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Nevada State Journal riday March 5 1976 Help Wanted REALESTATE luntfle Have it done right Call an expert Odd Jobs Specialist irewood Antiques Pointing Appliances Carpentry charged the following rotes PHONE 786 2525 ireplaces 7M 2S2S McDonald's NEVADA OTHER CLASSIICATIONS USE THESE RATES: BARTENDERS KEY MEN 21 DEALERS POKER DEALERS $3 00 Extra Charge MAINTENANCE ROM CASHIERS Apply in person fl Xm i I 4 IRST CLASS PERMIT NO 69 RENO NEVADA Vacuum Arc Melting urnace Operators SNACKBAR PERSONNEL co*ckTAIL WAITRESSES KENO WRITERS 35 43 74 70 75 gazette journal 30 16 14 15 20 32 22 23 77 73 94 76 02 83 97 79 80 81 68 89 93 125 149 85 84 88 86 87 95 96 46 49 50 34 Where The Buyers Are KENO RUNNERS It 7 8 2 10 12 Commercial customers should continue to call 786 8989 and ask for their advertising representative Thank you 63 64 67 52 73 51 72 62 53 55 65 Make a little change CHANGE PERSONNEL MINIMUM CHARGE 10 WORDS SMAIL HOME Repair hauling moving garage dean up etc 673 2322359 1763 Excavating Hauling NICORA EXCAVATION excavating grading aggregates delivered sanitary systems Estimates 825 0617 Building Plans PROESSIONAL DRATING Design Additions residences etc Builders Permit Pions (702) 358 8573 who can do it? SERVICES arid REPAIRS 11 to word 15 to 21 daytS185per word word Order one two five or as many days as you like Multiply cash amount by tne numoer or days ordered on coupon below Enclose cash or check with your order Sorry no charge accommodations at these low rates Cancel when sold for refund if necessary NAME (Print) ADDRESS RUN OR DAYS COMMENCING CLASSIICATION A ENCLOSED (Amount) BUSINESS REPLY LABEL NO POSTAGE NECESSARY I MAILED IN UNITED STATES Carpet Cleaning PATRICIA'S PROESSIONAL Service Master Charge accepted Let Pot Do III 358 3220 Wanted Experienced operators for vacuum melting of Titanium Permanent positions excellent salary and fringe benefits All replies held in strict confidence Write Gazette Journal Box 617 An Equal opportunity employer ADDRESS BUSINESS HOURS 401 West 2nd Street Reno Monday thru riday 8 5 Saturday 8 1 2 ADVERTISING RATES Carpet Upholstery Cleaning OR ALL Your carpet and upholstery needs call us DEEP STEAM Reno 322 8860 also we buy and sell used carpet Custom Dressmaking TOO BIG here too small there expert custom dressmaking designing alterations reasonable 323 2842 Postage will be paid by Gazette Journal Classified 0 Box 280 Reno Nev 89504 let joy keep you warm seasoned split delivered slocked and guaranteed Joys's Wood 329 9639 PANTHER ENTERPRISES irewood $50 cord Delivered stocked Delivering Sot Sunday in Incline Truckee 7864743 or 972 8346 TO IGURE COST: Writ one word in toch space provided in above coupon Include words or identification (name address or phone no) so that readers con answer your ad Multiply total words by role tor th number of days you wish to run ad Send cosh check or money order CORRECTIONS The Gazette and Journal cannot make allowances for errors after the first day of publication Please check your ad the first day it appears If it contains on error or if you wish to change or cancel on od coll us of 786 2525 DOLLAR A DAY WANT ADS! 20 Words Only 1 a day That's right! 