Deseret News from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)

w' 720Suilding trottrials 120-401141mg litotertak 720-111 liding Witorials 120-40114tng Stytertak rrItrUM" I AIMIMMINAMMN Ir3truone" 460-4 peoting Otodi THURSDAN, OCTOBER 7, 1976 IIIMEMEMEIMIMMIMMINEMPWMFM. -mdm 410.40411e1 044 Aire11100.4iteStOCk 410-4-fems ood Acrents ii-itmiNIcka OCTOBER 7, 1976 IMMINEEMIPMEMOMMENEENIMINEIENEENr Acreogio giCliivtC Al--tivstock Sy1Atts tot Solo I C'JG tiNS, AND I Port. or oetroaroarrt. Aare Fence 3310 So lemom 401-1431. suttING mAcHiNrs 1.01110110MMINV 4ValteSerrOY CAM Rooks, ti, 7 444ORSE Trotter.

'74 Jatittoo. 04,5, 04, 50.30m. SMGEWPFAPF-Vtkittle, 1 PAO at F. 4o.itt Go. NEW HOME Cirrr.

rn. 4 Ct. oki, MOW "MAIM Troffer le Jackmet U4 dtatt o. 277.7121. S30hts VJG At4C.t Port.

or oormarecrt. Aare Fence Co 3310 So 1 on) 481-1431 4ValtesettOy COM Rooks, is, cu Ors, oat, So11-3q96. itititrtiFF-tm Oft)Wstyrkintsous fa Soto sutiNG MACHINES SiNGERPFAFF-Vikittlei WH TEACC.Ctti NEW HOME I 1630-Alvallenstris For Suit 4........ PRACr. ovaa, drams, bilatt ciiri-a-e.

kg 6 rAll-ITL hAtTikii NEW Knchanave taamwasher. Ichrome Dar, a mom vary aim orlio. cos vial Vt.ftYll. WOMANS 3 et 90. Samara, Pkiirrfaa vefrevid arid cosmetic suittaAts, 2C6.4WP ft Wt.

hris II Si 350 WINS VI firli 'i-is0 I Lamest 0 i errTrfjfrrrr, Ail In The ,,1 Selecton HoL, i ol, -6, --1 11 rt west I FEE4CONG I ROUGH CEDAR '7 Grope Strikes 2, I .1 fell units oniy 1 SC ...,6 A 1 I Largest Selecticn In The CONG ROUGH CEDAR Grope Strikes 2, full units only 15' OPENRZt odhaVNIIIIMOIRMir ACRES Mirk Creek Idaloa w-Mt mon, Mew emra- t3100 mieo VornetrY NI miff Writ pasture- Very me tIttMe rn tNittliel We sitora Mayhem Cache Valley and S.E. From 71 la 210 acret, Fenn Boreao kaaiim Call Scan Madcsraaa, t2a er Eve- i CEDAR VALLEY 100 $ISO Per acre. smell trdownpayment with Wien on contract. Maurice Peterson, Realty t214651 or 4 3- 136,6046 663 -Acre ranch, 250 irrieat: ed, with Sweat orwmit twatea f.4:6",0C, tollehldel Ogee with mild winters and tree water. Some machinery included.

2 Iworiti end enenwernants. $235,000. ay int)) 0242151, ewes. owNER-1-4-5 perVeroT. 60' acre percel, No.

West Utak Exmient term or rotten land rIwneir will finance with low down ayment. For into. can itell ALPINE I or 6 acres with nice 3 harm Iwne. View ot Alamo valiey. Most see to apprtriate.

Call Uinta at Petersen in Ainercian Fork, 766. 9646 or at tone 756-47y. if ACRE orchard Payson area. AGMS and peache s. inctudes a 0011 6 toirm.

herrn and mule-merit. Cali Uinta at Peterson Jolley Realty in American Fork, i 564646 or at Itorne 7S6-6777. BY crienct--2a0 acres Desert Land. Soultitemt ot Delta UL miles West of Clear Lake. $25 acre.

10 yr. tem witn low down payment. Ad. Lewis, It San Manzi, Chandler Arizona. acre parcel, No.

West Utah. tarm or ranch land. will finance with low down payment. For into. can ALPINE I or 6 acres with nice 3 beirm.

tone. View of Mize sal- Joy. Must kee to aPpreeiate. Call Virgil at Petersen a Jolley Real- in martian Fork, 756. 9646 or at borne if ACke orchard Payson area.

Aopm a 6 toirm. herrn end minas- ment. Call Virgil at Petersoo a Jolley Realty in American Fork, PA-9646 or at home 756-4777. BY caence-oile acres Desert Land. 01 Ut.

5 '4S est 05 Cr LAIKIzt $25 on ICI yr. term OP low down POYMent. Ad. Lewis, San Moms Chandler, Arizona. 4t Creek Itietvo 4tow woo.

1 1 Lt -1 u. t--, i 1 x4-6 FT. 44 full units only 19' 1 x4S--6 FT. 3 5Sc 1 x3----6 FT. 3 21' 1 x11-6 FT.

3 23e 1 x4--6 FT. Std. Etr. 45' COMBED CEDAR 55e DOG EAR x3 6 'GRAPE STAKES 1 MACHINE SPLIT 2t2" WiciTh 1 sc4 FT. ROUGH CEDAR 49 4x4x8 ft.

4i) ea. PECKY CEDAR sl "I FT 59c 7 T-POSTS CHAIN LINK 50' roll SI 1.95 Hoavy Ga. 1.33 3s 11 A-S 31a' roll 121.93 0114 04 4 --SU Mit 4. 7 5121 11.76 5. 30 tI snits -6121 12.04 6 50, ,0 6 $36.95 8 $2.70 4x4 1 AFGHAN pup, adorable, AKC yen reas.Cry SNOW LAND Alaskan MalaNeer mutes, AKC ed.

puce. Chants blood lines 561-sesi. AAA a.zsc IMO PUPS-MIN Little white balls of FILM Shots, SKIM Kermels, Drerer 5714759 2 motto tree to riots tures 14s4.303i. I wk use ma Punter, AKC. reg.

$75, Cali BOXERS, MCC, aft ages, reaten0011 able- 571-5445. CATS-2 YOUNG, looking tor a good home, 571-3i0s. co*ckER PUPS A.K.0 BUFF. I SHELBY, FEMALE. e54-1130 -co*ckER SPANIEL, black and beautiful, AKC rootsrir COON 3 BLACK iotit AN' t' $5763 PR MO FARMSITE 1 flvIt 5 acres near Hwy.

DACHSHUND POPS, rem Sot town ard park Take over 2 females, tin m1-69114. baL 3 back Dynes reg. DALMATIANS. AKC registered. MtOmdor Co, KI16-1191 5994575 Exceltent pups.

Ps-nlo. ACP a plus 2 acre ft. water DOBERMAN POWieSo AKC for IXIC aces. I yrald 1070 mobile 36 or trade, 4 irtt, chorsvion home. 3 IM baths, Pits Foos.

price Mak. many extras Lo c. in a Cotton- Grovc IA riORPRAitaN Pum MCC. male, Cedar City black, crooned, 299-3036. DOBERMAN, 4 mos.

Must IDAHO DAIRY set US or ttew offer, aitt-3748. ireritine Pernier mewled. Or OM flfEPMAN pitisosEg. a yr. buy with no down eyed.

to right oid male. K-9 trained scant dog. py, art Call now, 364-05O Excei. SuPer watch ittgESIMENT Pr3party dos 571 7634 ekes. near West Jordan.

Boautful pros- DOBERMAN pups, 3 mo. old, I ftrly, 'TOMS can be arranged. Whale, 1 bar male, 1 red $17,500 total price. Cali males S75 AKC 1-469-evS7. 943460fi DALMAT IANS.

AKC registered. Excelient pups. 235-7210. DOBERMAN PliCIAOS, AKC for iaN or trade. 4 lett, ChartiCkin bloodlines.

Rea's. price. 29-6449. PORPRAAAN Pur.r AKC. mele.

black, cropped, 299-3038. DOBERMAN, 4 mos. Must set rt5 or tliW Otter, 466-3748. helBERMAN PINSCHER, 6 vr. old male.

