SB1737 - 562R - S Ver (2024)

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section1. Laws 2023, chapter 135, section 10is amended to read:

Sec.10. Appropriations;department of transportation; highway projects; exemption

A. The following amounts are appropriated from thestate general fund in fiscal year 2023-2024 to the department of transportationfor the following highway projects:

1. Improve the interchange at State Route

303 andU.S. Route 60 $ 4,500,000

2. Distribute to the town of Clarkdale to

replacethe current bridge over

BitterCreek wash $ 6,321,400

3. Improve intersection on State Route 347

at CasaBlanca Road and Cement

Plantaccess $18,000,000

4. Distribute to the city of Phoenix for

improvementson Happy Valley Road

between35th Avenue and 67th Avenue $12,500,000

The legislature intends that the city of Phoenix contribute$14,800,000 to the project described in this paragraph.

5. Distribute to the town of Prescott Valley

to improveGlassford Hill Road $9,900,000

The department of transportationmay distribute the monies appropriated in this paragraph only if the town ofPrescott Valley demonstrates to the department that the town has a commitmentfor at least $1,100,000 in matching monies of gifts, grants and donations forimprovements to Glassford Hill Road from sources other than this state.

6. Distribute to the city of Coolidge for

CoolidgeAvenue reconstruction between

ChristensenRoad and Clemans Road $5,300,000

7. Distribute to the city of Eloy for Sunland

GinRoad Interstate 10 overpass and road

improvementsbetween Interstate 10 and

AricaRoad $5,000,000

8. Distribute to the town of Marana for

designcosts for traffic interchange

betweenInterstate 10 and Cortaro Road $10,000,000

9. Distribute to thecity of Douglas for road

development and construction connecting

the Douglasinternational commercial

port ofentry and State Route 80 $8,170,000

10. Distribute to the town of Patagonia for

McKeownAvenue reconstruction between

FourthAvenue West and State Route 82 $ 1,500,000

11. Distribute to thecity of Sierra Vista for

Theater Drive corridor improvements

between 7th Street and Carmichael

Avenue $1,800,000

12. Distribute to Graham county for

intersectionreconstruction at Norton

Road andReay Lane $ 500,000

13. Distribute to Cochise county for

MosonRoad drainage and safety

improvementsbetween State Route 90

andHereford Road $6,100,000

14. Improve U.S. Route 95 between Wellton

MohawkCanal Road and Aberdeen Road $33,300,000

15. Distribute to Yuma county for

U.S.Route 95 pavement

rehabilitationbetween County

22ndStreet and County 11th Street $5,910,400

16. Distribute toPinal county for engineering

and design of the West Pinal Parkway

East-West Corridor $9,240,000

17. 16. Designwork and engineer improvements on

StateRoute 85 between mile post 123

andMaricopa Road $6,500,000

18. 17. Constructturn lanes along State Route 95

nearBullhead City $8,000,000

19. 18. Constructan emergency evacuation bridge

inLake Havasu City $35,500,000

20. 19. Distributeto the town of Queen Creek

toextend State Route 24 including a

trafficinterchange at State Route 24

andIronwood Road $87,500,000 $59,800,000

Monies distributed to the town of Queen Creek for the projectin this paragraph are eligible to be used for all necessary expenses from thecurrent project status until completion. The town of Queen Creekmust collaborate with Pinal county before spending the monies distributed forthe project pursuant to this paragraph.

