Cages S395 100a Parakeet Mix $11.50 3610 Washington BR 5-3816 CHIHUAHUAS, WI 3r3314. POODLE, black miniature, male.

AKC. Two months. CR 4-2585. GIBSON BIRD RANCH. Birds.

Cages A Supplies. 37:18 E. Thomas. Birds. Cases A all Pet Supplies KINDNESS ANIMAL FAIR 2520 St, AL 2-S543 PEKINGESE puppies, cheap.

AP 8-8410. "FOR" Valentines Day5 Purebred co*cker puppies. AM 5-2714. AKC BOXER puppies. Only three left.

Champion blood lines. 4934 East Pieadilly. BULLDOGS Registeml puppies, grown dogs, stud service, boarding. Hennitker Kennel. 3442 West Culver AVIARY arid Parakeets for sale.

1521 West Edgemont, CR 4-2785. CHIHUAHUAS, tested and proven Champion Thurmer's Little Tony Jo, still at stud. Puppies. 6832 North 23rd Drive. AM 6-6513.

"REGISTERED male Collie pups, eight weeks old. Ellloc strain. YE 7-9822. VALENTINE'S Special. Great Dene puppies.

AKC. Very reasonable or liade for German Shepherds. WH 3-5395. AKC Dachshund, Chamjiion'blood line, seven weeks. 3120 North 53rd Street.

NOT CHEAP- But "a AKC Registered, beautiful red DH'-hshiinds. 3 mos oltl. inooulalod. Mother Imported from England. $75 MOO ea.

A.M 0-H13H. CHIHUAHUAS. CR 4-0062" Beagles AKC-tcrms. Bassets soon. GcrmSheps AKC-tcrms WI I 5-0279.

45-Siiuations WANTED MALE Looking For A Job? To help you. ads under Situations Wanted, male or female, vs if be accepted for Individuals at a 23 per cent reduction in rait. Cash In advance. ADS For Home Service or Repairs. Odd Jobs, Yard Work, are located in the Republic and Gazette Directory Classification A'L'3-3753.

MAN with 12' Van late model. wants steady WELL-known local construction superintendent, sub-division and small commercial, desires to make change All replies confidential. Box Republic, Jlactte. LIQUOR store clerk-manager, six yea i experiencel. all BR PERMANENT part lime work.

age 40. neat, dependable, bondalilc. Box 81 -G, Republic. and Gazel.te, OVER 20 years meat and fcxid store experience. Now employed.

Wish change with good future. Box 91-0, Rcuublicjind JL-azctte. CAPABLE, mail correspondent, typist, desire permanent position. Box 90-G, Republic jind Oazett. "MAN iimf wife, maintenance.

Permanent employment. CR 7-1217. DISHWASHER, reliable. Can live In or leave town. ixewton.

AL 2-IK135. Box 98-G. Republic and Gazette. EXP IENCE ta iloc wants per- mrineiit posit on. I live lieen in busl ness 26 years.

Alterations, male and female. Rclereni'es. Call AL3-96U0, 1223 Grand Avenue. HI. inevnerlrneed.

but ex tremely adnplahle. Man teaching school, morning needs work, main or brawn. Available from noon on Box 2-H. Republic andGazcUe. CONTRACT Adimnis ration Ex Aircraft and ordinance mnteiiHl.

Airframes, missile, fire control system, guidance system. tHnki and autisnotive. Government specification experience MlL-h- "iOikiB. Provisioning learn, etc Familiar with all phases. Previous employment level; Plant manager; research engineer; Stiriervlsor, Ordnance Inspection; Contract specifications Writer.

Age 32, married, children. Very ambitious and aggressive. Want responsibility with authority. Excellent managerial ahilltv and organizallonal 'talent. Salarv bracket 8650 monlh to start.

Box- 3-' I Republic and Gazette. "Oco*k Many Specialties JP60V77 COMMERCIAL" artist. Expef- lenoed screen process, photography. liraituate ot instiiiue. Permanent position, Box 6-H, Rcpuhlic and Gazette.

ELDERLY man wants permanent or part time maintenance, liindor. citi'eraKer or wnai nave you. AP 8-2133 Office Job wanted by eollege'grad- married, VETERAN, student married needs work from 12:30 P.m. on. Type, gencraj nlflce or anyUlng.

45-Situations BOOKKEEPER. Secretary. Office "Manager, Permanent, AM 6-5111. HOUSEWORK, by the day, ironing ai. AY WORK.

AL 4-3830. SECRETARY, iegal experience. n.i.Unl A 4 tt ll lO -lfi if A r-'l' -viM DAYWORK. AL 4-2325. EXPERIENcF.D'cook wants work In restaurant nut of town or In town.