K-9 trained scant dog. Excei. dispeition. Super walto dog. 571 eves.

DOBERMAN pups, 3 me. old, i tAad bled male, rod AKC $50,3 unclaimad 0001t-ibritl With tow strtct 'tittles, buttonholer, etc, etc, eft. MO OMY VOCI. ties, at New Horne Sewing Center 1761 S. Rate, call for free home oemanntratian.

ASS-3714, WOOCI STOVE Treadle sewing machines, iNivrv Weed cradle, Edison Viciroia, miesman case matening new dies, settles, and bobbins. cane mail', W. ItladreSIP tish Ooze, rntsc. crock, and enamel ere, and Over CcfIbW 1021 So. WO West.

MOVING, meal Patio lurid. tore, CannYin9 MY, giant table, ogre same, 'Wng bags, ash trav steins, used, bens. Childrnn's Want taw and 001. Kine size headboard. oncim frQ bri7kled Citning MOM rue, redini poif clubs, 260417.1.

Retrita arid ranges, $4993. POI, I labia IN, eaS range, pp. right tteerot, Maytas, wringer washer. coot TAG gas heater, 1 gee Menace, gas Meer heater, auto azaber end dr.ter. are, waster, etc.

Tradaway stores 31 le So Mahn'66 WAGONEER, 3 sot, 327 siege Extra wide we ass canoe Slat. 'TO Suzuki 100 cr, low news, WS 3 sets brand new soaa box derby wheels US awn. Eiec. 'Pater s7.50. I pitir Head skis with poles S2fi.

297-3464. PrAFF streah Lao Sleet Singer Zig Zag $931 Saver sewing machine, CS. Atso, upholstery ma-isine for sate. Shinoteton's 164 So. Ilth East, a4-at33, TRADE iN YOUR OLD CARPET FOR NE CARPET Cali Rose, 1624811 fr.t.

ReMacement is our soecial Kew carper and no was ye SAVE ON residential and mobile homes. Awnings, canopies, carnootartr. ports, storm doors, windows, all site avail. and color toa Terms a US TOM KRAFT. 363-3elk.

tta. 255-401. Son. bent 3:30 p.m, Redwood Calve-In Theater Swap Meet PM So. kedwnod Rd.

299-3001 or 299:3881. KIRBY staaJum cleanct, 1year amen-hi with attach. Incl. rug shamonoer. ossh or SS oer roo.

2a6-8771. 2694932 anytime. SEWING MACHINES 9 unclaimed reeeirs. bmget White. Kenmore, etc.

90 day guar. $9 95 to $29 lug Price. 466-0001, 291-5505. TALL You'll tell in love with this beautiful custom home tor tail peoPle. You won't belieee ail the extras.

Call for 561-2628. No agents. GARAGE Sale Friday and Saturday, 8 am. to 6 p.m. and Sun.

12 p.m to 6 p.m Cleaned noose-toys, clothes, in-gauge train. misc. 3069 Mania Way (2640 W.31-00 ROOT CELLARS Lynwilt Industries 3065 West 2100So. 912-6658 OVER 1,000 brand new alum. window screens, all sizes.

50c and up. Sligmly usest a sitgle fluorescent globes, 50c each. 5049 kState, 262.1622. tilAny Voc Repaired Sell parts hoses belts brushes bags cords Vacs S25 up. 322-5813 Scenes Vacuum Stoop )083 State.

VACUUM CLEANERS 11 unclaimed repairs. Hoover. Electrolux, etc. 95 to $19.95. State.

486.0001, 298-5505. REPOSSESSED KIRBY Vacuum cleaner with attach. New guar WY bat ot Or $5.31 mo, 486-IX1111 2984505. 812ft. Cabovcz Camper, $7, wagon meets.

New front door, stained. Bedrails. queen or regular sire 21" console color television with antenna, 561,8608. MUST SELL like new, G.E. Pot, table dishwasher, Kenmore stove, both avocadr4sreen.

Console stereo, Slivertorte. Mast otter. 415-236 atter 5p m. PRINTERS type drawers, 32 ltivs in. Make good shadow boxes or parts drawers.


ALMOST NEW. 262-9239 262-9211 RUMMAGE SALE-SAT. Oct Slitt. Urban Crossroads Center. 341 So.

ant East. 8am-Ipm, Sooncered bv Equal Rights coalition. GARAGE SALE-290 E. 7500 m. tit dart.

Really nice used clotting, misc. eiect. light misc. items GARAGE SALE, Youttrs bdrm ipi, sote.Gosp, urn. items Odkost ly.

manv mnre. 8166 So. Visconti Dr. (1800 MUST SELL: Cobra cam 89 C8 Base station. On ly 4 MOnths OKI excel.

cond. $185 or best otter. 882-S24 loop. WHEEL Tra iter, VS Vertkal gas wall heater, $30. 24 cult.

commercial chest freezer, WO. 467-0948. GARAGE Sale, 2 seem facets, alum sildiog winnow, ski erkiio, antique turn. misc ton, clatter. lutw.

2926 E. Blue Belt. Light Cio. 1.01 6' S1.35 FIELD FENCE 20 Rod Roll American Made 26" $33.99 3 2" $40. 99 '39" 049.79 4 I I a .0, 14 Li 1 I i s9t, I ri 1 ji roi 1 1 Corrugated De; 110 8, x26 0 I Glv 1 ri Steel SO Delta Rib 1 10'46 $3.20 14')(26" $730 16'46" $855 I 1746" $625 OVER SOC TYPIS 141,414110 them from, Pro-linishm Moldings co*kited No OVER SOO TYPE 141,414110 thoos from.

Pro-finished Moidimis Ca4orad NAM Piano Organ ware, hoosonew Slice new. Buy nem at 20 to SO pci. radoction from our new Fine lefnool brand organs and Pianos Otte Yamaha, Kohler, Cangbaii, kammor4 FoO financing aviable. Large tweet ie'71714, I'W; FIZEE-bVELYN lEkRELL GaN LESSONS Ttiesttay 7- 3O-9t30 PA, 14o reg4stration, no obligation DAYNES MUSIC I So, Main YAMAI-IA rt Amos 0.1.04 G.E.M. MUSIC 13V S.

MAIN 364-43la SCHOOL BAND INSTRUMENTS O.E.M. MUSIC 3644316 raillatt SALE Reduction all tolic-clwalcat-elec. uulters. Convare, shoo last at The Musk Centre, 219 S. 5th E.

5 PC Pearl Dn)m set Like new, Cost L500, Will tare mile $200. Buy ALL or Cali or Besson trUMPV mane in England, model 2-20, antics: ikw, woth case, maintenance kit Gold and silver 2-tore. S130. 270-3200. Smelt piano, full scale, Guibransen, Scratched, but musical exeunt.

Ws-stain rtn So. nil Ea-J. MUST SELL-Grand Piano. Antigua stYle. Excellent condition, new.

Orinus, walnut -finish. $1,000. HAND MADE tamura clatalca! guitar, solid spruce and rosewood with bard theft case, Best otter. Se3-063, UPRIGHT Bradford Com Parw, leaving Scram so osust soil, excel. cond MOO Or otter.

52! RENT A PIANO Three per month, wttrl FCC(' to SitBf Call 262-7620, RHODES Pianos. Complete lire. Fender Goiters, Amps. Hart Bros. MWA: If DRUM Set of Drum- Jsed only monlil Cost WO AsKIng, 42S-2352 ROTH NAOMI, $ize Excellent condition.

Complete. SI SO. Gulbransen small lane, tub Sr.die. Terms. 2233 So.

7tt East, HAMMOND 6.43 organ, -with Leslie. Fantastic St200, can ANTIQUE UPRIGHT PIANO, fancy design. Terms. 2233 So. 7tn I-dal.

EXCELLENT STEINWAY Ebony 5 foot 1012 inches, 14500, 3644510 AN1 IQUE PLAYER PIANO, elect. rifted Rolls included. $995. Terms. 2233 So.

lth East. LOOKING FOR A PIANO Can Pay cash. 7984591. NEW 1111.4NOS Inah made, SUS BROS. MUSIC 4864521, 1'50 Folk Guitar, never used! Only $75.

