ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL Ser 'ember 30, 193 Page Eight "DUCK, BILL! HERE IT COMES AGAIN!" Today New Mczfc Albuquerque Journal Morning and Sunday An Independent Newspaper OoW Anno sal fifth Street Altqerq, Given in Marriage (A Sequel to "Heart of a By Adel Garrison N. M. Failure of Dickey and Edith to all women In charge of small boy M. PEPPERDir Publisher H. P.
PICKRKU. Editor Subscript! rstes, morning nd SunnsT, Albunuerque nd trade re. Ho per weel itoewhere 15c. Bj mall in New Mexico, $6.00 Tear, one month, 85c. ftudty only by mail, 2 00 a year.
Return Worries Madge Junior's shrill voice, asking for his father and commenting upon the fact that he had not seen him MEMBER OP THK ASSOCIATED PRESS at the beach, had much the same Ttas Aaaiated Preat la exclusively entitled to the u. for republication ef all nevncredlted to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also tha local ma pubuahed herein. effect upon our little group as a thunderbolt might have had. It effectively Bilenced the conversational hum which the return of the children had sot In motion, and for Katloni advertising representative. The Bcckwlth 6pecla! Agency, Inc.
New Yo Philadelphia. Chicago. Detroit, Kansas City, Atlanta, San Francis few seconds, that seemed an Secretary of Interior Ickes haa made another cut In the allowable oil production, but New Mexlco'a figure of 41,400 barrels daily has not been disturbed. The principal reductions apply to Texas and Oklahoma, where price advance have hiked the price of crude in Oklahoma to $1.08 a barrel and to 1 in Texas. New Mexico still suffers from price discrimination, the price In the Artesia and Jlobbs fields advancing to only 60 cents.
The First National bank In Albuquerque is listed as among 373 national banks in 37 states that are to be reorganized and opened in the government's drive to release bank deposits and expand the purchasing power. The latest figures of the comptroller of currency show that 2,575 banks with deposits of 11,765,669,000 are still closed. The government haa at last awakened to the fact that these frozen deposits are one of the drawbacks to increased purchasing power and national recovery. Albuquerque remains in a relatively good business condition despite the fact that two eternity, nobody spoke. MEMBER OP AUDIT BUREAO OF CIRCULATIONS But I could feel that if the phys ical eyes In the room were consid .16 TELEKONB I fit lllteic Mmf SATfRDAY.
September 30, 1933 and girls. "We're awful hungry, Auntie Madge," he said, with a hopeful Inflection in his voice. "We didnt get a chance to eat much supper. Why, I only had tws pieces of cake! Is there any left?" With an effort I kept my HP from twitching. "Yes, there is plenty of cake left.
You shall have some tomorrow. But tonight you know the rules no rich food at this late hour. It you're really hungry, you will en-Joy some bread and butter and Jam, or some bread and milk. Come along with me to the kitchen, and I'll prepare you something." "Nothing doing!" Lillian Interposed emphatically. "You're as near the exhaustion point as a woman can be and not pass out.
You get Into the house and lie down, or better still, get to bed. I'll see to the boys." "What's the matter with the younger generation, darling?" Marlon queried. "I'd love to fix 'em up a snack." "You'd better go to bed hungry kids." Bob advised pessimistically. erately turned away from me, the mental orbs were not. Almost everyone In the room knew of Edith's hopeless infatuation for Dicky, and I knew that an Invol A NEW MAN AT HELM untary query was forming In each mind as to what my reaction ould be to my small son's question.
Governor A. W. Ilockenhull today sits in the In the first years of my marriage gvernor's chair at Santa Fe to handle the affairs that knowledge would have brought me to the verge of panic; but years and experience have dis ciplined me, so that I was able to reply with apparent nonchalence to Junior. Why IMc-kry Hadn't Returned ''Dad hasn't come home yet," I told him. "He'll probably be along in a few minutes.
