Super Relaxing Detox Bath Recipe | Body Unburdened (2024)


September 7, 2018

Super Relaxing Detox Bath Recipe | Body Unburdened (1)

Unwind and do your body good with this relaxing detox bath recipe! It’s a simple way to rev up your body’s detox pathways while letting stress melt away.

Well have I got news for you: it absolutely is with a relaxing detox bath.

Not only is relaxing and releasing tension healthy (the best excuse to prop your feet up and marathon-watch a series on Netflix I’ve ever heard one), but detox baths help eliminate toxins from your body.

Related: Detox Clay Foot Mask

Super Relaxing Detox Bath Recipe | Body Unburdened (2)

Your skin is responsible foreliminating 25% of the toxins in your body. It also absorbs up to 60% whatever is applied to it (this is why it is so SO important to use natural, non-toxic skincare products).

The ingredients in detox baths both pull toxins from the skin and are also absorbed by the skin, providing minerals that support the body’s natural detox systems and overall health.

Raspberry bubble bath scented with hormone-disrupting phthalates? Oh heck no.

Super Relaxing Detox Bath Recipe | Body Unburdened (3)

Bentonite Clay

This healing clay magnetically pulls toxins and heavy metals from the body.

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Pink Himalayan Sea Salt

Himalayan sea salt contains 84 essential minerals that efficiently detox the entire body.

It’s said that a strong Himalayan salt bath (1-2 full pounds of salt per bath… that’s a lot of salt) is claimed to be the equivalent of a 3-day fast in terms of detoxification.

Super Relaxing Detox Bath Recipe | Body Unburdened (4)

Epsom Salts

Magnesium sulfate flushes toxins and also promotes relaxation, improves oxygen use, helps muscles and nerves function properly, and improves the absorption of nutrients.

And guess what? 80% of the population is deficient in this key mineral! A relaxing bath sure seems like a great way to supplement, doesn’t it!?

Baking Soda

Baking soda helps neutralize the body’s pH. It also helps neutralize the chlorine in the water.

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil promotes relaxation and eases tension.

Super Relaxing Detox Bath Recipe | Body Unburdened (5)


Optional: 1 teaspoon vitamin C (sodium ascorbate crystals), which helps neutralize the chlorine and chloramine (chlorine and ammonia; used in water treatment and can be more dangerous than just chlorine) in most tap water.


  1. Shower and wash thoroughly beforehand. I also dry body brush before showering to stimulate my body’s detox processes and shed dead skin cells so the detox bath can more easily penetrate my skin (I’m honestly not 100% sure if exfoliating actually assists the process, but it sounds logical to me!).
  2. Fill your tub with hot water. The heat of the water opens your pores and allows for maximum absorption. It will also make you sweat, a natural detoxification process in itself.
  3. Dump all of the ingredients into the tub as it is filling. The clay will likely clump — this is no problem. When you get into the tub, simply try to break the clumps up (or I spread them across my skin).
  4. Stay in the tub for at least 30 minutes, relaxing and deep breathing, enjoying the scent of the lavender. When you are done, drain the tub and rinse off. Then apply a natural moisturizer like grapeseed oil to complete the process!

NOTE: You should never detox in any capacity while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Super Relaxing Detox Bath Recipe | Body Unburdened (6)

Super Relaxing Detox Bath Recipe | Body Unburdened (7)


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Share Your Thoughts

  1. I actually have a question, I have sjorgons and am interested in doing this bath recipe. Does it dry you out or is it harmful to the vagin*? I’m starting to have vagin*l dryness with the sjorgons and I am am concerned these ingredients could dry you out more down there.

  2. Couldn’t agree more, Amanda! Enjoy 🙂

  3. This sounds like such a great way to relax! Self-care is so important and this is a great addition to that. I’m certainly going to order these ingredients and give it a try – thank you so much for sharing the recipe! 🙂

  4. I look forward to tying this combination thanks for sharing

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  7. Hi Autumn,

    The Adrenal Reset Diet is wonderful – I hope you are able to get your adrenal fatigue under control with it. I really love the “carb-cycling” idea (it makes so much sense) and still use it in my day-to-day diet.

    The sweating is normal because of the heat of the bath. And a headache is a typical detox reaction but not one you really want – it usually means you’re detoxing too fast. If you do the bath again, maybe try half of the ingredients. Also, remember to hydrate! Especially since you are sweating a lot and to help flush toxins. This could also have been the reason for the headache.

    I hope that helps!! Again, best of luck!

  8. I am starting the adrenal reset diet tomorrow and thought I would kick it off with a detox bath. I got as much of my body in the water as possible and soaked for 40 mins. I sweated profusely on my face and while I did drink water I ended up with a headache. Is this a normal reaction or did I do something wrong?

  9. That’s great! I wouldn’t use regular salt – it is stripped of the natural mineral content.

  10. I have the epsom salts and baking soda, but for the other ingredients, i only have regular table salt and regular vinegar. could i use regular salt. I just got out from soaking and relaxing using this recipe the vinegar. Totally feel it working.

  11. I mean it’s a free world 🙂 but it will probably be stinky…

  12. Could I add ginger powder or Apple cider vinegar to this bath, or would that be overkill?

  13. Pingback: DIY All-Natural Fizzy Bath Bombs | Body Unburdened

  14. This sounds great, another benefit of bentonite clay!

  15. Does the metal drain in a bath tub effect the bentonite clay?

  16. Oh that is such a good idea! Like a “basics” list… I do not have this yet but will work on it!!

  17. Great.. Essential oils in bath recipe has antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral properties, making it useful for cuts and wounds..

  18. I feel relaxed just reading the ingredients for this bath soak recipe 🙂 Love the inclusion of bentonite clay, I never think to add it to the bath but it makes so much sense!

  19. Hi Nadia,

    I’m interested in starting a collection of ingredients that I can use for DIY bath/body goodies and natural home cleaners. Do you have a good “starter list” of ingredients that I should always have around the home?

  20. Hi Nadia,

    This sounds amazing! I wish I had more time to do this for myself. I give my kids detox baths (I try for once a week) and I use the epsom or himalayan salts, baking soda, essential oil and coconut oil. They absolutely love it. I keep them in the bath for about twenty minutes and their skin comes out silky soft because of the coconut oil. On another note, I absolutely love your blog. Keep up the amazing work!

Super Relaxing Detox Bath Recipe | Body Unburdened (2024)
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