48414.52, 250-iord 1975 Drum Set cost 1300 New. Wilt take $100. 250-7373, 48A-2352 3 PC. DRUM SET, 1419. Buy all or port Progressive Music 364-4353, NFW FIBES DRUM SALE, reg.

1995, now $695. Terms. 1644353. NEW FOLKS Guitar. Costs 1150, wI take $90 364-1141 2 SUIWI 412 SR columns Sleln Slave amp.

1500. 6.17-5308, Price. Almost New Titan Accordion, 120 bass, 1475. 161-9959 after 5 tn. PIANO, winter, SPillPt, 1450 or best otter, 2684374 or 494- 9556 Guild 12 string Acoustic Guitar.

MOO. 2904409. CONN comet with case $150. 1557 Emerald 295-1027. BEAUTIFUL Kr.ate piano for sale, $750.

call 27115040. VOX Jaguar Organ and Amplifier, excellent cond. 5132-9704. 6-PIECE Wellington, Ziecnions, 8 mos. old.

2774835. FENDER RHODES. Elec. piano. Used.

$531) 46J-9325. LUDWIG drum set with cymbals $250. 467-9325 SUPER CLEARANCE SALE 10 to 40 off Tents, sleeping bags, camp stoves, heaters, propane lanterns, camp cots trurjk tarps, black powder rifles. Pack packs. Boat rovers, dutch ovens patio umbrellas, harnodts.

Camp tire grids saddle paciks, huming vests. convertible truck towers, BARGANS GALORE. Free emergency light with any purchase over S20.00. Smith Adams Co. 1198 SO, Main Guns-Buy-Sell-Loons Known for Fair Dealing Scope and binocular repair GALLENSON'S 220 So.

State 320-2016 WE TRADE GUNS Top dollar for your 91-inS fl ade. GLINS UNLIMITED 9th So. ittit East Open 9 p.m. HOME POOL TABLES Factory to you. Many new stvhn for '76.

Gen. teL slate. Finest quality. Lowest prices QUALITY BILLARDS 1075 Fast 2Ist So. 464-6e1 BROWNING guns-270 auto.

rifle. S325. 270 auto. rifiell2)(8 wit Bushnell scope. $375.

20 go. auto. 5 (new), $300. 22 Challenger INV tot Inew)-Beigium, $150. 4 Power LeoPould scooe, $50.

571- 3006. POOL TAAL no Licari 50 models to choose front wee boxes. amusem*nt Wes. Everything for your rec. room.

Best gist. 3753 S. State 252,5493 Louisville Grand Sans golf clubs, 3 solid persimmon woods, 5 Irons. (hipper. porter.

Bag BoY, great buy or great gitt, Si SO. 582-1S02. 15 Navy Surplus rubber raft. Ex. cond.

Heavy-duty with rowing frame, oars, $700 or will trade for kayak equipment, 1-7S31131. BUY-SELL-TRADEGUNS HIGHEST CASH OFFER DUCE 365050. STATE SHOPPERS SPORT NG GOODS WE BUY. SELL TRADE GUNS HIGHEST prices paid in cash. 262-3451 1500 West 3500 So Springoeld 45-70.

SI55. Winchester, Enfield, SM, Luger, SUS. Xreo Crabine, $50. Ruger no.1, 17.25. 943-3024.

GUNS. BUY-SELL-TRADE Expert CotnISMittiino) WOL E'S hi-, So. Stale TRAMPOLINE REPAIRS pct4m.Affs i6743961 Clocsification 01 3 a speLtai seLaion to fin your hunting needs Whether it Da teiling your oid acluiOnsent of finding nye nee outfit you've been looking tor. Let VI' 3t1t Aos halo indka you a happy hunter this season. WANT ADS DIAL 521.3535 tit, fesidefAs, the Icrel S)it Area.

dtal tee, I rote go 4 00 U. Got can, in th op 8 AM and 4 PM. SPOIITING GOODS FOR HOMES APTS. PAINS Ride. Vienna bantwood chairs To siew-ieseri ea chairs dsina hutch Desks Fruit-wood China dose Li rrri set SW r6nctres tpo dine $71 Iwitt-ren-ntieert matte 20 tos Bonk beds $99 Chaste 125 uo gas ramie etPx ranges Retrigs Good Vemiirms Les SEELIG; 1062 54ite 322-2t3 STOPI COMPARE PRIM SOFA and chair St69.

Bedroom set $49,95. Box springs and mattress S4t.95 Tables and 4 chairs S79.95 4 drawer onest Sea 00 Also used turn. BUV, trade. 2607 S. State.

406 5566. OAK DINING Roams SUITE By American Drow, Lighted breakfront LSO. Trestle fable iM 2 leaves 2 ATTII chairs. 4 side chairs $250. A Piece Wrist set 52ha Child bed $20.

6 wrought iron patio set I-766-1180 Fruits Heightt tyke thatime. 'manna Mediterranean stvie. 1 antique wooden table with 4 chairs I walnut coffee table. I upholstered rocking chair. 1 ktling table with 4 chairs.

4 stand shelves. 1 crvaal mirror. I contemporary It sofa. Baby furniture. 5132 2146 anytime.

SLIGHTLY DAMAGEL) FURNITURE Former leased household turrtitore offered pubtic at lowest prices. Bel-Style Furniture kerdal, 943 W. 94110 972-1257. MOViNG, tnue4 tied tine solid maple "cal shoo" drop leaf 3 leaves, custom paces Ire. 2 Nast chairs, 4 sine chairs.

MOO, eiicellent conditiln go.tqp, firm. sate Twin beds, springs. matt, dresser bench; chest of dritywrsi 2 night stands: cum tables, 2 chairs. $29 1. 277- 5445.

SPANISH bdrtn. armare. orange barrel chair, WO brown oriental rim brown wing back chair. 122-5109 or veagoes REMODELING: Have couch and chair, odd chairs, carpets, kitchen table and chairs, bathtub end toilet. All gnod cord.

044445, SOFA and swivel rocker, ivorY and green velvet. diamond tutted. loose cushions, like new Cost $7. Sell for 278-9212. 5 PIECE dining room set.

French Provincial awry ertehogeny. $400. kaysvilie, 376-95I7 376-3204. MUST SELL PC. living rm set Wing in service, will take best OW, 47-5160.

tARUE AN I- FURNITURE AUCTION Sec Clauitication 20--Auctions Rim paper, OLSON AUCTION GALLERIES 6303 S. Main 801-261-4258 NO BARGAINS. Sofa Chairs, Duncan Phyfe dining set, wardrobe. ball cloth table, fans, room, pnonograon, school oe. light fixtures, pictures, typewriter, washing machine, sewing machine, rugs new pool table.

359-910 626 S. 194n CLOSE OUT ON ALL MARITIME ANTIQUES. 40 off-- everytbing must go. Lamps, sextants. clocks, composes, snips bells, many more Items 3151 Sc.

State. THE ANTIOI JER 2600 SO. Off STATE Roll too desk WO. Oak dressers $150. Pine buffet 1100.

Brass bed $275. Desk $i00. Ice box $TA Collectors Item. "New Domestic Physicians, Home Book of Health," by John C. Gunn, M.D.

teal. 298-1639. FLINT'S TRADING POST Always buying, selling, tr4dirto 122 E. 3rd S. 5314385 REBUILT antique foot Pump Reed-organ made 1896, asking $1,200.

Will deal. 224-3285, Orem. ANTIQUES, primitives. 245-6290, 245-3442. WhatNe 1.

74 W. KIM, Meta, Le box 535; Walnut buffet Table S36, fix. 467-3509 WARDROBE, decorated pine, c. IWO Best otter. 486-21380 after 5 ANTIQUE church pews tor sale.

249 So. 600 E. 1-60-9300; 359-5000. ANTIQUE PUMP Organ. Cell 966-3788 after 5 p.m.

TV STEREO 6 PC. STEREO SYSTEM, 2 speakers, tea table, beadpOones, cart Super buy $199- WILLEY SON 861 EAST 6600 SOUTH NEW 25" Magnavox remote control. Damaged in shipment. xcel lent working condition. Retail Pick up for $578.

