Kick-start your Teaching (2024)

Kick-start your Teaching

Kick-start your Teaching is an onboarding programme focused on employees new in a teaching or supervising role. The programme aims for new lecturers to have adequate knowledge and skills when they start teaching. It includes some basic didactical skills for teaching and supervising, building their network within the teaching community and gaining general knowledge on teaching at TU Delft.

Kick-start Your Teaching originates from a collaboration between the ,the Teaching Academy & Teaching and Learning Services. The initiative aims to support early career academics in their teaching role and stimulate reflection and conversation about teaching for everyone. In events and podcast series we facilitate interaction between those new in a teaching role and the more experienced lecturers and experts within the TU Delft.
Originated from the in collaboration with the Teaching Academy & Teaching and Learning Services, this initiative aims to stimulate reflection and conversation about teaching and facilitate interaction between those new in a teaching role and the more experienced lecturers and experts within the TU Delft.

In practice it consists of:

  • An online kick-start module to give a solid base for all lecturers and supervisors new in their role at TU Delft.(coming soon)
  • An on-campus introduction day focused on teaching community, context of the educational organisation and workshops in teaching/supervising skills.
  • Multiple on-campus follow-up events that are focussed on topics like wellbeing, resilience, reflection and problem solving. The set-up of these activities is focused on developing skills and creating connection. The content is flexible and easily adjusted to the needs of the participants. (check the Kick-start your Teaching events pagefor more details)

Our goal
Together with the different faculty onboarding initiatives, we hope to give our new lecturers a kick-start in their teaching and supervising role. Our target groups are assistant professors, postdocs, PhD-ers and 100% lecturers who start their teaching tasks at TU Delft. We reach out to them and invite them to join the programme activities. Please note that others are welcome too.

Other related projets and inititiaves are:

  • Podcast series: Adventures in Teaching
  • Learning through peer-based matching, visiting, and reflecting on your teaching: TUnder
  • Teacher Identity project in collaboration with TPM - coming soon
  • Accent on education lunch - Pilot event scheduled for the 19th of june. Target group isscientific staff with an accent on education.
  • Masterclasses - continue reading under (+) I'm an experienced lecturer.
  • Onboarding workgroup - read more under (+) I'm management/support
  • Introduction day: This day is focused on introducing you to your fellow teaching colleagues. It includes a speeddate, an activity to learn more about the educational organisation. And you get the chance to work on your skills during a bite size UTQ (University Teaching Qualification) workshop, either on the topic of ‘start to teach’ or ‘start to supervise’.
  • Human Library and problem-solving session: Perhaps you are brand new to the world of teaching. Perhaps you have years of experience but want to hear of the teaching culture at TU Delft or want to know more about specific innovations. Either way, during the human library session, you will chat to human books (i.e., experienced TU Delft lecturers) in an informal setting – basically sharing insights, tips and tricks with each other. During the problem-solving workshop, you will work together with your peers on common case scenarios that you might come across when teaching.
  • Wellbeing & Resilience: Together with the Study Climate Programme we host workshops and interactive sessions to get to know more about resilience, the balance between personal and professional teaching and get a chance to explore your personal strengths. With this event we focus on your wellbeing as a lecturer/supervisor as well as the wellbeing of your students.
  • Reflective engineering: What would barbie do? This is a workshop hosted by the Reflective Engineering Programme. In this session we will go deeper into the subject of reflecting and experience the advantages of reflecting as a new lecturer and how you could use reflection in your teaching.

Note: we are open to feedback and suggestions and are keen to tailor make this initiative to suit the needs of our lecturers. If you have ideas as to what you would like to see during a follow-up event or you would like to partake in any way, please do get in touch.

NB. The specific event dates are still pending. Once final, the dates will be communicated in the calendar on the side of this page, as well as in the general Teaching Academy Agenda.



Introduction Day new lecturers

January, June & September

Human Library & Problem-Solving Session


Student Wellbeing


Reflective engineering


Welcome to Teaching at TU Delft!

Join our kickstart module
Coming soon

Join our Introduction Day and other events for new lecturers
Click here to learn more about the Introduction Day; and click here for the full overview of Kick-start Your Teaching events.

Watch the Introduction to the Educational Organisation video
This video will be part of the online brightspace environment/ online module of Kick-start your Teaching by January 2024.

Listen to the Adventures in Teaching Podcast
Meanwhile check out the Adventures in Teaching podcast and the new lecturer’s checklist to get you started!

If you did the introduction and want more: please sign up forTUnder. In this pilot we want to match experienced lecturers with new lecturers to learn together. In short you will visit someone’s teaching activity and they will visit your teaching activity. After the visit you will give feedback and reflect on both visits and what you have learned from it or how it inspired your development.

I have an idea for a masterclass or workshop within the Kick-start Your Teaching programme
We love to collaborate with other initiatives such as we do with the Reflective Engineering and the Study Climate team. But individual ideas and contributions are also welcome. If you have an idea for an event, a masterclass or a workshop please contact the team by sending an email.

