Pottstown-area churches schedule worship services, special events (2024)

St. John’s UCC

POTTSTOWN — St. John’s UCC welcomes everyone to join in the Community Worship Service-Gathering of Faith Communities being held at Shenkel UCC at 10 am on Sunday. No worship service will be held at St. John’s this Sunday. The Little Pantry is stocked weekly with food, water, and personal care items for community members in need. Collection of food items is also being started to support Operation 143 which provides food for school children in the Pottstown and surrounding school districts. St. John’s also
provides meeting space for AA and MA meetings during the week on various days/times.

Trinity UCC

POTTSTOWN — Trinity Reformed UCC, 60 N. Hanover St., will hold services in Fretz Chapel at 10:15 am on Sept. 1 along with members of our sister congregation, Zions UCC. This week Pastor Marti will be sharing a message titled, “Sinful? or “Saved?” Trinity hosts multiple weekly support groups: Alcoholics Anonymous meets at 7:30 pm every Monday, New Horizons (Narcotics Anonymous) meets at 7 pm every Tuesday and Thursday, Taking Back our Power (mental health support) meets at 1 pm every Thursday, and Breath of Hope (Narcotics Anonymous) meets at 7:30 every Friday. We continue to offer a Community meal for anyone in need at 5 pm every Tuesday. This week Pottsgrove Moms is sponsoring the meal. Trinity will be having our
next free fresh produce giveaway on Saturday, Sept. 28, beginning at 10 am for anyone in the community who is in need.

St. Paul’s UCC

POTTSTOWN — St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 927 N. Franklin St., invites you to join us for worship on Sunday, Sept. 1, at 9 a.m. We will celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion. Our service will also be broadcast live on our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/stpaulsuccpottstown. We will be holding a BINGO fundraiser on Sunday, Sept. 15, at 1 p.m. (Doors open at 12 noon) $20 for 20 regular games, and special games at additional cost. Lunch items will be available for purchase. Tickets can be purchased at the door. Our Diaper Bank is open on the fourth Wednesday of each month, from 10 am -12 noon, and from 5 – 7 p.m. The next date is September 25. The Diaper Bank assists Pottstown families in need with diapers, wipes and other baby essentials.

St. James Lutheran

LIMERICK — St James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Road, invites you to worship with us this Sunday, Sept. 1, at 10 am. This service combines elements from both Contemporary and Traditional services. Holy Communion will also be celebrated and all are welcome to participate. If you can’t join in person, the service is live-streamed on our website at stjameslimerick.org. Age-appropriate Christian Education classes follow the Children’s Message. Save the date – Sunday, September 8th for Rally Day. We will have one service at 10 am. This will also mark the start of the new school year with students moving to their grade level. We will also have a blessing of the backpacks and 3rd graders will receive their own Spark Bibles. A Church Picnic will take place from 11 am-2 pm rain or shine. This will also mark the end of our summer worship schedule with the following week going back to two services each week. The Contemporary service will be at 9:00 and the Traditional service will be at 10:45 effective Sept. 15.

Bethel Community

POTTSTOWN — On Sunday at 10 AM, it’s “Community Sunday School” for all ages when the topic will be “Faith of a Canaanite” based on Matthew 15:21 – 28. At 11 AM, it’s Morning Worship for the “Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost.” Holy Communion will be celebrated. The service is Live on Facebook https://www.facebook.om/BCCP575. The BCCP Food Pantry is Closed on Monday and will resume on Monday, Sept. 9. On Tuesday at 6 PM and Thursday at 12:00 PM, it’s In-Person (Library) and Virtual (215-383-1625 Code 198087) “Community Bible Study.” Everyone is welcome! BCCP relaunch of “Children Sunday School” starting Sunday, Sept. 8, at 10 AM. Transportation provided by calling 610-326-1700.

Grace Lutheran

POTTSTOWN — Grace Lutheran Church, 660 N. Charlotte St., welcomes you to worship with us as we observe the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost at 10:15 AM with the Rev. Lauren Cain presiding over communion. We will be worshipping in the parish hall for the summer. The service will be live-streamed on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/GLCPottstown. The service will remain on Facebook for viewing at a time convenient to our members and friends. We have an activity area set up in the fellowship hall during the summer for the children who attend. Sunday. Worship services return to the sanctuary starting Sept. 1.

Zion’s UCC

POTTSTOWN — Zion’s UCC welcomes all to a joint worship service on Sept. 1 at Trinity United Church of Christ, 60 N. Hanover Street at 10:15 am. (Access is available from the parking lot at the rear of the church.) Pastor Marti Smith will share a message on the theme: Be Love. The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be shared. All are welcome! For those who wish to worship virtually, you are welcome to join us LIVE or later on Zion’s Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/zionsucc.

