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it DIAL 790 17ETD mmm Temperatures TTS Wfafoer 1 I 11 U- I) 41 43 3S 0 Unofficial An Independent Newtpaper Dedicated To The Welfare Of East Tennessee VOL 35-NO 220 (AP) NEWS AND WIREPHOTO JOHNSON CITY TENN MONDAY APRIL 4 1955 ONE TWELVE PAGES Daily 15c Sunday CZ Chancellor g'Psy 1110 To eft County Voter MacArthur Urges Full Publication Of Yalta Data 4 NEW YORK (ft Genu Douglaspleaded concessions to FIRE SWEEPS bell tower at --the north end of the Ferry Building fn San Francisco Calif begins to topple in the four-alarm fire that swept through the north wing of the historic structure The spectacular blaze which occurred at the peak of the rush-hour traffic resulted in death to one person injured five others and damaged property estimated as high as $2000000 Many former servicemen will recall the port city landmark Russia into the Japanese Similar statements were made in Congress by Sen Lehman (D-Lib-NY) Greyhound Bus Drivers May Strike CHARLESTON Va UP) An AFL bus union may call a strike tonight in the 10-state system of Atlantic Greyhound Corp A walkout world idle about 725 Atlantic Greyhound drivers in all or portions of Pennsylvania West Virginia Ohio Kentucky Tennes see Virginia North and South Carolina Georgia Florida and the District of Columbia They are members of Division 1439 Amalgamated Assn of Street Electric Railway and Motor Coach Employes of America The 11-man negotiating commit tee arrived here last night and a crucial union meeting was scheduled for today Meeting Sought Division President Daniel Maroney Jr of Charleston has said his men will strike unless the company agrees to meet with them this and settle on a contract When Maroney issued his ultimatum last Thursday an Atlantic Greyhound official' said his firm could not meet with the union this week because of prior commitments Instead Vice President Amole said the company would meet April 11 or any time Leave Defense Plan To President Wiley Says hands The President must decide what it is necessary to do to prevent that from happening We must not limit the President making that decision It would be well for us to recall that this is a government of divided powers and functions in which each branch should tend to its own knitting" Wiley thus took a position similar to that voiced yesterday by Chairman George (D-Ga) of the Foreign Relations Committee George called for a letup in the pressure" he said is being put on Eisenhower to declare that the United States either will or will not help Chiang Nationalist forces defend Quemoy and Matsu George said that if a decision is announced to defend the islands is tantamount to a declaration of and that if there is a public decision not to defend Matador Frees Himself From Horns Kills Bull them is tantamount to an invitation to the Chinese Communists to come and take For Striking RailWorkers Chancellor Dayton Phillips Monday morning signed a fiat compelling Clinchfield Railroad to pay nom- operating workers their March 20 checks The workers have been on strike since March 14 over health and welfare plan dispute Attorneys for the railroad Arch McIntyre and Dennis Erwin made known the decision would be appealed Attorneys for the non operators John Jones Fred Booth and Milton Kramer representative of the railway labor executive board contended that the checks in question have been completed except for running them through the IBM machine He said two men who normally operate this machine have been pulled from the office and now are working on the out- Aide At Erwin a Unicoi County grand jury was to decide today whether any court action would be taken against the railroad for failure to pay its employes for work before the strike began Attorney General Frank -Hawkins was instructed Saturday by State Labor Commissioner William Parham to institute court proceedings The order came after conference between union officials management and Wilson 0 Crabb state labor inspector at Erwin last week Parham said the wages involved were earned in February and that state law requires prompt payment of wages earned by workers Bridge Damaged By namite Dy LOUISVILLE Ky (Si A dynamite explosion last night slightly damaged a Louisville Nashville Railroad Co bridge a mile south of the Jefferson-Bullitt County line Sc officials contending with a strike by 10 non-operating unions said they had no full report of the damage but they believed it was small Jefferson County Patrol man Charles Cook who investigated the explosion before he learned it was outside his jurisdiction said one rail on the main line was buckled and two ties were blown out The bridge concrete was cracked Cook said he thought a very weak charge was set oft The bridge spans a creek four miles north of Shepherdsville Railroad dispatchers halted a freight train at Lebanon Junction after reports of the explosion were received But officials said today that as Tar as they know there would be no interruption to other freight trains The blast occurred as the strike of 10 non-operating unions against the railroad entered its fourth week A section of railroad was dynamited near Lebanon