20 words for $1 a day on all private party merchandise for sale ads (5 cents daily for each additional word) Ads appear in both the Nevada State Journal Reno Evening Gazette This low rate applies only to the following classifications: Aircraft Antiques Antique and Vintage Autos Auto mobiles Boats Campers Coins Stamps Dune Buggies oreign Sport Cars urniture for Sale 4 Wheel Drives Garage Sale Home Appliances Livestock Miscellaneous for Sale Motorcycles Bicycles Motor Homes Musical Instruments Office Equipment Pets Snowmobiles Sporting Goods Television Radio Travel Trailers and Trucks PROESSIONAL SALES CAREER What we need: Young personable aggressive eager high school graduate who is success motivated Soles experience helpful but not necessary What we offer: New Car and Gas Security health insurance growth opportunity to management level 15 20 thousand potential annual income complete ond continuous dealership and factory training Contact Mr Bert Taylor 323 1091 between II am and 3 pm for an interview appointment TAYLOR MOTORS 1090 Ktetzke lone Reno MOBILE HOMES Mbit Home on Lot 139 Mobile Homes 140 Mobile Home Lots 142 THE STRIPPER "We take it all off" Paint Varnish Stains removed wood metal Antiques our speciality 826 7777 12050 Virginia perience design background Salary open Willing to relocate to Soufn Lake Tahoe bend resume to PO Box 10160 South lake Tahoe CA 95731 ULL OR PARTTIAAE OPENINGS AVAILABLE Both days and evenings ore open with flexible schedules Io meet individual requirements Port time openings provide excellent opportunity for housewives and students to earn extra money Contact Manager in person between 2 4 pm weekdays 440 Keystone Avenue ONE MAN CREW Working con tractor Top references Licensed Bud 322 7133 REMODELING REPAIRS Kitchens additions 1st story 2nd slory etc ree estimates Sensible prices Jenkins Construction 329 8001 REMODEL OR build new home contractor references reasonable 329 8258 Evenings GEORGE WAGNER remodeling roofing additions interior ana exterior point fences 329 3244 QUALITY WORK Reasonable prices all types work guaranteed Experienced 673 4848 322 3060 Uh Your Master ChorgelankAnseeicord Just Dial 786 2525 PASTE THIS HANDY ORM ON YOUR WE LL PAY THE POSTAGE Maatlngs Notices 2 ENTERMISS PRE TEEN NEVADA PAGEANT Ages 4 12 10 giant ttoghgCall today for information ThC BEDROOM NEVADA'S largest and most cmplefe bedroom furntsner and woterbed store expanding We re looking for full and port time experienced agaressive sales persons No order talers If you think you've got what it takes to grow with us we're ready to talk Coll Monday riday 3 00 to 6:00 pm Ask for Sam rank 323 1349 1000 6th St Holiday Inn Downtown STATE NEVADA employment security dipt 70 Taylor St Uptfori 2240 Oldie Blvd spark HAhD Bill PASSER Own Iramportation SALESPERSON HOUSE TO HOUSE LEGAL SECRETARY shorthand required TV AND STEREO REPAIRPERSON 5 years experience SURVEY INTERVIEWERS NIGHT AUDITOR COMPUTER OPERATOR KNITTING AND CROCHETING I6TRUCTOR RY COOKS Sparks office VARIOUS MAIOS (parttime) CLEANING Ahi) DOMESTIC POSITIONS New Gazette Journal WANT AD PHONE NUMBER Coin Op Dry Cleaning 8 Pounds $250 Open 24 hours Valu Wosh 1567 South Virginia at Rai eye SERVICE ALL MAKES Washer Dryers Rent to Sargent's Maytag 358 4246 SOLAR ELECTRONICS Incorporated all service shop We repair TV's washers dryers and refrigerators We Guarantee all work Call 358 6665 Bicycle Repairs All REPAIRS: Wheel Truing Tire Repair The Bike Lane 359 6688 REE STANDING Built ins ranklins installed or do it yourself ree estimates 323 6642 CUSTOM IRESCREENS Recessed Glass Doors ree StandingStyles ree Estimates 323 6642 Lott REWARDSTferufmounjogiock A Ion Shepherd mix tost ebrucry 10th from Volley Rood Seventh Street Small white spot on chest block scar on left side of face Call morninqs786 7883 LOST IN vicinity of 5th West St description Sunglasses with plastic frames in case marked Reno Op ticians Reward Call 7864989 Ext 274 evesB49 Q41l IRISH SETTER Mole no collar North west Reno Reword 747 5174 359 2124 REWARD 8 week old Australian Shepherd mole Black with white tan markings most around face Tail bobbed Vicinity Stood Days 786 1196 Evenings 972 6146 ADVERTISING SALESMAN good commission no experience necessary Coll 329 3412 EXPANDING SALES Business needs working partners No investment 329 762 REAL ESTATE salesman