21. 20. ImproveState Route 83 within

SantaCruz county $9,000,000

22. 21. Distribute to the town of Cave Creek to

study the construction ofexpanding

lanesalong Cave Creek Road between

Loop101 and Carefree Highway $ 250,000

23. 22. Designa freeway interchange on

Interstate10 at Jackrabbit Trail $5,000,000

24. 23. Distributeto the city of Phoenix to

extend43rd Avenue between Dove

ValleyRoad and State Route 74 $6,500,000

25. 24. Designof State Route 87 intersection

improvementsat Arica Road and

SheddRoad $ 700,000

26. 25. Distributeto the town of Huachuca City

forSkyline Drive reconstruction

betweenState Route 90 and

HuachucaCity Landfill $1,565,200

27. 26. Distributeto the town of Huachuca City

forSkyline Pathway development along

SkylineDrive between Gila Avenue

andEdgewood Street $ 506,000

28. 27. Distributeto the town of Pinetop-Lakeside

forPorter Mountain Road improvements

inthe vicinity of Blue Ridge

elementaryschool $2,242,200

29. 28. Distributeto the city of Globe for

sidewalkconstruction along Jesse Hayes

Roadand Six Shooter Canyon Road $3,501,100

30. 29. Distributeto the town of Payson for

roundaboutconstruction and

improvementsat intersection of

LonghornRoad and McLane Road $1,529,800

31. 30. Distributeto the city of Globe for

JesseHayes Road bridge replacement

andimprovements at Pinal Creek $ 643,200

32. 31. Distribute to the city of Globe for

Cottonwood Street bridgereplacement

andimprovements at Pinal Creek $ 632,500

33. 32. Distribute to Gila county for

Houston Mesa Road improvements

betweenState Route 260 and .4 miles

southof Forest Road 198 $ 243,600

34. 33. Distributeto the Canyon Water improvement

districtto make improvements to

infrastructure,including fire hydrants

andother related water needs $ 610,000

35. 34. Distribute to Graham county for

Safford Bryce Road improvements in

thevicinity of Talley Wash Crossing $1,781,500

36. 35. Distributeto the town of Thatcher for

8thStreet improvements between

1stAvenue and 20th Avenue $4,526,400

37. 36. RepaveU.S. Route 60 between Morristown

andWickenburg $10,500,000

38. 37. Distributeto the town of Winkelman for

improvementsto Golf Course Road and

QuarelliStreet $1,560,900

39. 38. Distributeto the town of Superior for

PantherDrive bridge design and

constructionat Queen Creek $2,486,700

40. 39. Improve State Route 260 within

Navajocounty $4,250,000

41. 40. Distribute to the Navajo Nation for

Improvementsto N9402 Road near

Luptonand Houck $10,000,000

42. 41. Distributeto Apache county for

State Route 264 turn laneconstruction

into the Ganado senior citizenscenter

andveterans building development area $ 538,700

43. 42. Distribute to the city of Tucson for

improvementsto the Drexel Road

bridge $15,000,000

44. 43. Distribute to Santa Cruz county for

improvementsto traffic interchange

atInterstate 19 and Rio Rico Drive

andtraffic interchange at

Interstate19 and Ruby Road $8,600,000

B. Within thirty days after the last day of eachcalendar quarter, the department of transportation shall report to the jointlegislative budget committee staff the projected cost and status of the projectsfor the appropriations made in subsection A of this section.

C. Before transferring monies between the projectsdescribed in subsection A of this section, the department of transportationshall submit a report for review by the joint committee on capital review.

D. Notwithstanding section 41-1252, Arizona RevisedStatutes, the appropriations made in subsection A of this section are notsubject to review by the joint committee on capital review.


Sec.2. Capital outlayappropriations; major maintenance and repair of state buildings

A. Notwithstanding section41-793.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, the amounts appropriated in this sectionare appropriated for fiscal year 2024-2025 to be used by the applicable agencyfor major maintenance and repair activities for state buildings in accordancewith title 41, chapter4, article 7, Arizona Revised Statutes.


Fund source:

Capitaloutlay stabilization fund $19,000,000

The department of administration shallallocate the monies to state agencies for necessary buildingrenewal. If monies in the capital outlay stabilization fundestablished by section 41-792.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, are insufficient tofund the appropriation to the department of administration for buildingrenewal, the appropriation to the department of administration is reduced bythe difference between the amount appropriated to the department ofadministration from the capital outlay stabilization fund and the balance inthe capital outlay stabilization fund. Notwithstanding title 41, chapter 4,article 7, Arizona Revised Statutes, the department of administration may usemonies appropriated for building renewal in fiscal year 2024-2025 for buildingprojects related to retrofitting facilities for space consolidationinitiatives.



Department of corrections building

renewal fund $5,864,300

Prison construction and operationsfund $2,692,700

The state department of correctionsmay not spend any of this appropriation on personal services or overheadexpenses related to managing the funded projects.