Junction last Friday The violence was the first reported in Kentucky since the strike began City police said they would question two men charged with damaging telephone cables William Keys Jr an electrician employed by told police his green automobile was smeared with white paint last night He said the word was painted on it Keys said he had received number of harassing telephone calls recently because he has con tinued to work during the strike He is not a union member Rail Union Chief Denies Bomb Work NASHVILLE (AP) George Leighty chief negotiator for striking unions of the Louisville Nashville railroad system implied Sunday that a bomb which injured a baby here Friday may have been intended discredit the Leighty offered a $500 reward for information leading to arrest and conviction of those responsible for the blast saying he is willing to make the offer because he Is so that none of out people are guilty of this He continued: in the past have been known to hire outsiders to come in and commit an act of this nature to discredit the union They know no one could suffer for it but the union They know the union normally gets the blame and loses public support as a result" His remarks on the violence were a disgresslon from a detailed report he and Carroll president of the Brotherhood of maintenance of way employes were making to a meeting of strikers here on progress of negotiations Movie Fire Kills 39 SCLESSIN Belgium UT) Weeping relatives filed through make-shift morgue today to identify a grim row of charred bodies victims of a movie house fire Sunday that killed 39 persons includ- ing 22 children 4 Two Jailed In Blasting Of Primary Phone Lines LOUISVILLE KyTlB An unemployed truck driver and an assistant signalman on strike against the Louisville Nashville Railroad Co were arrested today on charges of dynamiting two telephone cables here shortly after midnight The dynamiting caused the worst damage of several vandalism incidents since the Southern Bell Telephone Co strike began 22 days ago Three Exchanges Out Hie underground explosion in an alley knocked out service to 500 telephones in three exchanges It also ripped apart a long distance cable feeding circuits to Nashville Tenn and communities in south central Kentucky Under arrest are Marvin Lee Scott 22' Sffd Guy Henry Pack 47 They were captured shortly after the explosion Police said they found a stick of dynamite and a two-foot length of attached fuse in the car Scott was driving Denies Knowledge Scott the unemployed truck driver told police he knew nothing about the explosion nor how the dynamite stick happened to be in his car Pack an assistant signalman for the Sc Railroad and now on strike denied any connection with the telephone cable dynamiting He told police Scott offered him a ride home after they left a tavern Scott and Pack were arrested on a warrant taken out by Verne Quinn Southern Bell Telephone Co engineering supervisor charging them with damaging telephone company property Scott also wag charged with reckless drivini and Pack with disorderly conduct Telephone striker-leaders quickly deplored the dynamiting Quake Toll 432 MANILA UP) -Hie death toll in violent earthquakes on Mindanao today was reported at 432 with about 2000 injured and 12000 homeless a pad and containing an absorbent chemical The face piece is at tached to snug-fitting plastic materials which make the mask cling to the face and head A harness holds it on the head Plastic lenses are used for eye-pieces The whole device can be machine produced Military Mask Eyed The researchers said work is also underway looking toward the development of a new military mask that would have improvements in protection vision compactness speech transmission wearability and Saying that basic information is constantly being accumulated and applied towards that objective the researchers declared: need for such improvements is seriously emphasized with the advent of newer more toxic hazards to which both the military and civilian population may be exposed" Easter Week ---For You By EUGENE CARSON BLAKE President National Council of Churches (AP Newsfeatures) Some people avoid religion because they are afraid that they will be unpopular with the crowd if they appear too pious Others go to church for no better reason than that they think it is the thing to do to make them popular Palm Sunday is the day when the crowds were cheering for Jesus as He rode a donkey toward Jerusalem A few days later the same crowd were shouting Ohe thing this proves: it is foolish to live your life according to what you think will make you popular Do what you believe God wants you to do and you will feel right inside whether the crowd cheers or jeers Today Chuckle A woman never knows what kind of husband she doesn't want until she marries him Nothing Sells $2 Gas Mask Developed By Army Researchers Operating Budget Of $205000 Approved Whether Washington County will issue $1300000 in school bonds la to be left to the voters of the county Magistrates Monday morning at the quarterly session of County Court in Jonesboro voted 24 to 19 to amend their action of March 10 and leave the bond issuance to