PEECH ADAMS 1816 SO. STATE BLACK WHITE TVs $19 95 13 MI.OP.-1,17; 266-5301 JUKE BOX, piavs 4.5's set UP with radio. Listen to radio or records i 100 PdYS. Aiso plays 8 track stereo. Great antique piece or tam.

rrn.I 298-6i 42 KENWOOD speakers and receiver, AM-FM. Gerard turntable. see and hear to believe. Steve, 467761, 256-5301. SCA.

TAKE up Payments of per ono. on Magnavox 19 in coior TV. BEECH ADAMS 1816 SO. STATE USED color TV's. $1254220.

Soma ith new guar. SEMC 215 So. 5th East, yis -2 used coo. S200 each. Terms.

King' Magnavox, 2233 So. 7M East. Complete used component system. $179 or 1,10 mo- Kir)91 Magnavox, 2233 So. lit East Radio Combination, Console.

Si Nu new. WiI eIl kp best otter. Call 502-4505 bet noon. 19" Sharp Linvtron-Plus, Solid State color TV. 10 mo.

old, 502,2146. DAHLOWST Speakers "A bony Auto-Servo turntable, $135. records. 467-rnwi. USED Magnovox 23" o)lor, S268.

BEECH ADAMS 1816 SO. STATE USED RCA 73" color, S208. BEECH AoAmS 1816 SO. STATE RENT TV SEMCO 215 So. Sth East, 328-1693 ZENITH, RCA reconditioned color TV's.

2554995 roLoR TV Consoie, 25" Sylva- nia. Good picture, S25. 5 844104. 1-1-1eNT A TV. Owl-17V.

1385 W. Miliaria Ave. 351472, 0 2. MOTOROLA stereo, walnut Gebtne). att.

5p.m. EREO, 3 mos. cid must sell. Cast $220. 569 $1800 1-124-2273.

FRE DEMONSTRATIONS Frt. until 9 p.m., ail day Sat DQt At I FN Mani MASON HAMLIN Piaram tenstIn Piano of the Metroonlita9 Opera EVE-REIT The MY P4at9) with ctina-tPn9409. WINTER Elewance at budget Priced LOW rttonthiv pavmants --SIMPLE SUMMERHAYS MUSIC CO, 133 so. Main 496.1349 plANOS, damaged in and returned to lhe for-tory, ore in the repair shop. When cvnalbted they will be sod 01 on coosicierahle frm Me usual firKe, To them aik tal Dan Werair.

ASTiN-VVEiG'rli 'rsIANO factory 120 3300 kern Nums Atmost molt color, VS oar drum JUDGE FOR YOURSaF Weis WELL I NGTON DRUMS Savo Outsold All Tho Ottlers Comomed from Custom Drum onop 19sS So litt E. fl d.m.4 ANTIOLItS I i REO, 3 mos. oi'd- must seil. oat VA See 3-174-2273. 0 imsariluStmC amt.

Ts1 FRE DEMONSTRATIONS Fri. until 9 p.m., all day Sat At FN Nana; cxeYiptiter MASON HAMLIN Pinirn K. NI Pv Nano ot the Metrooilitar Opera EVE-REIT he OnlY Piero with dyna-teni4on. WINTER Elewance at budget Priced OW monthly payments. -SIMPLE interest MUSIC LO.

k3 So. Mein 4a6.1349.. medium sized, 34042a. 10 GALLON AQUARIUM Metafrorno. Pobts too $1595 53 GAULN AQUARIUM Metafrotro Flooresage fitrture top 60 GALLON AQUARIUM met-attains Wormer fiXtIPP 10P $90 1 I 25 GALION AQUARIUM Uetafrome fluorosrvot fixture tool $235 Freeen Brim Ss Nos.

Tetras, 5 for SI Zeoras ter Si An 5 sot Si Bring Otis ad it, remNe a 10 discount os an other item LAMBOUPN 4 HATCHERY i 681 E. 4500 S. SLC 272- '1181 CHOICE dd. hxv tit crod. tki.Se 2rtd $100.

Wit Ito atio-tal. Will del 2..2901 S. Kellwood tit65 FNF STFa PAP( 3rd Crib. wire tied hay. ti.00 a bele, L.

ta2 HAY FOR SALE by the hale Or ton. Nlivered or yOu pick up, 36-V00 5e per 295-tSel, 202 WI. 2NO CROP tress clover, In fted wtre-tied, SI.S0, 295.0y0, 292-2631 EkCELLENI A hay SOS kr delivered. WAY, by bale. ton, load.

Del 872.5 S. 300 W. SArkly $1-1111 Witt trade 277 2 or Hy 942. W02, 4b-3712. STRAW $1.

BALE IN STACK. 561 SILAGE corn, 1 or acres, call 25A-0652. it nni rkr LLA) RILEY'S ORCHARD PICK YOURSELF Or ok.ked. All kinds. 1095 So.

Main. Payson. Coil 146-2707, or )-40-9411 TRUCKLOAD SALES' 1031 So. West 'temple Large Pears-Cancan Graves ONIONS U.S.1 yel. SO lbs.

s2.75 APPLES, ions $5.00 Del $6.00 bx GRANDES. sm. S4.25 Large, $.5.00 We nave needs to any occasions. Daily 3 a.m. tit 3 p.m.

exc. Sun. HIS FARM MARKET Winter pears Delicious. Jan. mains Picki ing cut.onimrs.

All kinds plums. Utah melons. Pumpkins, souasn, Potatoes. dry Means Bring own cantamers. 063 East (SOO so.

CY'S FARM PRODUCE All kinds apples. pinenuts, can. Pear p4un, tOrnatOeS, unbleaCned ErwilliSh walnuts, pumpkins, SqUagl, potatoes. onions. 0747 S.


Call TOMATOES41.SO You pick. Ripeserni-ripe, will riPOtt faster indoors now. Eves. 6-7, Sal. 10- 12.

200A So. 800 Cross. CHOICE TOMATOES-S1 50 You pick. Ripeisemtripe, Hurry before frost hits. Eves, 6-7, Set.

N. Main St. Eintfl. APPLES, you Pick, $3 bo. Brmo containers.

FAR NSWOR 1H' 11118 So. lth East S71.01511 ANAHEIM JALAPINO AND YELLOW HOT PEPPERS, Yx A LB. P50 SOUTH 20TH EAST BROCK'S Tomatoes, you Pick, lb Now until freezing. 3940 Sc. s)no west 10-dark.

Closed Sun. TOMATOES, Beans and Pickling cucumbers. picked or pick yourself, 9410 So. Redwood. CHOICE red and golden delicious Loonies, full bushels.

2598 E. 4810 View Ave-) 377-0316. CARROTS and Apples SA Per bu Jones Dairy 488 W. MOO Sc. CANNING TOMATOES 677n rnti TO'MATOESI I SSbu.

You eu-At 9l84 So. 1700 West-No Sunclay Sweet corn, test chance for cantroering. 1-7-31-4604 Ogden. Apoies, Red, Roman. Prunes.

2376 SW Temple, 184-549 SOIL, PLaTILIZI FREE DIRT. You load, 966-6192, BO So 4120 West. FUEL COAL, WOOD TZ ORDS. PINON PINE $65 tom. $AS Pickup Iced oleo tax.

Dot ie SIC. area. 566-00i7. Deliveries only. PRIME Pinon Pine loos delivered from Salt lake City to Spanish Fork, $10 ton, $40 VI ton.

yea-eatt CONFUSED about how much firewood you'll get. We deliver an even cord or OO Mirror Lake Fine cs2-5316. INNON Pine firewood WS per ton, 640 per pickup load, delivered and stacked, Delivered in evennik is, call after 6 255-5610. -J-01UL. woodburnirh; stoves front Norway.

Attractive end efficient aiternative Nene heating. For can (601) 176-9609, Layton. ENJOY your winter i Pre-cut firewood US stack load, we (Over. 296-4091, 96432726. FIREWOOD, SIO, S20 tX, a Pickup load.

268-2162. FRuiTWOOD $33 ton, (J-haul. SSD, del Arm Fork, 1.2Se-4744. PINION pine, Ponderma, ludge Cold frunwood. We DO.

