Rich And Moist #Vegan OREO Cake Recipe (2024)

Please Note: Some OREO products may be exposed to milk cross-contamination in the production process. 100 Calorie OREO Thin Crisps and other varieties are listed on PETA's approved 'accidentally vegan' list. While OREO cookies are commonly considered appropriate for Vegans, your personal diet and beliefs may require closer scrutiny when choosing which OREO product to include in your recipes. The following content is not sponsored. Enjoy!

Rich And Moist #Vegan OREO Cake Recipe (1)

Momma Told Me: The absence of something doesn't always take away from the overall experience.

As you know, last year, I began exploring a variety of alternate food styles and playing with various recipes that meet restrictive diets. Not because I, personally, was ready to scratch these things off my everyday diet, but because I find the creativity involved with recipe development and unique substitutions makes for a more pure eating experience overall. Have you ever noticed the fewer ingredients in a recipe the more each individual ingredient and flavor stands out? When we're forced to scrutinize what goes into our food we naturally develop a stronger appreciation for the profiles and flavors being created.

Rich And Moist #Vegan OREO Cake Recipe (2)

Vegan and Paleo were high on my list of experimentation last year- while, for me, Paleo has proved the toughest transition, Vegan can feel much like 'normal' eating. Naturally, the bigger concern with observing Vegan diets is the respect to those who call themselves Vegan. My very first recipe involved honey, and I quickly learned to substitute honey with maple or agave- as bees are living creatures involved in the creation of honey, and it is not deemed a Vegan product. While we could go deeper into the culture and beliefs behind the Vegan lifestyle I'd much rather open your eyes through this delicious recipe. My Vegan OREO cake was, without a doubt, the most popular recipe I shared among family and friends in 2015. It was also my personal choice for my own birthday cake.

Rich And Moist #Vegan OREO Cake Recipe (3)

Maybe you have or haven't heard a certain sandwich cookie brand is 'Vegan.' Well, truth be told, only a few OREO varieties make the official PETA accepted 'Accidentally Vegan' list. While all Vegans I know offline consume OREO cookies regularly, the maker of OREO cookies lists the majority of their products not suitable for strict Vegan consumption due to the potential of cross contamination with milk. Consider this similar to a person with a nut allergy eating fruit leather produced on a manufacturer's line that has handled peanuts. While, in theory, OREO cookies are designed to be Vegan, chocolate dipped varieties and such do contain milk ingredients that may come in contact with other OREO products.

Rich And Moist #Vegan OREO Cake Recipe (4)

Rich And Moist #Vegan OREO Cake Recipe (5)

Rich And Moist #Vegan OREO Cake Recipe (6)

With that in mind this recipe can be made entirely without the OREO cookie garnish- or garnished with one of the approved PETA OREO varieties if you are looking for a strict Vegan experience. The cake and frosting components are completely animal byproduct free and mimic many of the ingredients and processes involved in making traditional OREO cookies.

Rich And Moist #Vegan OREO Cake Recipe (7)

Rich And Moist #Vegan OREO Cake Recipe (8)

This cake is sure to appeal to traditional diets just as much as it does those who are Vegan because of it's unique textures and flavors which mirror the OREO cookie experience. The cake itself is very dense with an almost malty dark cocoa flavor and reminds me of a soft OREO cheesecake crust, or even cake-like brownie. The frosting spreads like OREO filling and has the flavor of such, but slightly fluffier, with a melt-in-your-mouth effect that pairs perfectly with the dense cake.

Rich And Moist #Vegan OREO Cake Recipe (9)

The Vegan OREO Cake is not overly rich- I find I can enjoy a decent sized slice without feeling weighed down or guilty. The sweet component is there, but really, it just begs for a tall glass of, erm, coconut milk? While I've made this cake a few times now I wouldn't suggest transitioning it into cupcake form as I feel the smaller portions of batter might tend to dry out or overcook easily if not highly monitored.I find a 2 layer 6" pan cake is perfect for a celebration of 5-6 people.

Rich And Moist #Vegan OREO Cake Recipe (10)

Rich And Moist #Vegan OREO Cake Recipe (11)

Rich And Moist #Vegan OREO Cake Recipe (12)

As we move into 2016 I find myself more and more fascinated by Vegan concepts that mimic classic and favorite foods. I've been dabbling with a Samoa cookie recipe that promises to be better than the actual thing (Girl Scout Cookies) by the time I'm done tweaking it. As we move through the year I hope to become more adventurous and play with Vegan entrees and savory foods. They do so intimidate me- for now, I'm content keeping a fridge full of black bean patties and tofu nuggets. Have you tried a Vegan recipe that surprised you? If so what was it? If not, what recipe would you be interested in trying in a Vegan format?