needed for Dillingham's Tahoe Summit Nev license required experienced in improved second home sales helpful Phone for appointment 568 3588 SALESMAN WANTED At Al Gosper Motors 3390 Carson Carson City Interview by appointment only Ron Gasper General Soles Manager 882 5524 EQUIPMENT SALESMAN for Case Industrial Equipment $700 per month plus commission Vehicle allowance Group insurance paid by company AAust have provable equipment soles records Send resume and sales history to Case Power A Equipment PO Box 7477 Reno Nevada to02 DOLLAR A DAY RATES only apply Io private party merchandise for sale classifications in the index with a dollar sign 20 I words for $1 per day 5C per day extra for each additional I word ALL OTHER CLASSIICATIONS are (10 word minimum): I Iday per word vi 2 to 4 days 70 per word 6 7 days 87' per word 8 9 1 0 days $110 per word To figure cost of your od multiply the total words by the I rote for the number of days you wish to run ad Example: i A ten word ad running 2 3 or 4 days would cost 1 $700) $700 Blind box charges are $200 and 1300 for mailing COURTESY CHARGE ACCOMMODATIONS Courtesy charge accommodations up to $25 are offered to the Classifications in the above index without an () asterisk Those marked with an asterisk please send cash checknoney order or you may charge them by phone to your Master Charge or BankAmericard If you wish to establish a regular account please call our business office 1 CLASSIIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES i Tuesday thru Saturday 1 pm preceding day Sunday Monday 1 1 a Saturday Corrections 3 pm daily 1 pm Saturday Lott 8 SMALL BLACK dog Mostly Terrier red collar logs answers to "Mac" Lost in Southwest Reno (Jessie Beck area) early Wed Morning (33) Kids are crying wife is hysterical Reward Phone 826 6199 or slop by 850 Thelma PI Reno Concrete Construction OUNDATIONS SLABS Remodeling Room Additions State licensed Quality work 329 2322 CAN DO plumbing electrical carpentry painting paperhanging welding 63 2352 PAINTING WALLS washed car pentry fencing trash hauling areas cleaned 826 5892 Hardwood looring GALLAGHER HARDWOOD looring old floors mode like new ree estimates 359 5031 AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN New used leasing Demo program Group medical Outstanding ad vertising Do not apply unless you plan to earn $2000 month Apply at HAVAS MOTORS SUBARU 1500 So Virginia St uyiMAGYM iNEEDSMENAND WOMEN CONSULTANTS TOP COMMISSIONS No soles experience needed ull training provided antastic leod programs Most of our top earners nave hEVER sold anything before or information leading to interview Call Mr Bradshaw 825 5538 Lt CLASSIIED INORMATION INDEX ANNOUNCEMENTS ound Lott Meetings Notices Personals Travel AUTOMOTIVE Antique Vintage Autos 156 Dune Buggies It) 157 oreign sport Ccn 158 our Wheel Drivei 152 Auto leasing 159 Automobiles 160 AutoRepoin 154 Auto Supplies 153 Auto Wonted 155 Trucks 151 Tf EMPLOYMENT CENTER 400S Wells Suite 133 329 6501 (Board of Realtors Bldg) 25 PLACEMENT EE (Terms) PBX OP Exp Swing OPEN SECY Gen Ofc OPEN SECY TypBO SH80 OPEN BKPR Keno Audit Exp OPEN TRAVEL AGNT Tickets Typ OPEN WAITRESS Dinnerhse SAL SLOT MECH 2 Yrs Exp 130 35 BANQUET WAITRESSES OPEN WAREHOUSE SUP TRAINEE JI32WK ORKLIT OP Exp Receiv Dept $132 COSMETICIAN Exp SAL COMM TRAY GIRL Hospital OPEN COOKS CLPER Hospital OPEN CHANGE PEOPLE Maids Dish washers Kitchen Help Plus Monv Morell AGENCY EMPLOYMENT Babysitting Cort of Children Empioyment Agencies Help Wonted Jobs for Veterans Salesmen Women Schools of Instruction Situations Wonted Student Help MERCHANDISE Antiques 112 Auctions II? Coins Stomps 1 1 1 ood orm Produce 118 uel 122 urniture 106 Garage Sales 113 Hay reed Grain 126 Home Appliances 106 Livestock 124 Massage Equipment 11 Miscellaneous far