Does some baking. AL 30848. Mi.noo vented room heaicrt7S1995 I 'BERTY WW E. Washington Restaurant Equipment WK HI1V 1MO KVJ Hi VmP: WASHINGTON AL 4-1049 larps all 'iiim- whiileanlv 'retail Del Rc-4418 S. Central Bll 6-14H9 vented circulating gas healer, will heat 3 to 4 rooms, rcg.

now M9.95. 9 drawer mahninny ilreser rcg S139.9.V now SM9.80. I'S (iyp. sum exterior Tcxolitc painl. pnste form, thin with water, assorted colors, rest $5.41 now 82.98.

KEETON'S BARGAIN ENTER W. Van Rurcn Al' steel O.OTI'ES LINE POLES fur sale, or we will Install, 5619N. 7th Street C'R New Used Office Furn. Priced right. WESTERN I.IOt'I DATOR.S1.119 E.

McDowell Rd. TV RCA AUTHORIZED COWRY'S 4232 7 Avt. CB42728 Office Furniture SPECTACULAR SALE We are going to cll 2 carloads oi Dray tcc desks files In Feb ruary. Trie finest commercial line in the Country at rock bottom prices. GENEVA SUPPLY CO.

1512 W. McDowell AL2.5:i9'2 ANtlQl'ES bought" and sold, Basham 922 East Indian School. AM R-7 ia7. TVNbe3sTTlmed oak night si and and chest; Wlllon rug: French Provincial sofa: platform rocker; Norge washer: CR 4-7042. cubic late model- re'rliinrator.

Cross ton SheHaiior. For balance due. SOS. See at 714 Central 'til 8 pro TODAY'S BEST BUYS ANYWHERE! Gigantic New Shipment New Repossessed New 15' dlx.

Tnt. Harv. upright freezer. Sells downtown at 95, One only at You actually save 8230! New 2-door dlx 11' Auto. frost refrigs.

"lls at! 8499.95. 2 only at 8319. You actually save 8lWi! Like new Simmons chair beds 829. New complete 7-pc. Ilv.

rm. groups only Reposs. 87.50 up. New complete 8-pc. bdrm.

groups New 5-pe maple dining se's. Downtown 8119 at TS 819.95. New hardwood bahy ll 8IR.95. New slightly imperfect bookcase head hoards. Reg.

849 95 now 819.50. New maple hunk bods, somplcte with mattresses. Reg. 880 now 859.99. Steel wardrobe closets 813.95 up.

New rollaway beds complete Bos ton style high hack rockers 816.95. 4 rm. group of. furniture $299 up. fi-pc.

like new Drexel mahogany borm. suite. Rcg. 89 now for hal. of $239.

New 4-pe. blond ash twin bdrm. set. Rcg. $199.95.

Now 8139.50. Reposs. 8-pc. walnut din. rm.

set. A beauty just $S9. Reposs. 5-pc. walnut dining set with 4 uphol.

host chairs $39. Plus many thousands of other bargains too numerous to mention. Don't Walt See for Yourself Easv Terms Free Delivery Open 7 Days a Week Monday and Thursday Evenings Layaway Plnn Available FURNITURE CO. 2210 Westward Blvd. (Buckeye Rd.) washer, first takes.

Call AM 5-9464. 506 W. Virginia. MATTRESS renovating. Furniture upholstered.

New Innersnrlng -iat-tresses. Hell Mattress Company. 1346East McDowell, MR 5-3KK. DIRECT FROM MATTRESS FACTORY Box spring A mattress, 6 hollywood legs, all 8 pieces $29.50. House Or Mattresses MX N.

7th St PACKARD Bell 21" TV Blond console on casters. Used 60 days. unable to make payments C11 nn. nii.K,n "Biaiii.

iiu. .11 KCI iiivilllli per 714 Central. Set 'til HOUSEFUL OF NEW FURNITURE NO DOWN PAYMENT A ONLY $21 PER M0. Includes bed divan A club chair. Admiral gas range 2 bedroom gets complete with mnersprlng mattresses A box spring.

5 pc. chrome dlnetta. J.KEE with purchase ot this group you get I end i a Dies, 1 cone taoit 2 lamps. Phoenix Furniture Co. 2727 W.

Camel back II 9 Sun. 10 to 5 W'EbGEWOOb gasrange, griddle in the middle. Used 6 weeks, tot hal, due. Pay $8 mo. 714 central.

See 'til 8 50 TV SETS from $19.95 Small down and we car-iv our own contracts. TV CO. 1523 E. Van Buren, or 2140 K. Washington.