a referendum of the people Motion to amend the former action was made by Magistrate Clyde Mitchell of the Thirteenth District It seconded by Magistrate 0 Crag miles of the F'lfth District Contracts Let Magistrates voted the' referendum despite the fact they were told that Supt Fred Neil Smith had already let contracts for the building program to architects Mitchell in making the amendment motion charged there too much politics in the Board of Education" His charge was backed up by Charles Miller a school board member Defends Official Houston Carder of Sulphur Springs as a member of the school board defended the action in letting contracts to architects He said the action was taken when it was believed the court in good Magistrates voting for the referendum were: Hubert Broyles Mauk A Dillow Hensley Everet Mauk Enock Pearson Berry Guinn Cragmiles Ralph Lloyd Ed Cline Joe McCrary Herbert Hodge White Robert Jobe Floyd Stafford John Bacon Clyde Mitchell Keebler Fred Hilbert Clyde Bacon John Crook- shanks Carl Carson and Hartman Voting against the referendum were: Dr A Willis Max Carson Boring Charles McNees George Barnes Harry Faw Miller Ira Shorn Henley Hpton Cloyd Litle Howard Gage Dallas Snyder Ray Kennedy Carter Clark Potter Rowe Martin and John Smith In other action the court approved the general operating budget of- $205000 recommended by the finance committee They also authorized the county judge to call a special session to consider Die tax livy Earlier in the session Magistrate Harry Faw told the court it might not take an additional levy to pay off the proposed school bonds He said there was a possibility that the city and county could out an agreement to use the capital outlay funds for that purpose Chicago Voters To Name Mayor CHICAGO mayoral election tomorrow will bring a momentous verdict for one of the most turbulent politicians The vote will either lift peppery Robert Merriam from a Republican minority desk in the 50-man City Council to peak public office or leave him without a steady job His Council term expires this month Youth Undergoes Treatment For Burns Twelve-y3ar-old Larry Carmack of 142 East Highland Rd is undergoing treatment at Memorial Hospital for burns on his left leg His condition is reported The youth was burned Saturday while playing with gasoline and matches Rain Mild Weather Scheduled In Area Mild weather with showers likely Tuesday night and Wednesday is forecast for the upstate area High temperature Monday is expected to be in middle 60s and in the upper 60s Tuesday Th mercury is due to drop to the middle 30 area Monday night Skies are scheduled to increase in cloudiness' an to became most cloudy Wednesday Weather Guide TRI-CITIES AREA Moetly euimy and 4 I It lie rnol-r Monday with high in middle lair Monday night with tow ta mlddia 30a continued fair and aU4 Turaday with tnereaemg cloudtneea in afternoon ahowtra likely Tueeday night high Ttieaday In upper fOa Wedneaday'a outlook moetly cloudy and mud with raw likely relallra humidity Monday a Mu 4t percent wind and vartasie harw metric preteure 30 0d and rl-mg high Sunday 11 low Sunday aht 34 LAKE XltfATlOSS Sfeadef M1 1 rli I't1'' tg Boon Eon Henry lH il Watauga Routo t-M -iatiw uefe'aes uwkuc- WASHINGTON UK Sen Wiley (R-Wis) suggested today that Congress to its own and allow President Eisenhower to decide what the United States should do in the Formosa Strait Wiley senior Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said he supports position in declining to say now what action this country will take if the Chinese Communists attack the offshore islands of Que-moy and Matsu Alluding to the defend-Formosa resolution passed earlier this year by Congress Wiley said in an interview: has said that Formosa is significant to our defense and must not fall into unfriendly Maryville Exchange Ends Service ATLANTA (Si A manually operatecTtelephone exchange remained- shut in Tennessee today following a new wave of violence in the 22-day-old strike of Southern Bell Telephone Co employes in nine Southeastern states All local service was disconnect ed at the Maryville Tenn ex- change yesterday at the request of Mayor Lea Callaway who said the no longer ahle to furnish adequate police protec Youngblood Southern Bell Tennessee general manager said in a statement at Nashville that is the only exchange we have ever had to close be cause of a breakdown of law and order during the entire 75-year history of his company" The decision followed the arrest of a man on charges of assault and battery on a Southern Bell Maryville plant foreman firing of shots at the Maryville building and mass picketing after a court order limited pickets to three Two men were arrested in an Atlanta suburb on charges of destroying private property Police said they were picked up after receivers were found yanked from two telephones A man was arrested in Orlando Fla on charges of cutting or damaging six cables which knocked out service to 200 residential homes for a time Nearly all outgoing cables were (Continued On Page 2 Col 7) MacArthur-says he will to the release of documents dealing with for the Yalta only if the record is released