If he cotnes be fore you go to sleep, 1 11 have him come up to see you. otherwise, you will have to wait until of the state of New Mexico for the next fifteen months. Called there by the sudden death of Governor Arthur Seligman, he faces problems of great moment in which he will need wise counsel and the cooperation of the people of the state. lie goes into the executive office with the best wishes of all for success in the trying and responsible tasks to which he has been called. He is not without experience as his service as lieutenant governor and presiding officer of the senate during two legislative sessions has given him an insight into legislative affairs and problems that will stand him in good stead.
The adoption of the 20 mill tax limitation by a constitutional amendment has placed the state "Aw, Mums," Junior said in the of its three banks have been closed. The postofflce reports there are 8 5 fewer vacant homes, stores and offices than there were a year ago. With only one bank open, bank clearings for the five weeks ending Sept. 6 were only 20 per cent lower than a year ago when all three banks were open. Our building permits for August totalled being exceeded only by Kansas City, Denver, Omaha and Oklahoma City among the towns in the tenth federal reserve dis mechanical fashion common to all small boys trying to extract another drop of privilege from a source which they know to be dry.
Do we have to go to bed right away? "Tiles, modern girls may know enough to spread butter on bread, but I doubt It." "That speech elects you to some work," L'arolyn told him. "We'll see how mean a butter knifa you can suing." "What was I doing Just now In lite Bob demanded truculently. "Working your jaws, whenever 1 was looking at you," l'arolyn -tolled with a grin. "Sometimes you were eating, sometime talking, but those Jawbones never stopped moving up and down sidew ays." Sho looked tip at him then in the moonlight I saw her expression change to warlnesj, ns Bob started ton aril her. (Continued Monday) I "fixed him with a glittering eve." as 1 asked: "Are you trying to make me sor-rv that I gave ymi the trict, and exceeding such larger towns as Lincoln, Pueblo, Wichita, Tulsa, and St.
Joseph, Mo. The permits for the first seven months of the of going to the beach wilh the grown-ups tonight, when it was long past your Junior wriggled as he mumbled a perfunctory but contrite. "I'm sorry. then Roderick sounded another note familiar to year in Albuquerque totalled $337,602, com pared with J258.220 for the same period In 1932. The increase of is certainly favorable considering all conditions.
The Public Mind The Stars Say-- Bf GeBftVtere Kmbl TFweEily Yeara Ago THE DAILY WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND (Trademark Rrf isterrd) By Dreu) Pearson and Robert S. Allen in a position where new legislation may be necessary to avert a tax crisis and impairment of functions of government unless new revenue measures prove better producers than anticipated. That a special session of the legislature will be called seems to be taken as an accepted fact. But there is no need to rush into the session. Governor Ilockenhull needs time to learn what the new revenue measures will produce, and to determine how many of them are to stand up under the court tests to which they are being subjected.
He also needs time to shape up and dovise a legislative program. He is in the same position of a new governor who comes into office and is immediately confronted with a legislative session, before he has time to prepare a program. Governor Ilockenhull, if he delays the special session until early next year or in the spring as he says he hopes to be able to do, will have time to make his studies on the needs of the state and get sentiment of the taxpayers and members of the legislature whipped into more definite shape than at present. He will have a distinct advantage in this respect. There is need for legislation in other than taxation matters.
Among the measures that failed of passage in the last session was a state-wide ANTS BARHKRS BOARD KKPORT SANTA FC To the State Board of Barber Examiners, Santa Ke, N. As a licensed barber, who has been engaged in the business in this state for the past 2 0 years, The Tijeras canyon road project will be completed with an np-propriation of $1,800 from the forest service. This will complete the stretch of the Albuquerque-Lstancia road that lies withi.i the Manzano forest. With the reopening of the First National bank there should be a material Increase In all lines of business, especially in the retail field. Despite a 25 per cent reduction In acreage under the government crop removal plan, New Mexico cotton production as of Sept.