Innersp. Mattress $14.75 NEW 8.3.3S N. 7th St. CR 4-4532 NORGK automatic washer. 6 months old.

$190 balance, monlh. Full warranty. west Camelback. 'Til 9 Monday, Thurs- day. $259 Furn.

your home complete With Brand new Furn. A ranga and recond. refrigerator. Terms-Nothing Down-24 Months FURNITURE tnmriATniis tve 633. EJeffTHin(ParklngJn.

Rear) THE BEST BRANDS THE BEST BUYS ON Furniture Appliances TELEVISION EASY TERMS AT REVE WHITER Hump 2640 E. Ind. Sch. Rd. CR 4-3192 Open lues.

A lliurs. tu MAYTAG, full automatic wash-, late model. Still has 6 mo. guar, left. For bat.

due $9 mo. See 'til 8 p.m. 714 S. Central. New Box Spring A ART.

1016 N16 St COOLER, 5000 CFM, 2-six'cd mo-lor. used two month, $125. 3(19 East GE deluxeTniner, giiod condition, Hiii-WI 3-5928, OUT OF PAWN Cameras (20 to Choose From), Movie Projectors. Slide Protectors. Tclephoto Lenses.

Radios. Record Players. Typewriters, Adding Machines. Rifles-Shotguns-Pistols We Buv Sell Tiadc Pawn JEWEL BOX LOAN Co. 41, South 1st Ave.f A 8-3012 Cement Mixer $59.85 New.

cement and feed mixers. 2 cu. on slnnd wllh belt pulleys, cast Iron bell for long wear. 859 85; 3 ru. $69.85.

2 handle post hole digger for 6'V In post holes, now, $4 95. Plncor Electric Rotary lawn mowers 16 In. cut. IIP RPM Pioneer molor. In the carlon.

$34.83. Wheelbarrows, 3 cu. wml-nncumntlc tires, steel handles wllh runher grios. 89.95. Imported finest tem-iM'icd precision sieel rules.

12 with Moths. l.TOUths. 132nds and libllhs. $1,29 Major Supply Center 3040 W. McDowell SELLING OUT Spindlier $14 95.

TV as Is $15. nulla), mlr. $17.50. Thor Gladlmn $24.50. Butane water hlr.

bus lools. moi'irs, etc. Bin gains. 32. E.

Washington. SACRIFICE, man's l.Uft enrat diamond ring, cost $950, WH tH'iore nmin. 1955 V-8 "CHRYflLER engine. complete: Cadillac engine cim- plete. aoiliac and muick uuo-quan manifolds.

Olds duo-manifold. 5 New 6. 011x18 6-plv tlies and tubes, (l North 71 street, TW'O "wheel box frailer, good sbaiie. va East cucoiian. AL 8-2370.

140. 217 Gmdrlch Bulldlng. FXEll'ltlC vegetahle Juicer, per fect pcrfoi-mnnce to appreciate 831 A1 5-1154 5(X) FOOT" "4" fubbTg (i6c per foot. YE 7-0053, Gi.iiiiy Manulac turine ComtNiny. GlcnttHle.

"GOOD tlirs and parts for '41 buick. AL K-ww. Electrical Supplies Romfx house wire Be conduit, outrloor gbts, rel ee ors ehenn. ou slile switch boxes $1.50 up. pipe 12c, 14" 16c ft, Trader toilets $32.30.

Outside TV aerials $4,95. TV set E. Ind. Sch. P1AN() service, have everypafl in repair pianos.

luning AL2-0M!) or AM 6-8304. USED ORGANS BALDWIN ORGASONIC $1095 Like new HAMMOND SPINET $1145 Like new HARMONY HOUSE 1500 East Thomas Xreordlnna. new f20 bass, 1-yr. il" r. 2-yrs.

to pay. 8195. 41056 36-MisceII. sale'or trade. Call AL 3-4612 for appointment.

IfCA.Philco. vve irade im anvuiii'. 1-iiPve Anpl. 1048 '21 St BR'HoO tooled leather goods. 231K North 1fith Street VACUUM eleanir par's, repair, all models BR 5-271 COMPLETE set leal a tools also 150 ladies hanrltoolcd hags at k.

price or less, will trade. Must sell bv Sunday. AL 8-0806 2318 North 16 Street. DETECTRON DG-7, Mlnrrallght M-12. i-ost $18.1.54, sell $125.

Would trade for tape recorder. Ionroe, Cabin No.9. "refrigs. wasiTers, sewing ma-ehlnes. beds.

5143 Van Buren. 37-VVanfed Mtseellaneona FOR hichet dollar on furniture miscellaneous. (all.Mae. AL2i74.i5. within 3 weeks large amount of good used ranges, refrigerators, dinettes, living room and hedroom furniture, extra beds, chests and jmhse.