in full would be wholeheartedly In approval to have published all documents which -bear Optra responsibility for the Yalta he declared in a statement last night he added would deprecate most unequivocally a partial and selective The wartime Far' Eastern military chief referred to the requested release of certain Army documents and messages dealing with the war against Japan Statements Denied Publication of these records was sought after MacArthur denied statements that his adyice had prompted concessions to the Soviet Union in order to enlist that nation in the Pacific war These concessions were made by the United States and England at the Yalta conference in February 1945 The Army on Saturday announced it had boosted the security classification of wartime message file and other documents and was leaving a decision on their release to the Department of Defense Seeks Full Release MacArthur said he wants the whole record released if at because he understands that the Defense Department is now being asked to release only selected documents dealing with plans for implementing the Yalta decisions He said this release would exclude documentation Which preceded the Yalta decisions and which alone might cast light upon the responsibilities Such partial release the general added only result in added confusion in the public mind concerning the issue under discussion which is the responsibility for the Yalta In an editorial on March 25 the Washington Post and Times-Herald challenged denial of any responsibility for the Yalta concessions The newspaper said the general was known to have 13 Killed In Rail Crash COLIMA Mexico UPi The death toll of a holiday train crash that tumbled three passenfies-eafT into Colima of rose to 13 today Nine persons were killed outright and four of the injured succumbed Four others were in serious condition1 The cars fell through a bridge on a mountain line last night 50 miles from the Pacific Coast near the little town of Alsaba The Colima State governor Jes us Gonzalez Lugo said about 60 persons were injured slightly Other cars of the 15-car tram remained on the track 'the governor said and hundreds of the persons who jammed them escaped without a scratch Early reports said nine of the cars plunged into the canyon Aloofness Shocks Japanese TOKYO Ml Secretary of State John Foster Dulles today declined an abrupt Japanese request for immediate top-level policy talks in Washington Opposition politicians here pounced on the turndown as a slap at the conservative government of Prime Minister Ichiro Hatoyama Newspapers talked of a possible political crisis Government leaders discounted this and admitted they had not given the United States enough notice Only Friday Japan had proposed sending Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu to Washington this week to try to iron out growing differences between the United States and Japan especially on rearming the former Axis partner Sheriff Deakins Shows Improvement Sheriff John Deakins is showing improvement at Memorial Hospital according to an attache Deakins has been under treatment at the hospital since last Thursday when he was stricken ill enroute from his home to Johnson City His illness is due to an extraction of a tooth Like Newspapers 4 LIKELY Marshal Konst a Jitin Rokossovsky wartime Red Army-leader and Polish Minister of Defense is believed the likely choice for Supreme Commander of projected Eastern Unified Military Command counterpart of NATO it includes the seven Communist East European satellites Convict Kills Official In Break-OutTrv RAIFORD Fla A desperate prisoner tried to shoot his way out of state prison today with a pistol He killed1 one official and wounded two others unarmed overpowered him immediately He was put in solitary Slain was Godwin assistant superintendent and a prison official for 30 years He was hit in the and shoulder Wounded were guards Dodds and Wainwright Their condition was not believed serious Supt Chapman said the prisoner George Arthur Heroux wa known to be bad character but given us no trouble sword and holding to the bull pulled himself free Clutching his wound and shouting to those rushing to his help to stay back he picked- up his muleta and sword He sighted down his sword again and killed the bull with such skill judges gave him the rare award of ears and tail Marquez earlier had presented his ceremonial cape as an indication of close friendship to Miss Tommie West 18 of Coleman Tex a freshman at the University of Texas Miss West said she had attended all his fights since last October Market Advances In Early Trading NEW YORK The stock market advanced briskly today in early dealings Atomic stocks and some individual issues pushed their gains to around 2 points There were few losses in key places The stock market Friday was ahead strongly in a rise that almost balanced out losses suffered previously in the week Hie Associated Press average of 60 stocks was up $120 at $16000 The bond market today was mixed at the 6tart age from 21 to 19 was approved by the 1953 Legislature but failed at this session State amendments must pass two successive legislatures and then