1 Is estimated at 65,000 bales compared with a final crop last year of 72.000 bales. The per acre yield In most cotton sections of the state is much higher this year than last, accounting for the light loss in production despite the 25 per cent acreage reduction. And as evidence that the state Is still at than usual Another tip was that General Johnson had handed in his resignation; therefore sell For October I Funday's horoscope holds omen of some adverse, unhappy and Intriguing; situations that may contribute tu a disturbing and futile S'abbath day. There may be an rle-m nt of treachery, subterfuge or other sinister condition to confront, with slander, subtle attack or even undermining by means of "poiaon pell." Those whose birthday it Is may be prepared for a year In which they should arm against all sorts of duplicity, craftiness and subtl" Mi-tack, especially through writings and in connection with business Integrity. Pitfalls, tcmptaiions and conspiracy seem to unite to undermine this, but home ties may offer compensations in confidence and fidelity.
A child born on this day may be shrewd, sensitive, emotional, of peculiar leanings and perhaps erratic tendencies. Notable) nativity: Annie Bonant, president The woph leal society. I request for the benefit of the barbers of the state, that your board hereafter, cause to be published, every three months In some newspaper of general circulation in the state, an Itemized statement of the expenses of the board. I make this suggestion for the benefit of the board as well as the profession it will obviate much criticism which constantly occurs when the expenditure are kept secret from those who contribute to this fund. L.
J. SANDOVAU One of lie noteworthy attractions of tlie 23rd annual New Mexico fair will be the huge street parade which will eontai.i floats of all the business houses in the city. Chairman C. O. Cushm.i',1 is in charge.
short Immediately The department of agriculture has dug up from federal trade commission records all the dirt on the packers Wallace Intends to fight the packers to a fare-ye-well. Inside dope Is that when Roosevelt recognizes Russia which will be yoon he will require a claims convention to settle damages of American citizens uhose property-was seized This is what we got from Gem. any after the war, from WASHINGTON The family of Grovcr Cleveland Bergdoll, famous! draft dodger anil exile from the 1'nited States since the World War, have begun negotiations with the war department for his return A Waslitnglon lawyer has been retained, and placed In escrow for his account if he can secure Bern's consent to reopen the ease His family, wealthy brewers, are ready to pay the entire costs of the government's past efforts to apprehend Bergdoll. plus to lose all outstanding charges against him so that he may leave Germany for the S. A.
The report is that the Bergdolls intend to resume brewinir aain l'ro-t'essor Spiague, famous adviser of tho treasury department, occupies one of its most obscure rooms, so he can avoid callers. Home of Roosevelt's appointees aro getting away with murder that would raise a howl of protest In a le.s popular administration The latest is Billy Phillips, under secretary of state. Bluest of Bos tracting settlers, Union county reports 28 new families have settled in that county since Jan. 1. They have engaged in general farming and stock raising.
They have been fac primary law. It is vitally needed if the evils of the present convention system of nominating La Koma Barber Shop 10s Galisteo St. candidates are to be wiped out and the nominating power placed in the hands of the people in Attorney Harry I'. Owen re-1 turned from Socorro whee hi spent I'veial days transacting legal business. i No play of recent times lias made such an Impression on the theater oin public as has "Bought and Paid For" which wiil be teen at the L'lks theater tonight.
BOOSTS HWNA VOU SENATOR LAS CRCCKS. N. The fate of this nation and vital questions on world welfare have repeatedly been decided by the S. senate. It is no place for amateurs and petty politicians nor yet for designing individuals.
Governor Hock-rnhuil's selection for the Hratton- Mexico after the revolution Only trouble is Russia has a lot of claims against us for the Archangel and Siberian expeditions Litigation will drag out forever Pat Hurley, ex-war secretary, is doing a little lobbying; on the side. He got a call from a banker at 14 Wall street tlie other day to arrange a conference with Woodin. Hurley first tried to ease his client off with I'nder Secretary Arheson, but the banker Insisted on Woodin. I JlGllanlla Cohort Kami belt progressive leaders me ready to take up the cudgels for their old Manhattan friend and fellow-warrior Major Kiorello La-Guardia Senators Norris, Iji A. S.
l'eck, assistant district forester who has been inspecting boundaries in the Alamo forest is expected back in a few days. Today on KOB tIN Kllorrci 1J Matof stead of in the laps of the political manipulators. New Mexico has suffered too long from our archaic convention system. A good, workable direct primary law is a necessity. Another measure that failed in the last session was a public utility regulation law.