What Daughter Says: Vegan has a bad rap among carnivores- but it's really a matter of cleaner eating. You'd be surprised what you can discover if you open your mind and palette.

Rich And Moist #Vegan OREO Cake Recipe (13)

Rich And Moist #Vegan OREO Cake Recipe (14)

Vegan OREO Cake

***Click here for printable Vegan OREO Cake recipe

+++I wanted to note, as indicated in the post above I authored this recipe as a new Vegan baker. This was a few years back, now, and I have since made the recipe several more times. As with traditional baking, Vegan baking is a sensitive art and the ingredients you use will impact the colors/flavors/etc of your final result. I do not give exact brands because naming brands in posts shows brand loyalty I am unfortunately penalized for when I go to partner with brands I use on a paid basis in the future. If you have questions about specifics or working, or brands, please feel free to email me!


2 C Coconut Milk (from carton, not canned)

2 tsp White Vinegar

1 1/2 C Coconut Palm Sugar

2/3 C Vegetable Oil

2 TSP Organic Vanilla Extract

2 C All Purpose Flour

2/3 C Dark Cocoa Powder

2 TSP Instant Coffee Powder

1 1/2 tsp Baking Soda

1 tsp Baking Powder

Pinch of Salt


1/2 C Vegetable or Coconut Shortening (Coconut pref)

1/2 C Vegan Butter (I use Miyoko's)

2 C Powdered Sugar

1 1/2 TSP Vanilla Extract


Preheat Oven to 350F

****Note: The cake made and photographed for this post was made in 2 6" pans, please refer to step #4 for more information on pan sizing.

1. In the bowl of a stand mixer with a whisk attachment beat the sugar, vanilla extract, vinegar, coconut milk and oil until fluffy (about 2 MINS.) *** Per questions this is coconut milk as in from a carton, not a can. The mixture will 'fluff' as in thicken and be more airy compared to the starting texture. It will not 'fluff' like a non vegan egg based batter. If you have beaten it for a minute-2 minutes and it seems noticeably denser in volume (more airy) then you are good to go.

2. In another bowl sift together flour, cocoa powder, instant coffee, baking soda, baking powder, and salt.

3. Add the cocoa/flour mixture to the wet ingredients in 3 alternating batches. Beat for 30 SECS after each addition, scraping down sides as needed. Don't overbeat.

4. Spray and flour your cake pans. ***NOTE: I used much smaller mini cake pans to make thicker layers and an individual sized cake, as seen in the photos. This recipe yields 2 thick layer 6" pans, OR 3 thin layer 6" pans- OR 1 thick 9" cake pan layer. If you want 2 9" layers you will want to double this recipe to get thick layers as in the main photo. Pour the batter evenly between the your pans. For 9" pans bake for 40 MINS at 350F, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. For 6" pans bake for 30 MINS, or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.

5. Allow cakes to cool in the pan for 15 minutes, then remove from pan and allow to cool on a rack until entirely cooled. Prepare frosting while cake layers cool.

6. Place room temperature butter and shortening in the bowl of a stand mixture with a whisk attachment. Beat until fluffy, about 1 MIN.

7. Add the powdered sugar in batches, 1/4 C at a time, beating and scraping between as needed for an even mixture. Once all of the ingredients are introduced beat until soft and fluffy. The frosting will still have some 'grit' to it, like OREO filling and you may wish to refrigerate it for 10-15 minutes prior to frosting your cake/s. Frost your cooled cake layers with a generous layer of frosting between. Garnish with crumbled OREO cookies if desired. ****My frosting is always snow white- I have found that the type of butter substitute and your choice of shortening/coconut oil you use can greatly impact the tint of the frosting. I personally use coconut oil and ellyndales coconut infusion OR Myoko's European Style. Keep in mind, since this frosting relies on powdered sugar to thicken it it is sweet- much like the gritty filling of an OREO cookie. Some of the powdered sugar may be substituted for arrowroot starch- but that is a more advanced Vegan baking formulation, and as I clearly explained in my post I am still playing with ingredients when it comes to baking for Vegans.

Rich And Moist #Vegan OREO Cake Recipe (2024)


What is the cream in Oreos? ›

The creamy filling inside an oreo is not cream because the recipe contains no milk product as such the FDA prohibits Nabisco from labelling the creation as cream. The creme is made from some combination of sugar, high fructose, corn syrup, soy lecithin, artificial flavour and palm or canola oil.