759-6414 iREW000, Rne logs, VS pickup. Wholesale 9724319. PiNi0i4 fireplace logs, Se ton delivered. 743-5771 itt.nore MISULL ANIMA SAit MANUFACTURER'S REPRISENTATIVE SAMPLE SALE NEW, NEVER OPERATED SAMKES Srhirir Coffee Pius many other Brand Umed Quantities One of a kind Friday, Oct. 8, 12-5 Pm Si-it cki.9.

8 OM 12 orlon 1 22152111H MAIN GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE. Nem (tomes ot over $oviras. Men's irreg double knit Pont Men's ties. 50c I dies ovions. or girls knethes, 1St.

Wkon's 14.1 ti tbr1L 2. Mns doom striped ieens. LA-dies skirts. LSO. BIO TALL shirts.

$4 dod tiP. BIG 1ALL Lant. 3241 $4, SOY'S SPORT. COATS, 1420, SSW Kid's shorts or pants. Girrs toPs, s) Coats roomed.

tot So. 403 West. hkon Ocrn. 394102. BARGAIN HUNTERS! Valise vinage thrift Stores '104 exceohonat buys on evertiling tram: Ciottwes, Antireies, Fornitire, lOn.

to 01 Bo iwo convormirot locol.ons, MO So 70 lixteseen Main end Stale) or downtown. 279 L. lie I SOpen till 9, Mon 3nd by Retar cativo k.1146.if CaStititAo vino. now St.9s oer void. All other Oettcrie I Red-.

399.4 31 in, violates with 1 mewere, novo StS11 Ali Karmen inttionts pc1. 1114 10 Mit 1111 Pre.ttnisned, nre-dratett neuse tidos. $21,5 end en. .5141 Stoic. 000t 5.

11Z2 OIKA UP. 491 bhve. 2624621 gm HAY, GRAIN. t11 I A a A A GADOUtt PROOUCt In 1 iiireoarter horse. torrei told.

tor ro? 2 WELL Trained Tams 444 or S21S 2.14,4091 MILK enwrtiostall, Famaror a cr teS0 1-427-M. cf AFGHAN HOUND Neautitui tem. Wei; mannered, 6 mot. AKC, neg. LiC.

atlaiL $1501 13) West ow A Provo. AFGHAN female wisti num with biadt masa. AKC. Champ lir. Orig.

S300. Now V51 295-64e9 AFGHAN HOUND rev. Champion lines, 6200. baP WI, DOBERMAN, AKC, mg For sale or trade. Shoe Quality 966-4706.

ENGLIgH Springer Spaniels. white and qww wog hunt 5000 pets. rag. MP 245144. ENGLISH co*ckers, Pat or shoe.

4715 SO. 3-1 W. 266,2694. GERMAN Shepherd pups, AKC, fine blood line. Shots.

sill 2M-8891. GERMAN Shepnerri pups, pure. $50. 11158 So. IMO w.

ba-n GERMAN SHEPHERD vuo. iegionalie Cherokee breed-ma. GERMAN SHEPHERD ouPs, Beautiful AKC, 6 weeks old, ready to go. Win, IS9-2logl. GERNtAN SHORTHAIRS, REG.

9 wits. old. 792-3324. GREAT DANE HARLEY PUPPIES. AKC.

9434610. GREAT DANES-AKC reg. Fawn PUPOina. 3 inortitis. Shots, upped, loot Med.

blood lines. Females. $250 or 675 conditional. Males, $200 or $106 conditional. Wig Ship.

(i6) 1.54-2726. IR iSsi SETTERS, AKC Reg. Champion pedigree in field snow. Have lied shots. S50, 5314739.

IRISH SETTER Pu MieS need good homes AKC Am. Fited. chempicsi btoodlines; only 16S. Springville. iRiSit SETTER FiELD PUPS, AKC.

Shots. 561-2394. IRISH SETTER PUPS, 6 vs. old, purebreds, S40. 159-29n CTTt PPlES $50.

Atter 3pm, 561-79Ra KITTEN-FREE darling tenet call 261-3810 after 3-31 KITTENS, FREE, 359-2226 KITTENS-Fluffy. Fred 7 wks old. Call 2614777, KITTENS, healthy, 8 Mts. old, sandbox trained, John, 35Y-1257 or 581-780S. KITTENS Mem silver tabbvs, color Points Some free.

262-2681 or 298-3814 KITTENS, 3 Siamese. 9 weeks, S1S earli. 255-0775. LA3RADOR Puppies for sale, MCC. Top of the line dogs.

Call after 6 p.m. 166-2020. LAB PUPS. no paper. Good hunt.

ers, 8 wkstatO. 3764689. 484-9495 NORWEGIAN Elk Hound AKC reg. Male, 2 years. Loyal, good home.

Adults. 571-2181. OLD ENGLISH SHEEP DOGShikespeere Blue Mountain Mole. me. Ott.

We have moved and no longer have adectuate piace to keep him Excel dispositicm, tOVell unregistered. Will negotiate Pi-ice Includes dog house. chain and dishes. WS-9291 OLD ENGLISH StleePa) Pun. AKC, weeks.

mate. FEKINIA.SE Poppies, AKC 7 or PERSIAN Kitten, map, met met Shoes, trained, eilislo0.1 POODLE pops, AKC low, best hood line in Utah, silver mate, waste tensile, male. $US to ISO. 29S-3229 POOOLE PUPPIES, MC Toy apricot. Alter 3 pm 292-442.

POODLE popsies, 2 females, apricot, S3S, we wn bath parents, ABS ine2. P000LE40Y AKC, white te mate. 7 ma old. 35O, 3614717.

PUPPlES-FA E. i2 border Col-tie. 11 weeks. old. 57143)0.

PUREBRED Queensland blue heeler pupoie-- Good stock dogs. CaNthen RACOON-180943-9094 SAMOYED poops tor sale, male $7S, ternate S50 Also have 1 female dull. 1116iO3 otter. 4844045 SAMOYED PUPS FOR SALE. $71431 atter Spin sHaTIE PUPS-943-1 702 SMELT IES, AKC reg saxes.

beautitully malted. 2774622. SHEt I lE Reg St lets. Also stud service. 571-8156.

SHEPHERDS, AUSTRALIAN Puns, rev. 292-0448. SIAMESE'S 1-6T-T-ENS, chocolat point, SM. 166 1391 or 268-4198. i BE lAN- SHE PHE RD Ilestetsito.

Lail att. S. 272-4518, SIBERIAN HUSKIES PAPERED 2 lett. Will sacra Any max ot4er. 571-8117 5714655 ST.

BE NAP DS, A she, aims, 2 yr. old female art 3 yr. old tote 3e dogs 571-7684 eves. St. EIEWNARO AKC OtemPes toded erste reed.

ISit osA or 1-Nievav. ST. BERNARD-Mae, "Dwan's 'now'. Sire, Maoor Baron Iser 'Loin St's tshe ulueit. tts, tertly clerked.

Akr. Ped. 3130 with POPers. 208-1282. ST.

BERNARD, AKC call 254 NV. i BERNARD PUPS, 2. AKL. 'levers Petted. $100 ea.

'J28-0474. 'TERRIER PUPS-AKC 25ss502 tERNIER, SILKY PUPS, AXC Rey. 2954232. WE IMARANER, purebred, MOS. old.

excellent hunting dogs or 'els, 45-3481. wiREHAIRS Poreore-cf Peri reoistered. I male, I 7 2.,0 7287, i'ORK lE puPtees 10 elks. ittt.t.H.L.,.teter!trt.,.. 57! ANIMAL ADVERTISING Whereto go tor best reserstie THE MENAGER It A new newspaper mettrine the Waiatch hoot.

specie OntrIbutkel, soetrel trees So It you have ai advertising need tor iln't kind re eternal or ll you Cleat with allifORIS WI ROY Cbt, US, you'll be ORO YOU did. Class. -1st or 48.5104 D1ENCE Tiiisi Hi N-Cr sow Dachshunds t'smootto Iand long hared). shim Pinschers, Go ta, Shepherds, Pine, Lab. Retrievers.

St beroerd. tiJE) SF sitCE POODL Es-AALTE sE-YoR i( I Er, BUFPIES i5irsO STUD VICE OPE NSHAW'S Closed -Illurs WILL titli Dacttshtiod I to 3 Years standard. A.XC triroughiy house brition. Call C.E Fox 9134SSC C7 2(4-94S4 I TRAMPOLINES PENMAN'S 457-8961 CASR roR CS sPORISMANS DISCAX.INT ea le stAno use 54 Main MOROICA ski boots, site 11 Fisher watt VS, 4- 1130. POOL Tabte a piece be offer, 1342 L.