New Mexico has been helpless' in the hands of the public utilities. A regulatory law is needed now more than ever. The income tax law passed by the last legislature is not effective. It will not produce much revenue because of the liberal exemptions inserted into the measure. It is doubtful if it will produce $100,000 revenue a year.
This law can easily be revised to make it produce a large amount of needed revenue and obviate any necessity for a sales tax. The corporation tax laws also need to be re ton blue-bloods. I'hillips in the height of pnetiliousness. But he got himself in a light place on foreign bonds Last spring when ed by drousht conditions In that section this last jiummer, but are reported to be making a pretty good start. Wisconsin is making an Interesting experiment in relief work.
It is sending hundreds of unemployed to college to prepare them for Jobs when opportunity comes. The enrollment already has passed the 2,500 mark. The legislature set aside $30,000 for the purpose of making these enrollments In the extension course of the state university. Tuition is paid. Young people in the towns who were in danger of becoming loafers are being given profitable instruction In their leisure time.
New Mexico has no legislative fund for this purpose, but both the university here and the state agricultural college at Las Cruces offer courses In extension work, for which very modest charges are made. It would pay the unemployed young people In these states to avail themselves of these courses, where it is possible to make the sacrifice, and be prepared for better days ahead. lan toga may in all likelihood decide the success or failure of the present far reaching program. If I mistake not certain powerful men are tharpeni.ig tlnelr lances for the assembling of congress Jan. 3.
Democracy In New Mexico owes R. H. Hanna a greater debt than to any other Individual and without knowing his detailed attitude on current problems we all know and recognize his sterling self effacing worth and his Immediate selection Senator Juhnson, chief champion of the foreign bondholder, was A Library In Miniature What'. th Answer? 1'oIIrtte and Krazier have sent word to the fusion mayoralty candidate that they will take the stump "on the sidewalks of New Y'ork" for helping write the securities bill, he got strenuous opposition from l'hil-lips Hiram Johnson wanted the body which was to try to collect defaulted foreign bonds, to be appointed by the federal trade commission I'hillips wanted it appointed by bankers, others outside him Their offer has a dual Nous Item: Itrltuln Plans A New Dominion in West Indies. purpose; they are anxious not only as senator-designate wouiu ut far step from out the slough in which we flounder.
Dr. B. B. McGee. Questions 1.
What islands comprise the to help LaGuardia win. but by their puldic support to rebuke the Roosevelt administration for secretly maneuvering to bring out another candidate against him Secretary Ickes is taking his vacation by sending away as many of his assistants as possible for rests tlie government His opposition was so strong that Johnson had to go over his head to the White House to win his point John 32:00 Sign On. 12:01 'Luncheon Melodies. 12:10 New Mexico Kami and Home Hour: "Informa. tlon On New Farm Act." 12:22 Market and Weather Reports.
12:30 General Mills, Inc. 12:45 Kiddles' Delight Hour. 1:00 Tribune Reporter. 1:15 Sign Off. 5:00 S'acrcd Recordings.
5:15 Sunday School Lesson, Dr. Chas. F. Enyart. 6:30 Travelogue.
6:45 Renee Chemet. 6:00 'Bob Daring's Orchestra 6:15 Philharmonic Orchestra. 6:45 'Paul Whlteman's Orchestra. 7:00 'Opera "Patience." 7:15 Harry Tarls. 7:30 Deacon Arledge, Sports Review.
