How to write the letter h (2024)

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Story of letter H | How to write the letter H

Last updated date: 10th Feb 2023

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Do you know any H-letter words? Oh! I have one, H for - Hi.

Hi! Friends, do you love listening to stories? What about Letter H Story? The story will be as interesting as you can imagine. In the letter H story, we will be guiding you on how to write the English letter H and then will tell a story about Hicky and Hindy.

Are you excited about it? Definitely, you are! So, let's read it aloud.

How to Write the Letter H?

Letter H is the eighth letter in the English alphabet. Do you know how to write the letter H? Let’s learn. If you already know how to write the letter H, why not practice with us?

First, make one line down. Next, go further to the right side and make a similar line down. Now connect these two straight lines (parallel lines) with a short flat line (horizontal line) from the middle.How to write the letter h (1)

Writing Letter H

In the above figure, do you see the numbers 1, 2, and 3? You need to follow the same sequence while writing the letter H. First, draw line number 1, then line number 2 and later join both the lines with line number 3 from the middle.

Voila! You just wrote the letter H!

Now, to celebrate your achievement, how about we tell you the story of Hindy and Hicky?

Story of Hindy and Hicky

Hindy was a huge horse and her friend was a hippopotamus whose name was Hicky. Hicky was a sad hippo.

Hindy wanted to cheer him up. Hindy asked her friend “What can I do to make you happy?”

She tried to flip her hair really fast to make the hippo laugh but that did not work. Then she asked Hicky “Would you like to have your favourite hot dogs?” But Hicky grumbled that he was in no mood to eat hot dogs.

Hindy asked, “how about some good jokes?”.How to write the letter h (2) But, Hicky replied, “I would love some!”

Hindy walked and wandered around to find jokes for her friend. While she was passing a hat store, she heard some funny jokes. She entered the store and went up to her friend horse Halley “Where do these jokes come from?” Hally “the jokes are from this magical hat.” Hindy wore the hat.

The hat said “Where do horses live? In the NEIGH-bourhood!”

Halley and Hindy started laughing at the joke. So, Hindy bought the funny hat and went to Hicky’s house. Hickey found the hat to be a hilarious one.

The whole day, the magical hat cracked funny jokes that made the two friends burst into laughter.

Now both friends were happy, Hicky and Hindy went to an ice cream shop where they ate hay and honey-flavoured ice cream.

Yummy it was!


Hindy is truly a good friend indeed who made her friend, Hicky laugh at the end. The story concentrated more on the H letter words thus no wonder, why the two friends’ names started with the letter H.How to write the letter h (3)

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20+ Letter H Crafts & Activities - Preschoolers Learn the Alphabet

Learning the letter H! Letter H learning Resources, alphabet recognition, phonics, activities and crafts for preschoolers. Learn to read, write and have fun with the letter H.

Let’s learn the letter H!

Yay for the Letter H!

Learning the alphabet is an essential part of a child’s education. It’s much more than just practicing handwriting sheets over and over again.

In fact, we believe there are more efficient ways to help your kid learn the letters, like crafts and engaging activities!

Letter H Song

The letter H plays an important part in the alphabet called a consonant. To understand better what sounds the letter b can make, here is the Letter H song.

Today we are learning the letter H! We made a list of different activities and hands-on crafts that your kids will love.How to write the letter h (4) Just keep on reading!

Using different materials and colors with your letter H lessons is a fun and easy way to help young children learn the alphabet, sound out words and read simple sentences.

Letter H Lesson Plan

Let’s see how many words your little one knows that begin with H!

  • How many words that start with H can they think of?
  • Do they know foods that start with H?
  • Have they heard of places that start with H?
  • Do they know animals that start with H?

Letter H Crafts to Teach

Kids love learning via crafts and activities. Let their imagination run wild with this super cute H is for Hippo craft.We love making letter crafts that are also fun to play with. In the past lesson, we made a walking giraffe. This time we are creating a cute little Hippo!

This simple H is for Hippo craft, your kid will be able to practice their motor skills with just a few supplies that you probably already own: construction paper, pompoms, and googly eyes.How to write the letter h (5) We assure your kid will fall in love with it!