Items. WI 3-4352. we buv good used ftnniruie IOHN BRUNK SON'S AM fi GOOD or medium furniture ar Misc. wanted Call anytime BR (iA ranye refrorerarors wrisn- ng rnneh dining hilmr I 04411 CASH FOR FURWiTRF" Call Hanco*ck Al. 3-8750 CC1U? RjLanycoj Deal -V'th V7erner's v4ish fot furniture A Appliances VERNER Ft HNTTURK ().

Ifiih sj AM -4Wn NEED house of furniture or any part this week CR 4-8613 DON'T sacrifice your furniture. apntiancps A excess things. Get your price by A I. 3-4042 wni i.ji iiKe to nuv stove rerng-ration dlnlne room set. bedronrr set Ab or anv nn -r H't ALWAYS CALL ROOSEVELT Auction We PAY MORE CASH Fot any furniture or miscellaneous or sell for you on enmmissian 3rd a trd ch Re 1 5.4725 JUNK cars, scran BftPOSia Vv'ANTED Furniture for SevefaT Houses.

AP 8-1521. SPOT CASH For furn. A appliances. AL 3-8594 Wanted New Used" Furniture A Appliances John Briirk on "kUCtlon AM QtUCK cash for used furniture, efrigerators and stoves. BR 5-4256.

FOR BEST PRICES'" On furn. appliances A misc. PhoneCR 4-2210 or AL 3-4961 V()l! CANTT Heat "rair We pay top prices for Furniture. OAYAL z-6240 NIGHT AL 3-0253 WILL BUY Your Furniture Phone AP 8-0845 AUCTION AUCTION JOHN BRUNK SONS Uu: Outright or Sell on Consignment IK'' 7th St AM 6 5207 WANTED class A hurglar-'flrc proof safe. Call AL 8-0100 DESPERATE "FOR GARAGE CLEANOUTS-furniture.

wood cook stoves-Luggage-Mlsc AL 3-5662. WE'LL BUY IT Or sell for you on commission WARE'S AUCTION A I. COOLERS orjwrtj. AL 2-4617. Wouid like to buy "2" tidrm sets, strives, refrigerators, dining roisn set deep freezer, etc.

All or anv nart CR 4-8613. Wanted Used Furniture RUGS and MISC. JONES. Al. 3-P412 or AM 5-6861 HIGHEST ASH PAID Used I ubs.

Basins. Sinks Toilets A Plumbing AL 4-186S LIRE TY 81 18 E. Wash Ph NEED furniture with stove and refrigerator. CASH for junk, clean outs. BR5-10O3 CASH FOR GUNS We nay.

HI DOLLAR 3233 Wash. WILL nay top prices for furniture A misc. If can get tmmedl atolyPhone WI 3-4J152 PIANOS wanted. Any style. AJ.JL-83tl2.AM 5-1990, OLD buildings tp salvage to move, or hat have you? AL 4-9018 JUNK or old cars wanted.

3-0783. WHEN you want to sell or buy furniture, tools, appliances or anything of value sei Garner's Trad ing Post. 3934 Grand Ave. YE'J-9398 PHONE AL 3-8594 WANTED GUNS Modern Antique Pay Top IEWELBOX 41 South 1st Ave. 60 hp.

3-phase. 410 f'CO or 1800 RPM electric motor. 15 hp. 220 440 volt, 3-pliasc, 60 cycle 1800 RPM electric molor. Con- lact ll.

D. Weaver. BR 6-2141. 5 6' diameter smoke up to 60' length, of 3t6-l4" miilcrtal. Or any suitable cylinder shells.

Con tact If. p. Weaver. BK 6-2-tli; 38-Livestock FOR SALE WANTED: Feeder pigs, any weight, highest prices paid. Southwest Stock Company.

BR 6-1492. BR 61281. TO HEREFORD A3' Brahman feeder calves. 2 locker calves. 1 young Hereford hull.

WO 7-2273. prices paid for your cat tie. igs and feeder pies AM 5-1555 IF you have cattle of any kind all Troy Oney. BR 6-25(16. flnlnu ivantcTtrt" hnw Willi- beei cattle.

AM 5-2727. 34 COWS, equipment. 600 pounds or Horden milk Base. IS I-iiK SHOW horse winner. Arabian and- excellent for w-iuoen ann children, three years old.

5939 Norlh 14th Place. GENERAL saddle horse for sale. 4344 North 25th Street. 250 good quality native whltrfaee de-horned calves. 100 de-horned Slncker cows.