Brownback’s UCC

SPRING CITY — Join us this Sunday at 10 am for the worship service in the Sanctuary led by Rev. Bill Wisneski. Nursery care is available for children through age 5. Before the service at 9:45 am, you can also join us for a short Prayer Service in the Chapel and coffee in the lobby. Young At Heart, our community program for ages 55+, will begin its next season on Thursday, Sept. 12. Each month on the second Thursday at Noon, we host a luncheon and program for $14 per person. It is a great way to connect with other people in the community and enjoy some fun and fellowship. If you’d like to register for Sept. 12’s program, leave a message at 484-854-1682 by Sunday, Sept. 8. Our Kids’ Programs resume on Sunday, Sept. 8, during worship for children through grade 12. We hope you can join us on Sept. 8 for a fun kick-off to the Fall season with lunch and games after worship! Join us at 640 Ridge Road, or you can watch the service from home at: https://www.facebook.com/BrownbacksChurch/live/

First Presbyterian

POTTSTOWN — Join First Presbyterian Church of Pottstown, 750 N. Evans St., on Sunday, Sept. 1, for worship at 9:30 am. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated during worship.

Cedarville UMC

NORTH COVENTRY — Join us Sunday at 1092 Laurelwood Road at 8 am for a single service. At 10 AM we join the Combined Community Worship Service at the Grove at Shenkel UCC, Bring a lawn chair. Save the date for Sept. 14, 10 AM-2 PM for the Honey & Local Goods Festival with live bees, kids activities, local produce, crafters and treats. A new 13-week session of GriefShare, a seminar for those experiencing the loss of a loved one, will begin on Wednesday, Sept. 4, from 6:30-8:30 pm in room 105. Visit www.griefshare.org to register or call the church office at 610-326-4173. The Men’s breakfast meets Thursdays at 7:30 AM at the WQ Diner. Mission First (Cedarville Church’s outreach at 414 E. High St.) is in need of Band-aids, jelly, canned fruit, pop tarts, $10 Wawa and McDonald’s gift cards. To help or donate (weekday assistance welcome) stop by or email clare@missionfirstpottstown.org or call her at 610-326-0560

First Baptist Church

POTTSTOWN — Sunday, Sept 1, we will be worshiping at Shenkel United Church of Christ, 1580 Shenkel Road, Pottstown, PA 19465 at 9:30 am. Bring your own lawn chair or sit on a bench in the Grove. Pastor Bailey will be one of two offering a brief meditation and there will be both the opportunity to give to FBC and to support the Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities. There will be no 4:30 pm worship at Keim St. Our Learning Community will resume on Sept 15 at 3:30 pm. The study will be on the Book of Revelation. We will meet in the Library. Our Voices Youth Group meets at 61 N. Franklin St. Wednesday 4:30-6:30. Contact the LGBT Center of Greater Reading at 484-513-3170 for more details. Our Community Garden can always use help. Contact the church office for details or www.fbcpottstown.org.

St. John’s ELC

BOYERTOWN — As children of God and disciples of Christ seeking peace and justice in the world, we welcome, affirm, and include all people into the fullness of God’s love. Join us for worship Sundays at 9:30 am and livestreamed on YouTube (St. John’s ELC Boyertown). Wednesday, Sept. 11, 18, and 25 from 6-7:30 pm, experience LIFT – Living in Faith Together; bringing all generations around the table for dinner, fellowship, music, and Bible study – register online! 2024-25 Preschool Registration open online. Free drive-through, take-out meal every Saturday evening from 4:30-5:30 pm – no registration necessary. For updates and further details, check our website at stjohnsboyertown.org or call the office at 610.369.1024.

Coventryville UMC

SOUTH COVENTRY — This Sunday, join us for our traditional worship service at 10:30 AM. Our Thrift Shop will be open on Saturday, Aug. 31, from 9 am – 12 pm. This ministry gives a second life to gently used items while sharing treasures with the community. All are invited to shop and/or donate items during this time on Saturday; all proceeds support the church and its missions. Our Little Learners Preschool still has a few openings, if you are looking for a local, Christian preschool for your 3- or 4-year-old. You can find more information on our website at https://coventryville.churchtrac.com You can find us at 1521 Old Ridge Rd., Pottstown, PA 19465.

First UCC

ROYERSFORD — First UCC, 367 Washington St. Worship is at 11 am. Rev. Caroline Bashore preaching in the air-conditioned Social Hall.