Sale (I) 114 Miscellaneous Wonted 1 16 Musical Instruments 1 10 Office Equipment 103 Pats 128 Ranch Heavy Equipment 102 Sporting Goods 136 Television Radio 107 MINING Mining 100 Remodeling Experts ADDITIONS REMODELING free plans estimate terms licensed McGinley Construction 358 5678 Remodeling Homes Comm'! REMODELING SPECIALIST Interior exterior AZ ree Estimates 972 0508 Terms Available Remodel Specialists OR AST efficient service call: BENNY BANKS Construction General Building Contractor Patios additions kitchens etc ree estimates 825 9620 Roofing Home Comm'l ROOING 8 REPAIRS Also remodeling ree Estimates 7 Days Week 972 0508 Terms Available ScreenGlass Repair SCREENS CUSTOM mode and repaired storm doors windows Tud enclosures 358 7829 Sheet Rock inishing TAPING INISHING Acoustic Ceilings resprays No iob too small Roseman's Drywall 329 1547 Storage STORAGE SPACE furniture vehicles boats 10x24 3245 Mill St 322 4006 Lawn Yard Work STUMPS REMOVED Top soil thatching clean up pruning and firewood for sale 322 9729 evenings Maintenance Repair PLUMBING ELECTRICAL Air conditioning heating kitchen cabinets ormica tops vanities 826 5984 Mobile Home Repair REE ESTIMATING Painting car pentry plumbing electrical clean up skirting 359 6145 Anytime Help Wanted 14 EXPERIENCED COUPLE to manage large apartment complex Reno area Send resume Gazelle Journal Box 517 Reno 89504 DELANEY'S Offices in Reno Las Vegos SERVICE MANAGER Excellent LUBE MAN S350Hr GENERAL OICE $35049 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST SBOOMo EXECUTIVE SECRETARY $600Mo CASHIERSALES $25OZHr 1280 Terminal Way 35 Agency 323 3166 QUALITY PAINTING at reasonable prices Phone 826 2094 at your convenience PAINTING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING AND MAINTENANCE 329 9433 YOU URNISH point I furnish work save ken 329 9464 Painting and Raperlwnging SPECIALIZING IN Quality paperhonging and pointing Caff dependable Emil 358 2144 RENT TO BUY SARGENT'S Atoyfa*g 1190 No Rock Blvd 358 4246 Welding ORNAMENTAL IRON Burglar proofing shop portable No job toosmall 358 0113 Salesmen Women 20 Brick Stonework IREPLACES BRICK BLOCK stone done at reasonable prices Licensed and insured 358 2451 for free estimates eather Kver Ptoaertw eather River Rentals 67 A income rroperry InveUmenti Tahoe Sierra Mtn Loam Wanted Lots I Subdivisions Money to lend ftanthet orm Wonerlv mm kskm Root Estate loons Real Estate Noo tocol Real Estate Wanted: RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Alrcrah 134 Boats 132 Campers 1 Motorcycles Bicycles 13 Motor Hamax in 14 Snowmobiles 13 Travel Trailers 145 RENTALS Apartments Apartments urnished Businees Rentals Condominium Rentals Duplexes Duplexes urnished Garage for Rent Hofels Motels Houses Houses urnished lake Taboo Rentals Mobile hom*os Mobile Home Spaces Pasture Rec Vehicle Rentals Rentals Wanted Rooms for Rent Rooms with Board Shore Living Quarters Wanted to Kant Warehouse Rentals Industrials Wanted SERVICES Astrology Carpentry Repairs House Cleaning Moving Hauling Painting i Services Miscellaneous 1 Spiritualism SIERRA WOOD Tamarack split stocked Immediate delivery $50 702 359 0211 323 4641 WOOD Sales Seasoned pine split delivered $50cord guaranteed measurement 916 832 4183 916 832 5341 Gardening '14 Help Wanted LIGHT HOUSEKKPING cooking anj BVGIhtet sanitary 3 yean ex: 1 1 A ri 1 iqkc cure qi my monin oia san in my 4 bedroom Susanville home durino April and May room ond board plus salary Temporary or Permanent 257 6879 eves ALCOA (SUB) $400 monthly part lime over 18 yrs 747 1480 3 5 pm only HEALTH CAREERS councilor work with Indian students Apply at In tertribal council of Nevada 98 Colony Rd Reno or coll 786 3128 Closing dale 5 pm March 8 1976 SERVICE STATION ASSISTANT MANAGER Must be experienced with light