7:45 JImmie Redmond's Orchestra. 8:15 Journal Reporter. 8:30 'Popular Dance Melodies. 9:00 Sign Off. The sun weighs 330,000 times as much as the earth; two thousand million million million million times.
son wondered why Phillips felt so vised and strengthened. Under the 20 mill tax limitation on property, corporations will benefit materially. Either through a levy on their income, or through a corporation tax they should be made to bear a just burden of the taxation. These are only a few of the outstanding matters that should claim the attention of a special session of the legislature. It will take time and to work out the needed measures and have united on desirable measures.
Otherwise, there will be the hopeless confusion of the last session. Governor Ilockenhull has the opportunity, Johnson comes up for reelection next year, and republican leaders say It Is Hoover's greatest ambition to defeat the man who strongly, finally discovered that he was chairman of the bondholders' committee for the National City bank loan to I'eru This was the loan where the son of President Leguia got a "commission" of $415,000. Despite I'hillips' bond activity, he is still consulting on the bond question, Is trying to keep the Johnson plan from going Into effect Questioned about this. Secretary Hull, Phillips' superior, admitted the fact. The Interior rhief, himself, has had only one day's surcease from his desk this summer, and that was when he went to Hyde park to confer with the president To date there are 1.694 buildings and loan associations, savings banks, and Insurance companies holding memberships In the federal home loan bank system.
Inland waterway advocates are complaining privately about the ad twice carried the state against him. (The first time in 1920, when both were candidates for the republican presidential nomination.) Ex British est Indies? 2. What steps has Great Britain taken toward uniting all her colonies In the West Indies under one head? 3. What name is given to the Leeward and Windward islands as a group? 4. Why were the Leeward islands so named? 6.
What American president mad his only foreign Journey to the 6. For what commercial commodity is Trinidad famous? 7. Why is Trinidad unwilling to Join in a dominion with the other British Indies? 8. What language Is common In the British West Indies? 8. On what island do the British troops in the West Indies have headquarters 10.
Which of the Bahama islands was the first land discovered by Columbus In 141(2? Answers We might enjoy some calm and peace next week, if it weren't for the World Series', the Cuban crisis, the Geneva arms conference, Machine Gun Kelly, President Roosevelt, Senator Watson, first of the month bills and a few other things. perts of the agricultural adjustment administration say privately that there Is no such thing as do mestic overproduction of milk Tlie reason for a surplus, they say, Is due solely to under-consumptlon Everybody was looking for Kelly, and It turned out to be Barnes they wanted. H''wr can you catch anybody when you don't know Pictures can now be taken in absolute darkness, without the aid of even a flashlight. caused by widespread unemploy ment. Tongur-Tw Isters Tlie Interior department has a merry bunch of tongue-twisters Among them are: Dwlght L.
IIoop-Ingarner, Bess Goodykoontz, (ieorgc F. Zook and Antoinette Kunk all important executives Compare the list of those who with the assistance of the legislature to make a record for himself through deliberate consideration of these matters and sound legislative enactments. New Mexico has lived within its budget; it is not-burdened with any deficits, or large as in many states. Wise and courageous leadership in the executive office can place this state in an advantageous position and lift the tax burden through the 20 mill limitation without resorting to various sorts of nuisance or special revenue measures. ministration's "partiality" toward the railroads They charge that the carriers have Influenced the administration against river traffic development Minnesota's farm-cr-laborlte Senator llenrik Ship-stead is particularly vocal on the subject Dr.
Kred Howe, consumers' counsel of the agricultural adjustment administration, Is who you're looking for? A similarity you'll observe, Me ye anybody or piano tuner, Only one letter separates BUGHOUSE FABLES 1. Jamaica, Barbados, Ttiridad accompanied Admiral Byrd on hls last polar expedition with those who are going this time Hardly anyone is duplicating Russell Owen, New York Times corre working on legislation that would set up pure food regulations In and Tobago, the Bahamas, Wind ward Islands, Leeward islands and Our well known coroner and our crooner. And the resemblance is even greater, In more ways than one. t.r' "'( POT OUT VER the manufacture of bread Howe contends that other food Industries have such standards, but the only gauge on bread is the unreliable one of taste Supreme FINE spondent ha5 the story, but has signed a contract to hold off writing It for two years Richard Washburn Child, Harding ambassador lu Italy, Is gunning for a Job as collector of bad foreign bonds Bald headed Billy Bullitt, as- British Honduras. 2.