1 registered bull. 1on good quality whlteface heller calves. AL 4-9565. MIDWAY LIVESTOCK AUCTION Selling 20 Head of Saddle Horse A 1 Shetland Pony at Regular Auc-tlon Wednesday, February 15th. SHETLAND Palomino pony.

The one that caused so much comment In the Scottsdale Parade 5 yr. gelding. Blue ribbon. WH 5-5879. FOUR close-up Springer Hnlsteln heifers and two cows.


Del Hamps. Leg. Cox. 23 for $1 SUN' VALLEY HATCHERY 4002 S. Central BR 6-0082 WE HI" 1 LIVE Kstfay 4.T5 Mad Al.

8-1151 HENS wanted TOP 1010 9. Central. Call Firnn AI. 3-7351. Stewing "heh.

eviscerated. 35e lb. Poultry and Beef processing l.ockeu for Renl WARD'S POULTRY 5527 N. 7th Ave.Phone CR 71022 RABBIT hutches. 51st Street, HENS wanted McDowell Poultry Markc ll.

S-3SS4 SANTA CLARA CHICKS PURINA CHOW BYRNE FEED A SUPPLY AL 3-2583 2140 Grand Ave. HENS WANTEDI Southwest Pliry. 544 E. Jefferson. AL 3-8073 CHICKS, 1 to 3' Wks.

New llnmp. Dcl-Hanip (Ind. Ri, Ausl. Wh. 1 week 19c; 2 wks.

20c. 3 wks. 22c. Red cuckcrels, 12 days old WESTERN HATCHERY 40-Fruits Produce "DATES. 20c.

Duke. 6323 North 1411 Place (off Maryla ndj. SKYLINE RANCH Sweet Arcadia grapefruit A oranges. Gift boxes A basket of citrus A dates shloped. Also Arizona confections.

Visitors Welcome! Rrlng your cameras. 5513 E. Camilback Rd. WH 5-8829 CASH for Juice grapefruit on the tire any quantity, BR or CR 4-0004. Fresh fruit A vegetahle of kinds, wholesale retail.

Fruit boxes A baskets packed to order. Member Fruit by Telegraph Dellv- erf- Service. Grand Ave. Fruit Market OPEN AM. NIGHT 2100 Grand Ave.

AL 4-S613 A I tmim. 8UriI.IFS and 41 -Farmer services -rlTsrrriM bntelilnp" VE 7-SS2-. gTAr.TER""'Cattle" tTSS CurUi Candy-8 BrtHxll C'R 4-5903 i 1 SECRETARY .33 Personable, neat, efftrlenl. Experience In medical, hanking, secu-ltles. electrical and plumbing fields.

Permanent Car. $300 monlh, AM 8-4192, l'fS I KN'CED. dependable woman wants hiusewifrk. Refer ence AL 3-4574. fcirESSEb nra'ctlral nurse wants part lime work, alter midnight or fourhoursmornlng.

AP 8-0373, I) A WORK or halt days. AL 8-2258. EXPEIUEnTED fry cook, nTe b.korand DAYWORK. own transportation. Rose and BR 6-3404.

UAYWOKK. AliKfti COM PAN ION -NURSE. I1RIVER Lady. Social secretary. AL 3-9663 SECRETARY expert taking dic tation Excellent vocanuiary.

spelling. Wish steady part timeawork, approximately 6 hours daily. Box 87-G, Republic and Gazette, "IRONING. AL 2:2764. 8-0289.

"SITTER experienced, reliable, own transportation. North. Cl( 4-6139, IKiUSEWTTRTv, AL 30058, 3-0191. WHITElady wants house work BR 5-2001 DAYWORK. Baby sitting.

Laun- Hi At d.O.flKl DAYWORK. 75c hour. AL 8-5135. bAVivnng At. 9.7155.

SECRETAR YTexperleheed in all phases of office work, snonnann. 1ieal rctcrences. ar. LKs-nui. SITTER.

AL2-316L REl-lARO: child care, days. YE 7-4208. PART-tlme reception work. Some typing. AM 6-1044 9-2 p.m.

HOUSEWORK, steady or day, bahy silting. References. AL 4-2770. NEAT Ironing. AL 4-7859.

KMrsii. nouscKt euer. oany su tlniF Al. secretary with medical and commercial experience wants wi resiMins ni irv. Kxperr r.vp ist.

shorthand or machine. AM53839 IIOUSKWORK, hourly, colored. AL 8-1230. COOK, Cbarhhennald, waitress. Swcslish.

Oerman, Austrian. Only first class private home. Box 100-G, Rcpuhlic and. Gazette. WOMAN "steady housework.