get approval at a referendum Idaho Rejects plan Idaho defeated a proposal amendment allowing 19-year-olds to vote Chances appear good for the Delaware Legislature to approve the measure for 18-year-olds It has been passed by the Senate and awaits House action However it also must get approval of the 1957 General Assembly to become law The vote bill has been offered in previous legislative sessions in Colorado Florida Michigan Montana Oregon and South Carolina In some states the proposals never got out of committee In Nevada Republican Gov Miiward Simpson asked for a constitutional amendment on the vote for 18-year-olds but the Senate rejected his proposal Last Friday the "Maine Legisla- ture killed similar constitutional amendment resolve im wW CIUDAD Acuna Mex Ml A matador impaled on the horns jerked himself free and killed the bull in top style yesterday The 4-year-old bull rammed a horn into Mexican Manolo Marquez moments after Marquez presented his ceremonial cape to a Texas coed The horn which ranged upward opened a nine-inch wound Doctors said after a two hour operation last night Marquez 22 suffered internal injuries but should recover quickly It happened as Marquez was about to plant the sword to kill his first bull of the afternoon in this town across the Rio Grande from Del Rio Tex As he went in over the horns to plunge the sword between the shoulders the bull embedded its right horn in the young lower body -Marquez dropped his muleta and Former Officer In Council Race Kincheloe former deputy sheriff has qualified to run for a seat on the City Commission fe the election May 10 Truett Siler chairman of the Washington County Election Commission said qualifying petition was filed Monday morning Bills To Reduce Voting By FRANK CAREY AP Science Reporter CINCINNATI UP) A $2 mask developed by the Army is being tested for possible use in protecting civilians against inhaling poison gas germ weapons and radioactive diet two Army scientists announced today Researchers Bernard Siegel and Frank Shanty of the Army Chemical Center Maryland reported that if test models meet protective requirements the masks could be quickly mass-produced They addressed the 127th national meeting of the American Chemical Society Price Goes Down The low cost of the fig ured at between $150 and $2 compares with $14 for the standard military mask and $8 for a previously developed mask for civilians they said Key to the cheapness of the new one they explained is the elimination of a relatively high cost metal for absorbing noxious gases or filtering out airborne germs and radioactive materials Instead much of the face piece of the mask itself constitutes the a fibrous mat forming but there have been demands on President Eisenhower to say whether this country will defend Quemoy and Matsu Chinese Nationalist islands To See Further Eisenhower insists" Nixon said that a decision on defending areas threatened and should be made only when we see the nature of the a dictatorial aggressor is involved the only way to elimi nate all chance for war is to surrender Nixon said He said history showed "surrender of territory in itself never satisfies an aggressor it only increaseshis appetite Hie best chance for peace without surrender he said lies in keeping the nation and the free world than any potential and in making clear to the world a firm to use our strength against aggression when it Age Make Small Headway No Conflict Unless Reds 9 Start One Nixon Asserts CHICAGO If) Thousands of the youths under 21 are in military service but legislation to permit them the right to vote appears gaining little headway Only one state Georgia gives them voting privileges Moves have been made in several other states an Associated Press survey showed to get similar legislation passed since the military draft age was lowered to 18 In most states the proposed constitutional amendment were to lower the age to 18 Some recommended 19 At Least 20 States Bills have been sponsored in at least 20 states before legislative bodies this year But in only one state is there indication of passage President Eisenhower in his 1954 State of the Union message proposed the Constitution be amended to give 18-year-olds the vote The Constitution specifies no age qualifications for voters leav ing this to the states In Indiana a state constitutional amendment lowering the voting W) Vice President Richard Nixon said iast night he knows of po one in Congress the administration or the top military leadership who wants war will be no major war unless the Communist nations begin one" he told the American Assn of School Administrators "Anyone who charges there is a war party in the United States is unfortunately feeding the Communist propaganda mill which has been grinding out this big lie and trying to peddle it around the world for years" Answers Group Most of half-hour talk was devoted to answering those who he said apparently believe war could be avoided if the United States would to the world at this time tnat certain named areas would not be defended by us if attacked" Hr did not identify the areas.
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