Fund source:

Game and fish fund $ 1,795,000


Fund source:

State lottery fund $ 218,200



State highway fund $22,082,800

State aviation fund $ 457,300

Individual Projects

Sec.3. Appropriations; stateagencies and boards capital projects

A. The amounts appropriatedin this section are appropriated for fiscal year 2024-2025 to be used by theapplicable agency or board for individual capital projects.


Capital improvements $ 3,022,000

Fund source:

State parks revenue fund $ 3,022,000

The Arizona state parks board shallreport to the joint committee on capital review and the governor's office ofstrategic planning and budgeting if the board revises the plan for any projectfor which monies are appropriated by this subsection because the board receivesland and water conservation grant funding.


Capital improvements $ 465,000

Fund source:

Miners' hospital for miners with

disabilitiesland fund $ 465,000


Additional vehicle fueling replacement

funding for facilities located in Flagstaff,

Needle Mountain, Kingman, Tucson, Willcox,

Three Points, Saint David, Springerville,

Chambers and Holbrook $ 9,088,200

Fund source:

State highway fund $ 9,088,200

Departmentof Transportation Statewide Highway Construction

Sec.4. Appropriation; department of transportation; statewide highwayconstruction; reports; exemption

A. The amount appropriatedin this section is appropriated for fiscal year 2024-2025 to plan and constructstate highways, including the national system of interstate highways withinthis state, the state primary or secondary system, the county primary orsecondary system and urban rural routes, to acquire rights-of-wayand to provide for the cost of contracted field administration and fieldengineering on construction projects and debt service payments on bonds issuedfor highway construction.



State highway fund $462,488,000

Any balances and collections in thestate highway fund established by section 28-6991, Arizona RevisedStatutes, that exceed the specific amounts appropriated in the generalappropriations act and in this act are appropriated to the department of transportationfor the purposes provided in this section.

C. On or before November 1,2024, the department of transportation shall report to the directors of thejoint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategicplanning and budgeting on its actual prior year, estimated current year andupcoming budget year highway construction expenses from all fund sources,including appropriated monies, federal monies, local agency monies, statehighway monies, bond proceeds and regional area road monies. Thereport shall be in the same format as in the prior year unless the directors ofthe joint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategicplanning and budgeting have approved modifications to the format.

D. Onor before November 1, 2024, the department of transportation shall reportcapital outlay information for fiscal years 2023-2024, 2024-2025and 2025-2026, to the directors of the joint legislative budget committeeand the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting. This informationshall appear in the same format as tables two, three and six, as found in thefiscal year 2023-2024 appropriations report.

E. On or before November 1,2024, the department of transportation shall report the department's estimatedoutstanding debt principal balance at the end of fiscal year 2025-2026 and theestimated debt service payment amount for each of fiscal years 2025-2026, 2026-2027,2027-2028 and 2028-2029, to the directors of the joint legislativebudget committee and the governor's office of strategic planning andbudgeting. This report shall include state highway fund statewideconstruction bonds, Arizona highway user revenue fund bonds, Maricopaassociation of governments and Pima association of governments controlledaccess bonds, Maricopa regional area road fund bonds and grant anticipationnotes and is intended to be comparable to the information in the fiscal year2023-2024 appropriations report.

F. Notwithstanding section41-1252, Arizona Revised Statutes, the appropriation made in this section isnot subject to review by the joint committee on capital review.

Departmentof Transportation Airport Planning and Development

Sec.5. Appropriation;department of transportation; airport planning and development; report;exemption

A. The amount appropriatedin this section is appropriated in fiscal year 2024-2025 to plan, construct,develop and improve state, county, city or town airports as determined by thestate transportation board.


Fund source:

State aviation fund $ 25,550,000

Any balances and collections in thestate aviation fund established by section 28-8202, Arizona RevisedStatutes, that exceed the specific amounts appropriated in the generalappropriations act and in this act are appropriated to the department oftransportation in fiscal year 2024-2025 for the purposes provided in thissection.

C. On or before December31, 2024, the department of transportation shall report to the jointlegislative budget committee staff on the status of all aviation grant awardsand aviation grant distributions. The report shall delineate projects byindividual airport and fiscal year, including any future year commitments.