I'lans for immediate fusion of the Leeward and Windwutd islands were outlined in a i'-cem report of the governmental commission assigned in 1931 lu study the problem. They will be brought Court Justice Louis D. Rrandels hlstant to Secretary Hull, has been Do you think New York really Is big enough to have three candidates for mayor? Girls are trying to force themselves Into the Texas Agricultural College. I'retty soon you may hear that boys are applying for admission to Vassar. Roscoe Turner, on a flight, Leaves busted records, left and right.
It must be tiresome, lookln' down, To see nothin' but records, lyin roun'. The actor who has come down from Broadway to the five-a-day, two-changes a-week, may be said to have reached "the side-tracked. Hull Is having nothing lo do with him. He was appointed by K. D.
R. without Hull knowing about It. Hull Is now his own secretary of state. Rumors about Roosevelt's health aio flying fast and loose In New York these days, especially In big business circles It Is a recurrence of the whispering campaign xiicic vw n'j uynt'ts jn state justified. The justification will come from facts, not politics.
I do not want any drunken office holders either." These are the words of Governor Ilockenhull, among his first official utterances to the press. 'They ring true. Feople want service in public office and drunken officials cannot render that service. The governor is to be commended on his outspoken warning. One might almost think that the kidnaping plague or "snatch had come to England where it is rumored that police are to be provided will be 77 years old on November 13 Louis Domcratsky, onetime Russian emigre, now Hoover appointee In the commerce department, makes it a practice to call up correspondents of papers carrying stories about Impending soviet recognition and seeking the source of their information Domeratsky Is a rabid antl-recog-nltlonlst Ohio's Democratic Representative Stephen M.
Young in after the scalp of "Seahoard BUI" fltevenson, chairman of the home loan bank board, whom he charges with "procrastination and Ineptitude." YciiKcaiicA Confidential word In Inner re into a loose federation with a common governor, but with considerable autonomy in the individual Inlands. 3. Lesser Antilles. They are the projecting rem runts of a former mountain rangu which formed a nearly continuous bridge between the northern and southern continents. 4.
Because they are not swept by the northwest trade winds to so great a degree us are the Windward Islands. 5. Washington, in 1751. that preceded the election last fall Such rumors circulate around any president, but they are more numerous now and less correct 6. Natural asphalt from Its, with any more of the British West Indies.
publican circles Is that Hoover "pitch laiie," which is of yreat extent and seems Inexhaustible. X. English. Likewise, English currency Is used. The population forces In California, under the personal leadership of the ex-presl- last stages." The price of gold has risen so high, that it might be even profitable, now, to buy a gold brick or two.
The fuoiball system will always be wrong until some expert evolves a means of ailow-ing each college tu win all Us games. 7. Trinidad, a thiiving colony, is discontented because, it is sad with aeroplanes. In the aeroplanes they will carry as bombs, bags of indelible dye which they will drop neatly onto the bonnets of the cars of their ciuarry Another innovation that is beinr tried is the issue of cameras to constables. It is suspected that a photographic record sneaks more dent, already are in the field dled With a poorer Tobago.
Tl.ey against doughty Hiram Johnson have a common treasury ind leg is mostly of negro blood. I'rtirbndos. It has only one harbor, Bridgetown, which is iJso tile capital. 10. San Nulvado I w0tWUltj-QU K'4l fWf.
MJtNl IOH K'jI ft Inln ii rr. Trinidad docs not irliih They ore reported to have secretly set Up an organization In erx southern California district 1 li me idea i bliuniiic Its rly than an pmctr me.