mechanical ability Must be local resident at least 1 year Bondable Clean cut appearance a must Top salary for right man including paid vocations other company benefits Opportunity for advancement with arowinq company All replies con fidential Apply Western Mountain Oil 490 Keystone Ave Reno bet ween 9 a 11 am only ask for Steve Brautigam SUNSHINE LAWN Service complete lawn care residential or com mercial 826 6280 Gardening Service ALL CLEAN UP Rototilling Pruning Trimming Spraying Experienced ree Estimates 882 5375 General Contractor CUSTOM BUILDING ond remodeling Excellent qualified service Remodeling Custom building Gill Olen Wilford Con struction General Contractor 747 0725 GradingTroctor Work BOB'S TRACTOR Service land scape grading lot clean up etc 322 3674 Handyman Help Wanted 14 EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS end toblers needed for Custom drapery workroom 825 1267 Bookkeeping TAXES BOOKKEEPING or businesses corporations and in dividuals Bookkeeping 825 2101 House Doctor PAINTING PAPERING Carpentry Plumbing Electrical 358 1650 HousePet Care HOUSE PET Care while you're vacationing Reasonable rates Excellent references 826 4104 Income Tax Service INCOME TAX SERVICES 359 2923 Reasonable pickup and delivery Coll anytime Industrial Sewing Machines 24 YEARS all makes commercial domestic New business Bud 356 2551 Hauling Moving STUDENTS WITH TRUCK Will do anything Coll Wayne 747 5470 Home Services CLEANING CARPETS walls windows floors painting Reno Home Service 972 101 8 Horse Boarding HEATED BARN box stalls corrals automatic water lounge trails 849 0116 INVESTMENTS If you have demonstrated sales ability a college education are well established in the Reno area ond motivated toward a career working with investor! we offer a rewarding position with above overage income potential You will have a training program benefits on opportunity to become a slock broker in a firm with 94 years of success Coll Mr Duane Scoll 323 1641 or write him of Paine Webber Jackson Curtis 100 Arlington Ave PO Box 31 17 Reno Nevada 89501 Eguol Opportunity Employer Situation Warned 12 I SPECIALIZE in ollarotions on Lady's Clothing Please coll 825 4426 HIS PLACE Ministries Rehabilitation Center seeks employment All types of jobs needed 322 6913 between Igjgggfi Woman 20 ialemen an EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTI INITY or soles oriented career minded in dividual for retail store sales A satisfying rewarding and exciting job offers excellent promotions with above average wages with opportunity to manage andor own your own storee mature college graduate but not deciding factor Send resume to Garv PCT 1102 Sparks Nevada 89431 Hr) I 1 I 1 I i i I I I 1 r7vi GENERAL SANITATION general food plant sanitation duties no ex perience necessary $300 per hour Apply at HVR Co 1665 Industrial WoySpEOE EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER for dental practice 416 days 826 2118 LAUNDRY WORKERS no experience necessary Apply Quality linen Supply 732 Street Sparks GIRL RIDAY Part time hours open always something different 322 0661 NURSING AIDES Experienced Only Riverside Hospital fa Extended Care 2865 Idlewild Dr RN LPN's ull a Part time (New Waae Scale) Riverside Hospital ta Extended Care 2865 Idlewild Dr INSURANCE SECRETARY commercial lines large Reno multt line agency Experienced in commercial package bonds long haul truck etc Excellent employment benefits Opportunity fa advancement Generous salary according to qualifications Sena resume a reply to: Gazette Journal PO Box 61 3 Reno NV 89504 RONT DESK CLERK and night auditor needed Golden Road 82 4700 MAID WANTED Apply in person Cabana Motel 370 West Street ROUND TABLE Pizza full lime and port time openings fa ba ond pizza nelp Prefer over 21 Apply Round