D. Notwithstanding section41-1252, Arizona Revised Statutes, the appropriation made in this section isnot subject to review by the joint committee on capital review.

Appropriation reductions; reappropriation

Sec.6. Appropriation reduction; fiscal year 2021-2022;appropriation; fiscal year 2027-2028; department of veterans' services;veterans' home facility; site selection; review; exemption

A. Notwithstandingany other law, the following amounts are reduced from appropriations made tothe following state agency in fiscal year 2021-2022 by Laws 2021, chapter 406,section 29 for the following project:


Veterans' home facility $(25,000,000)


State general fund $(25,000,000)

C. Thesum of $25,000,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year2027-2028 to the department of veterans' services to construct and establish aveterans' home facility in the northwestern portion of this state.

D. Theappropriation made in subsection C of this section is intended to be thisstate's share of the costs and is not subject to expenditure for any purposeunless the department of veterans' services has irrevocable commitments fromthe United States government to fund at least sixty-five percent of the totalcosts.

E. Thedepartment shall submit the proposed site location in the northwestern portionof this state to the Arizona veterans' service advisory commission establishedby section 41-602, Arizona Revised Statutes, for approval. Thedepartment shall provide the commission a feasibility analysis of suitablesites to consider when approving the site location.

F. Before spending theappropriation made in subsection C of this section, the department of veterans'services shall submit the scope, purpose and estimated cost of the capitalimprovements to the joint committee on capital review for its review pursuantto section 41-1252, Arizona Revised Statutes.

G. Theappropriation made in subsection C of this section is exempt from the provisionsof section 35-190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing ofappropriations.

Sec.7. Appropriation reductions; department of administration;capital projects; fiscal year 2022-2023

A. Notwithstanding any other law, the followingamounts are reduced from appropriations made to the following state agency infiscal year 2022-2023 by Laws 2022, chapter 309, sections 2 and 3 for thefollowing project:


1. Building renewal $(12,875,800)

2. Building demolition $ (68,600)

3. West Adams buildingrenovations $(48,263,600)

Fund source:

State general fund $(61,208,000)

Sec.8. Appropriation reductions; department of administration;state department of corrections; capital projects; fiscal year 2023-2024

A. Notwithstanding any other law, the followingamounts are reduced from appropriations made to the following state agencies infiscal year 2023-2024 by Laws 2023, chapter 135, sections 7 and 8 for thefollowing projects:


1. Building renewal $(22,539,500)

2. Electric vehicle charging and advance

fuelinfrastructure $(5,000,000)

Fund source:

State general fund $(27,539,500)


1. Building renewal $(19,379,100)

2. Replace evaporative cooling statewide

with HVAC $(56,983,600)

Fund source:

State general fund $(76,362,700)

Sec.9. Appropriation reductions; appropriation;department of transportation; Riggs Road overpass; fiscal years 2020-2021,2022-2023 and 2027-2028; fund balance transfer; intent

A. Notwithstanding any other law, the followingamounts are reduced from appropriations made to the following state agency infiscal year 2020-2021 by Laws 2021, chapter 406, section 33 for thefollowing project:


Construct an overpass at Riggs Road

and StateRoute 347 $(25,000,000)

Fund sources:

State general fund $(25,000,000)

C. Notwithstanding any other law, the followingamounts are reduced from appropriations made to the following state agency infiscal year 2022-2023 by Laws 2022, chapter 309, section 12, as amended by Laws2023, chapter 135, section 5, for the following project:


Construct an overpass at Riggs Road

and StateRoute 347 $(24,000,000)

Fund sources:

State highway fund $(24,000,000)

E. Notwithstandingany other law, on or before June 30, 2024, $24,000,000 from the state highwayfund established by section 28-6991, Arizona Revised Statutes, is transferredto the state general fund for the purposes of providing adequate support andmaintenance for agencies of this state. This amount reflects a portionof the revenues derived from the tax levied by title 42, chapter 5, articles 1and 5, Arizona Revised Statutes, that were transferred to the state highwayfund by Laws 2022, chapter 321, section 20, subsection A, paragraph 2.