Motel. 5day week.BR6-2!i!i7 LICENSED practical nurse wants nialit work eight, ten. or twelve hours. Twenty-hour duly considered. Al.

3-9286. 47-Salesmen Male-Female Salesman wanted, male or female. Assured earnings for canaille men. You'll like our type of real eslate. Apt.

motels, bldg, shopping centers, etc We have lie listings, the Investors most Important ot all in this business the financing We need men with the ahilltv to rash in this terrific potential CALL DON WOODS, AL 3-5189 for an Interview. Heron Realty Co. 31 W. Monroe FULL or nart time, exoerlence unnecessary, hut a sincere desire to earn more. AM 5-9085.

5 to 10 m. EXPERIENCED furnliure salesman, permanent position to right parly, (all for appointment, AM 3-1891. FULL or parttlme salesman. Life-lime renewal, monthly bonus plan. Call .1.

Thomas, residence AM 67756, office AM 5-4761. MEN AND WOMEtf No experience necessary to become your own boss as a Rawleigh dealer. Over 200 Items assure you of a steady or part-time business. Apply .1. M.

F'arnsworlh. 3105 East Van Buren. between noon. IT WILL take 30 minutes of your tune to see this new product In Phoenix. It Is having a sensational seuccess on tne coast, we need a crew manager and salesman.

743 East McDowell. ATTENTION Specialty Salesman One of America's finest, sales or ganizations will train 3 young men lor local work. EXCELLENT EARNINGS ADDITIONAL BONUSES COMPLETE CO-OPERATIONf ROOM FOR ADVANCEMENT If you're between 21-45, have a phasing personality and want a permanent sales position without travel. See Myerson, Hotel Flamingo, Mon. A Tues.

between the hours of 2:30 and 5. Feb. 13. 14. Apply at desk.

No phone calls. WANTED FIELD REP. Established enmnany ha opening in Buckeye-Laveen area for reliable man, experienced in fertilizer ami agricultural chemical sales. Call WE Jorappt. "EXPERIENCE not necessary.

We will train you in highly specialized field. Paid during training Earn ings exceed $150 per week. Apply 9 a.m.. Central Arizona Engineer ing 1919 west Grant Special Sales Position Trader's Furn. Co.

will employ 4 men or women to contact old A new aecls, Outside sales experience helpful. Must have car. Position will pay well. For personal Interview, see Mr. Carlson.

2703 N. 16th Mon. A Tues. between 9 and 12 a.m. HERE'S THE JOB WE OFFER (1) $300 guaranteed minimum monthly income to start as trainee, ceiling unlimited.

Our ex perienced men earn from $10,000 a year up. (2H.ireltme opportunity no age termination. (3) Sales organization with over 10. oho satisfied salesmen covering all 48 stales. (Ai Thorough training at National Sales Training School.

Salary and expenses paid during training pe riod. (5 Company you will he proud to represent. Largest of Its kind In the world. Over $100,000,000 In assqts. Nationally advertised.

(6) No shortages no slack periods. (7 Rapid advancement for men with management potential, who demonstrate their ability. Sound too good to be true? Let ua snow you. it you nave a gooa appearance, like to make money and are willing to work, you may qual ify. Must have a ear.

Our own associates have been Informed of Ihis ad. Phone AL 3-2181 after 9:30 a.m.. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Ask for Mr. Montmorency, Westward Ho Hotel, Room 1401.

HAVE Openings for 2 aggressive sales people. See Mr. Kecfe, Mornlngs.6.ll5 N. 7th Street. MAN past "35 who can sell and has ability to develop Into Dist.

Mgr. for an Arizona Company. Income depends on ability. One year residence desired. Not house to house.

AL.3-IH76. ESTIMATOR Sales "Representa tive for established custom home builder, building experience preferred. Outline experience qualification and reference to Box 5-H, Republic and Gazette. Real Estate Salesmen Join Arizona' fastest growing! real estate company. Come in and talk II over.

Call AM 6-5683, ask for Mr. Fain. General Realty A Investment 3449 16th St. "HIGI caliber Spanish speaking mnn to ell Used Cars. Must have some previous sales experience.

Op portunity unlimited. See Hurb Kuyie. smuey-Hcrge Ford, 17 No. Country Club Mesa. Ariz.

BKAOTlFUtTncw" llneof Emmons Jewelry Is sweeping the country 'Housewife here's your opportunity to earn money either full or part time and still devote plentv of time to home and children. Call Mrs, altera p.m. for appointment, WH 5-8724. USED Auto Sales established dealer, needs man with sales ex-IH'ilence, 25-40, to replace present salesman wno Knows mis ad. Established high earnings 48 hours.