Table Pizza 550 Prater Way Sparks JOB SHOP Machinist Journeyman 5 yeas experience age no facta 329 4934 AGGRESSIVE PERSON io assist me RETAIL STORE experience helpful Opportunity $195 per week had goods Coll 825 7409 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC ELECTRICIAN Requires minimum of 4 yeas ex perience knowledge 3 Phase 48C voll complex electrical circuit ond controls trouble shooting and in stallation must be able to work any shift overtime required Competitive salary and excellent fringe benefits RALSTON PURINA CO 1055 East Gregg Spaks Nevada An Equal Opportunity Employer BILL PEARCE MOTORS now has opening for a salesman Experience not necessary You can expect high earnings from an exceptional dealership See Ron Osborn at 2100 Kietzke lane SALES Build A Career with Mutual of Omaha Mr Zarlengo 826 3537 Equal Opportunity Company HAVE OPENING OR: Experienced automobile mechanic for front drive Subaru Compare our program See Dieter at: HAVAS MOTORS SUBARU 1500 So Virginia St SNELLING 8 SNELLING World's largest professional em ployment service 1755 Plumb Lone Airport Plaza Office Bldg Suite 161 Phone 329 1366 Agency KD KELLY PERSONNEL A ull Service Company TEMPORARY EW10YWNT SERVICE HOME HEALTH SERVICE AGENCY PERMAENTEMPLOYW AGENCY Suite 2C 825 9422 ADMINSEC'T SH J7U0 Boss's right arm LEGAL SECTS SH $700 Top Drawer Offices ASST EXAMINER TRAINEE $550 Min 2 year college MANY MANY MORE OPENINGS BBCC Inc 1281 Terminal Way 786 8722 Agency WANTED: EXPERIENCED RONT END ALIGNMENT MAN With references TripleS Tire 71 1 So Carson Contact Leonard Wegner PAYROLL: Enjoy a small friendly office $550 GAL RIDAY: ill your day with switchboard filing and fun $520 BILLING CLERK: Local established firm will train to their needs $500 COUNTER GIRL: Delight in working with people in very friendly place $470 TRAINEE: Owner will show how to work with client ond business world Quick raises $430 Agency 1507 Wells 786 4900 Opening or All Types Of CASINO AND RESTAURANT HELP NEVADA CLUB 224 North Virginia GRAVEYARD DESK Clerk send resume to Gazette Journal Box 601 HEAVY vehicle drivers mechanics radio operators cooks Howitzer gun crews Recon men and more Veterans Non Veterans Call your Nevada AArmy National Guard for more information HAIR STYLISTS WANTED $150 per week guarantee potential unlimited first class talon located in Harrah's Holel Casino lake Tahoe Call 702 586 5444 or Write PO Box 2802 Staleline NV EXPANDING COMPANY EOC Students Over IB yrs 322 1883 10 am l2 $400 RECEIVING MAN Wanted Experience necessary Apply Albers Inc 755 Timber Way Bring resume WOMEN EXPERIENCED in motel laundry Apply at 205 Sierra BOOKKEEPER full charge 3 years experience Supervisory experience a plus Salary open Coll 916 587 2551 ext 161 WANTED EXPERIENCED pre school teacher part time PM 322 0417 Monday riday Weekends 323 628 1 PART TIME Dictaphone typist for insurance office ast and accurate can work at home or office 322 4077 ACCOUNTANT experienced 3 years minimum college degree willina to relocate to South Lake Tahoe Salary based upon experience Send resume to PO Box 10160 South Lake TohoeCA 95731 STEADY WORK Experienced maids Call ri person 31 31 Virginia HAIRDRESSER WANTED guarantee plus commission needed nights till 9:00 Discount Wig Co ond Beauty Salon 786 3100 DEPENDABLE MATURE Man for per manent part time office position 20 25 hours weekly 85 North Edison Suite 48 HOTEL NIGHT auditor front desk supervisor bookkeeper for air banks Alaska Excellent salaries and benefits Send resume to personnel office King 8 Hotel ond Casino 3330 Tropicanna Las Vegas 89103 OPENING OR a bookkeepersecretary willing to work with a small group Job will also include reception ond general typing work Rease send in resume with salary requirement to PO Box 3138 Reno NV 