Crafts are so important because they help kids express their feelings and put their creativity to use. These crafts and activities combine fun and learning so they’re perfect to learn the letter H!

After the hippo is all done and hanging on the wall, you can move on to more super fun Letter H Activities to do with your kids. Give construction paper to your kids and they can build an H-shaped little horse!

There are so many words that start with the letter H. Heart, hedgehog, hamburger… Make it a game! How many animals that start with H can your kid name in 30 seconds? Or how many foods that start with H can they think of?

Preschool Letter H Printable Worksheets

It’s time to get some handwriting exercises in! Once your preschooler has mastered the Letter H, print these free worksheets to practice handwriting.

The Letter H is a simple but practical worksheet to help your kid learn the shape of uppercase and lowercase H.How to write the letter h (6) We suggest laminating it so they can use it over and over again!

Worksheets are perfect for practicing the letter H. Just make sure to do them one at a time and mix them up with other fun activities!

H is for horse, heart, house… H is also for healthy and happy, two words that are without a doubt most important to each and every parent. These Letter H Worksheets are exactly what your kid needs to make the most of this alphabet lesson.

This set includes uppercase and lowercase tracing pages, coloring sheets, and phonics activities to teach students the sounds of words that begin with Letter H.

Our Color the letters worksheets are a nice extra to review the letter H as well as the letters F, G, I and J.

More Fun Alphabet Learning Resources

When you are done with the letter H, make this Super Fun Crayon Resist Art and have your kid write down some letters. It’s really simple yet so much fun! Or if they’re craving some snacks, it might be time to try these Alphabet Crackers.How to write the letter h (7) So yummy!

Everything You Need To Teach The Letter H

"Little letter X"

T EMA Lesson: " Little letter X"

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of skills to write Little letter X

, Slovers, words with this letter.

Planned results:

  • educational and cognitive interest in new educational material and ways to solve a new problem
    * Regulatory UUD:
    - accept and save the learning task;
    - carry out final and step-by-step control on the result.

*Cognitive UUD:

  • show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation ;
    * Communicative UUD:

    - take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation;

- to formulate one's own opinion and position

- to distinguish between sounds and letters

- to correctly name the letters of the Russian alphabet;

- apply the studied spelling rules: separate spelling of words in a sentence, a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence in proper names

Type and type of lesson: discovery of new knowledge

Lesson form: combined
Methods: verbal, visual, practical.How to write the letter h (8)
Receptions: conversation, illustrative visualization, exercises

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, copybook, presentation, handout.

Discover new knowledge


-What task can we set for ourselves?

-Take a pen, sit straight

Let's turn the notebook at an angle

Write nicely and cleanly in your notebook

Keep the slope and do not rush anywhere.

- Open the copybook on page 15? (write page 15 on the board)

- Guys, let's try to describe the hockey player, what is he like?

- He wants us all to learn how to write the lowercase x correctly and beautifully.

- Consider the pattern of the letter x.

- How many elements are there in the letter x?

-Name the elements of the letter x (I follow the pattern with a pointer, the children name it)

- I suggest that you circle the elements of the letter x separately.How to write the letter h (12)

- Arrows will help you orient yourself to the direction of writing, pay attention to where you start writing from

Circle the elements with a pen.

-Pay attention to the line after the elements, what does this picture remind you of?

-Look at the arrows where we will start writing. Circle with a pen.

- Pay attention to the board, write the first element of the letter ha just below the top line of the working line, make a rounding to the left, lead to the bottom line of the working line and round to the right on the semi-oval

Write in your copybook up to 2 elements

- write the second element semi-oval in the other direction

Write in your copybook to the end of the line.

Working in pairs

And now let's work in pairs, remember the rules for working in pairs, now the hockey player allows you to open the envelopes and get the elements of the letters. Find and collect the letter x from them (there are extra elements in the envelope).How to write the letter h (13) (Names) will go to the board

-Who, like (names), raise their hands up, connecting them with their palms.

Well done!

- What element do you have left over? Show it (extra element). What letter does it appear in?

- Well done, now let's do finger gymnastics with you

What point of the plan have we studied? What task did you set for yourself?

What is the 2nd point of the plan?

-What task shall we set for ourselves?

-We wrote the elements of the letter ha separately, now let's try to write them together to make a beautiful letter ha.