Why are Oreos not vegan? ›

The longer answer. As the Oreo FAQ page states, while Oreos are indeed veggie-friendly, they are not strictly vegan as 'Oreo have milk as cross-contact and therefore they are not suitable for vegans'.

Do Oreos have milk or eggs in them? ›

The classic Oreo and many of its flavor iterations are completely devoid of animal ingredients, which leads to a natural follow-up question: what is the cream filling made out of? Well, it's made of quite a few ingredients, but none of them are dairy-based milk or cream.

Are Golden Oreo cookies vegan? ›

In short, the vast majority of Oreos are vegan and do not contain any animal ingredients (not even milk!). These include: Classic Oreos, Golden Oreos, Double Stuff, and Chocolate Cream Oreos. The only Oreos which are not suitable for vegans are the Peanut Butter flavoured biscuits which contain milk.

What are Lady Gaga Oreos? ›

The vanilla-flavored Chromatica Oreos are "... pink cookie[s] with green filling," as described by Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga on Twitter: LADY GAGA X OREO: The wafers feature various embossments inspired by the album.

What is the white stuff in Oreos called? ›

You may have noticed that any time that filling is mentioned on Oreo packaging, it's called “creme.” This is no typo. Technically, the creamy filling inside an Oreo is not cream at all: The recipe used actually contains no dairy; as such, the FDA prohibits Nabisco from labeling the product as “cream.”

Can dogs have Oreos? ›

If your dog has eaten a lone Oreo, she's probably fine. But Oreos aren't recommended for dogs. Of course, chocolate is toxic to dogs, but there's not enough baking chocolate in an Oreo to cause immediate alarm. That said, it's not wise to feed your dog anything containing even a small amount of a toxic ingredient.

Are Oreos actually dairy? ›

SUMMARY. Oreo cookies are made without any animal products. However, the company that makes them says these cookies are made in facilities that handle milk. As a result, there may be traces of milk in Oreo cookies.

Are Lady Gaga Oreos vegan? ›

For those who were not already aware that the classic Oreo cookie is vegan, we hope to have just made your day.

What animals are in Oreos? ›

It used to be the case that pork lard was used in the creme in Oreo cookies. But since 1997 they have switched to a new recipe that uses no animal products at all, so the Oreo cookie is now completely vegan safe, as well as kosher and halal.

Do Oreos have nut? ›

Are OREO cookies gluten-free? Unfortunately not as we use wheat in the OREO recipe. Are OREO cookies nut free? OREO products do not contain nut or nut traces.

Are there peanuts in Oreos? ›

Are Oreos nut free? Yes, regular Oreos and Double Stuf Oreos in the US are tree nut and peanut free.

Can vegans eat palm oil? ›

While many vegans will stay away from Palm Oil due to its negative associations with animal welfare, as it comes from a fruit, it is safe for vegans to eat.

Are orange Halloween Oreos vegan? ›

HALLOWEEN OREOS. The iconic Oreo with a creamy orange frosting. It took 3 tries to get the cookie PERFECT, but the healthier Oreos were born. They're vegan friendly and also safe on a modified low FODMAP diet!

Can vegans eat sugar? ›

Most vegans consider sugar a generally acceptable food, but strict vegans abstain from refined cane sugars that are likely to have been processed with animal products. They can, however, consume vegan-friendly raw cane sugar, certified-organic cane sugar, and sugar made exclusively from beets.

What is the Oreo cream filling made of? ›

Though the exact recipe has never been revealed, you can deduce from the ingredients list on a package of Oreos that the creme is made from some combination of sugar, high fructose corn syrup, soy lecithin, artificial flavor, and palm and/or canola oil.

Are Oreos healthier without the cream? ›

However, You can eat Oreos without the cream which have about 38% fewer calories and 60% less sugar than eating Oreos with the cream. Therefore, if you eat the same amount of cookies, it would be considered healthier to eat Oreos without the cream.

Is an Oreo a custard cream? ›

Oreo cookies are American, and were launched to the public in 1912. In some respects they're similar to the custard cream, which is a favourite in the UK. Both Oreo cookies and custard creams feature two layers of biscuits sandwiching a cream filling.

How is the cream in Oreos vegan? ›

While Oreos have always been dairy-free, they were not suitable for vegans until 1997, when lard was removed from the formulation. These days, plant-based oils take the place of animal fat. That said, Oreos still include ingredients that are not clearly labeled as vegan.

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.