Chase Ave, Per Saie. Johnson Some Decoy $10.00 dor. Celt 9mrn. Call 51-0637 eller 5 p.m 354j 6 Reminaion iCS) EDI 3 'r. nkt.

3-9 Belittle Lee Loader. Case. Boxekot arnolo. 94-361S. HOCKEY ISCPAtf Skete's: sive used Is Also, raza sys Bost otter.

260-28M, FOLDING FinER BOAT, 6100. Onnd MORE CASH FOR GUNS 1565 IN, MO riaaa, OA 1 tift 5 3C-0-6TIE MING-TON $iI0 Dock cartels 693. 56117115. BRUNSOdICK, Billard tab nem access. 3:60 aRcrNG auto.

shotgun and tisk boater-death finde2.1.492-6496 30.06, MI 6X SCOVIO. $I1. iNer Se. State. SAVAGE 16 eat.

Automatic, bed cater 2.91356,6 or 14. THE ARE HERE REINEU. BETTER THAN EVER in 17, Sensationeihi now in coiors interior and Our THUNDERBIRD Amerkal Quality Leader WEBBCRAFT The West lexurv and Prestige NITS and servtoorr KBS THOMPSON MARINE 180 Na, Main In kaysville Phons 1-376-4263 EIG BOAT SALE! Coseot of 21 22 ft. ond 25 it. WE HANDLE TRADES AND FINANCING VAUD' BOATS so; so.

320 W. 268-2311 Alongside 1-15 Frew'' Take 53rd So. Del-Ratoo FIBERGLAS DUCK BOATS tri-hulls, stable, strong. Quiet. U.S.

uest tame ti approved. Ail priceo slightly over cost. Also Eyinrodes outhcards on sale now. BILL SNAPE MARINE 1733 So. Main ni-ern SEE US IN OUR NEW LOCATON 1045 SOUTH MAIN rBERTSON 3350 S.

State 4wet19 BAYLINER BOATS BILL SNATIE MARINE Galaxv.lincierie Largest selection NEW Eyinrode 08 Dealer I 1733 So. Main gam BOAT OWNERS Exoer winterizing service tor your boat. Lail tor immediate advt. aisn limited storage avail, C. W.

Sliver Marine Service, West TOO So. 3s.55373 WINTERIZE STORAGE Call flOW WM your anoointment and your boars winter orotectirAL Ez-vrt service, low prices, Bill Snaps Marine Service Sn.Main. 484-9211 BUY-SELL-TRADE BOATS SEARAYS-SEASWIRLS WEST'S LOWEST PRICES IS TO IY-WINTER DISCOUNTS DUCE MANE 3650 5. STATE SALT LAKE SAILBOATS HOBIE CAT, ERICSON, MONTGOMERY. Brokers tor many used sailboats.

315.1 S. State 101-9647 FIBERFORM BOATS BECKSTiAND MARINE LARGEST MARINE CENTER NO SOUTH MAIN BOAT COVERS $50 and up. Convertible tons, $75 and up. Free estimates. SMITH ADAMS CO, 1108 So.

Main 3S5-6277 '76 Starfire 21 ft. Cuddy cabin. Like blue, lounger back. Loaded. Matching color trailer with chrome fanciers, time on both 30 hrs.

Beautiful boat, roust see to I appreciate. Best otter. 262-3213. REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE1 SEA CROWN, 18 ft. SLOOP WESTERN YACHT SALES So.

West Temple, 166-0142 SEARS 12 Game Fisher Boat, high load capacity, wiM all safety mitt top carrier, $200. 921 E. 5650 So. '70 GLASTRON. 16' 100 Ii 1 Johnson, Trailer, Road kg convert.

top. Real sharp. Davs-262-5579 Aft. 6 2913-74tA SAILBOAT '75 Ranger, 25', loci, Safi 3 bags, compass, knot meter, etc. 2724059.

SHARP Classic 16' SK, buckets. I 68 Stem 650. 18 gal $1,750 571- 3704. 16 FT. GLASS SKI BOAT Witt trailer.

Alert '55, tll'n 25 W. 5900 S. SIC, 7957206 Holden. 1972 BAYL 50 extra-maul, clean, 2irr-4481 otwir p.m., weekdsys. '76 17 it.

Hydroswitt 'Tunnel Hull. with 175 Merc Black Max. Sac. Bruce 973-4700 ex. 28, 27t1-6277.

GLASTRON, '72 Marc. outboard with ski 7312. 12 East 7100 So. 21 FT. LUGAR sail boat-You.

fiih litskie cabin save S1800, 798-3315 Sp. Fork, VENTURE Ir. 3 HP Genoa, GSL dock. Fully' eoulmed. S2700.

44-5349. SAILBOAT MOTOR on Chrysler 15 he long shaft'', 9427 Peruvian Dr, 571-7777. 14 FT. ALUM. boat and trailer.

V25 or otter. 12 hp. motor. $in i 1449-9311 355-254. Ail-Boat-Aluminum.

125 ming engine. With tralier, ready' to go. Call 299-2451. BEAUTIFUL SK, must sell, Besr olfer I JOIN Sailboat Club 23 loaded 94.1-05r or 261-3144 I USED BOATS WANTED BECKSTR AND OUTBOARD MOTOR OUTBOARDS ETC. 3538281 '72 SEAF LIT IP Mid, 105 kalh '75 Galaxy inboard-outboard, 19 i it 480 I 40(1 14 FT.

Air boat witti ur MINA moor. Make offf.r. 561 7315. '767-IYD-RO SWIFT HAUL 1500. 561-7315, I 16' HY DROSW1FT, 86 HP iVierc.

'Mb)! 41.0Piti GUPPY -13, '75, cabin Peens 2, motor, speclatpeint, 460:442. VENTURA, sailboat, IS it. ironer eilvJ T73. 03 FT. alucisnum dna boat.

Rat i SNOW-MOBIL ES POLARIS SNO-JET '77'5 NOW IN STOCK Over IOC to choose from. Preseason Sneciats on maciaine5 and on and clothing. COME IN AND REGISTER FOR FREE PRIZES RICK WARNER TRAVLEAND 487-8322 HAPoNFSs IS A YAMAHA SNOWMOBILE WE GOT 'EMI EQUIPMENT CO. 1522 Su. Slue 486 2343 PACKAGE Deal.

7 30-hp. Kg) nsnr mete iraek, '70 ark! '71 2 cultr tvro stfoohn 74111ro trsit et-. SI .100 or best olt6r. 26-31i0, Sncnyinobile rurs makes, 5onwr-st9P, '71 rw- ski cm, te.1)., A oc'er. kowe fkly mtiw wit.

Mitu; uffer. 1441 BOATS AND MOTORS Seitior ati SNO1 MOBIL ES I Error in purchase, 124 vett Yr Price Sti vard, flat commercial Oahneai, 943:1460, SCITCNEN catitrets, dark birth color. Counter toot green marble txtior. 112 year; old. 942.3772.

GARAGE SALE, So. AUAD West Se. Oct. Oth end eth. 10,3 p.m.

ICING SIZE hoard $23, Glarilron Ironer 220, Pete pone tante $25 Ass-4779 after 5 pm. GARAGE SALE: rintaftOr, NNW-board, misc. household. 261-3493- Oct 9th TT' 30a .4020 So, NW carper, meat week autger baM bOlight mare than we need, will sac. is.50 292-P2.

NEW MATTREES SETS; Queen; King. Reg. Twin. Up to 50, off. 2W4091) anytime.

2 PC. sofa. mid, $70, antique trunk N4Q crtr tet, pellet elm S2i IT.043EAM IQ in. electric weee thrower used IQ time moving, $120, sei-no2, LIKE Nee Gold Drapes. 2 Pair.

Eits windows 47x6I1 Rods includ- SNOW Blower, 5 P. Used StIH 5150 or best otter. 295-1489 DOLLHOUSES, girl's cuPboards, cradles, tztlet chains. 4524 So. 200 West 26241371, New, electrk dryers.