Ihis Is a belter Job for a better man. riruce used cars, 1122 East Van Biiren 3" l.icenspd ftAnl FsIbI preferably with Ranch or Business aies experience, BLAINE REALTY-REALTORS ,510 N.7thSt. salesmen (2) who want to mane over ami a wk, experience IMMEDIATE position open for an experleired real estate salesman won a progressive xuma firm. Un limited possibilities. See or write Hie Sun Realty Company, 1163 4Ui avenue, ruma.

Arizona Age No Handicap Men or Women To Handle Nationally advertised wnisini proaurts in your area. Earnings $2 per hour up. No experience necessary. Walklns Products, 708 East Carfleld, Phoenix, 9-12 a.m. 'TafiMoNCTimPKs; a 1 e'y Home PmduetsAL 3-6942.

SALESMAN. insurance dehTT eommusion. ni. .88 $8 $8 $.8 88 $8 $8 $8 $8 $.8 88 88 8.88SS8 .88 .88 $8 $.8 88 $8 $8 .88 88 $8 8S 88 8.8 $8 Si Hi 8 Pc modern bathroom $79.50 LT LIBERTY H08 K. WashlngUin rooffrlic TYcT Ht ire mt fUDY1024 drand Ave.AL4-1673 books, saia now on.

a-ioc. 407East Monroe. Repossessed Power mower, guaranteed, $44.95. Terms as low as $1 down, $1 weekly. Paul Bennett, 202 yi.

van Ruren HOUSES 'IO MOVED Good deals Terms BR 5-5484 tlsed typewriter, $25; new" $70. Add. $49 New Calc, $180. Cash $611 up. Single A Mult, total Itemlilng A receipt, MARTIN'S 1519 fi.

Thomas TDRNACES FORCED AIR A WALL TYPE Free Eslimates on Installation SOBER I AIR-CONDITIONING 4822 N. 7th St CR 4-33H TIRE SALE i Power tracs, the only Tractor tire that has "PADDLE WHEEL 25 off. Square-bile tread for top traction when you need It. 11 28 $64.35 Special designed open-center tread efeans Itself, reinforced tread lugs. 12-38t 4-ply $83.95 Montgomery ward tire dept.

gecond St. and Monroe AL 2-2259 Suits Suits Suits OUT OF LOAN Excellent buys to he made In clothing that Is nearly new. MONEY TO l)AN THE FAIRWAY 45 South 1st Avenue 35mm REFLEX F3B Value $100 Steal At $49.50 Wilson's Cameras (Camera lo-on 140 West Adams AL 4-0662 100 CAStTFAID Tor your business, machinery, fix-turejjtcBurackAL 8-6981. EXCELLENT Iwo wheel trailer, xtra tire. Arizona title.

$50. Mimeograph A Dick, automatic feed, used little since complete overhaul. $55. Best grade Dutch Boy paint. $5 value.

gallon. For sale or trade lor typewriter or AL 3-677 4.AL3Jj069J VEGETABLE Juke extractor. AM 6-9202. WEN'SDRHsrOPOR'T SHIRTS Perfect cond. washed A Ironed 1RMA'S-108 S.

16th 3-1711 REBUILT motors, containing new parts, regmund cam and crank. Nothing down, priced $98 50 and up. A A E. e' Parts. 443 South Central, AL 4-8481.

Tractor Radiators Caterpillar, John Deert, Caati Farmall. Euclid. Massey-Har-til. Mollne Oliver Allls-Chalmcrs, n.ikr..D DinilTOU INjf- i'l nnumtwii ii-vl 512 S. 7th Ave.

AL3-2i01 Oil base pain, fully guar. $1.9. gal Yntes Arre.y Store. 2221 E. Vnn Bur MsiffMltJ PITPBrTrKPA RS 815 2(ith St.

AL S-JWe Mattress" Renovating maiM intA innnnrin Save hn 11 kVIN(j IP Avp. Grand AL 41)48 CLEAN DIRT i xi ill en vd Fill $1.20. Silt Granite i1 TRASH Barrels it 1 1 a 1 ronr rack tit* Sfl Ford" half ton pickup, 2904 West Orangewood PKiPBCTTNC Jeep pickup. '51 cylinder engine, 16x625 12 Ply nylon mud grip tire, 66 living quarters Insert. bi.rrmiin eniinlermRNter.

comp I'll $1100 or will sell aeparate. 2103 tastSouth Mounlaln Avenue. "BRACELET consisting of flvr ir niiali and ilviv rubes. Saerl flee. $'225.

CR 4-1847. Weekdays CilRR. "STEEL SHEETS 80c lliti A METAL linW Jncnln A I. 5-3461 BREMEN Amerlra's Finest, Piano Value. GAVETTE 707 N.