89505 PART TIME opening male preferred must be college student or presently employed Minimum age 21 available to work 6 pm to 2 am 2 to 3 nights per week Apply in per son Snokey's Pizzo Parlor 960 Sth Reno BOOKKEEPER inventory control secretarial small office no trial balance or journal entries Packer West 300 Parr Blvd Reno 329 081 1 TAXIDRIVERS WANTED WHITTLESEA CHECKER TAXI 100 Sunshine Lane IAAAAEDIATE OPENING or qualified reliable sous chef Send resume of qualifications to PO Box 2149 Reno Nevada 89S05 Please include references and phone number GOOD DRIVERS WANTED ull time or part time Minimum age 25 6 months residency required DELUXE YELLOW CAB 595 Sierra Street OUR SEASONS SPA IS EXPANDING Experienced ond non experienced masseuses needed We will Train lOPineStreet 329 3411 Mildred Smith's 70 Linden St 826 4884 Watch our SUNDAY Ads No pro employment payment ASK ABOUT OUR DISCOUNT PLAN 70 linden St AGENCY 826 4884 AVON IGHT THE HIGH COST LIVING Sell Avon make ex cellent earnings I'll show you how Coll for details: 359 5758 EXPERIENCED MILLMAN ELECTRONIC ASST $520 HANDY PERSON Light welding general knowledge sheet melal light carpentry $493 TV BENCHMAN Salary Open UPRONT 100 Bible Way Suite 2 323 0767 Agency 55 OR OVER? Need to Work? Callus No ee Senior Employment Service An Equal Opportunity Agency 275 4th St Reno Phone 329 6644 NO NEVADA EMPLOYMENT INC 2375 Oddie Mai I Reno GEN type sh $500 SEC med ype open TRAVEL AGENT sharp exp gal open CBKKPR exp $650 ASSIST MGR pre school bondable lady open GIT SHOP sales exp $500 DELIV sales local refs $275 AUTOMAINT swing $2 60 JANITOR exp 4am Noon $3hf CALL OR: PBX DESK CLERK TYPIST LIVE IN COOK DENTAL ASSIST ACCTS CLERK BROILER COOK SLOT MECH CHANGE 4 OTHERS AStfiX 359 2923 REWARD LARGE blue grey shor Ihoired male cat altered William Morby Glen Valley Sparks 359 5776358 4773 Perionali 10 TAX RETURNS Confidential professional preparations Days or Eves TS825 BILLIE SUSIE Kathy are now ready to serve you ot The Roman Touch 358 3088 EEL LIKE things ore getting to be too much? Hove a massage at The Roman Touch 2160 'B' Street 358 3088 Sauna Massages Out Calls OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Call 673 1466 or 972 7663 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Call 329 7593 7 LOOKING OR A vet to buy house with me Reply Gazette Journal Box 614 NOW OPEN LORELI'S AAASSAGE PARLOR Acupressure circulatory General muscular massage Chinese Japanese Western techniques emale ond mole masseuses and masseurs Men or Lakies welcome for Reno's best massage and at reasonable rates 322 7069 1 18 West Second St Suite 26 AG lES OR 200 Banquets par ties receptions Call Meeting Place 825 6336 HEAR Israel Good news for you 322 2888 OR A AAASSAGE the way it was meant to be 4 Season's Spa 10 Pine Street 329 341 1 WANTED: REPUBLICAN Candidates from Washoe County for Stale Assembly Senate and County Commission Call Bob Weise 882 6832 MONEY WORRIES? Too AAony Bills? Payments Too High? Marital Problems because of AAanagement Problems? Don't Worry about it Use A Money Manager Eliminate Problems See or Call Dick Brennan CREDIT COUNSELLORS 777 orest St Reno 329 0841 BONDED nib Year NOW IN RENO! Lease a complete Apt or house of furniture for less than $30 per mo All lease payments apply to purchase price $250000 of quality furn Io choose from WARNER URNITURE DIST 323 151 1 or 323 7245 Help Wanted 14 ROTARYCORD DRILLER barite ex ploration Battle AAountoin and Central Nevada Permanent job Several years experience in down the hole hammer drilling is necessary Limited amount of cord drilling Wallace AAitchell Mitchem Inc Box 272 Battle Mountain (702) Argenta! or 2 LEGAL SECRETARY minimum 1 year experience good salary and benefits Send resume and references to PO Box 719 Reno 89504 EXPERIENCED