$as. Mon. thre Sat, 2M-4240. POIIIDRED MILK 467-0250 NEW tires, batteries, air ms2 CLOTHES LINE POLES PE NMA 'S 467-8961 BOOKSALE ALL PAPERBACKS OriCt. Save gYll, 534 so, TWO AIR and nortable reqw0 WANTED.

Railroad pocket watch. To cmh. call 2664596. All Stow. 20" Toro 5norensurs1 snow blower, Slat.

5811933. SCHOOL bus seats. Use In RV's; eec. ss-P ea, 299-0-96. Tool Box full of Machinist Tools.

S700, Call 299-9056. CLOTHING, girls size size 12. Also Ukelele. 272-0069. OW' newiiiiitere-Ware, still in box, S135.

4919 So. State St 12.50x16 TIRES RIMS, paid 14, FURNACE, 112,000 8111 2ood zond. S75. 277-1457. SM.

'toastmaster oven, S30. log. S30. 2662474. BEAN Bag Chairs-trophy 14.V.

nu so st4te. Overhead Ga; aye Door, complete with hardware. 277-4652. DYNA-Gym exerciser. Excellent condition $195.

266-1284. surcrz S. saturdav. 9-4. Lots al goodies.

920 So. E. PRBY vacuum, attachments, rug shampooer $IB. 2774133 BICYCLESTRICYCLES PIDEMS S89.95 1 DAY REPAIR SERVICE SPOKE RIM 44,14 Se. State 2604881 87S E.

211:0 So. At27-52s3 NEW EUROPEAN 10 SPEED, S160 VALUE. S95. 266. 3750.

GIRL'S 10-ard Scnyrinn VarartY Barely Med, sams GIRLS Stingray 20 in. 145. 277-1748. IAPPLIANCES 3 TWO ONLY! Frosbess Freezers Reg. price, 1379.88 Stsecial4 priced at ONLY These are brand new items but, discontinued from or current catalogue.

MONTGOMERY WARD Granger, 299-3431 REPO RECOND. SPeed Queen Gas Dryer 148 le Cu. ft. Frostorcet Freezer SI98 Frigidaire Washer Siga Hi-Low Eieciric Range $28a Electric Range 8268 WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE PETE VRONTIKIS SON 2010 Sr. 487-0614 TOP PR WES PAID Rengereters Freezers Wo buy, see servicc Factory trained servicemen Hansen Refrigeration It33 Ricbards St 364-7761 DEMONSTRATOR micro wave oven.

NW and fully guaranteed. Retailed Mt. Will sell for 1249, tI ELH A0Ams bile SO. STATE Disnwasfier, sins, di SPOS41 combination. Kitchen Aid, staintess steel, modet.

48 tn. 1 WASNER Mg, Diver $7S. Reno. SIS. tec.

trypewriter 534 Qat, Older retro. Looks and runs great A oc a green $SC G.E. Thmline air mod. STU. HS von, 12 amp.

Cai, EtaCTRULtIX Repos. vacuums. Various mods. Sal -nil. FF ftitIF TOP.

westwr dry. ar, range. 3641262. Distnvasher, Vvturipool, port '75 Avocado $190. 299.

t.3.41. Ai Wasrer ars: I. 476 Frost-Iree, superb condipon.1165. $11-6142. G.E.

distwiasher, top load. t.i0, 486-1032 eyes. aNmoRE AUTO wAstiER $)0 177-7)16 a-rxl Dryer, OA, wO Platform Rackets, I twee; Me wtier nortuistered. Best atter Cali bet nooi. GREEN mEroTERRANFAs iota and lovasaat.

Ergl. Lamo 35,00 East, 942-4lio). rovo! custom bielt to last a Ate time. lei, 712 4279, MOViNG ale. Items last Gay.

St up. Ara Fttrtl. 1065 S. State REFR $35; set. Ma; love seat, S95.

misc. S32 Sitd3, Leatw iota. new uonol. Choc. talowe.

1500 or otter. 9434113 Ns OKI SA bola $iS Gin se S18 Batten Stovo S4S 4Site new twin box bOrillfil, aria trfir'1, 277-245. Sturilo awnor teas- w7tit cle tItte. All 461143 bL4 4J eact a68-7-423. fAtALL.

Vdnito wrownt iron okatt.i,o 2541796. Pt ACK ntot9anyOe cauch excei 571-75kt7 4more, burl-ref "O'glIke new, $45 G. anor, 299-OOS4. ator. $15 or best 26E- 714( alcycLf aftd Nails Largos, Variety owl Quantity in Me intermountain West WP Oak Permmeet wksyi sikiid In rode v4ripl oo portight ont 316x4x2 $279 SPRING WALNUT slowlelod w000locoho 'for loose plywood Wk.

ShXltliti 95 Kuper Ladan A tool Wood former first $3.79 CALIFORNIA LAIJAF4 tool Weed moot let- 3tittat4ite $399 TRAVERTINE k.4 A simulated mussispia I umen plywood imiskine redo. FOREST HICKORY A sintvieted weschirain ton Levan plywoomi lit 'Poole $399 TRAVERTINE 8,4 A skoottotod 'Noodles AO At Lamm plywood tomokine tot opeolo. 3162142E712 I FOREST HICKORY $399 MUST SELL 14 acres we meadow Utah county forest cruel permit, caitiff available, will 040f eao Ej Pso, 4. 1.e.fot iNt4 acres, 00 ACRES. Egversilled or cattia Ideal for sub-division.

5 mine. from Mato Falls. S2S00 oc. 25 dn. 1-200-522-0236; 2013523-0913.

in ACRES, 000d Irrigated land, soarer view. suitable for Sou end of Cache Valley. Call 245-394, Nsmum, Utah. 2 YEAR OLD BRICK HOME with full Inn. plus 1 acres choice rtnel fmareri, In Ortmer.

Broker-Owner 571-114, 5 ACRES MEADOW LAND Near Perk Cali West Resort. 2 miles Cali Provo. 373 SOLL HIGH COUNTRY ES1ATES-512 acre ranchette. Efailog corrals, $3,000 Per acre. 3594101 MUST SELL.

512 acres on Corderville-s East bench. S.a1,1;030 firm. 20 ACRES.Owner. Wooded, view, easy access, 009acre. 262422.2.

JO ACRES, Dart tillable. piceyiew, wellhertnit. 522-1131. ALPINE 5 Foothill pc. owner.

266 UV (OUT-OF-TOWN) PROPERTY FOR SALE BY OWNER, 20 Mtrt acres the heart of the beautiful Biteroor smiles, in Montana, Home Oar complerlcm, new well is pressure system, power 'Monona all 20 acres heavily timbered, excel, hunting Mr cal! 2W 6Hti re write box 626, Oreyboll, Wye 82426. EMERY COUNTY-Beast TINOTI Coojniry nInhan on 1 Flat ACRE AU. Otils. Permanent concrete biod( foundation, Pah, dor 3 barms. barbs All new beauf.

furniture. 1-296122e 116,000. BLOOM I NOTON ILLS-Larga 2,000 se ft fully finished tome. Near golf course, completely landscaped, location. Covered by 10 year.

buyer me led ion PMn. Cali Terracor Realty, (801) 673-6181 SOUTHERN UTAH-3 bdrm 2 halls home with unfin, bsmt Located on Yt acre parcel with irrigation water. Near god, swimming. Terracor irony, '801) 6734181 2 adicaning comm. lots, Rio Rancho, N.M.

near Albuguereue many completed homes. Bob Dernels Box 2770, Idaho F.M. icia tt.M01. Ph, 208- S22-0433. FLORIDA Coast itit Sell or trade tor Utah property.

Choke Mt 8411001inCa In. ail imor make offer, 582 3581 I SOUTH PRICE, 150X75 ft. lot. WO. Call 637-5388, Price LIVESTOCK IVESTOCK ThLRS Dv MILEY, HART.

'76 model closeouts. ComrtetelY enclosed 2 horse trailer eilth Padding, $1,395. 4 horse trclers Shah. 1HE SADDLE HOUS.r. 765 NORTH PAYSON Utah 1601) 465-2991 Excellent registered horses 5 Year old palomino ouster horse mare Go-Man-Go gratioatrabler, atilI broke.