Bethel UMC

SPRING CITY — Bethel United Methodist Church, 952 Bethel Church Road, invites you to join us this Sunday, Sept. 1, for praise service at 8:30 am or worship service at 10:30 am, led by Pastor John Keretzman. Communion will be served at both services this week. We are a fully handicap-accessible church. Follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/bethelumchurch or visit our website at https://bethelumchurch.com for more information on church activities.

St. Luke Lutheran

GILBERTSVILLE — Join us at St. Luke Lutheran Church, Wilson Ave., for worship on the 15th Sunday after Pentecost at 9:30, a.m. We welcome Pastor Burlington Latshaw as he leads us in worship. Communion will be celebrated. The gospel lesson of the day is Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Authentic religion. Joe Vendetti is lector for the day. The Community Clothing Rack will be open for donations on Sept. 4, from 1-4 p.m. and for shoppers on Sept. 11, 18, and 25. Note our hours for shopping!

Emmanuel Lutheran

POTTSTOWN — You are invited to Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 150 N. Hanover St., on Sunday at 10:45 AM as we observe the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost. As always, the service will feature traditional and contemporary aspects. Pastor Carl Filer will lead the service and offer the day’s message entitled “Do It Yourself Discipleship.” Ample parking can be found in our lot behind the church on the corner of Walnut and Penn Streets. Services are broadcast live on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/EmmanuelPottstown. The Handbell and Chancel Choirs will rehearse on Sept. 4 & 11 at 7 PM and 7:30 PM, respectively, to prepare for the Installation Service. Regular Chancel Choir rehearsals will then begin on Sunday. Sept. 8, at 9 AM and Handbell Choir will begin on Sunday, Sept. 15, at 12:00 PM. Dinner Church will resume on Wednesday, Sept. 18, from 6:30-8:30 PM. Those attending are asked to bring a potluck dish to share. Registration is required to attend. Outreach schedule for the coming week (note the changes due to the Labor Day holiday): Community Meals (use Walnut St. entrance) on Friday at 11:30 AM; Emmanuel’s Closet Clothing Ministry (use Hanover St. entrance) on Wednesday from 1 PM to 3 PM and Friday at 11 AM. NA meetings (use parking lot door closets to Walnut St.) on Monday and Wednesday at 7 PM, Saturday at 12 PM and 6 PM.

Congregation Hesed Shel Emet

POTTSTOWN — Upcoming Shabbat services on September, Erev Shabbat on Sept. 13. High Holidays begin Oct. 2. Services are both in-person and virtual, via Zoom. Visitors are welcome. Rabbi Cynthia Kravitz hosts noontime and evening adult education sessions. Contact: 610-326-1717. Email: Hesedshelemet575@gmail.com.

Christ Lutheran

BARTO — Christ Lutheran Church will worship on this the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost on Sunday, Sept. 1, at 9 a.m. for a service of Holy Communion led by Pr. Matthew Finney, who will also give the sermon for the morning. Coffee and Conversation will be held at 8:30 a.m. and then again at 10 a.m. in the Welcome Center. The church office will be closed on Monday, Sept. 2, in observance of Labor Day. The church is located at 222 Niantic Road between Routes 663 and 100 about a mile east of Bally.

Harvest Fellowship

BOYERTOWN — Harvest Fellowship Church, 584 Colebrookdale Road, invites you to join us for our gathered worship in proclamation of Jesus as Lord on Sunday, Sept. 1, at 10:15 am. As part of our worship service, we will joyfully partake of the Lord’s Supper together, and we also are beginning a new sermon series preaching through Paul’s letter to his true son in the faith, Titus. Paul’s fatherly words of wisdom to Titus contain many pearls of wisdom for the whole church, young and old. Join us for worship and fellowship!

St. Paul’s Lutheran

DOUGLASSVILLE — St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 548 Old Swede Road, is hosting its Apple Festival from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sept. 28. Breakfast and lunch will be served. Fresh baked apple pies and apple dumplings. Blessing of the Animals, Boyertown Alumni Band, Threefold Blessing, Party Animals, Youth Talent Show. Activity wristbands are available for purchase for moonbounces, art bus and games, and animal show.

Area houses of worship are invited to share their news for our free weekly listings. Email information to Mercury Editor Tony Phyrillas at tphyrillas@pottsmerc.com. Submissions will run on a space-available basis and are subject to editing. The information must be submitted before Noon on Thursday for publication in that Saturday’s edition. Please use the words “Church News” in the subject line of the email.

Pottstown-area churches schedule worship services, special events (2024)
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