Share your experience with others, get inspired and develop your own skills

  • Become a 'book' in our human library; sendemail.
  • Contribute to the Adventures in Teaching podcast, send email.
  • Join TUnder and get matched with a peer to observe each other's teaching and learn together.
  • Develop your teaching/supervising/pedagogical skills in trainings from Teaching and Learning Services

Development - TUnder
Get matched with a peer and start reflecting on your teaching in our TUnder programme.

Development - Masterclasses & TLS events
Join one of the masterclasses that are being piloted at the moment. You are also more than welcome to suggest a (topic for a) masterclass. Get in contact by sending an email.
Next tot his, also do not forget to check out the on the Teaching Support website and the agenda on the Teaching Academy website for more intersting events.

Referring your new staff

There is a lot of info out there for new lecturers and it can be difficult to figure out where to redirect your staff when it comes to settling in. This is a great start! Referring your new team members to this onboarding initiative will ensure they are starting off with the necessary tools and knowledge to make them feel comfortable upon starting their journey at TU Delft, whether it is taking part in our online modules, listening to our podcasts or joining in on our on-campus events. We will try our best to reach out to them directly. But it can be that some may ‘fall through the cracks’. So please feel free to send your new teaching staff our way when they arrive.

Collaborate via the onboarding workgroup (onboardingfocused on teaching)
The objective of this workgroup is 1) to align central activities with faculty activities, 2) to inform each other on new developments and 3) to contribute to each other's initiatives as nobody needs to reinvent the wheel!

The results of the onboarding workgroup thus fare are:

  • A checklist for new lecturers
  • An animation on the TU Delft education organisation (included in online module)
  • Sparking new inititaives and products across faculties that add to the early experience in teaching.

From each faculty we have one or more representatives. If you want to know more and/or be involved, please contact Danielle Rietdijk

Kick-start your Teaching (2024)


How do you start teaching lessons? ›

Five Ways to Start Your Lessons
  1. Start with a Video. Everyone loves a good video, especially kids. ...
  2. Start with an Object. Another way to get your students wondering about a topic is to show them objects related to the content. ...
  3. Start with a Question. ...
  4. Start with Movement. ...
  5. Start with a Mistake.

How do I start my first day of teaching? ›

Make the Most of the First Day of Class
  1. Orchestrate positive first impressions.
  2. Introduce yourself effectively.
  3. Clarify learning objectives and expectations.
  4. Help students learn about each other.
  5. Set the tone for the course.
  6. Collect baseline data on students' knowledge and motivation.

How to get started in teaching? ›

Have a bachelor's degree. Complete an accredited teacher preparation program. Pass a criminal background check. Earn sufficient scores on basic skills and/or subject matter exams, such as the Praxis Core, Praxis Subject Assessments or the Praxis Knowledge for Teaching Test.

How to become a teacher later in life? ›

Here are some helpful steps that you can take to pursue a career as a teacher at 40 or when making a career transition:
  1. Assess your interests and goals. ...
  2. Earn a bachelor's degree. ...
  3. Get a teaching certificate. ...
  4. Apply for licensure. ...
  5. Gain relevant experience. ...
  6. Consider an advanced degree.
Jul 30, 2024

What are the qualities of a good teacher? ›

The Top 14 Qualities that Make a Good Teacher
  • Adaptability. Adaptability is a must for teachers, who need to continuously evaluate what's working for their students — and even more importantly, what isn't working. ...
  • Empathy. ...
  • Patience. ...
  • Engagement. ...
  • Active Listening. ...
  • Lifelong Learning. ...
  • Free of Bias. ...
  • Respectful Attitude.

How do I start teaching for beginners? ›

How to teach English to beginners
  1. Teach relevant and practical content.
  2. Use visual aids and gestures.
  3. Ensure you use repetition.
  4. Choose which mistakes to correct.
  5. Simplify language and give demonstrations.
  6. Beginner lesson ideas and activities. Activity one: Simple listening. Activity two: Vanishing whiteboard.
Feb 8, 2024

What is the easiest teacher to become? ›

The easiest teaching degree to pursue would most likely be a basic Bachelor of Education degree. Some of the types of education bachelor degrees include: Education. Early Childhood Education.

Is it worth becoming a teacher at 40? ›

Some pros of becoming a teacher at 40 include: having years of life experience that you didn't have in your 20s and 30s. using interactions with children and teens to relate to your students. developing new personal and professional skills.

Is 50 too old to become a teacher? ›

Starting a teaching career in your 50s can present challenges, such as adapting to new technologies and managing a classroom effectively. However, these hurdles can be overcome with the right strategies.

Is it too late to become a teacher at 60? ›

Many teachers continue to teach effectively into their 60s and 70s. If you feel you're up to the job, there's no reason not to follow this career path.

What is the first step in teaching a lesson? ›

(1) Outline learning objectives

The first step is to determine what you want students to learn and be able to do at the end of class. To help you specify your objectives for student learning, answer the following questions: What is the topic of the lesson? What do I want students to learn?

How do you teach a lesson for the first time? ›

Plan an engaging lesson

Give yourself enough time to get all of your materials prepared. Also, use materials that serve no other purpose but to make the lesson fun. If you have media, props and pictures that you can bring in, great. The idea is to make your first lesson memorable.

What do you say at the beginning of a lesson? ›

Let's begin our lesson now. Is everybody ready to start? I hope you are all ready for your English lesson. I think we can start now.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.