2 Arabian Tu tu t. grey and by 1 I year oid Aran staiiion or will geld, beautiful grow. 1 beautiful Arabian brnoct mart, age 9 best otter. 2a5-3473 Pleasant Grove Ut. HORSE LIVESTOCK TROIS By Stidhern, F.intler Fall closeout on aft 'M models.

2 tkirse trailer prices start at Si .295. THE SADDLE HOUSE 122 No. State Orern.lhab (gErt 225-3434 CALF, TEAM ROPiNG AND bLILL RIDING CLUB. Memters only. limited memberships available 1-3764200.

HORSE FOR SALE, 1 we), trained for Western Pleasure, 1 gentle 3yr. old, 'mete, I wIth alte, (MC 1 ton trucii with horse van and tack room. Alter iorri, Arena stalp, Pipe corrals. Cali or write Jorm 10873 eadriavray Lane, Sandy Utah. et40.70 571.

821.1 For rencival a fresh deld animals call Roricy Mtn Rendering. 1211, Preston. Logan area 8S2-2170 NEW Mit FY 6'10" hetoht. to Ohl Woe PriPing, bus lociOwS, Itm cAti 1199 adezer Ailen, HORSES-SELL-OR TADE for I umber. caws.

etc Gned for i deo laced.Apoy HITE iiamaloosa Retain ay. make won no, tor VOgoosrer or satail actutt 2YS-417 hORSESICEiNG Bob Talbot 2984976 HOLSTEIN Family mok cow. Young gentle, good procaxe. Karol 316-9219, kEG (Ai- H014.A, a iira halnett Amu broke, $lOri, IVECr, Patomino Geidima Mara. Great 401' doer aleasurr, Wiwi.

Will deal, 235.4009. Arnerkan Saddler quarter. horse, year ord mare, nice borr.a. WOO. i NG, Must sell Purebred Araoleruh 3 mama.

3 colts, 2 2 BlO Gaidima. 1 with Roily Face 4 stoutring legs. Gad and geolje for anvapa. 571-3406 MUST SELL REG. AND BUY HORSES 363-6051 FOP HORSES.

561 a I 58 POR SE.SNOE NG, corrective awl R. WOOD SHAVINGS add SAV. DjST 4-1Ive-ed. 1131 tr'n Tom SHAViNGG Sawdust, 62 cu. yd.

2'25' HORSESHOE I NG Kant Danina, 254-4452. STALLS FOR RENT, you teed or vr id See tie4.1 I sodz, LrO, unhroke. SAX. ett 5 pre vtirrie weekedd, 8 0 1 Pocky Ceder Post $2.39 4X4X8 redw-ood $3.99 22(4 Foot Redwood $1.49 24 7' Rough odor 99c BARBED WM 2Va go. $1 795 80 Rod Roll V-CRIMPE ALUM.

ROOFING 4912" x8' $7.58 $9.48 LIB 4912" 19.99 CORRUGATED FIBERGLASS PANELS $3.1 I 1 0' $3.90 26" I 2' 14' S5.49 I 6 20 GALVANIZED PIPE hi 21-4 Lengths 22c ft. 1 40c ff. Sic ff. 62c ft. 8Sc STORM DOORS WHITE CROSS BUCK rkuso.

W. tioM Sr Sok. boy to ALUMINUM SLIDING WINDOWS Single Glass insulaiod $9.45 $26.51 $11.54 $21.14 $16.45 $39.10 20 20 30 -4711 DICK'S i Ft1. I. IbilJKAI WHITE CROSS BUCK rkusbe -1 I F7; 1 I 1 Motafi your-'molt.

Com. wit Non-tempe 32" and 36., 39.95 Install year Couto TrawswZit SALE. Used torn. tOdurt Yr. 040 $375- 112 3979.

and also very beautiful antidue church pews for sale. 249 So. att IRONPITE Last SIC; 1449-9300; 359-50X. Good condition, 5100, 277-2026 or KING SIZE Sears Kenmore Gas Range, Box springs and mattress. gOod eiaruesi Gam 5225 or nest rater.

155, 272-7727, 5-911m- GUILTING trios and stand westinghouse range, ao neat and compact. $23 Per set. Douree oven, sett-cleaning. yrs. 708-e97s.

040. 220 V. S250. 3221979, CLOSE OUT GAS BARBEOUES REPOSSESSED At cost. All sizes.

Cal-Gas ELECTROLX VACUUMS So. RecPwood Rd. 262-5529 Rnasonanie prices. 4S6-7138 SMALL PIANO. WALNUT.

Will mayted yyd, negotiate price. No dealers er Dryer, s7S. Gas Stove, S45 Please. 2362 So. Redwood Rd.

S45. 942-9801 ask tor DO BRAND new birch, surplus S1L on. 7 aoSMO OS range, avocacab. doors, compl. range of sizes- do.

Hotpoint avocado reirtg. Both S1.11 to S3. 53.19 So. Stale. new.

S353 tor pax. 261.3663. DIESEL 46 9 Adrnirai 26 cu. ft. side by side retrig.

Good condition. SUS. Young 4D31 Higt'lond Dr, 571-764. 9TIAREHOUSE-iale Used font AmANA de by de, yorig abbil, beds man. Eve" de' freezer, 19 cu.

cooper, I Iwoscriptiott iSi West '1st So. er, aimost new, 1450 582-1502. ----tliAl 10 SALE: A lithe bit of ev- upright treezer, manual cle- erYthing. Oct. 2-0, 9torn-9pm.

7194 frosting, 2 yys. did. szso firm. SO. 2930 East, 942.2699.

277-9191. LINOTYPE I5 with 11 maga 05LDSPOT bottom treez. lines Or Wed Mr lab, 414 14 al, aato. ice metier. Frost tree.

200 N. Bountiful 292-0511 Lilm new. WOO 261,1562. S99 00 BREAD MIXER GIBSON 30- avocado gas range. See at Cottonvuod Mali, 2711-7922.

M.14,9 ottetz.1.673316 eft 6 like new itctieriaid, has new, 001Y used 3 months. COLDSPOT bottom treat, ice maker Frost tree. Like new. $200. 2611562.

GIBSON 30- avocado gas range. Likc new, oniv wed 3 months. Matte otter. 40-3316 aft 6 p.m. NEY woodgruin $399 tIRCH twohned greed-ammonite .36.99 HONEY WALNUT weedgrei a $399 .4 31nc4 leMmitelOd longed- Mate ammonit $699 vi i.e.

Simulated On Latta. 20 1 Usx4x4 30 1 CABINET 10 ilvolillo. Lin Al rein ate Ke beet. REMODEL YOUR HITCHER welt how you how to do it yourself and save money REI YO well to di 20 30 40 A '1 .10 HUNTERS ATTENTION .,..40,0, 4ii oir 7 I 91 6 r-4- MI. 011 ki 1 i 't1c11': I'd' I i '1 ,1 1 i N.

41Bila- 1,. 20711111EMORMINak OMMIEMOI (1" I It it ATTENn UTAH RESIDENTS! t.l'uts;;:t 34, noTull SA Lake Area Mark down and remember this number 1-800-662-9186 Ittar's a IOU FRU phone Mete Want Ad Opportunity! You may reach our Das-- sifted Advert sing Department Monday -through Irtday. from 8 am to 4 pm by I 800-662- 9)86 FREE CF CHARGE! Locai Salt Lake Area Residents continue to Call the Salt take Ntiniber tor IS Min a WAN! Mu- fliAl c21-3c35 Ile, Aro 110 ,14 ammmorminem.boac., ONAINSION LIMAN AT DISCOUNT Pitfall 1 SPTCSAL ON FULL UNIT LOT yi CHRIS El IP4t WAtt PANELINO KINGS. goiio ks. thowlio, fAolhoo-o4 OPIEN 10 a.m.

to 7 p.m. 724737, 972-11734, 972-3739 West 3SGO ksett biotk lost cni tedwtmd, trIN SINDAYS 10 rn te 3 A r.RiMbrw,Dw.,..!otlqtrotIvAiwt.wolsko,p..44,0".14 oeqZ: a-go -7, erz log.

Deseret News from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.