F. The sum of $49,000,000is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2027-2028 to thedepartment of transportation to construct an overpass at Riggs Road and StateRoute 347. Consistent with this advance appropriation, the legislature intendsthat the overpass at Riggs Road and State Route 347 be funded in fiscal year2027-2028.

Sec.10. Appropriation reductions; appropriation; department oftransportation; Interstate 10; fiscal years 2022-2023, 2023-2024 and 2027-2028;fund balance transfer

A. Notwithstanding any other law, the followingamounts are reduced from appropriations made to the following state agency infiscal year 2022-2023 by Laws 2022, chapter 309, section 8, as amended by Laws2023, chapter 135, section 3, for the following project:


Design and construct additional vehicle

lanes,separated by a lighted median,

onInterstate 10 between State Route 85

and CitrusRoad $(55,910,000)

Fund sources:

State highway fund $(55,910,000)

C. Notwithstanding any other law, the followingamounts are reduced from appropriations made to the following state agency infiscal year 2023-2024 by Laws 2023, chapter 135, section 20 for the followingproject:


Design and construct additional vehicle

lanes,separated by a lighted median,

onInterstate 10 between State Route 85

and CitrusRoad $(52,090,000)

Fund sources:

State general fund $(52,090,000)

E. Notwithstanding anyother law, on or before June 30, 2024, $55,910,000 from the state highway fundestablished by section 28-6991, Arizona Revised Statutes, is transferred to thestate general fund for the purposes of providing adequate support and maintenancefor agencies of this state. This amount reflects a portion of therevenues derived from the tax levied by title 42, chapter 5, articles 1 and 5,Arizona Revised Statutes, that were transferred to the state highway fund byLaws 2022, chapter 321, section 20, subsection A, paragraph 2.

F. The sum of $30,000,000is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2026-2027 andthe sum of $78,000,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscalyear 2027-2028 to the department of transportation to design and constructadditional vehicle lanes, separated by a lighted median, on Interstate 10between State Route 85 and Citrus Road.

Sec.11. Appropriation reduction; department of transportation;pavement rehabilitation; fiscal year 2022-2023

A. Notwithstanding any other law, the followingamounts are reduced from appropriations made to the following state agency infiscal year 2022-2023 by Laws 2022, chapter 309, section 12 the followingproject:


Rehabilitate pavement on road projects

selectedpursuant to Laws 2021,

chapter406, section 34 $(29,343,200)

Fund sources:

State highway fund $(29,343,200)

C. Notwithstanding anyother law, on or before June 30, 2024, $29,343,200 from the state highway fundestablished by section 28-6991, Arizona Revised Statutes, is transferred to thestate general fund for the purposes of providing adequate support andmaintenance for agencies of this state. This amount reflects a portionof the revenues derived from the tax levied by title 42, chapter 5, articles 1and 5, Arizona Revised Statutes, that were transferred to the state highwayfund by Laws 2022, chapter 321, section 20, subsection A, paragraph 2.

Sec.12. Appropriation reduction; department of transportation;State Route 97; fiscal year 2023-2024

A. Notwithstanding any other law, the followingamounts are reduced from appropriations made to the following state agency infiscal year 2023-2024 by Laws 2022, chapter 309, section 18 for the followingproject:


Improve State Route 97 near Bagdad $(10,000,000)

Fund sources:

State general fund $(10,000,000)

Sec.13. Appropriation reduction; department of transportation;pavement rehabilitation projects; fiscal year 2023-2024

A. Notwithstanding any other law, the followingamounts are reduced from appropriations made to the following state agency infiscal year 2023-2024 by Laws 2023, chapter 135, section 13 for the followingproject:


Pavement rehabilitation projects $(41,000,000)

Fund sources:

State general fund $(41,000,000)

Sec.14. Fund balance transfer; state parks revenue fund; fiscalyear 2023-2024

A. Notwithstanding anyother law, on or before June 30, 2024, $38,237,100 from the state parks revenuefund established by section 41-511.21, Arizona Revised Statutes, istransferred to the state general fund for the purposes of providing adequatesupport and maintenance for agencies of this state. This amountreflects a portion of the revenues derived from the tax levied by title 42,chapter 5, articles 1 and 5, Arizona Revised Statutes, that were transferred tothe state parks revenue fund by Laws 2022, chapter 321, section 20, subsectionA, paragraph 5.