1st si. bee supplies. Assemb. comb, haiirMi A reu suoera. Deer-O- Palnt Superior Honey.



ATT'MINVM" SHEETS SHAPES -STEEL WINDOW SASH, all sizes. MARICOPA IRON A METAL 33(10 W. Lincoln A I. 2-31M LADY'S platinum. Insurance appraisal $1,100, Sacrifice $475, 110 North 11th Avenue.

SPEClALfof one "week, All aluminum screen diHir, complete. Life time Job. No warping. hn rusting. Regularly $42.50.

AL 3-4823. BLOND." open dlsnlay wall and floor fixtures, adjustable shelving. 1 East McDowell. AM 3-6753. 60 50 USED WOOD DOUBLE DESK Two Desks For The Price of One $62.50 Warehouse Sales Div.

OF WALSH BROS. 851 W. Washington WALSH BROS. OFFICE ECl'IP AL, iTPola'mliT'flssh case. $60 niieq Loan Ai, 31047 a.n wasn- LIQUIDATING WORTH OF INVENTORY Hardware, paint, Houseware.

SP'iti-Ing Goods, Toys, Garden Supplies, a cycles A Power Mowers. Every-Ing must go, cost or below. BARGAIN FAIR 1416 In- o-h. AM S-B606 ui'bn 2 V-' 0 1 i i Complete Furniture For 4 Room House $389.95 This Includes divan, chair, 2 end tables, coffee table. 2 lamps, double dresser and mirror, bookcase headboard, Ikj.x spring A mat tiess.

5 Pc. dinette set, stove and Refrigerator. THIS CAN BE BOUGHT SEPARATELY nlvnn and chAir. 2 end tables. 2 lamp $119.95 Double dresser A mirror, bookcase headboard, box spring A mattress 3 Pc.

dinette set $39.95 Stove or Refrlg $30.00 Used Washers $29.95 up New Baby Cribs $19.95 Used Refrig. $49.95 Used Platform Rockers. $10.00 TRADERS OUTLET 14th St. E. Van Buren TIIONEAL 4-2634 HOME OF REPOSSESSED AND USED FURNITURE ALWAYS THE "MOST FOR LESS" Open Mon.

and Thurs. 'til 9 p.m. PRllilDAlRF. automatic washer 1 wmk nld .89 monlh. Full war ranty.

634 West Camelback, 'Til 9 Monday. Thursday STOf norlable, $20. AL 8-7869. 2333 N. 7lh St.

REPOSSESSED Magic Chef deluxe. Extra large oven and many deluxe features. Was $209. Used 3 months, now $139. Easy terms: only $5.80 monlh.

14.33 E. Vafl Buren. REPOSSESSED 9 V4 cu. ft. deluxe rem full enws freezer; beautiful Interior anil many fine features.

Was $300 used months; will sac-ltice lor $160. Easy terms, Only $7.50 month, 1 435 E. Van Huren. BAHY CRIB and Mnllress SALE MARYLAND 1019 N. Central Metal kltrhen'hutch cnhlnels.

from $22,50. Gjis ramie $09.50. Phllco fivezer 8 .50. Was na maeh ne $73. Leather divan JS9W0.

Sludcnl desk $24.50. Damaged Freight Depot. 4-1 1 St. A E. 'ITiomas.

MAYTAG" square luh washer, Ihree years old. extra gi)d condition. $30. AL 4-3749. CLOSE OUT SALE! 9x12 Linoleum Rug $4.89 New roll-a-way beds, complete, with niattres $17.93 Tias Ranges $19.95 up 3 Comp lee cream freezer i.uj Open dally 'til 0, Thur, 'til 9 Mill's 1312 K.

Van Buren AL 4-0307 THREE.plecc sectional living nsim set, modern Ixsiroom set. Kcasonnble. WI 3-6333. $'207 CU 424257 D. 'set, "rhs.

(hlue Icalh. stsl $95.50. Plat. rkr. $23.

Misc. 2211 E. Ind, School. Oscar Leverant Drapery Shop FEBRUARY SPECIAL Decorator's hand block prints. 50" wide.

Vadues to $5. Now $1.29 yd. Fish net, all colors, $1.29 yd. Slipcover special, Chair A sola, custom filled complete, no extras. Oscar l.everant Drapery Shop 4306 N.

Central AM 6-6142 beautiful armless divans, $35; gisid 17" TV's. Miii; TV gland. beautiful ee-llonal, SHO; new blond be Irm, set. $59; chest, 810; stov-s, dinette sets, .119. CANDLER'S, 4123 N.

19th Ave. Open 'Ul b. i.

The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.