-Guys, a hockey player has been teaching animals how to write the letter x for a long time, let's see how the letter ha was written by a hamster, who also learned how to write the letter x, let's look at how to write the letter x. What mistakes did the fox make?

- Now I will reveal to you the most important secret of the lesson, which the hockey player shared with me.How to write the letter h (14) Let's get acquainted with the algorithm for writing a lowercase letter x

I will write on the board, and you will be in the air with me, show me your readiness.

Start writing just below the top line of the working line, rounding to the left, touching the bottom line of the working line, rounding to the right to the semi-oval, leading back along what was written to the top line of the working line, rounding to the left just below the top line of the working line, leading back along what was written to the bottom line round the working line to the right up to the semi-oval

- Attention to the slide, we also write it in the air (video fragment with and without pronunciation, 2 times)

And now let's write it ourselves in the copybook until the end of the working line

- Where do we start writing the letter from?

- Don't forget about the indent from each letter, so that the index finger is placed between the letters. Remember that you can not go beyond the working line.How to write the letter h (15) Write yourself to the end of the working line. (showing the line again)

If necessary, once again I pay attention to the correct spelling of the letter.

Put a dot under the letter that most closely resembles the pattern.

-You guys must be tired, well then everyone got up together

A ferret was sleeping in a mink in winter,

But he woke up with spring.

He pulled his paws up,

He nodded his head.

He made two jumps boldly,

Skillfully wagged his tail.

And he rushed off hopping

Like a mischievous little mouse.

- Sit down in your seats

We have completed the study of 2 points of the plan.

What task did you set for yourself?



Learning situation

Formed UUD



Organize children for activities,

Create a favorable mood for students to work, activate the attention of children


. My name is Viktor Alekseevich

- Have a seat.

- Look at each other, touch with your palms, smile and wish you successful work.How to write the letter h (9)

-I wish you success in everything and everywhere!

-Let's check if everything is ready for the lesson.

-Sit up straight if you have everything that I will name ready, a copybook, a pen, a green and blue pencil.

The students greet the teacher.



cognitive interest in new educational material and ways to solve a new problem.

Determine the topic and purpose of the lesson

Statement of the problem of the lesson

- Guys, help me solve the riddle

There is a game in the yard in the morning,

The children played.

Shouts: “puck!”, “by!”, “hit!”

So there is a game….

-What is the name of a player who plays hockey?

-Well done, our assistant at the lesson will be a hockey player, and his name is Hild

-Describe the sound "x" in the word hockey player?

- Can you characterize the "x" sound in the hockey player Hilda's name?

- Sound хъ хх, and the letter?

- Continue the phrase: The letters are .How to write the letter h (10) .., and the sounds are ...

- the hockey player wrote a letter and at the end made such a signature.

(ON THE BOARD x - printed, and, with, and written)

- Read

- What is the difference?

- And in the writing lesson, what letters do we use printed or written?

- Is the word hockey player written with a capital or lowercase letter x?

-Did you learn how to write a lowercase x?

- Based on this, try to formulate the topic of our lesson, start with the word lowercase.

-Name the goal, starting with the word "learn"

Today in the lesson we will work according to the plan


1. Writing the elements of a lowercase letter x

2. Writing a lowercase letter x

(learn how to write a lowercase letter x)

3. Writing syllables, words, sentences with a lowercase letter x

(learn to write syllables, words, lowercase letter x)

hockey hockey player

- consonant solid, deaf.How to write the letter h (11)

- consonant soft, deaf.


We write, we hear0005

- written

- lowercase

- no

- lowercase x.

- learn how to write the lowercase letter x

Discover new knowledge about the lowercase letter l

Discover new knowledge

Open the copybook

- Writing the elements of a lowercase letter x

(learn how to write the elements of a lowercase letter x)


- two semi-ovals.


is called element


prescribes element


9000 9000 9000

- Writing a lowercase letter x

(learn to write a lowercase letter x)

Compare with the standard.How to write the letter h (16)

Write a lowercase letter x in the air

Write it in writing.

Putting knowledge into practice

What is the next step in the plan?

What task shall we set for ourselves?

Let's play, I'll name words for you, and your task is to determine what sound x is in these words, hard or soft.