B. On or before September1, 2024, the Arizona state parks board shall submit an expenditure report tothe joint committee on capital review that describes how monies appropriatedfrom the state parks revenue fund by Laws 2022, chapter 309, sections 6, 19 and20 will be allocated for capital projects listed in those sections afterdeducting the amount of the transfer made in subsection A of this section. Thedepartment may only spend monies for capital projects that were favorablyreviewed by the joint committee on capital review before the effective date ofthis section.

Departmentof Transportation Highway Project Reallocations

Sec.15. Appropriation reduction; department of transportation;State Route 90; Fort Huachuca; fiscal year 2020-2021

A. Notwithstanding any other law, the followingamounts are reduced from appropriations made to the following state agency infiscal year 2020-2021 by Laws 2021, chapter 406, section 33 for the followingproject:


Improve State Route 90 near Fort Huachuca $(2,095,000)

Fund sources:

State general fund $(2,095,000)

Sec.16. Supplemental appropriation; department oftransportation; State Route 69 roundabout; fiscal year 2023-2024

A. In addition to the appropriation made by Laws2022, chapter 309, section 8, as amended by Laws 2023, chapter 135, section 3,the following amounts are appropriated in fiscal year 2023-2024 to thefollowing state agency for the following project:


Construct roundabout at intersection of

State Route69 and State Route 169 $ 939,100

Fund sources:

State highway fund $ 939,100

Sec.17. Appropriation reduction; department of transportation;Sonoran Corridor study; fiscal year 2022-2023

A. Notwithstanding any other law, the followingamounts are reduced from appropriations made to the following state agency infiscal year 2022-2023 by Laws 2022, chapter 309, section 8 for the followingproject:


Conduct a tier 2 study for the Sonoran

Corridor inPima county $(2,436,000)

Fund sources:

State highway fund $(2,436,000)

Sec.18. Appropriation reduction; department of transportation;State Route 90; Moson Road; fiscal year 2022-2023

A. Notwithstanding any other law, the followingamounts are reduced from appropriations made to the following state agency infiscal year 2022-2023 by Laws 2022, chapter 309, section 12, as amended by Laws2023, chapter 135, section 5, for the following project:


Improve State Route 90 from Moson

Road to Campus Drive $(3,300,000)


State highway fund $(3,300,000)

Sec.19. Appropriation reduction; department of transportation;State Route 303; fiscal year 2022-2023

A. Notwithstanding any other law, the followingamounts are reduced from appropriations made to the following state agency infiscal year 2022-2023 by Laws 2022, chapter 309, section 8 for the followingproject:


Design work for the interchange at

State Route303 and Interstate 17 $(4,000,000)

Fund sources:

State highway fund $(4,000,000)

Sec.20. Appropriation reduction; department of transportation;State Route 90; pavement rehabilitation; fiscal year 2022-2023

A. Notwithstanding any other law, the followingamounts are reduced from appropriations made to the following state agency infiscal year 2022-2023 by Laws 2022, chapter 309, section 8, as amended by Laws2023, chapter 135, section 3, for the following project:


Rehabilitate pavement along State Route 90

between Campus Drive and the U.S. Border

Patrolstation in Huachuca City $(8,720,000)

Fund sources:

State highway fund $(8,720,000)

Sec.21. Appropriation reduction; department of transportation;United States Route 191; fiscal year 2022-2023

A. Notwithstanding any other law, the followingamounts are reduced from appropriations made to the following state agency infiscal year 2022-2023 by Laws 2022, chapter 309, section 8, as amended by Laws2023, chapter 135, section 3, for the following project:


Rehabilitate pavement along United States

Route 191between Armory Road and

EastSafford $(7,038,200)

Fund sources:

State highway fund $(7,038,200)

Sec.22. Supplemental appropriation; department oftransportation; Riggs Road overpass; fiscal year 2023-2024

A. In addition to the appropriation made by Laws2021, chapter 406, section 33, the following amounts are appropriated to thefollowing state agency in fiscal year 2023-2024 for the followingproject:


Final design plan, right-of-way and

easem*ntsfor an overpass at

Riggs Roadand State Route 347 $ 1,500,000

Fund sources:

State highway fund $ 1,500,000

Sec.23. Supplemental appropriation; department oftransportation; State Route 303; fiscal year 2023-2024

A. In addition to the appropriation made by Laws2023, chapter 135, section 10, the following amounts are appropriated to thefollowing state agency in fiscal year 2023-2024 for the following project:


Improve the interchange at State

Route 303 and U.S. Route 60 $ 167,000

Fund sources:

State general fund $ 167,000

Sec.24. Supplemental appropriation; department oftransportation; state Route 87; fiscal year 2023-2024

A. In addition to the appropriationmade by Laws 2023, chapter 135, section 10, the following amounts areappropriated to the following state agency in fiscal year 2023-2024 for thefollowing project:


Design of State Route 87 intersection

improvementsat Arica Road and Shedd Road $ 315,000

Fund sources:

State general fund $ 315,000

Sec.25. Supplemental appropriation; department oftransportation; State Route 83; fiscal year 2023-2024

A. In addition to the appropriation made by Laws2023, chapter 135, section 10, the following amounts are appropriated to thefollowing state agency in fiscal year 2023-2024 for the following project:


Improve State Route 83 within

Santa Cruz county $ 1,100,000


State highway fund $ 1,100,000

Sec.26. Supplemental appropriation; department oftransportation; State Route 85; fiscal year 2023-2024

A. In addition to the appropriation made by Laws2023, chapter 135, section 10, the following amounts are appropriated to thefollowing state agency in fiscal year 2023-2024 for the following project:


Design work and engineer improvements on

State Route85 between mile post 123

andMaricopa Road $ 12,600,500

Fund sources:

State highway fund $ 12,600,500

Sec.27. Supplemental appropriation; department oftransportation; State Route 260; fiscal year 2023-2024

A. In addition to the appropriation made by Laws2023, chapter 135, section 10, the following amounts are appropriated to thefollowing state agency in fiscal year 2023-2024 for the following project:


Improve State Route 260 within Navajo county $ 172,200

Fund sources:

State general fund $ 172,200

Sec.28. Supplemental appropriation; department oftransportation; U.S. Route 60; fiscal year 2023-2024

A. In addition to the appropriation made by Laws2023, chapter 135, section 10, the following amounts are appropriated to thefollowing state agency in fiscal year 2023-2024 for the following project:


Repave U.S. Route 60 between Morristown

andWickenburg $ 427,700

Fund sources:

State general fund $ 206,800

State highway fund $ 220,900

Sec.29. Supplemental appropriation; department oftransportation; State Route 347; fiscal year 2023-2024

A. In addition to the appropriationmade by Laws 2023, chapter 135, section 10, the following amounts areappropriated to the following state agency in fiscal year 2023-2024 for thefollowing project:


Improve intersection on State Route 347

at CasaBlanca Road and Cement

Plantaccess $ 1,901,000

Fund sources:

State general fund $ 1,901,000

Sec.30. Fund balance transfer; state highway fund;fiscal year 2023-2024

Notwithstanding any other law, on orbefore June 30, 2024, $9,133,700 from the state highway fund established bysection 28-6991, Arizona Revised Statutes, is transferred to the state generalfund for the purposes of providing adequate support and maintenance foragencies of this state. This amount reflects a portion of therevenues derived from the tax levied by title 42, chapter 5, articles 1 and 5,Arizona Revised Statutes, that were transferred to the state highway fund byLaws 2022, chapter 321, section 20, subsection A, paragraph 2.

Sec.31. Joint committee on capital review; projects; review

A. The following projectsare deemed to have been favorably reviewed by the joint committee on capitalreview:

1. $2,600,000 for thefollowing Arizona game and fish department capital projects:

(a) Replace undergroundvalves at the Canyon Creek Hatchery.

(b) Insulate the spring onthe Cold Springs Ranch property against outside contaminants.

(c) Replace a portion of awater pipeline at the House Rock Wildlife Area.