MAIDS full time 40 hour week $250 hour apply in person Mizpah Hotel 214 Lake Street HUSBAND AND wife to manage motel Write GozetteJournal Box 618 EXPERIENCED UPHOLSTERER needed for brand new shop now opening Must have knowledge of running shop 5 years experience Call 826 2932 APPRENTICE MECHANIC for con struction equipment firm AAust have own tools Wages commensurate with experience Insurance benefits paid by company Phone 322 4566 days 359 5633 evenings WAITRESSES WANTED Experienced start immediately Apply at 4720 North Virginia 2pm 8pm TIRE SERVICE man truck tire ex perience a must some OTR referred Apply PO Box 7580 eno Nv 89510 EXPERIENCED MOBILE Home service and set up mon Wanted for Win nemucca and Battle AAountoin area Contact Nevada AAobile Homes Reno Winnemucca or Battle AAountain PART TIME position as substitute motor route driver delivering the Reno Evening Gazette occasional afternoons in Washoe Valley An economy car is advantageous Call Nancy to 5264 AAAIDS NEEDED Apply in person Caravan AAotel 732 So Virginia RELIABLE COMBINATION Cook and Waitress AAust hove references and be bondable 329 3223 APPLIANCE TECHNICIAN Needed Experience necessary must be able to work on all models lubra Ap pliance 2660 Wrondel Bring references MALE JUVENILE PROBATION OICER Graduate of accredited collage or university with major fields in social sciences related fields Salary starts at $10300 Apply at Wittenberg Hall 1255 Mill Reno EXPERIENCED RECEPTIONIST for dental office 4'ri days 826 21 18 SALESGIRL retail floor sales ex science necessary Armonko Office 1 52 North Virginia Street ULL TIME ry Cook experienced only resume swing shift Apply in person Chocolate Pit No phone cgNv WANTED: COOK for 4050 people lunches dinners 5 days a week Salary commensurate with ability Coll 786 0157 WANTED 6 lodtes for distributors for Studio Girl Cosmetics ull or Port time Appointment call 322 8734 ATTRACTIVE WOMAN over 25 Salesgirl Adult Bookstore High pay Commission 329 4288 days EXPERIENCED DIESEL AAechantc Salary open many fringe benefits apply in person Home Lumber Supply Co 250 Chism St Reno NV 323 1307 An Equal Opportunity Employer BABYSITTER WANTED Immediately days Tues ri Preschooler toddler Phone after 5 825 1728 AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT needs all types of people malefemole all categories including Recept Secretary Production Assembly Watters Bookkeepers Security' Warehouse Janitors AAechanics Cooks AAoids Cashiers Main tenonce Sales Dishwashers Busboys AMERICAN EMRCYMENT 320 Broadway 323 5182 BUSINESS OR Household storage units 10x24 Store household items or excess inventories 24 hr access 329 2073 weekdays 825 1962 REEPORT STORAGE 1060 reeport Blvd Personal storage spaces 10x26 24 hr access Well lighted 358 6054 Tile Ceramic QUALITY TILE Work Kitchen bath entry ree estimates 849 1588 CUSTOMIZE Your home with beautiful ceramic tile or cultured marble Quality workmanship ree estimates by reputable licensed contractor 747 5400 Tree Pruning EXPERIENCED RUIT tree Pruning shrubs landscape gardening ree estimates 825 796 TV Repair Service $5 Color Tv Service Calls Work Guaranteed AAountain Electronics 322 4692 Anytime Upholstery MIL DON UPHOLSTERY free estimate ond pick uh 315 Claremont St 322 4655 Vacuum Cleaner Sewing Machine Repairs CALL ABLE Quality workmanship all makes free in nome inspection estimates 826 7373 Washer Dryer 2 ry 7 6 7 6 9 ia jy jy 16 iT7 20 sioo 21 $105 22 $110 23 $115 24 $L20 25 $125 26 $130 27 $135 28 $140 29 $145 30 $150 31 $155 32 $160 33? $L65 34 $170 35 $175 36 $180 37 $185 38 $190 39 $195 40 $200 Per Word 1 day 30' 2 4 day 70' 5 6 7 dayi 87 8 9 10 dav $110 I1 I4dayt $145 15 21 days $185 22 30 dayi $270 Gatetie Journal Box No.
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