If the sound is hard, then we show a blue pencil

If the sound is soft, then green

Words: ferret, predator, cold, hut

Today, at the reading lesson, guests came to our letter - letters of vowel sounds, we read syllables. Let's read them again.

- pay attention to the first syllable ha, what connection?

-now I will write down the syllable ha on the board and you are in the air0005

-Guys, read the word below

-When does it get cold?

-Pay attention to the connection of letters, what is it?

-Well done, now write this word in your copybook 2 times

-Read the sentence below

-Whom is the sentence talking about?

-What is it about?

-How many words does a sentence consist of?

- What letter do we start writing a sentence with?

- Why do we start writing a sentence with a capital letter?

- What is the sign at the end of the sentence?

- Why?

- Write the sentence below once.How to write the letter h (17)

Below, draw a circle in green if the sentence is written without errors, in accordance with the sample, in red if there are spelling errors.

- Well done!

Which item of the plan did we complete? What was the task before us?

ha hee hee


Lesson summary. Evaluative - reflective activity

- Guys, what was the topic of our lesson?

- What about the target?

Have we reached it?

- Guys, there is a card on your tables, your task is to find a lowercase letter x and circle it

(check according to the standard)

Who coped with this task stand up)

- Well done!

- Thank you for the lesson

Capital X.

I.How to write the letter h (18) The stage of motivation (self-determination) for learning activities.

– Read a comic poem and memorize the words with the sounds [x], [x’]:

Brave hamster and cunning ferret

We went to Kharkov together for a day,

Bought bread in Kharkov, halva,

And two bathrobes from the local heat.

II. Repetition of knowledge about the letter x .

- Name the words from the poem that contain the sound [x].

  • Now name the words that have the sound [x'].
  • What letter do we designate the sounds [х] and [х'] on the letter?
  • What do you know about this letter?
  • Guys, which of the named words with the letter x can't be written yet? Why?

- Tell me, why do we need a capital letter?

  • Who can formulate the theme of our lesson?

- Today in the lesson we will learn to write and combine with other letters the capital letter X.How to write the letter h (19)

III. Formation of the visual image of the capital letter X in student memory.

- Compare lowercase and uppercase letters X .

- How are they similar? What is the difference?

- Compare large block and capital letters X .

- How are they similar? What is the difference?

- Name the elements that make up the capital letter X.

IV. Formation of a visual-motor image of a letter in the memory of students.

Each step of the letter writing algorithm is triggered by a mouse click.

V. Writing by students in a notebook.

1. Students write in a notebook with a capital letter X according to the algorithm.

2. Writing by students in a notebook of capital and small letters Хх .How to write the letter h (20)

3. Exercise in writing connections: Chl, Ha, Hv.


There are such words: "He is the head of everything." Crisp dressed Soft black, white..


4. Read the proverbs.

Bread is the head of everything.

-Explain its meaning.

- Write down. Underline the vowels.

The origin of this saying is understandable. After all, such a product as bread not only complements the dishes, but is also the very first thing that is put on the table. It cannot be replaced by anything.

People in Rus' have always been greeted with bread and salt. The loaf was considered a symbol of an easy and harmonious family life. Therefore, for our people, this is not just a product, but a real element of culture.

Bread is our wealth.

-Explain its meaning.

- Write down.How to write the letter h (21) Underline the consonants.

Now you won't surprise anyone with bread. On store shelves you can find a variety of pastries - for every taste and budget. Although, quite recently, the peasants worked day and night in the field, growing wheat, and considered bread to be wealth. Whether the rain will beat the wheat, whether the sun will burn it, whether the birds will peck out - the concern for the harvest worried the villagers all year round.

Bread was obtained by hard, daily work - hence the reverent, respectful attitude towards it: “Bread is the breadwinner”, “Bread in man is a warrior”. Empty bins were considered a terrible disaster: “You will get pierced without a mind, but you won’t live without bread”, “There is no bread - put your teeth on the shelf.”

Under no circ*mstances should you throw away half-eaten salmon – it was considered a great sin. Folk wisdom teaches: "Thrown away the bread, which means - lost family well-being and strength.How to write the letter h (22)

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How to write the letter h (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.