(d) Realign and installpiping in a diversion ditch at the Sipe Wildlife Area.

(e) Construct an equipmentstorage building at Becker Lake Wildlife Area.

2. $214,200 for Arizonastate lottery commission building renewal projects for structural repairs ofthe commission's facility in Phoenix.

3. $250,000 for the Arizonapioneers' home project to improve the cemetery parking lot.

4. $63,000,000 for Arizonastate university system revenue bond issuances to implement informationtechnology infrastructure improvements.

5. $22,000,000 for Arizonastate university system revenue bond issuances to fund a utility expansionproject on the Tempe campus.

6. $16,375,000 for Yavapaicollege bond projects to finance the creation of centers for learning andinnovation, capital improvement projects and software system upgrades.

7. $8,704,900 for the statedepartment of corrections to purchase HVAC units and electrical equipment forinstallation at the Eyman prison complex.

B. The following financingprovisions apply to the projects deemed to have been favorably reviewed by subsectionA, paragraphs 4 and 5 of this section:

1. The favorable reviewdoes not constitute endorsem*nt of state general fund appropriations to offsetany revenues that may be required for debt service or any operations andmaintenance costs when the project is complete.

2. The university shallprovide the final debt service schedule and interest rate for the projects tothe joint committee on capital review as soon as the final debt serviceschedule and interest rate are available.

3. On or before October 15of each year until completion of the project, the university shall report tothe staff of the joint legislative budget committee on the status andexpenditures of the projects. The report shall include the projectexpenditures to date, any changes to the planned construction timeline, theexpected completion date and any change to the scope of the project.

C. The following financingprovisions apply to the projects deemed to have been favorably reviewed bysubsection A, paragraph 6 of this section:

1. The college shallprovide the final debt service schedule and interest rate for the projects tothe joint committee on capital review as soon as the final debt serviceschedule and interest rate are available.

2. On or before July 31 ofeach year until completion of the project, the college shall report to thestaff of the joint legislative budget committee on the status and expendituresof the projects. The report shall include the project expenditures to date,any changes to the planned construction timeline, the expected completion dateand any change to the scope of the project.

Sec.32. Appropriation; vehicle fueling stations; exemption fromlapsing

Notwithstanding section 35-190,Arizona Revised Statutes, the $1,800,000 appropriated to the department oftransportation by Laws 2021, chapter 406, section 31 in fiscal year 2021-2022to replace vehicle fueling facilities in Flagstaff, Holbrook and Kingman isexempt from the provisions of section 35-190, Arizona Revised Statutes,relating to lapsing of appropriations, until June 30, 2025.

Sec.33. Appropriation;department of transportation; West Pinal Parkway; fiscal year 2027-2028

The sum of $9,240,000 is appropriatedfrom the state general fund in fiscal year 2027-2028 to the department oftransportation to distribute to Pinal county for the engineering and design ofthe West Pinal Parkway East-West Corridor.

Sec.34. Appropriation; extend State Route 24;distribution

Notwithstanding any other law, the$59,800,000 appropriated from the state general fund to the department oftransportation by Laws 2023, chapter 135, section 10, subsection A, paragraph20, as amended by this act, to distribute to the town of Queen Creek to extendState Route 24, including a traffic interchange at State Route 24 and IronwoodRoad, shall be distributed to the town of Queen Creek on or before June 30,2024. Monies distributed to the town of Queen Creek for State Route 24 shallbe prioritized for a traffic interchange at State Route 24 and Ironwood Road.Any remaining monies shall be used to extend State Route 24.

Sec.35. Use of appropriations; limit

A. The department ofadministration may spend up to five percent of the amounts appropriated to thedepartment in this act, excluding amounts to be distributed to nonstateagencies, for expenditures for project management of building renewal andcapital projects. All other monies appropriated to the department inthis act may not be spent for personal services or employee-relatedexpenditures or for maintenance contracts on building components and equipmentwithout review by the joint committee on capital review.

B. Except as provided insubsection A of this section, the monies appropriated in this act may not bespent for personal services or employee-related expenditures of stateemployees, excluding any services provided as part of the inmate constructionprogram for correctional facilities.

SB1737 - 562R - S Ver (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.